
2015-05-21  本文已影响0人  M遇见

Summer 2015 Report #028 - 05/21/15 Jianjian Wu

1. Plan for next week(***, **, *: order of priority)

• 90%:Modify the paper about visualization project

2. Tasks achieved this week(***, **, *: order of priority)

• 80%:Write paper about visualization project and complete all chapters
• 20%:Prepare PPT

3. Feedback of Prof. Qiu Prof. Li and Dr. Yan last week

Complete the paper about visualization project

4. Reports

• The Petri net that I have achieved about visualization project


The paper that I write last week as the appendix

5. Mile-Stone:

• Publish two papers about D3.JS and ECharts in power system

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