Let’s say a lawyer stops practicing law and decided to open up a pizza parlor 比萨店,let’s say this total revenue from selling pizza is 50000 dollars and he has to pay 20000dollars ,to cover stuff like the ingredients,the oven、 rent and wages 。
But he's his own boss,He might be happier running a pizza shop even though he is making less money .
Well ,maybe ,but the point is ,you have to factor in 考虑因素 these implicit benefits and costs when you make decisions .
当你决定去做或是不做某份工作的时候,你要计算 它的显性成本——就是做或不做需要花费多少成本
When you 're deciding whether or not to get a job,you calculate the explcit costs .like how much it costs to get to work every day .
But also the implicit costs ,the value of the things you have to give up ——maybe you 're giving up the money you could earn doing some other job .
Maybe you're giving up the time with family and friends ,or the oopportunity to bring watch Gilmore Girls.