Seata 意为:Simple Extensible Autonomous Transaction Architecture(简单可扩展自治框架),是一套一站式分布式事务解决方案,提供了 AT、TCC、Saga 和 XA 事务模式,其中长事务解决方案 Saga 模式有着无锁高性能、异步架构高吞吐的优势。
以下转自分布式事务 Seata Saga 模式首秀以及三种模式详解 | Meetup#3 回顾
Seata 的定位是分布式事全场景解决方案,未来还会有 XA 模式的分布式事务实现,每种模式都有它的适用场景,AT 模式是无侵入的分布式事务解决方案,适用于不希望对业务进行改造的场景,几乎0学习成本。TCC 模式是高性能分布式事务解决方案,适用于核心系统等对性能有很高要求的场景。Saga 模式是长事务解决方案,适用于业务流程长且需要保证事务最终一致性的业务系统,Saga 模式一阶段就会提交本地事务,无锁,长流程情况下可以保证性能,多用于渠道层、集成层业务系统。事务参与者可能是其它公司的服务或者是遗留系统的服务,无法进行改造和提供 TCC 要求的接口,也可以使用 Saga 模式。
Seata History
Ant Financial
XTS: Extended Transaction Service. Ant Financial middleware team developed the distributed transaction middleware since 2007, which is widely used in Ant Financial and solves the problems of data consistency across databases and services.
DTX: Distributed Transaction Extended. Since 2013, XTS has been published on the Ant Financial Cloud, with the name of DTX .
- TXC: Taobao Transaction Constructor. Alibaba middleware team start this project since 2014 to meet distributed transaction problem caused by application architecture change from monolithic to microservices.
- GTS: Global Transaction Service. TXC as an Aliyun middleware product with new name GTS was published since 2016.
- Fescar: we start the open source project Fescar based on TXC/GTS since 2019 to work closely with the community in the future.
Seata Community
- Seata :Simple Extensible Autonomous Transaction Architecture. Ant Financial joins Fescar, which make it to be a more neutral and open community for distributed transaction,and Fescar be renamed to Seata.