敦煌曲子词 - 菩萨蛮 · 千般愿
On the pillow we make a thousand vows, we say
Our love will last unless green mountains rot away,
On the water can float a lump of lead,
The Yellow River dries up to the bed.
Stars can be seen in broad daylight,
The Dipper in the south shines bright.
Even so, our love will not be done
Unless at midnight rises the sun.
温庭筠 - 更漏子 :星斗稀,钟鼓歇,帘外晓莺残月。兰露重,柳风斜,满庭堆落花。
Stars twinkle sparse and few,
Drumbeats and bells not heard,
Beyond the screen the moon wanes with the early bird.
Orchids laden with dew,
'Neath slanting willow trees
In the yard fallen petals piled when blows the breeze.
皇甫松 - 忆江南 :兰烬落,屏上暗红蕉。闲梦江南梅熟日,夜船吹笛雨萧萧,人语驿边桥。
Candle-wick burned,
Red cannas painted on the screen dark turned.
I dreamed of mume-fruit rip'ring on the Southern shore,
Of flute-songs played adrift one rainy night of yore,
Of whispers lost
In running stream below the bridge beside the post.
冯延巳 - 鹊踏枝 :谁道闲情抛弃久?每到春来,惆怅还依旧,日日花前常病酒,不辞镜里朱颜瘦。
Can melancholy, oh! be laid for long aside?
When comes spring tide,
It will renew.
I'm sick of wine each day with flowers fair in view,
How can a mirrored rosy face not change its hue?
冯延巳 - 长命女 · 陈三愿 :春日宴,绿酒一杯歌一遍。再拜陈三愿:
Feasting in spring,
A cup of wine in hand, I sing,
And with three bows
I make three vows:
I wish you long, long life,
Myself your healthy wife,
And like a pair of swallows on the bream,
We'll share from year to year our joy and dream.
李璟 - 浣溪沙 :菡萏香销翠叶残,西风愁起绿波间。还与韶光共憔悴,不堪看。
The lotus flowers fade with blue-black leaves decayed;
The west wind ripples and saddens the water green
As time wrinkles a fair face.
Oh, how can it bear
To be seen, to be seen!
李煜 - 浣溪沙 :红日已高三丈透,金炉次第添香兽,红锦地衣随步皱。
Above the thirty-foot-high flagpole shines the sun;
Incense is added to gold burners one by one;
Red carpets wrinkle as each dancing step is done.
Fair dancers let gold hairpins drop with rhythm fleet;
Drunk, maidens of inhale the smell of flowers sweet;
From hall to hall flute's heard to play and drum to beat.
李煜 - 梦江南 :多少恨,昨夜梦魂中。还似旧时游上苑,车如流水马如龙,花月正春风。
How much regret
In last night's dream!
It seemed as if we were in royal garden yet:
Dragon like steeds and carriages run like flowing stream;
In vernal wind the moon and flowers beam.
李煜 - 乌夜啼 :林花谢了春红,太匆匆。无奈朝来寒雨晚来风。
Spring's rosy colour fades from forest flowers
Too soon, too soon.
How can they bear cold morning showers
And winds at noon!
Your rouged tears like crimson rain
Intoxicate my heart.
When shall we meet again?
As water eastward flows, so shall we part.
李煜 - 虞美人 :春花秋月何时了?往事知多少!小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。
When will there be no more an autumn moon and spring time flowers
For me who had so many memorable hours?
My attic which last night in the east wind did stand
Reminds me cruelly of the lost moonlit land.
Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there,
But rosy faces cannot be as fair.
If you would ask me how my sorrow has increased,
Just see the over-brimming river flowing east!
李煜 - 浪淘沙 :帘外雨潺潺,春意阑珊,罗衾不耐五更寒。梦里不知身是客,一晌贪欢。
The curtain cannot keep out the patter of rain,
Springtime is on the wane.
In the deep of the night my quilt is not cold-proof.
Forgetting I am under hospitable roof,
Still in my dream I seek for pleasures vain.
Don't lean alone on the railings and
Yearn for the boundless land!
To bid farewell is easier than to meet again.
With flowers fallen on the waves spring's gone amain,
So is the paradise of men.