一个人应该如何生活,才不仅仅是为了实现被社会贴上的标签,或者追求自己想要的标签,而是真正地活在当下并且做真实的自己? 北京,一半天堂,一半地狱。对于敢闯的野心家来说,他是包容聪颖的最佳合作伙伴;而对安于小家生活的人们,他的多变则不适归宿。女孩啊,今天Wellcee请到了一位特别的朋友,希望她的北京故事在这个纷繁的年代给你一份安稳,希望你不被社会标签困扰,活出你的精彩。
How does one reject living solely for the purpose of fitting in or putting on a label, and instead live for the moment by being nothing more than their authentic selves? Beijing is half heaven, half hell. For the ambitious who dare to break off from the traditional path, Beijing is the most suitable and smartest choice; for those who want to live astable and less challenging life, it might not seem like the best city to settle down in. Wellcee introduces a special guest today in hopes that her Beijing story will encourage you to discover more and truly be yourself.
In a time when viewership seems to be the only thing that matters, the "bloggers" are all over the world. If one does not have really valuable content, viewers simply will not care to follow you. Amanda Zhang at 26 years old, has gone through a painful and soul-searching journey; undertaking the transition from being an ordinary finance employee to becoming a full-time fashion blogger with the Wechat official account called UniqueMe时尚.
About Growth
W (Wendy): 你如何描述自己的成长经历呢?
W: How would you describe your experience growing up?
A (Amanda): 我从小就是一个爱学习但是不听话的乖孩子,自己的想法比较多。之前学习金融,在金融行业也工作过两年,但实在没有太多的兴趣。爱看书爱思考爱写作的习惯让我在自媒体蓬勃发展的时候重新走上了一条自己喜欢的生活和工作方式:成为一名博主。无论是穿搭还是护肤,我都希望做一些有科学论据支撑的时尚内容输出,给出切实可行并且经得起科学与时间检验的负责任的观点与建议。
A: I've always been a studious but disobedient child since I was a kid. I studied finance before and had worked in the financial industry for two years, but I didn't have much interest in it. My love of reading, thinking, and writing has led me to a new way of life and work. With social media booming these days I sought to become a blogger. Whether it's about fashion or skincare, I want to provide reviews supported by scientific evidence, giving responsible opinions and suggestions that are practical and can stand the test of science and time.
W: 你给自己的风格定位是什么呢?
W: How would you define your writing style?
A: 一直都是走比较认真的路线。虽然现在做的是成分科普,但我觉得这会成为之后国内护肤博主的标配。定位的话,我们主要服务职场女生,希望他们自信和理性消费,并且独立开心地过自己想要的生活,成为自己喜欢的样子。
A: We’ve always followed the academic way. Although I might be amongst the few who share skincare ingredients knowledge, I think it will become the standard content for skin care bloggers in the future in China. Our work is mainly focused on office ladies, hoping that they can be confident, consume rationally, and live the life they want independently to become the one they like.
About Living
W: 你最喜欢北京的什么? 住在北京是什么感觉?
W: What do you like the most about Beijing? How do you like living in Beijing?
A: 喜欢北京离我父母比较远,住在北京的感觉就是我可以活成我自己想要的样子。不用在意别人的目光,大家包容性比较高,很鼓励特立独行和健康积极向上的生活状态。
A: I like the fact that Beijing is far away from my parents. I also don’t have to care about others’ opinion of me. Here people are more inclusive, which encourages a maverick mindset and a positive life attitude.
住高层楼给Amanda更多创作灵感 more inspiring for creation on higher floor
W: 对Wellcee的印象是什么样的?对待租房有什么个性化要求或者偏好?
W: What's your impression of Wellcee? What are your personalized requirements or preferences for renting?
A: 我觉得Wellcee很有品质感,也有很厚实的品味。我在北京生活的半径就是我的办公室和我的家之间,东二环到东三环之间,我喜欢安静的高楼层有站在云端的感觉,比较适合创作并且可以享受这个城市的风景。
A: I think Wellcee has a good sense of taste and offers solid quality. The radius of my life in Beijing is between my office and my home, from the east second ring road to the east third ring road. I like the feeling of being on the quiet higher floor as if I’m in the clouds, since it is more inspiring for creation and I can enjoy the scenery of the city.
About Traveling
W: 上一个假期印象最深的事情?
W: What impressed you most about your last vacation?
A: 上一个假期在泰国一个很漂亮的海滨城市华欣。印象最深刻的是在华欣的夜市上我看到一个年长的老太太推着挂满各种零食小吃的小推车,步履蹒跚的在人群中经过,戴了一个厚厚的眼镜,小个子,衣着很整齐。当时远远看到她的时候我就从街中间移动到街边给她让道,心情有点复杂,因为世界上可能还有很多人到了不该工作的年纪还在为基本的生活奔忙工作,而我却那么渺小不能为他们做点什么。但是当她的小推车慢慢到我面前的时候,看到她有心底里那种幸福的微笑,我心理马上变得轻快了不少.也许有的人做一份我们认为不起眼的工作,但是她很开心在其中担当的角色,并且享受这中间的乐趣,那就够了。有的时候世俗的定义显得很多余。
A: Last holiday I was in a very beautiful seaside city called Huahin in Thailand. At the night market there, I saw an elderly woman with a thick pair of glasses in a neat dress who was pulling a cart full of snacks and staggering through the crowd. As I was moving aside to make way for her on the busy street, I was struck with a convicting feeling. Though there may be a lot of people in the world who are supposed to relax, they are still struggling to make a living, and I can’t do anything for them. However, when she passed by me, I saw her happy smile from the bottom of her heart, and my heart immediately brightened up. Maybe some people do a job that we think is insignificant or difficult, butthey at least feel very fulfilled, and that is enough.
Huahin, Thailand
About Relationship
W: 对于现在年轻人的友情和亲情的看法
W: What are your views on friendship and family among young people nowadays?
A: 年轻人的友情应该是一路走一路丢,有的时候不一定是刻意而为,但是事情就这样发生了。我想长久可持续的亲密关系都是一个动态平衡中共同成长和进步,进步快的会无意识的丢掉进步慢的。我比较耐得住孤独,所以友情爱情对我来说是调味剂,如果有必须是生活中的增量才行。至于亲情,我父母是很典型的中国父母,所以刚毕业的时候会觉得他们给我的约束和压力太大。但是现在我自己的事业基本在一个稳定的方向上,他们也管不了我了,所以还是坚持做自己吧,这个世界上没有人和事可以阻挡你实现你想要的目标,如果有,那也只是你自己突破不了自己。
A: It’s normal if you lose some friends while growing up. I think long-term sustainable intimate relationship is a dynamic balance of mutual growth and progress. The faster one will unconsciously lose track of the slower one. I have made peace with being alone, so friends or even love for me is a bonus for my life. As for family, my parents are the typical traditional Chinese parents. When I just graduated, I felt that they gave me too much constraint and pressure. But now that my own career is more stable, they don’t need to take care of me anymore. Be yourself, there is nobody or no such thing in the world that can stop you from achieving the goal you want, and if there is, it's just that you are not brave enough.
somewhere on earth
with friends
W: 对未来另一半有什么要求?
W: What do you want from your future partner?
A: 我不敢说对他有什么要求,不希望他为我做任何改变,而是希望我认识他的时候就是我想要的样子,比如不抽烟,独立思考,可以给我灵感,幽默,尊重女生,有礼貌的绅士。理想的情况是可以一起经营共同的事业。
A: I don’t have any requirements for him, and I do not expect him to make any changes for me. Instead, I hope that when I get to know him, he would be the type of guy I like: a non-smoker, an independent thinker who can also inspire me, humorous, respects girls and is polite. It would be ideal if we could run a business together.
During the whole process of interview, It seems like I also hada self-examination of my own. I can’t help but think about what the definition of the "modern woman" is? Based on the lowest marriage rate in China in 2018, I can see that women are becoming more and more independent. Women nolonger need the so-called sense of security brought by marriage. The author of,The secondsex,Simone de Beauvoir said that women are constantly seduced with the possibility of receiving what they want rather than earning it. By the time she realizes it’s not so great, it’s already too late.Girls, learn to like yourselves just the way you are.
图丨Amanda 张荔枝
文字 排版丨Wendy Xu