2020-06-11 本文已影响0人
- 不必start from scratch,可以拿开源项目的代码
- realistic; raw data是从sensor中得到的,实时数据 e.g. 利用温度湿度来预测明天的天气;利用公路上摄像头得到的;uber用gps的data 去预测traffic pattern,比如说什么时候某个地方会有很多人;twitter有个程序去判断是人还是机器。主要是放在论文中,选TensorFlow是因为是个大家都知道的平台,同时要选择具有实际应用价值的例子。
=>因此 1st week plan 找合适的项目,和kumseok交流。emm建议用word或者latex写好发过去
- break it down into smaller pieces, say, several parts, data, filter the raw data and change their format, feed it into a train model, finally, get an output. Change the local program into a network version. maybe transfer them directly to another PC is the simplist way, but no one uses that. Can you find some ways that are cost-effective? there are transfer cost, bandwidth etc.
- Try your program on some platforms, say, the IoT platform of Amazon,aws.?? maybe this is the most suitable one. Or others like the IoT platform of Microsoft, Samsung.
- Try this on OneOS
OK, the first problem for me is to get familiar with the tensorflow and run the program on my PC.
Here are some general ideas of OneOS.
As we know, nowadays, if we want to write a program for IoT devices of certain brand, we have to use the corresponding platform. say, for IoT devices of Amazon, we have to use aws...for coding. So, now we want to build a platform that allows to write the program using a united platform. That is One OS.
Also, we want to gather the IoT devices and make them form a cluster, using distributed system, edge computing.
From now on, I plan to practice my English everyday and I hope I can finish this task by Monday. Come on.