"g. Do everything in your power
"g. Do everything in your power to help also be open-minded. Being calm and reasonable in how you present your view will help prevent the “flight-or-fight” animal/amygdala reaction in others. Be reasonable and expect others to be reasonable. Ask them to point to the evidence that supports their point of view. Remember, it is not an argument; it is an open exploration of what’s true. Demonstrating that you are taking in what they are telling you can be helpful.
h. Use evidence-based decision-making tools. These principles were designed to help you get control over your lower-level/animal you and put your better, higher-level decision-making brain in charge.
g.尽力帮助其他人也保持头脑开放。平静理 性地表达观点有助于避免对方产生“战还是逃”的 动物性(杏仁核)反应。你要理性,并期待其他 人也理性。请他们指出支撑自身观点的证据。谨 记,这不是争执,而是开放地探寻事实。如果你 能证明你正在考虑对方的观点,这将是有好处 的。
h.使用以证据为基础的决策工具。这些原则 的目的是帮助你控制较低层次的动物性自我,让