Listening Day5 IELTS 8-4-4

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Listening Day5 IELTS 8-4-4




听n边:IELTS 8-4-4,一字一句

Australian Aboriginal Rock Paintings

第一类:由于读得快,没辨认出来 第二类:由于不认识单词,没听出来
10:in such a simple stick - like form 简单的线性图 11:naturalistic shape,自然的形态
12: x-ray 12:internal skeleton 骨架
13:featured 突出,v,以...为特征 12:organs 器官
13:much curvier figures,曲线形态 13:resemble vt. 类似,像
13:the vegetalbe called a yam, 13:similar to a sweet potato
14:the habit of standing 站立的习惯 14:the first contact with European settlers. 第一次与欧洲移居者的接触
26:curious mixture 奇妙组合 15:settlers'clothing 移居民的服装
27:locate the animal找出动物 17:life size 真人大小
30:disruption n. 毁坏 19:rarely ,adv,很少
30:traditional patterns of life,传统生活模式 20:shells and other marine images, 贝壳以及其它海洋生物
32:a type of sea horse 海马的一种 21:prominently,明显地,
33:have been the inspiration behind the early paintings 早期绘画的灵感 24:intrigued vt,激起...的兴趣
35:abundance n , 充裕 25:rainbow serpent, 彩虹蛇
36:increase in vegetatition and the new life forms that featured when the image first appeared,在它初次出现时增添了许多植物和新生命的形态。 26:kangaroo,snake,crocodile,,袋鼠,蛇,鳄鱼,
28:coincided with v,同时发生,符合,一致
28: the last end of ice age 上个冰河世纪末期
29:creeping steadily inland, 不断向内陆蔓延
30:flooded v, 淹没
30:familiar land features,熟悉的地貌
31:have washed up 冲向
31:shores 海岸。

