英语流利说 Level3 Unit3 Part4 - Leona
Leonardo da Vinci 2
李奥纳多 达芬奇
Leonardo’s early drawings and paintings demonstrated a rare talent.列奥纳多早期的绘画表现出一种罕见的天赋。
His father and his father’s friends recognized his talent and encouraged him.他的父亲和他父亲的朋友们发现了他的天赋并鼓励他
When he was 15, he was sent to Florence.15岁时,他被送到佛罗伦萨。
In Florence, he became an apprentice to a famous master painter.在佛罗伦萨,他成为一位著名的绘画大师的学徒。
For the next few years, Leonardo worked at his master’s workshop.接下来的几年里,列奥纳多在大师的工作室里工作
It wasn’t long before his ability surpassed that of his master.不久他的能力就超过了他的主人。
Some people say that his master became jealous of Leonardo’s great talent.有人说他的主人嫉妒列奥纳多的才华。
They say that the master vowed to never paint again!他们说大师发誓再也不画画了!
In 1478, with his father’s help, Leonardo set up his own workshop.1478年,在他父亲的帮助下,列奥纳多建立了自己的工作室。
In 1482, he entered the service of a powerful man in the city of Milan. 1482年,他在米兰市为一个有权势的人服务。
This man was the Duke of Milan.这个人就是米兰公爵。
For the next few years Leonardo designed buildings, machinery and weapons of war.在接下来的几年里,列奥纳多设计了建筑、机械和战争武器。
Weapons were important because Italy was constantly at war during this period.武器很重要,因为在这段时期意大利一直处于战争状态。
From 1485 to 1490, Leonardo produced designs for a variety of weapons. 从1485年到1490年,达芬奇设计了各种各样的武器。
In his notes, he predicted the development of advanced weapons such as submarines and flying machines. 在他的笔记中,他预测了先进武器的发展,如潜艇和飞行器。
In 1499, the French invaded Italy and Leonardo left Milan.1499年,法国入侵意大利,达芬奇离开米兰。
Altogether, Leonardo spent 17 years in Milan.达芬奇总共在米兰生活了17年。
During this period, he spent much of his time studying nature.在这期间,他花了很多时间研究自然。
He dissected bodies, both human and animal, to study and illustrate anatomy.他解剖人体和动物,以研究和说明解剖学。
His detailed illustrations are masterpieces.他的详细插图是杰作。
Leonardo filled many notebooks with drawings and ideas.列奥纳多在许多笔记本上写满了图画和想法。
He wrote backwards so you need a mirror to read them.他是倒着写的,所以你需要一面镜子来读。
After 1500, Leonardo spent time in a number of Italian cities.1500年后,列奥纳多在意大利的许多城市生活过。
He worked very slowly, and the range of his interests was very wide.他工作很慢,兴趣范围很广。
As a result, Leonardo left many paintings and projects unfinished.因此,达芬奇留下了许多未完成的画作和项目。
One painting that he did finish was the Mona Lisa, one of the world’s most famous paintings.他完成的一幅画是《蒙娜丽莎》,世界上最著名的画作之一。
People are still interested in this painting, 500 years after he painted it. 在他画了这幅画500年后,人们仍然对它感兴趣。
Though there are many theories, nobody knows who the woman in the painting really was.虽然有很多理论,但没有人知道画中的女人到底是谁。
In 1516 Leonardo left Italy for good when the French King, Francis I, offered him a position.1516年,当法国国王弗朗西斯一世向列奥纳多提供一个职位时,他永远离开了意大利。
There, he had the freedom to paint and draw whatever he wanted.在那里,他可以随心所欲地画画。
Leonardo died in 1519, at the age of 67.达芬奇于1519年去世,享年67岁。
Some say that the French King, who had become a close friend, was with him when he died.有人说,这位法国国王在他死时和他在一起。
He was buried in a church which was destroyed during the French Revolution. 他被埋葬在一座在法国大革命中被摧毁的教堂里。
The exact location of his remains is unknown.他的遗体的确切位置尚不清楚。