大海漂流记 2020-06-29
Faith can move mountains.
It's Monday and rainny today, i took my umbrella from my car this morning, and then i went to the dinning room to have breakfast.
TO Wallace - I didn't receive this reply this morning about the judgement standard of the particle after painting.
To David - I sent a email about the summary of the particle:
About the source of the particle:
1, I thought more than 95% from the hot press process;
2, The operator don't remove the frction chipping aroud the friction block and the slot totally.
3, The operator don't clean the top plate timely;
4,Electrostatic adsorption;
About the painting trail last year;
1, if we use 4 operators to clean the dusty and friction chipping, that will paint 1500-1900 pcs and then appear the particle.
2, if we didn't clean the dusty, that would paint 300-500 pcs ...
The other plants take action for this problem:
1, Cleaning the dusty with compressed air;
2, Removing the static electricity;
3, Sand-blasting before painting;
Moring Meeting:
TO Angela - we should organize the QMS audit next week;
To Rain - He should update the quality data on the T3 meeting.