

2019-02-16  本文已影响4人  张钰莀

I hate this thing with a passion. And because I exclusively pump and have to use it 6-8 times a day, it's like being in a bad relationship.


My main complaint is that it leaks. It leaks from the flanges, unless you bend almost completely over. It leaks from the top if you turn it even slightly sideways. And it doesn't have to be full -- it leaks as you pump so it can leak from the first drop.


Today was the final straw that made me write this review (I review most of my Amazon buys, but I got this pump via a company that supplies them through private health insurance. But you people have to know before you buy). This morning while I pumped, I turned toward my son next to me on the couch to practice smiles. After 20 minutes I noticed I didn't have much in my right bottle. After doing this for months, I'm pretty familiar with my output. And then I saw a little puddle on my blanket. No big deal, there's usually one every time I use this piece of crap. But still, I had twice as much milk in my left bottle so I kept investigating. The puddle went on and on. It soaked the entire top half of the blanket, through to most of the bottom half of my shirt and the top half of my shorts. As most pumping moms know, loss of milk is HEARTBREAKING. Especially since we usually pump for heartbreaking reasons -- premature babies, babies with mouth issues, sick babies, irregular breasts, low supply...even a few drops lost is upsetting, but when you lose ounces...there is a reason we call it liquid gold and why we have all literally cried over spilled milk. I don't cry anymore, now I get infuriated.


大部分吸过奶的妈妈都有同感,浪费了自己的奶水真是感觉撕心裂肺啊,尤其是我们有时候出于迫不得已的原因才吸奶:比如说早产,小婴儿可能嘴有问题,有生病,胸部发育不良,营养不良等等。哪怕是一丁点浪费都很郁闷,浪费了几盎司的心痛,简直无法形容啊…   这就是为什么我们叫它液体黄金,为什么溢奶的时候我们嚎啕大哭。我是哭不动了,我现在的心情是暴跳如雷。


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