
2019-01-13  本文已影响44人  罗罗ph


1. 说话需要自然,说英文也一样(当发音和语调都没有问题时)。

2. t 和d在词尾的区别不明显,变弱了,根据前面的长度(掉过的坑1:以前在美剧中听到get out of here, 自己总是学不来那个感觉,原来有部分原因是没有把t 弱读成d, of 也没有很好弱读)

2. 所有辅音不是泾渭分明的,比如t和d在结尾的时候听不太出来,sit sid;比如t连读之后也像d,forget about

3. twenty ’times 一个数字一个名词,重音一般在后面。

4. DVD, BBC, VOA, PDF 读字母的时候重音在最后,不要带入中文的习惯。

5.your 的读法(掉过的坑2:以前为了发好发全your 的音,总觉得很不顺嘴),原来它在不同的位置和语境,读法会不一样。

6.idea, famous,nervous,breakfast,中没有r (真是没注意过,以前都是蒙对的)

7. 在多数发音中,s-z,v-f 是没有区别的(掉过的坑3:以前在读英文时,总是不太注意这两组音,沮丧自己总是不够注意,z发成s, v发成f, 原来真的有时候是没区别的,顿时松了一口气)

8. 关于连读, 省力,不重新启动


9. 在多数发音过程中,/z/的带声成分并不贯穿发音的全过程:please。其他辅音也会这样,浊音后面是清辅音会变清:she has to,have to,as can be shown。后面是元音浊音震动更清晰:has a,have a,prove it。

10. these are 连读 /ðiːzər/,have、of弱读成/əv/ /ə/(我的重灾区,弱读是知道的,但是用的时候就忘了。练练练)

11.  compound words stress:’delivery man,’bus driver,’post office

12. /s/和/ʃ/有时候都不是泾渭分明的,s后面有r音的时候会像ʃ,发音会受前后的影响,比如strange,grocery

13.familiar peculiar 英音/liə/ 美音/l jər/(掉过的坑4,million总是和原音不像,试着轻轻读ljən也不对,原来是/ jər/)


Day 1

1. 爽约

    △ stand sb up

    △ didn't show up

    △ no-show n.

John Henry Williams was a no-show at last week's game in Milwaukee.

There were a lot ofno-showsat the game.

2. 等了好久

   waited and waited/waited for ages

3. 手机 mobile phone,固定电话 landline

4. card拓展

   △ play cards right 发挥优势特长

If Rachel plays her cards right, she’ll be a great heiress and you will benefit to. (Crazy rich Asians)

   △ play the XX card 打...牌,出...招

        You're always playing the ‘I love you’ card. 

        You're playing the 'I don't have time' card again.

    △ put/lay cards on the table 摊牌,和盘托出

5. feel like (doing)sth=have an inclination for something or some activity

Day 2

1. sail               sail through 顺利通过(考试等)

2. 沐浴在阳光下      bask in the sunshine

△ busk in sth  沉浸,沐浴(在赞美、关注中)

3. 理智点 be sensible  别傻了 wise up

4. 恶心 yikes/ew… It's gross/disgusting.

5. smell funny 闻起来怪怪的

smell fishy闻起来有点儿腥,可以引申为:有点儿不对劲儿,有猫腻

There‘s something fishy going on here.

6. sack 可以作动词,解雇 She wassackedfor refusing to work on Sundays.

e.g. Hit the sack.上床睡觉。Hit the road. 上路

7. 带s音的拟声词:hiss 嘶嘶声(如蛇,蒸汽,嘘声) sizzle (油煎食物的)咝咝声

8. buzz    buzzed喝醉

   喝醉三阶段→ tipsy微醺,buzzed有点儿晕,hammered烂醉。

9. no/little wonder... 怪不得

Day 3

1. tune 

stay tuned 不要走开,别换台(广告之后更精彩)

tune in to sth/sb收听电视节目;理解,体谅(他人的思想感情等)

2. stay 

Stay hungry, stay foolish. / Stay warm. / Stay put. (别动) / Stay hydrated(多喝水).

3. treasure/prize 作为动词使用 “珍视,珍爱”

4. collision 

   head-on /rear end collision/crash(头对头相撞/追尾),wrong way collision/crash(逆行相撞)

  Their car was in a head-on smash with a lorry.

   rear-end可做动词: 我们被追尾了可以说We got rear-ended.

5. trash 可以做动词

   1) 损坏 Would they trash the place when the party was over? 聚会结束时他们会把这地方搞得一团糟吗?

   2)贬损,说坏话  Let's trash each other. 来呀互相伤害呀!

   3)丢弃 If you don't want them, just trash them. 你不想要就扔掉好了。

   4)trash talk 废话

6. furniture不可数的,没有furnitures,一件家具要说a piece of furniture

7. have后面如果跟的是负面的,通常是doing

    如:have a hard time/ trouble doing sth

8. 买单的时候客气客气,中国人会说“我来我来我来”,而美国人却说“Are you sure?”

Day 4

1. graduate 可以表示毕业,美国既可以表示本科毕业生也可以表示研究生。

I'm going to graduate school. 英国研究生是post graduate。还可以表示应届毕业生fresh graduate.

2. the total/whole package 该有的样子都有,各方面都非常好。a good catch。

She sounds like the whole package.他听起来很完美呀。

3. anyone/those who...句型

They want someone who's energetic and enjoys challenges.

Anyone who majors in two subjects enjoys a challenge!

Anyone who takes part in morning reading enjoys a challenge.

4. with a knowledge of XX =XX know-how 专门知识

technical know-how 技术知识

5. arrange for an interview 常见搭配

Day 5

1. Size

要什么尺寸的 What size XX do you want

size up 估计,判断 It took a few minutes for her to size up the situation.

King's size 特大号

2. 乘号✖️读作 by

3. 付费得到XX东西要用pay for:pay for the car

如果后面是费用则不需要for:pay tuition,pay the bill,pay large sums of money

  买一送一 BOGO(buy one get one free)

4. fit 可容纳,装进去

I can't fit. / It doesn't fit.

I’d like to have a desk in the room but it won't fit. 我想在屋里放张桌子,但放不下。

All kids will fit in the back of the car. 后排可以坐得下所有孩子。

5. take up占据空间,占用时间(occupy )

This table takes too much room,

Work takes up most of her time.

6. 我受够了!I've  had it enough.

     别吵了!stop fightting/ knock it off

7. 注意get作为linking verb的运用:(使)达到、处于

          e.g.We'll never get finished

8. 当然,没问题 Definitely /totally /sure /no problem

9. all over

 all over the place=messy 杂乱无章

Your hair is all over the place. 你头发乱糟糟的。


1. 发现问题解决问题,问题解决得足够多才能进步。

2. 慢

3. 练习的时候要以句子问单位,不能以词为单位。

4. 先听再模仿

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