
Peak -- Applying Deliberate Prac

2017-08-10  本文已影响16人  飞鸟逐溪


Deliberate practice is composed of effective techniques, excellent teachers or coaches, well-defined goals, instant feedback and modification of it, effective mental representations, outside one's comfort zone as well as constantly building or modifying previously acquired skills.

If you are in a field where deliberate practice is an option, you should take the option. If not, apply the principles of deliberate practice as much as possible.

How to apply the principles of deliberate practice?

Firstly, you should figure out true exports in the field. There are two objective, reproducible methods: 1. You can seek out people who work intimately with many other professionals; 2. You can seek out the persons that professionals themselves seek out when they need help with a particularly difficult situations.

Secondly, you should figure out specifically what experts do that separates them from others and what training methods help them get there. Maybe there are likely to be many things that person does differently, which you are unable to decide which actions are effective. You can regard it at least as a place to start.

Thirdly, you should tailor your training to mirror the best performers in your field to decide whether you'll keep doing it or not. This is a kind of feedback.

Fourthly, you had better find a good teacher or coach who can give you valuable feedback you couldn't get any other way.

Lastly, you must endeavor to take many, many years of practice  to become one of the best in the world. However, there is no limited time, such as 5000 hours, 10,000 hours, 20,000 hours, to make you succeed. It is a variant on the field itself.


“In practice this often boils down to purposeful practice with a few extra steps:”

boil down to something: (informal) if a long statement, argument etc boils down to a single statement, that statement is the main point or cause

[例句] It boils down to a question of priorities.

[造句] The three-minutes speech boils down to a word: punctuality.

“Thus a good rule of thumb is to seek out people who work intimately with many other professionals,”

a rule of thumb: a practical method of doing or measuring something, usually based on past experience rather than on exact measurement

[例句] As a rule of thumb, you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each pound of weight.

[造句] A good rule of thumb is to review what you have learned and then find out your mistakes.


理想的刻意练习也会因为行业的不成熟而无法施展。行业不成熟,老师不完美,都不是个人不开始不行动的理由。从鸦片战争到新中国建立,历经百年。当我们翻开英国的历史,得知英国从落后到世界上第一个完成工业革命近250年,而这样的革命是建立在学习西班牙和葡萄牙的海外冒险开始。社会结构的改变远比行业发展难得多,然而规律相似,不断地start- trial and error-improve。一般来说一个行业不会是一张白纸,它的产生总是同社会的某一个层面相连。通过这一点相关性开始行动,总结经验再改善。如果已经有很多人做过但是还没有形成刻意练习式的系统,那就按照作者的建议,利用相关规则,让自己的学习尽可能接近刻意练习。


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