

2018-09-01  本文已影响0人  joyexe


Harry is an American businessman.

His job requires him to do a lot of traveling.->Q1:traveling,holiday,trip,区别

He takes 9 or 10 trips a year.

In the past six months he has made 5 trips.

Three were to Asia and two were to Europe.->Q2:五大洲,七大洋的英语

The purpose of(...的目的) these trips is to attend meetings and make presentations(演讲).

Harry loves to travel, and he's(he has) traveled to many countries.

Most of his trips are for one or two weeks.

His first international (国际的)trip was 15 years ago when he was 20 years old.

He really wanted to see Asia, so he and a friend flew to Tokyo, Japan.

From Tokyo, they traveled around Japan for two weeks.

The people they met were very nice, but most of them didn't speak English.

Harry tried to speak a little Japanese, but it was difficult.

He didn't do very well.

When he spoke to people, most of them just looked at him.

They didn't understand what he was trying to say.

From Japan, they went to Korea for a week, and then they went to China.

In China, they visited the Great Wall, near Beijing.-》北京景点有哪些呢?

They stayed in Beijing for a few days, and then boarded a train for Shanghai.->坐火车,坐飞机?

It was an overnight train with sleeping cars.                           

During the journey, they enjoyed looking out the window at the countryside.

The view from the train was wonderful.

Harry will never forget watching the sun go down in the evening.

It was a beautiful sunset.

The journey to shanghai, took many hours, but it was an unforgettable experience.

On the train, they met a chinese professor(教授) who spoke English.

He was a middle-aged man whose hair was turning grey.->Q:英语中如何形容人老了呢?

He told them about how things were changing in china.

It was wonderful to watch him as he was speaking.

His eyes were full of energy and excitement.

They only stayed in shanghai for a couple of days.

Then they returned to the US and went back to school.

They had one more year to finish their studies.



Q2 :In China, they visited the Great Wall, near Beijing.-》北京景点有哪些呢?

        天安门广场:Tiananmen Squeare

        长城: The Great wall

Q3:They stayed in Beijing for a few days, and then boarded a train for Shanghai.->坐火车,坐飞机?

Q4:He was a middle-aged man whose hair was turning grey.->Q:英语中如何形容人老了呢?->elder man


1.The purpose of(...的目的)

2.make presentations(演讲).

I tried to speak a little Japanese, but it was difficult.

3.When I spoke to people, most of them just looked at me.They didn't understand what I was trying to say.


During the journey, they enjoyed looking out the window at the countryside.

The view from the train was wonderful.

Harry will never forget watching the sun go down in the evening.

It was a beautiful sunset.


It was wonderful to watch him as he was speaking.

His eyes were full of energy and excitement.

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