2019-11-05 Rule No.10-12

2019-11-05  本文已影响0人  泥巴叔叔

这是 Food Rules 读书笔记的第 4 天,总共用时还是不到 40 分钟,但是今天阅读的时间大概五分钟就结束了,也许是歪果仁写作风格的缘故,没有新的观点,而是通过不同的例证,来一遍遍地证明之前的观点。所以我的笔记重点也更多地从关注想法过度到关注和学习语言的使用。

Rule No. 10: Avoid foods that are pretending to be something they are not.

Imitation butter - aka margarine - is the classic example. To make something like nonfat cream cheese that contains neither cream nor cheese requires an extreme degree of processing; such products should be labeled as imitations and avoided. The same rule applies to soy-based mock meats, artificial sweeteners, and fake fats and starches.

这段话让我想到了自己在第一天的读书笔记中写的一小段话,关于“人造肉”,其实在用词上可以再做调整,对比这段话中的 soy-based ,我使用的 mostly derived from soybeans,而通过 mock meats 这个表达,作者一下子把猪牛羊等肉类都概况出来了,相比之下,meat-like man-made food 虽然也解决了问题,但既不简洁,也不优美,而且 man-made 还可以用 artificial 来代替。这里关于 mock 再多说两句,它的常用意思是嘲笑,嘲讽,之前读过杀死一只知更鸟,里面的 mocking bird 就是。这里 mock ,表示假的、假装的、仿制的:

You use mock to describe something which is not real or genuine, but which is intended to be very similar to the real thing. 

在这一点上,跟 fake 这个词比较像,但是同时也可以做名词,意思为“模拟考试”,可以替换 practice exam .

另外,开头的 Imitation butter (人造黄油) = margarine 里面的 imitation 意思和 mock 一样,我觉得作者在这里这么用很好地避免了重复,增加了语言的多样性。imitation 从 imitate (模仿) 这个词来,所以从阅读上来说并不影响理解,但是通过查字典,了解到 imitation 不仅有名词的意思,还有形容词的意思,表示人造的、仿造的、伪造的:

Imitation things are not genuine but are made to look as if they are.


The first chapter not only reveals an ancient wisdom: This days this is easier said than done. It's always easier said than done. Those highly processed, food-like industrial substances are often more delicious and tempting than real food. For instance, renzaorou, in Chinese, which means meat-like man-made food mostly derived from soybeans is really welcome and has always been a hit in kids' world. We all know it's bad for health and adults scold their kids for eating such kind of food-like substances instead of real food. While most kids, will sometimes sneakily fill their mouths with renzaorou to enjoy the deliciousness of it.  

Food Rules

Rule No. 11&12

Rule No. 11: Avoid foods you see advertised on television.

Rule No. 12: Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle.

接下来两条规则和前面的观点其实一直,只是换了个表达方式,有钱通过食药监局贴健康标签来做宣传的商家和有钱上电视打广告宣传产品的商家是一样一样的。但是作者也说了,这样很可能有些良心商家(大概5%,比如那些种树卖李子卖坚果的和农场里养牛的) ,这里有一个可爱的表达:be tarred with the same brush 被当作一丘之貉;被当成一路货色

If some people in a group behave badly and if people then wrongly think that all of the group is equally bad, you can say that the whole group is tarred with the same brush.

tar 本身做名词是有焦油、沥青的意思,作动词用就是铺沥青什么的,不管什么路,都用同一把刷子刷了,也挺形象的。如果在实际的生活场景中使用,这点我感触很深,比如我是河南人,常常就躺枪被地域歧视黑了一把,那我就可以这么说:

I was born in Henan province and I often have to explain to my friends that not all of Henan people are cheaters. I'm definitely not one of them. Please don't get me tarred with the same brush. 

As for the 5 percent of food ads that promote whole foods (the prune or walnut growers or the beef ranchers), common sense will, one hopes, keep you from tarring them with the same brush - these are the exceptions that prove the rule.

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