每日英文学习:Light英文空间 2期(10)

Human Life Is a Continuous Struggle with “ The Self”
Part 1
In my book The Grey Wolf of Xixia, I described a"woman called White Robe. She was a ghost who had almost been dispelled. Why had she almost been dispelled?
Because most people do not believe in the existence of spirits, and this kind of doubt was constantly dispelling her, until in the end, even she began to doubt herself. Later, Hei Geshou's appearance rescued her.
This process in fact also occurs in the world of our inner minds. When we are slaves to desire, we constantly use a kind of utilitarian thinking to dispel our own spirits, and to dissolve away those yearning of our inner minds to go toward the spiritual.(page 62-63)
Part 2
The oceanic"true mind" is as even as the surface of a mirror, but when external objects are reflected in it, it is like the wind blowing and waves arising on the great ocean, and then false mind appears.
When we use the power of wisdom or discipline to fend off the enticements of the external world and keep them outside the mind, the ocean of the mind slowly quiets down again.
That state without waves or ripples is the true mind. When waves move in the mind, the false thoughts are born. When false thoughts stop, the true mind is revealed. For example,between this thought and the next thought, there is a state without thoughts.
When you use your inherent nature or your mind of lucid awareness to observe it, it is very easy for you to merge with the true mind. (page 66)
~An excerpt from The World is a Reflection of the Mind.
Author: Xuemo, translated by J.C.Cleary
【1】Golden sentence:
When waves move in the mind, the false thoughts are born.
When false thoughts stop, the true mind is revealed.
dispel /dɪˈspɛl/ V-T To dispel an idea or feeling that people have means to stop them having it. 消除 (想法或感觉) 例:The president is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy.总统正试图消除他忽视了经济这一想法。
dispel [dis'pel]force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings dispel doubts
utilitarian /juːˌtɪlɪˈtɛərɪən/
ADJ Utilitarian means based on the idea that the morally correct course of action is the one that produces benefit for the greatest number of people. 功利主义的
It was James Mill who was the best publicist for utilitarian ideas on government.
yearning /ˈjɜːnɪŋ/N-VAR A yearning for something is a very strong desire for it. 渴望; 向往 例:He spoke of his yearning for another child.他说起了自己想再要一个孩子的强烈愿望。
yearning [jə:niŋ]prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
oceanic /ˌəʊʃɪˈænɪk/ADJ Oceanic means belonging or relating to an ocean or to the sea. 海洋的 例:Many oceanic islands are volcanic.很多海洋岛屿是火山岛。
adj.1:relating to or occurring or living in or frequenting the open ocean oceanic islands like Bermuda ; oceanic currents ; oceanic birds 同义词: pelagic 2:resembling the ocean in apparent limitlessness in extent or degrees
enticement /ɪnˈtaɪsmənt/N-VAR An enticement is something that makes people want to do a particular thing. 诱惑物 例:...a second disk that offers, among other enticements, an interactive tour of Hogwarts....第二张盘提供了种种诱惑,其中包括一个霍格华兹的互动游览程序。
enticement [in'taismənt]something that seduces or has the quality to seduce
同义词: temptation
merge /mɜːdʒ/ V-RECIP If one thing merges with another, or is merged with another, they combine or come together to make one whole thing. You can also say that two things merge, or are merged. 使合并; 合并
例:The rivers merge just north of a vital irrigation system.这些河流在一个重要的灌溉系统的北部汇合了。
reveal /rɪˈviːl/ V-T To reveal something means to make people aware of it. 透露; 显示 例:She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter.她已拒绝透露她女儿的行踪。