「The Outline」It's for you

2017-05-18  本文已影响25人  Skye_kh




The Outline 是一种给新人类的新型出版物。我们做这件事情是因为我们相信正确的故事以正确的方式告诉别人,能改变他的人生。但是以有意义和现代化的方式阐述正确的故事,这件事情本身不会发生。我们必须让其发生。

我们成立 The Outline 的初衷是把一些没有出现过的东西放到这个世界上,这让我们的非常激动。我们的报道集中在三个主题,这些主题越来越趋于以奇怪和重要的方式报道:权力(谁拥有它,谁想得到它,当他面得到时做了什么?),文化(我们生活和交流的方式),未来(我们下一步该往哪儿走?)


如果我们有一个主要的目标,就是尽可能地用尊敬和真实去喂饱你的好奇心与智慧。没有游戏,只有 TMD 有趣的每一天




The Outline (website)

The Outline is a New York based digital news company focused on power (as it relates to politics and business), culture and the future. It was founded by Joshua Topolsky in 2016 who raised $5 million from several venture capitalists to start the company. The company does not want to be too reliant on social media distribution, but instead aims to reach a "smart, influential" readership who visit its website directly. The articles are visually interactive, and highly optimised for mobile.The interface contains articles represented as a stack of cards that users can swipe through. The company earns income by virtue of its partnerships with 10 to 12 companies a year, as opposed to reliance on a format employing traditional banner ads.


The Outline was founded in 2016 under a holding company named Independent Media with funding from RRE Ventures, Advancit Capital, Boat Rocker Ventures and Nextview Ventures. The company initially hired 10 employees and launched its website on December 5th, 2016. It currently has 26 employees, having recruited people from Vox Media, Vice and Buzzfeed.[7] In April 2017, The Outline introduced The Outline World Dispatch, a short daily podcast with news roundups.

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