美剧Billions/亿万 S1E2(6-11minute)

2020-09-02  本文已影响0人  笨言Ben语


Nice move.

Just like smoking in the girls' bathroom at St. Mary's. You had to be quick, or you'd be over a nun's knee.

That's a fun picture to have in my head.

Mm. Yeah. They weren't that kind of nun. They looked like Dick Cheney.

Look at that. That is such a shitty name on such a great building.

Oh, don't. Don't focus on that. Think of all the good that's going on here tonight.

Can't. It mars everything. The name up there should mean something. Should add... add to the luster of the place.

Just don't look.

I like the building.

How much?

Good question.

They're about to pass the hat.

Get rid of this for us, will you?

- Bobby! - Birchy!

Pchoo! Blow it up.


mar v.    破坏; 毁坏; 损毁; 损害; n.    污点; 瑕疵; 障碍; 损伤; 毁损;  mars 火星

pass the hat 捐款。以前,美国教堂在礼拜结束前总是用一顶帽子在教徒当中一个个地传递过去,希望人们为教堂捐钱。现在的教堂已经不再用帽子了,而是用一个铜制或银制的盘子来代替了。但是,to pass the hat现在超越了宗教的色彩,应用到日常生活中去了,意思就是让大家捐钱解决意外的灾难


Yeah, baby. What are you doing to me? You're making me weak.

Time to power up.

That hits the spot.

Oh, fuck. It's work. It's my work ring. Jesus.

It's Kornbluth.

Thought you left white-collar crime to cover the election.

That's true, but I stumbled onto one too good to give someone else.

Get to it.

What do you know about Steven Birch and Arcadian Railroad?

What? What do you have?

Birch made a big play in the Railroad... Captured 43% before good numbers, and expansion plans were announced with inside information.

We want to know where the U.S. Attorney for the Southern district stands on an investigation.I'm posting this on the web in five minutes. It's already on the desk. It'd be better with a comment for you... But I can't wait.

It's late. That might not be enough time to get a comment.

I'm posting it. We can't get beat on this story.

You can't run it without a motherfucking quote.Oh, god.

Tara Mohr? Yeah, you're on speaker.

Financial Journal called for comment on Steven Birch.

What about him?

They're running a story that he made illegal trades on Arcadian Railroad and that the evidence is incontrovertible.

Stall while we check.

But this sounds like bullshit. I mean, how could the paper have that before we do... or the FBI?

You know, I went to school with a few guys who work for Birch.- You want me to...

Yes, right now. Get Terri McCue over at FBI up on this, too... now.



incontrovertible. adj.    无可争辩的; 不能否认的; 无可置疑的

We can't get beat on this story 这个报道不能让人抢先了

有一句美国俚语Beat sb to the draw 意思是:比别人抢先一步


I'm not tolling any bells for you, Bobby.

Sounds a bit like you are.

There's a reason you retained my firm. Ah, fuck the firm... A bunch of rich, young lawyers.

There's a reason you retained me... me. And that is... I look far enough down the road to let you avoid the speed traps.

Okay. What do you see?

U.S. Attorney needs to bag you. Rhoades could bring it quick or take two years.

Two years?  

Then it becomes a three-front war... P.R., redemptions, and the government. It's not too early to start a makeover of the firm's culture.

What fucking culture? Big returns that beat the street by double digits year in, year out, making our investors rich? - That culture? –

No... the rep. Smart money... maybe a little too smart. If they bring an action, the whole strategy becomes about leveraging a settlement... A deferred prosecution agreement and forfeiture that lets you keep working. And the best way to get that is to act like you'd never settle.

I'd never settle.

That's the public posture, for sure.

I'd never settle.

Yeah. That's a good delivery. That'll work.

- Thank you! Thank you! - I'm gonna go find my table.

Thank you. How you doing? My name is Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller, and we're gonna give as much money as we can. I will hurt myself, then you will hurt yourself with money. Gonna look like this. Think about how much that hurts and think about how good you would feel if you gave a million dollars. Who's giving a million dollars? Stand up. Come on! A million dollars!

Starting at a stick. Fuck it.

$1 million!

I'll do it. I'll do it. Oh! You're a good man!

No better than you.

Wonderful. Wonderful. That's good. Who are the cheapskates giving a half a million? Come on! Come on. Half a million up there.

Get the fuck up, or people will think I'm not paying you enough.

Can I see $250,000? I'll get everybody standing up eventually. They will not let Teller go unless everybody stands up. How about $250,000 over here?

Holy shit. Financial Journal just pasted Birch.

100 grand... stand up. Anybody else? Anybody making $50,000? How about $25,000?

He's gonna want that million back.

Everybody should be standing up at this point!


Redemption  n.    拯救; 救赎; 赎回(股票等);

Forfeiture n. (财产等的)没收,(权利、名誉等的)丧失

Cheapskate n.    小气鬼; 守财奴

Big returns that beat the street by double digits year in, year out, making our investors rich?

year in, year out 年复一年地

Starting at a stick 从点滴开始


