2019-01-30 本文已影响35人
title: underpinning
date: 2019-01-30 10:45:26
NO_sents: 338
NO_references: 184

- However, underpinning assumptions and approaches to estimating the cost-effectiveness of forestry measures vary. (Fenning, 2014)
- The aim is to provide a practically oriented theoretical treatment of how the models and methods work, underpinning material on application of the models using R. (Wood, 2017)
- The sample of published literature below gives a flavor of the understanding of gene action underpinning heterosis in three selfing crops. (van Ginkel, Ortiz, 2018)
- Importantly for tree breeding, one of its recommendations (2/4) strongly urged genetic improvement and underpinning research. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
- Thus, GWAS is potentially an important tool for understanding the biological underpinnings of schizophrenia. (Ripke et al., 2014)
- Recently, Technow et al (2015) proposed a novel methodology for WGP that can take into consideration the biology underpinning the GEIs. (Cooper et al., 2016)
- The age-related discrepancy in BST may have some genetic underpinning but may also reflect measurement errors. (Weng et al., 2017)
- For example, nitrogen availability and spatial heterogeneity have a profound effect on root growth and development, yet the regulatory mechanisms underpinning root responses to nitrogen are poorly understood. (Dash et al., 2015)
- In other cases, exemplified by IBD, GWA studies are pointing to common molecular underpinnings in diseases that were believed to be distinct. (Kingsmore et al., 2008)
- However, the understanding of the underpinning biological mechanism is still fragmentary after a century of debate and quest. (Zhou et al., 2012)
- We give a cursory account of some of the theoretical underpinnings and statistical assumptions as relevant in a plant breeding context. (Piepho et al., 2008)