每日艺术 | Saint George and the Drag

Bernat Martorell was the greatest painter of the first half of the 15th century in Catalonia in northeastern Spain. Depicted here is the most frequently represented episode from the popular legend of Saint George, in which the model Christian knight saves a town and rescues a beautiful princess (a perfect hero story). Conceived in the elegant, decorative International Gothic style, the painting was originally the center of an altarpiece dedicated to Saint George that was apparently made for the chapel of the palace of the Catalan government in Barcelona.
伯纳特-马托雷尔(Bernat Martorell)是15世纪上半叶西班牙东北部加泰罗尼亚地区最伟大的画家。这里描绘的是关于圣乔治最广为流传的故事,身为模范基督教骑士,他拯救了小镇和美丽的公主(一个完美的英雄故事)。这幅画以精致、装饰性的国际哥特式风格构思,最初位于圣乔治祭坛的中心位置,显然是为巴塞罗那的加泰罗尼亚政府宫殿礼拜堂而绘。

Here Saint George, on his white steed, triumphs over the evil dragon. A wealth of precisely observed details intensifies the drama. Dressed in an ermine-lined robe, the princess wears a sumptuous gilt crown atop her wavy red-gold hair. Her parents and their subjects watch the spectacle from the distant town walls. George’s halo and armor and the scaly body of the dragon are richly modeled. Beautiful.

Here you can see a very different depiction of Saint George and the dragon, one coming from the Eastern tradition. Compare them and decide which you like better.
这里有另一幅对圣乔治和龙的截然不同的描绘,带有传统的东方风格。你可以比较一下它们,看看更喜欢哪一幅。We present today's painting thanks to the Art Institute of Chicago. : )
