Matrix For Engineering

Week1-2 Matrix

2020-03-18  本文已影响0人  忻恆

(PS. 此处的公式用的是MathJax)

1) Show using the transpose operator that any square matrix A can be written as the sum of a sym-

metric and a skew-symmetric matrix.

Ans : The square matrix {\rm A} + {\rm A}^{\rm T} is symmetric, and the square matrix {\rm A} - {\rm A}^{\rm T} is skew symmetric. 

Using these two matrices, we can write,{\rm A} = \frac{1}{2}\left( {\rm A}-{\rm A}^{\rm T}\right) +\frac{1}{2}\left( {\rm A}+{\rm A}^{\rm T}\right)

2) Inner product, dot-product

3) scaler :标量

4) orthogonal : 正交 {\rm U}^{\rm T}{\rm V} = 0,perpendicular, 垂直

5) the norm : \lVert {\rm U}\rVert=\left({\rm U}^{\rm T}{\rm U}\right) ^ \frac{1}{2}

    normalize: \lVert {\rm U}\rVert=1

6) orthogonal + normalize : orthonormal

7) outer product : {\rm U}{\rm V}^{\rm T} ,{\rm U}{\rm V}均为column vector

8) The trace of a square matrix B, denoted as {\rm Tr}\,{\rm B}:the sum of the diagonal elements of B

9) Inverse Matrix : {\rm A}{\rm A}^{\rm -1} ={\rm I}={\rm A}^{\rm -1} {\rm A}


