nylas/N1 💌 An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web.
black-screen/black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
shockone/black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
ptmt/react-native-macos React Native for macOS
docker/kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
kitematic/kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
davezuko/wirk-starter Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router!
TelescopeJS/Telescope 🔭An open-source social news app built with Meteor & React
coryhouse/react-slingshot React + Redux starter kit / boilerplate with Babel, hot reloading, testing, linting and a working example app, all built in
chentsulin/electron-react-boilerplate Live editing development on desktop app
este/este Starter kit for universal full–fledged React apps. One stack for browser, mobile, server.
metabase/metabase The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company 😋
MarshallOfSound/Google-Play-Music-Desktop-Player-UNOFFICIAL- A beautiful cross platform Desktop Player for Google Play Music
krasimir/react-in-patterns 📚 List of design patterns/techniques used while developing with React
henryboldi/felony 🔑🔥📈 Next Level PGP
sahat/megaboilerplate Handcrafted starter projects, optimized for simplicity and ease of use.
luin/medis Medis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis.
arkency/reactjs_koans Learn basics of React.js making the tests pass
bartonhammond/snowflake ❄️A React-Native Android iOS Starter App/ BoilerPlate / Example with Redux, RN Router, & Jest with the Snowflake Hapi Server running locally or on RedHat OpenShift for the backend
feross/webtorrent-desktop ❤️ Streaming torrent app for Mac, Windows, and Linux (BitTorrent/WebTorrent)
RickWong/react-isomorphic-starterkit Create an isomorphic React app in less than 5 minutes
andrewngu/sound-redux A Soundcloud client built with React / Redux
princejwesley/Mancy >_ Electron based NodeJS REPL 🙈
choonkending/react-webpack-node Your One-Stop solution for a full-stack universal Redux App!
reactGo/reactGo Your One-Stop solution for a full-stack universal Redux App!
willwhitney/hydrogen ✳️Run code inline in Atom using Jupyter kernels
getguesstimate/guesstimate-app Create Fermi Estimates and Perform Monte Carlo Estimates
fangwei716/30-days-of-react-native 30 days of React Native demos
draft-js-plugins/draft-js-plugins React Plugin Architecture for DraftJS including Slack-Like Emojis, FB-Like Mentions and Stickers
kern/filepizza <g-emoji alias="pizza" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🍕</g-emoji> Peer-to-peer file transfers in your browser
ekonstantinidis/gitify GitHub Notifications on your menu bar.
manosim/gitify GitHub Notifications on your menu bar.
mhart/react-server-example A simple example of how to do server-side rendering with React (no compilation needed)
pure-ui/styleguide An isolated development space with integrated fuzz testing for your components. See them individually, explore them in different states and quickly and confidently develop them.
n3-charts/line-chart Awesome charts for AngularJS.
sqren/fb-sleep-stats Use Facebook to track your friends’ sleeping habits
algolia/instantsearch.js⚡️ UI library for high performance instant search experiences using Algolia
titon/toolkit User interface components built on React.
gpbl/isomorphic500 A 500px app built with React and Fluxible with babeljs
ramsaylanier/WordpressExpress WordPress using Node, React, GraphQL, and Apollo
attentiveness/reading iReading App Write In React-Native
captbaritone/winamp2-js A reimplementation of Winamp 2.9 in HTML5 and Javascript
vulpino/jolteon💡 Babel + Electron + React + Browserify + SASS application stack. Electron Made Easy ™️
jessepollak/command ✒️Making the web better with Slack-like slash commands.
jaredpalmer/react-production-starter React Redux boilerplate with isomorphic rendering, async react-router routes, async redux reducers, async data fetching, and code-splitting.
davidkpiano/redux-simple-form Create forms easily in React with Redux.
jingweno/hacker-menu Hacker News Delivered to Desktop 👯
divad12/vim-awesome Awesome Vim plugins from across the universe
cloverfield-tools/universal-react-boilerplate A simple boilerplate Node app.
joshgeller/react-redux-jwt-auth-example Sample project showing possible authentication flow using React, Redux, React-Router, and JWT
relayjs/relay-starter-kit Barebones starting point for a Relay application.
7kfpun/FinanceReactNative iOS's Stocks App clone written in React Native for demo purpose (available both iOS and Android).
jhabdas/react-native-webpack-starter-kit <g-emoji alias="herb" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌿</g-emoji> Build your React Native app with Webpack and Babel
jitsi/jitsi-meet Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences
adobe-photoshop/spaces-design Adobe Photoshop Design Space
mxstbr/login-flow <g-emoji alias="key" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔑</g-emoji> A login/register flow built with React&Redux
abalone0204/Clairvoyance Make Taiwan a Better Place to Work
GordyD/3ree An example universal JS application written with the 3REE stack, React + Redux + RethinkDB + Express. A stack for building apps, front and back end, with just Javascript.
web-pal/DBGlass PostgreSQL client built with Electron.
ianobermiller/nuclearmail NuclearMail is an experiment of writing a webmail client using React and the Flux architecture. It runs completely in the browser and uses the GMail REST API.
joelburget/d4 Data-Driven Declarative Documents
jekyll/jekyll-admin A Jekyll plugin that provides users with a traditional CMS-style graphical interface to author content and administer Jekyll sites.
keen/explorer Data Explorer by Keen IO - point-and-click interface for analyzing and visualizing event data.
sahat/newedenfaces-react Character voting app for EVE Online
anorudes/redux-easy-boilerplate React redux easy boilerplate
gillesdemey/Cumulus <g-emoji alias="cloud" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">☁️</g-emoji> A SoundCloud player that lives in your menubar.
cdglabs/apparatus A hybrid graphics editor and programming environment for creating interactive diagrams.
ericelliott/react-pure-component-starter A pure component dev starter kit for React.
kuitos/ Kuitos's Blog…
mirumee/saleor An e-commerce storefront for Python and Django
fatiherikli/fil A playground for in-browser interpreters. Built with React/Redux.
jedireza/aqua <g-emoji alias="bulb" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💡</g-emoji> A website and user system starter
fatiherikli/klassify Bayesian Text classification service based on Redis. Built on top of Tornado and React.js
netlify/netlify-cms A CMS for Static Site Generators
manavsehgal/reactspeedcoding <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚀</g-emoji> Learn React with 30 reusable components, 15 chapters, and 3 single page apps. Fast start project with JavaScript ES6. React Hot Loading. React Router. Redux. PostCSS, FlexBox styling. Firebase database. Webpack packaging. Enzyme, Mocha, Chai BDD testing. ESLint and StyleLint. Browsersync.
poooi/poi Scalable KanColle browser and tool.
yudachi/poi Scalable KanColle browser and tool.
flipace/lovli.js A boilerplate for developing react+redux applications with rethinkdb/horizon as realtime database and express for the server.
lvarayut/relay-fullstack <g-emoji alias="point_up" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">☝️</g-emoji><g-emoji alias="running_man" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🏃</g-emoji> Relay Starter Kit - Integrated with Relay, GraphQL, Express, ES6/ES7, JSX, Webpack, Babel, Material Design Lite, and PostCSS
EragonJ/Kaku The next generation music client
sasha-alias/sqltabs Rich SQL console for Postrgesql.
mozilla/tofino Project Tofino is a browser interaction experiment.
zpratt/react-tdd-guide A series of examples on how to TDD React
vector-im/vector-web A glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web.
Widen/fullstack-react A simple, full-stack JavaScript single page app featuring React, Webpack, and Falcor
reactuate/reactuate React/Redux stack (not a boilerplate kit)
anvaka/pm package managers visualization
christianalfoni/webpack-bin A webpack code sandbox
web-perf/react-worker-dom Experiments to see the advantages of using Web Workers to Render React Virtual DOM
getsentry/freight Freight is a service which aims to make application deployments better.
nteract/composition <g-emoji alias="notebook" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📓</g-emoji> Interactive literate coding notebook!
groupon/DotCi DotCi Jenkins github integration, .ci.yml
alicoding/react-webpack-babel Simple React Webpack Babel Starter Kit
jkup/ <g-emoji alias="cry" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">😢</g-emoji> The codebase for
graphql-dotnet/graphql-dotnet GraphQL for .NET
Seedstars/django-react-redux-base Seedstars Labs Base Django React Redux Project
Seedstars/django-react-redux-jwt-base Seedstars Labs Base Django React Redux Project
bdefore/universal-redux An npm package that lets you jump right into coding React and Redux with universal (isomorphic) rendering. Only manage Express setups or Webpack configurations if you want to.
alanshaw/david-www <g-emoji alias="eyeglasses" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">👓</g-emoji> David helps keep your Node.js project dependencies up to date.
itchio/itch <g-emoji alias="video_game" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎮</g-emoji> The best way to play your games
itchio/itchio-app <g-emoji alias="video_game" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎮</g-emoji> The best way to play your games
Jon-Biz/simple-static-react-firebase Minimal boilerplate and configuration for the development of firebase websites with react & es6
bananaoomarang/isomorphic-redux Isomorphic Redux demo, with routing and async actions
simplyianm/ghfollowers [图片上传中...(image-8106af-1531972248650-13)]
Get GitHub followers.
salesforce-ux/theo A set of Gulp plugins for transforming and formatting Design Tokens
JedWatson/sydjs-site SydJS Meetup Website
taskrabbit/ReactNativeSampleApp Example app in React Native: sort of like twitter/tumblr
bensmithett/webpack-css-example Example repo showing a webpack CSS build
robotlolita/raven Raven is a minimal, distraction-free text editor with good typography.
jhen0409/react-chrome-extension-boilerplate Boilerplate for Chrome Extension React.js project
tmcw/stickshift A clean & modern SQL data interface.
febobo/react-native-redux-FeInn <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚀</g-emoji> react native redux FeInn 从零到1让你学会搭建一个APP
sotojuan/saga-login-flow A login/register flow built with React + Redux Saga
kohei-takata/learnyoureact Let's learn React.js and server side rendering!
ssbc/patchwork p2p social sharing
wbkd/react-starterkit Yet another react starterkit. Including react-router, reflux, jest, webpack, gulp and stylus.
crysislinux/chrome-react-perf An Operation Interface for react-addons-perf Package
javierbyte/cohesive-colors Tool that creates cohesive color schemes.
Wildhoney/ReactShadow <g-emoji alias="beginner" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔰</g-emoji> Utilise Shadow DOM in React with all the benefits of style encapsulation.
start-react/native-starter-kit React Native Starter App with NativeBase + CodePush + Redux
zalmoxisus/crossbuilder Building web, Electron, Cordova and Chrome apps, and cross-browser extensions with React, Redux and Webpack. 'Write once, deploy everywhere' concept in practice.
Qafoo/QualityAnalyzer Tool helping us to analyze software projects
jaruba/PowderPlayer Hybrid between a Torrent Client and a Player (torrent streaming) -
knowbody/redux-react-router-example-app Example blog like application
rewonc/pastalog Simple, realtime visualization of neural network training performance.
byte-foundry/prototypo Create your own font in a few clicks
jlyman/RN-NavigationExperimental-Redux-Example A small demonstration app showing how to use Redux to manage navigation state in a React Native (>0.21) application using NavigationExperimental
jvalen/pixel-art-react Pixel art animation and drawing web app powered by ReactJS
alecortega/palettable Create color palettes using the knowledge of millions of designers.
jhen0409/react-native-debugger The standalone app for React Native Debugger, with React DevTools / Redux DevTools
mantrajs/mantra-sample-blog-app A sample blog app built with Mantra
skevy/graphiql-app Light, Electron-based Wrapper around GraphiQL
carlosazaustre/universal-js-boilerplate A boilerplate to start universal (isomorphic) web applications
douglascorrea/react-hot-redux-firebase-starter <g-emoji alias="volcano" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌋</g-emoji> React + Redux + Firebase + Webpack + React Hot Loader 3 + React Router in one boilerplate
vutran/dext A smart launcher for Mac. Powered by JavaScript.
1egoman/backstroke <g-emoji alias="swimming_man" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🏊</g-emoji> A Github bot to keep repository forks up to date with their upstream.
voronianski/esnextbin <g-emoji alias="boom" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💥</g-emoji> Create browser programs in ES2015 code and import modules from NPM in browser
ghostwords/chameleon Browser fingerprinting protection for everybody.
Kilian/fromscratch Autosaving Scratchpad. A simple but smart note-taking app
ctrlplusb/react-universally A starter kit giving you the minimum requirements for a production ready universal react application.
crowi/crowi Crowi - Wiki
grigio/HAgnostic-News <g-emoji alias="fire" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔥</g-emoji> A simple Hacker News reader which is available for the Web and as React Native app (Android / iOS)
WRidder/react-spa Community site SPA based on ReactJS
richardkall/react-starter Starter kit for creating universal React applications.
azat-co/mongoui MongoDB admin UI server written in Node.js
raisemarketplace/ground-control Scalable reducer management & powerful data fetching for React Router & Redux.
bruz/react-native-redux-groceries A simple grocery list app with offline support, built with React Native, Redux, Firebase
bluedaniel/Kakapo-app <g-emoji alias="musical_note" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎵</g-emoji> [Web & Desktop] An open source ambient sound mixer
KeitIG/museeks A simple, clean and cross-platform music player
TrueCar/gluestick GlueStick is a command line interface for quickly developing universal web applications using React and Redux.
djfarrelly/timezone <g-emoji alias="globe_with_meridians" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌐</g-emoji> Keep track of your distributed team's timezones
nicksp/redux-webpack-es6-boilerplate A starter project for modern React apps with Redux
anthonydugois/polynom Generate SVG paths easily directly in your browser.
anthonydugois/svg-path-builder Generate SVG paths easily directly in your browser.
watson-developer-cloud/visual-recognition-nodejs <g-emoji alias="camera" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📷</g-emoji> Sample Node.js Application for the IBM Watson Visual Recognition Service
foxhound87/rfx-stack RFX Stack - Universal App featuring: React + Feathers + MobX
mcnamee/react-native-starter-app A React Native starter/boilerplate app to get started with Redux, a sidebar menu, navigation, a custom navbar, data persistence, data validation and more.
shoumma/Mister-Poster A social application where you can share your thoughts to friendship needed!!! Built with React Native.
caspg/ is a free and simple platform for creating visualizations with data maps
mhart/react-server-routing-example An example using universal client/server routing and data in React with AWS DynamoDB
hachibasu/koko Yet another IRC client for me and you <g-emoji alias="koko" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🈁</g-emoji>
stayradiated/ Create, view and edit terminal colorschemes.
touchstonejs/touchstonejs-starter Reference Touchstone App with examples of all UI components
codeforamerica/streetmix Design, remix, and share your neighborhood street.
luigiplr/netify-jump Netify Jump is a software-based system that effectively transforms your computer into a WiFi router and/or repeater.
stage88/react-weather A simple weather app built with React Native and Realm
Famous/famous-react-DEPRECATED [deprecated] MOVING TO COLD STORAGE SOON
antoinejaussoin/retro-board Retrospective Board
marmelab/admin-on-rest A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React
luandro/hapi-universal-redux Create an universal React and Redux app in less than 5 minutes!
mweststrate/mobservable-react-boilerplate Small project to quickly start with React, MobX, JSX, ES6, Babel
mweststrate/react-mobservable-boilerplate Small project to quickly start with React, MobX, JSX, ES6, Babel
ssorallen/turbo-react A JavaScript library that transitions between static HTML pages on navigation; no app server required.
JasonBai007/reactSPA Building SPA with React, Reflux, ES6, Fetch, Babel, Webpack, and Antd
AnotherNote/anote another markdown note (inspired by evernote)
airtoxin/Electron-React-Boilerplate No longer maintained.
thebakeryio/meteor-ddp-monitor ⚡Chrome Dev tools extension for Meteorjs apps
thebakeryio/meteor-devtools ⚡Chrome Dev tools extension for Meteorjs apps
ipfs/webui A frontend for IPFS
Capgemini/mesos-ui An alternative web UI for Apache Mesos, built with <g-emoji alias="heart" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">❤️</g-emoji> and React.JS
mjmlio/mjml-app <g-emoji alias="email" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">✉️</g-emoji> The desktop app for MJML
TheEvilCorp/OverReact Wireframing React projects with the functionality to boilerplate
Xantier/nerd-stack Hipsterer than MEAN stack. Node.js, Express, React and Database connectivity application skeleton
yohnz/maoyanFilm react-native app
vincentriemer/io-808 An attempt at a fully recreated web-based TR-808 drum machine.
redux-bootstrap/redux-bootstrap A bootstrap() function for initializing Redux applications.
Wildhoney/Keo Plain functions for a more functional Deku approach to creating stateless React components, with functional goodies such as compose, memoize, etc... for free.
barbar/vortigern A universal boilerplate for building web applications w/ TypeScript, React, Redux, Server Side Rendering and more.
togayther/react-native-cnblogs's mobile client powered by react-native
vesparny/marky A markdown editor built with Electron and React
clayallsopp/graphqlhub The GraphQLHub Server
mantrajs/meteor-mantra-kickstarter Kickstart your meteor mantra development
rangle/ng2-redux-starter Angular 2 Redux Starter Repo
BelinChung/react-native-hiapp HiApp written in react-native.
zalando/zappr An agent that enforces guidelines for your GitHub repositories
alwx/luno-react-native Cross-platform React Native application written in ClojureScript
reliablejs/reliable-master master part of the Reliable.
apache/cordova-docs Mirror of Apache Cordova docs
gaearon/react-blessed-hot-motion A console app demo using React for rendering, animation, and hot reloading
danjac/photoshare Learning app for Go and React
vesparny/react-kickstart just another react + webpack boilerplate
jslauthor/react-audio-component A beautiful example project demonstrating how to build an audio player in React.
LeoLeBras/react-native-redux-starter-kit <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚀</g-emoji> A starter boilerplate for a mobile app using React Native and Redux
romanmatiasko/reti-chess A lightweight, real-time chess app built in Node, Express, Socket.IO, React, Flux and Immutable.
willwhitney/jupyter-notebook-atom Jupyter Notebook, but inside Atom.
casesandberg/react-bounds <g-emoji alias="left_right_arrow" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">↔️</g-emoji> The Future of Media Queries
chentsulin/react-native-counter-ios-android Minimal implement of redux counter example on ReactNative iOS and Android
obscene/Obscene-Layout Layout Components for React based on Flexbox
rofrischmann/react-flex-kit Layout Components for React based on Flexbox
ragingwind/electron-devdocs DevdoGs, Unofficial Devdocs app
nikgraf/CarteJaune A React Native/Redux (+Saga) app to keep track of your vaccinations.
lynnaloo/mullet Mullet Stack: Facebook in the front. Walmart in the back. (React.js, Hapi, Node.js)
afonsopacifer/react-pomodoro <g-emoji alias="alarm_clock" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⏰</g-emoji> Pomodoro timer built with ReactJS.
Wildhoney/Standalone Create framework agnostic components that are truly reusable and interoperable with all the benefits of the React ecosystem – using the HTML5 custom elements API to extend HTML's vocabulary.
lelandrichardson/redux-entity WIP. An abstraction layer around handling normalized entity storage and data fetching with redux
accommodavid/spooky-react <g-emoji alias="skull" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💀</g-emoji> Unopinionated skeleton for front-end application building ft. React, ES2015, Browserify
dabbott/react-native-web-player Build and run react native apps in your browser!
lamosty/lexi A single-page WP React, Redux, React Router, WP REST API theme.
quran/ frontend
jeffposnick/create-react-pwa… + Progressive Web App goodness
embbnux/kails A Web App like Ruby on Rails with Koa2, Webpack and Postgres
hammerlab/pileup.js Interactive in-browser track viewer
schovi/webpack-chrome-extension Moved and redesigned into…
chute/turbine Relay-like REST-friendly Immutable-based React data library
oviava/react-redux-axios-example Example async data fetch with spinner
MicheleBertoli/react-worker Using Service Workers to render React components
ironhee/step-by-step-frontend step by step learning about frontend
putaindecode/ <g-emoji alias="ok_hand" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">👌</g-emoji> Putain de code ! is a place where you can read (and write) about best coding practices. High quality content, reviewed by the community.
putaindecode/ <g-emoji alias="ok_hand" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">👌</g-emoji> Putain de code ! is a place where you can read (and write) about best coding practices. High quality content, reviewed by the community.
ostera/tldr.jsx <g-emoji alias="books" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📚</g-emoji> A Reactive web client for tldr-pages
salesforce/runway-browser Interactive visualization framework for Runway models of distributed systems
SalesforceEng/runway-browser Interactive visualization framework for Runway models of distributed systems
tylermcginnis/react-router-firebase-auth Example of how to have protected routes with Firebase and React Router.
Coding/WebIDE-Frontend WebIDE 前端项目
joggerplus/ReactNativeRollingExamples react-native的一些example,目前支持iOS。另外收集了一份react-native学习列表
jsconfcn/ningjs The repository for the upcoming JavaScript Conference China 2016 aka NingJS
ngduc/react-setup A Universal React Setup with i18n: Babel 6, Koa 2, React, React Router, React Transmit, React Bootstrap, React-intl, Mocha, Isparta, Webpack 2, InlineCSS/PostCSS, ESLint, HTTPS & HTTP2.
burakcan/react-snowstorm A Snow Effect component for React.
mezod/boilerplate-koa-redux-react A boilerplate for a Koa Redux React application with Webpack, Mocha and SASS
rhysd/Trendy Menubar app to keep you in the loop of GitHub trends [图片上传中...(image-656576-1531972248649-12)]
azproduction/node-mc nmc – Midnight Commander written in React/Node stack.
kadira-samples/react-storybook-demo TodoMVC app with React Storybook
mobxjs/mobx-react-todomvc TodoMVC reference implementation on top of react-mobx-boilerplate
mweststrate/mobservable-react-todomvc TodoMVC reference implementation on top of react-mobx-boilerplate
ggordan/react-infinite-grid A React component which renders a grid of elements.
ipfs/station Electron Shell based IPFS app
iwgang/GankCamp-React-Native (干货集中营) react-native版本,同时支持Android和iOS
npms-io/npms-www The website
jhabdas/lumpen-radio <g-emoji alias="radio" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📻</g-emoji> React Native iOS app for WLPN-LP 105.5 Chicago
nikgraf/future-react-ui A Playground to investigate third-party React UI Lib Architecture
cpsubrian/redis-explorer Electron/React GUI for Redis
koajs/todo a todo example write with koa and react
xiaoyann/webpack-react-redux-es6-boilerplate 使用 webpack + react + redux + es6 的组件化前端项目(boilerplate)。
EleTeam/Shop-React-Native EleTeam开源项目 - 电商全套解决方案之 React Native 版 - Shop-React-Native。一个类似京东/天猫/淘宝的商城,有对应的服务端支持,由EleTeam团队维护!
florian/HNClient An awesome desktop client for Hacker News
gre/wavegl Generate Audio in the GPU and pipe to the Audio Card.
plecto/motorway Cloud ready pure-python streaming data pipeline library
mhart/simple-relay-starter A very simple starter for React Relay using Browserify
phiresky/nmap-log-parse Logs which devices are in your local network and draws graphs
tableau/webdataconnector Bring the data you care about into Tableau
MattMcFarland/reactathon boilerplate w/ React, Relay, React-Router, SSL, Express and Passport.
mesosphere/marathon-ui The web-ui for Marathon (…)
sqlectron/sqlectron-term A simple and lightweight SQL client terminal-based interface with cross database and platform support
paulhoughton/mortgage Mortgage overpayment calculator using React, Redux and D3 4.0
inaturalist/inaturalist The Rails app behind
b52/electron-es6-react Minimal demonstration how to use React and ES6 with Electron.
pepaar/typescript-webpack-react-flux-boilerplate React and Flux with TypeScript
PitchInteractiveInc/tilegrams Make hexagonally tiled cartograms
ZevenFang/react-native-redux-zhihudaily 使用react-native和redux重构的知乎日报demo
callumlocke/esbox <g-emoji alias="package" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📦</g-emoji> in a box
mapbox/team-directory A rolodex for teams
PitchInteractiveInc/hexagon-cartograms Make hexagonally tiled cartograms
rapind/grokphoto Professional photographer's client and booking management solution, as well as a gallery / portfolio to showcase your work.
n1k0/kept Personal notes as widgets, inspired by Google Keep
NebulousLabs/Sia-UI A Graphical Frontend for Sia -
cheton/cnc A web-based interface for CNC milling controller running Grbl or TinyG2.
rauschma/react-starter-project Minimal starter project for React: webpack + hot module reloading + ES6 and JSX via Babel
SummitRoute/react-structured-filter (unmaintained) Javascript library that provides autocompleted faceted search queries for React.
dcos/dcos-ui The UI for The Datacenter Operating System
fazo96/ipfs-boards a truly distributed social platform for the browser with no backend and no external applications required
omnidan/redux-undo-boilerplate <g-emoji alias="recycle" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">♻️</g-emoji> <g-emoji alias="wrench" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔧</g-emoji> a magical boilerplate with hot reloading and awesome error handling™
dferber90/webapp-starter-pack [Experimental, WIP] A base for building modern, performant, huge web apps.
Adphorus/react-summary Makes inline summaries for collections
alexkuz/webpack-chart Webpack Chart
bemusic/bemuse Web-based online rhythm game. No plugins, just HTML5 APIs and lots of open source libraries.
meteor/simple-todos-react A repository that follows the React tutorial step-by-step
cfsghost/lantern Basic Isomorphic Boilerplate for secondary development
philschatz/gh-board [图片上传中...(image-3af357-1531972248648-11)]
Serverless Kanban for GitHub Issues using gh-pages
circuitsim/circuit-simulator An interactive electronic simulator
javierbyte/clashjs Javascript AI battle game.
kadira-samples/react-graphql-todos Simple Todo App with React and GraphQL
seethroughtrees/react-ux-password-field A modern password field.
maputnik/editor Visual Map Editor for Mapbox GL
wellyshen/react-cool-starter <g-emoji alias="sunglasses" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">😎</g-emoji> A starter boilerplate for an universal web app with the best development experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
rileyjshaw/challenger <g-emoji alias="computer" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💻</g-emoji> Pop-up JavaScript challenges in your browser
ipselon/sdr-bootstrap-prepack Spring Data REST & React
mozilla-services/pageshot An experiment in creating better shareable versions of content
prakhar1989/react-surveyman SurveyMan in React
gcedo/react-solitaire React implementation of the famous solitaire card game
winterbe/spring-kotlin-react-demo Demo Webapp using SpringBoot, Kotlin and React.js
sskyy/redux-task A simple Side Effects manager for redux.
lukasmartinelli/postgis-editor An accessible PostGIS query editor and visualizer.
okoala/react-redux-antd React & Redux & Ant.Design
Rebelizer/pellet Isomorphic framework using react, nodejs, and love
sgwilym/relay-visual-learners An overview of the Relay framework for visually-minded people.
Swizec/react-particles-experiment An experiment to see if you can make a particle generator in redux+react+d3.
callemall/material-ui-webpack-example Webpack example for Material-UI
importre/anim-icons Animated icons implemented using AnimatedVectorDrawable.
keokilee/react-typescript-boilerplate Boilerplate project for setting up Typescript and React with Babel and Webpack.
studiointeract/accounts-ui Accounts UI for React in Meteor 1.3
artsy/emission React Native Components
fuzz-productions/Mortar-JS A React-powered framework that provides building blocks to craft and customize powerful data management tools for the web.
kjda/react-topui Topcoat components using reactjs
LeoAJ/react-iTunes-search <g-emoji alias="musical_note" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎵</g-emoji>Simple web app for itunes search with React
nightwolfz/mobx-starter React + RR4 + Mobx + Isomorphic starter.
reactnativecn/ home site.
Theadd/react-panels React.js panel widget with support for tabs, toolbars, buttons and customizable themes
Khan/react-render-server A node.js server for server-side rendering Khan Academy react components
r7kamura/retro-twitter-client A retro twitter client.
Bertrand31/Monitaure A server uptime monitoring progressive web application
btomashvili/react-redux-firebase-boilerplate React, Redux, Firebase Boilerplate
chriz001/Reacteroids A implementation of the classic Asteroids game using React and Canvas in es6
searchkit/searchkit-demo Example imdb search using elasticsearch, searchkit, typescript, react and webpack
tyage/slack-patron Log and view all Slack messages.
brijeshb42/kattappa A block based rich text editor.
jpush/jpush-react-plugin JPush's officially supported React Native plugin (Android & iOS). 极光推送官方支持的 React Native 插件(Android & iOS)。
mulgore/kodo React UI Library so easy used in mobile, Demo Style UI
rnplay/rnplay-web Rails application for the React Native Playground website
transedward/relay-chat an chat example showing Relay with routing and pagination
FDA/ openFDA web site.
grabcode/react-native-web-starter Starter for a React Native for Web project (RN4Web)
noraesae/pen We need a better Markdown previewer.
tomatau/breko-hub Babel React Koa Hot Universal Boilerplate
WhiteBlue/bilibili-react [废弃中,待填坑]
jhen0409/react-native-boilerplate The React Native, Redux boilerplate for personal usage
misterfresh/react-drive-cms Publish articles directly from Google Drive to your blog with React JS
VictorBjelkholm/atom-react-preview <g-emoji alias="hotsprings" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">♨️</g-emoji> Preview your React components directly in React, with mutable props!
marduke182/twitch-redux A basic Twitch Client using React and Redux (Similar to project).
eiriklv/hearsay-frontend Hearsay frontend application
Limenius/symfony-react-sandbox Example of integration with React and Webpack for universal (isomorphic) React rendering, using Limenius/ReactBundle.
pubpub/pubpub PubPub: Open publishing
Osmose/advanced-open-file Open files and folders in Atom easily.
saikat/react-apollo-starter-kit A production-ready starter kit for making a React/Apollo application.
tofuness/Toshocat Track and Discover your favorite Anime and Manga on your desktop
lelandrichardson/enzyme-example-mocha Example project with React + Enzyme + Mocha
nsisodiya/flux-inside-web-workers React Flux inside Web Workers
thomaspark/fontcdn Search tool for Google Fonts
bertho-zero/react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
gilbox/vizone Application-flow Graphing
juliancwirko/scotty Meteor-React-Redux boilerplate with sGrid system (Stylus/Flexbox)
mozillascience/PaperBadger Issuing badges to credit authors for their work on academic papers
mweststrate/mobservable-react-typescript Minimal boilerplate for a single-page app using React, TypeScript, TSX, Webpack
ghemingway/cad.js Web-based CAD file viewer
keyanzhang/code-only-hacker-news <g-emoji alias="cat" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🐱</g-emoji> Trending GitHub repos on Hacker News.
keyanzhang/ <g-emoji alias="cat" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🐱</g-emoji> Trending GitHub repos on Hacker News.
mastermoo/rn-emoji-feedback Demo of a Rating Component written in React Native
mic159/react-render Server-side rendering of React components for python Django
mozilla/activity-streams MVP prototype add-on for activity streams
watson-developer-cloud/natural-language-classifier-nodejs See how the classifier service uses natural language to determine the intent behind your question. Ask a question about the weather, and watch as the service classifies the intent as 'temperature' or 'condition' related.
xkawi/react-universal-saga Universal React Starter Kit ft. Redux Saga
fraserxu/react-testing-recipes <g-emoji alias="memo" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📝</g-emoji> A list of recipes to testing your React code
martinhoefling/molten Molten is a WebUI for the REST API exposed by Saltstack.
slashdotdash/phoenix-react-redux-example Phoenix framework example using React and Redux
xkawi/create-react-app-now Hello, create-react-app, meet Zeit's awesome service.
deepsweet/valya <g-emoji alias="heavy_check_mark" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">✔️</g-emoji> Higher-Order Component for validation in React
robertknight/passcards A 1Password-compatible command-line and web-based password manager
tegon/traktflix + Netflix = <g-emoji alias="heart" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">❤️</g-emoji>
tomastrajan/react-typescript-webpack Seed for building React app using Typescript and Webpack build using FLUXless architecture
djhi/my-nutrition A Meteor application using Webpack, React and Redux for nutritionists who coach people.
andrewtelnov/surveyjs JavaScript Survey Engine
arkverse/react-v Easy, intuitive velocityjs animations for React
ForbesLindesay/react-data-fetching-demo A demo of different ways of doing data fetching in react
lmammino/judo-heroes A React application to showcase rendering with Universal JavaScript
Zacqary/rubix A Rubik's Cube built with CSS Animations, React, and Redux
danjac/podbaby Personal podcast web client
davefp/handsome A node-backed, react-based dashboard framework.
dwqs/tech-read Grab tech articles daily from UGC communities
jerryshew/react-component some react components
slambert/Add-Art Add-Art is a Firefox plugin that replaces ads on websites with rotating curated art images. See also:… and Safari coming soon...
stevenvachon/handlebars-react Compile Handlebars templates to React (Node.js)
antonycourtney/tabli A Window and Tab Manager for Google Chrome
kadira-samples/rethinking-redux-demo A simple way to manage routing in Redux
spapas/react-tutorial A react-tutorial
Bernie-2016/ground-control Central volunteer and data portal
chen844033231/react-workflow Large SPA boilerplate use react redux webpack babel es6 express browsync nodemon...
hAPPckathon/20v An app to enjoy a music channel with your favorite videos
jcouyang/transdux managing React states with pubsub channel and transducers
vdom-benchmark/vdom-benchmark Virtual DOM Benchmark
alrighty/react-universal-starter-kit React, React-Router, Redux, GraphQL, Webpack, CSS Modules, Universal Starter Kit
geremih/PogoMap PoGo Map using React Native
n7best/react-weui [UNMAINTAINED]weui third party react components
yelouafi/redux-saga-beginner-tutorial Redux/Redux-saga beginner tutorial
1egoman/funnies <g-emoji alias="stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">😜</g-emoji> Make users laugh when your app loads.
dorsha/login-modal-react-redux Implementing a smart Login Modal with Redux, reselect and ReactJS
Jon-Biz/simple-static-react Minimal boilerplate and configuration for the development of static react & es6 sites
lawrence0819/neptune-front Neptune - Docker Web UI
metamaps/metamaps A deployable web platform for collaborative conversation, ideation & sense-making. Use it for free at
ndreckshage/isomorphic Command-line interface and project structure for fast, isomorphic webapps with React + Flux
neos/neos-ui Neos CMS UI written in ReactJS with Immutable data structures.
nazar/soapee-ui A ReactJS UI for
recharts/reanimate react animation
stevenhauser/i-have-to-return-some-videotapes Collect and return your videotapes that are scattered about the woods
mgechev/react-reorderable [DEPRECATED] Simple react sortable component (for more advanced cases use react-dnd).
timkurvers/wowser World of Warcraft in the browser using JavaScript and WebGL
wowserhq/wowser World of Warcraft in the browser using JavaScript and WebGL
jcouyang/react-most Declarative Monadic Reactive State Container for React
jonathan-potter/webgl-shaders More Fractal Stuff!
nkbt/esnext-quickstart Bring compilation and code validation to your front-end development process
bishopZ/kabuki a React.js Boilerplate for Web Animators
bishopZ/kabuki-motion a React.js Boilerplate for Web Animators
cdaniel/wardleymapstool A tool to create, manage and analyze Wardley Maps.
hden/reduxscript React + Redux + Datascript (with undo & redo)
lucified/lucify-refugees A visualization of the flow of asylum seekers to European countries from 2012 onwards.
lukephills/Theremin <g-emoji alias="mega" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📣</g-emoji> Browser based Theremin emulator using web audio, react and typescript
rvikmanis/fastflux [Project discontinued. Use Redux for state management!]
SamLebarbare/redux-theme Theme and styles injections via redux store
dburrows/draft-js-basic-html-editor Basic HTML editor using draft.js - html in, html out
dianpou/dianpou Dianpou is an open-source e-commerce software with a focus on simplicity written in Laravel & React JS. Unlike Magento/Shopify/Spree/... for general purpose, It's focus on those who create incredible products and would selling it through their own offical online store
hipertracker/react-es7 React + Flow types + routing + ES6 with experimental ES7 syntax + Reflux + Semantic-UI
hung-phan/all-hail-the-R Boilerplate for Koa & React
hung-phan/koa-react-isomorphic Boilerplate for Koa & React
jackypan1989/pokemon-go-desktop Desktop app for utilizing Pokemon GO
KevinOfNeu/xReddit <g-emoji alias="jack_o_lantern" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎃</g-emoji> Reddit app writing in react-native + redux !
kudos/ <g-emoji alias="loud_sound" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔊</g-emoji> Make sharing from music services better.
lelandrichardson/enzyme-example-karma-webpack Example project with React + Enzyme + Karma + Webpack
ufocoder/redux-universal-boilerplate Boilerplate for react universal (isomorphic) application based on flux architecture (redux implementation)
unclecheese/silverstripe-kickassets KickAssets module for asset management in SilverStripe 3
billgathen/pentaphone Browser-based music performance tool
brewfactory/BrewUI Common User Interface for the BrewCore and BrewBerry projects.
ivanzotov/react-native-example React Native / Redux Example
leader22/ika-maker スーパーイカメーカー
RSpace/aframe-meetup-example Simple example of building a virtual reality scene using A-Frame, React, Redux and data from Meetup
y-a-r-g/color-themes Next generation of the site about color themes for IDEs
GitbookIO/styleguide HTML/CSS Style Guide
hapijs-edge/ Searchable database of hapi plugins!
localnerve/react-pwa-reference A project boilerplate and reference example of a universal, reactiflux, progressive web application
reindexio/reindex-starter-kit A quickstart template for building an app with React, Relay and Reindex
teesloane/snippet-bar A desktop menubar app for copying, pasting and re-using text snippets
viatsko/lyn Lyn: The Elixir CMS
xujinyang/CoderCalendar 程序员老黄历 use react-native for both android and is
auth0/react-flux-debug-actions-sample This repository shows how you can use Flux actions to reproduce your user's issues in your own browser
bmathews/menubar-calendar WIP electron google calendar app
collingo/react-transition-manager A robust transition component for React projects
lancetw/react-isomorphic-bundle React Redux Universal (isomorphic) bundle
nordsoftware/react-starter Our starter template for immutable React applications with Redux.
oreqizer/reactizer The most hipster React and React Native boilerplate! <g-emoji alias="smiling_imp" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">😈</g-emoji>
react-webpack-generators/react-webpack-template Simple react webpack template
rnplay/rnplay-native iOS, Android and packager builds for running apps on
stormpath/stormpath-express-react-example Fullstack example application, using React, Express.js, and Stormpath
weblogixx/react-webpack-template Simple react webpack template
anildigital/ruby-operators Webpage to show interesting names of different Ruby operators.
DevAlien/dripr-ui interface
Faithlife/sdc-portal A user-centric client for Joyent's SmartDataCenter.
icelab/berg The new, built with dry-rb, rom-rb and Roda
jch254/audio-insights Audio insights derived from your Spotify library using React and Redux-saga
jkettmann/relay-authentication An example app demonstrating role based authentication and file upload with Relay and GraphQL.
keathley/webpack-react-skeleton Quickly build a React app with Webpack
luqin/webpack-echarts-starter-kit <g-emoji alias="chart_with_downwards_trend" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📉</g-emoji> Starter template for ECharts with webpack and React.
moonwave99/playa The OS X Audio Player that thinks in albums.
PlatziDev/react-url A React.js High-Order Component and decorator for parsing and resolving URLs inside your application.
RisingStack/graffiti-todo Example Relay TodoMVC application using graffiti-mongoose
tobinbradley/Mecklenburg-County-GeoPortal The source code for Mecklenburg County's GeoPortal.
jovey-zheng/react-start-kit A boilerplate of SPA, built with React.js, Webpack, ES6+, Redux, Router, Babel, Express, Ant Design...
kuuup/mobx-ssr-example Server-side rendering with mobx and react-router
nkbt/react-component-template Base for React Components
passy/react-pokemon A React component for displaying Pokémon
RobCoIndustries/pipboy <g-emoji alias="beginner" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔰</g-emoji> Experimental pipboy Desktop app for Fallout 4
taskandtool/saas-starter Starter SaaS app with React/Meteor/Webpack
vesparny/flux-immutable-example A trivial example app with flux, flummox, react-router, webpack and Immutable.js
ziaochina/reactMonkey 基于react,redux,immutable探索
azu/pdf-markdown-annotator [nw.js] pdf viewer + markdown editor
barbuza/react-redux-relay sample app using
together in one component -
cine-io/cineio-meetups Full video/audio/text chat example app using peer sdk.
dooly-ai/draft-js-typeahead Typeaheads for Draft.js inspired by <g-emoji alias="telescope" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔭</g-emoji>
Legitcode/scheduler A pure React implementation of a drag and drop scheduler
mattdennewitz/react-helmet-example A no-frills example of using react, react-router, and react-helmet together in a universal context
moroshko/accessible-colors Automatically find the closest accessible color combination
olegakbarov/react-component-boilerplate React component boilerplate with Babel 6, Webpack and Flow
ui-router/visualizer UI-Router state visualizer and transition visualizer
cllu/Semantic-Resume HTML resume with semantic markups
codeocelot/react-reflux-webpack-starter Get started using React, Reflux & Webpack today.
colinmeinke/universal-js A universal Javascript starter kit inc. React, Redux, Redux Dev Tools, Universal Redux Router, CSS Modules, hot module reloading, Babel for ES2015+ and ESLint
jacobrosenthal/react-wizard React Wizard component
netguru/people PeopleApp: easily manage people within the projects!
reactioncommerce/launchdock Automated orchestration tool built with Meteor.js that uses Docker and Rancher.
toddlucas/react-tsx-starter Isomorphic React TypeScript Starter Project
wxyyxc1992/Webpack-Boilerplate 面向React+Redux+Webpack的单项目多应用脚手架
alanrsoares/redux-game-of-life An educational implementation of Conway's Game of Life using React and Redux
crubier/react-graph-vis A react component to render nice graphs using vis.js
mozilla/ This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
mozilla/ This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
mukeshsoni/frolic Learn elm faster and in a fun way
QianmiOpen/react-async-router react-router async loading component
thejameskyle/react-stylish <g-emoji alias="ribbon" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎀</g-emoji> Make your React component style-able by all
andrewliebchen/reacticons File icons with React and SVG
azu/mini-flux mini flux implementation
geosolutions-it/MapStore2 Modern webmapping with OL3, Leaflet and React
IBM-Bluemix/election-insights Sentiment analysis and visualization on all things election
kauffecup/news-insights Sentiment analysis and visualization on all things election
sketchglass/respass Websocket-based Chat System
webpack/analyse-tool A tool to analyse your webpack build result. It allows to browse the compilation and points out options to optimize the build.
codingforme/react-native-demo-news 一个相对比较完整的React Native应用示例,一个新闻发布类型的应用。
drone/drone-ui React front-end for the Drone continuous integration server
glennreyes/react-countup A configurable React component wrapper around CountUp.js to count up numbers.
richard-lopes/webpack-example Example project using Webpack, React and Flux (Alt.js)
roybailey/sparkjava-retrofit-react Demonstration of Java8 running SparkJava web application with ReactJS via Nashorn and tested with Retrofit
spring-raining/Giraf Powerful & Free GIF Creator
claudiopro/2048-react <g-emoji alias="video_game" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎮</g-emoji> A React implementation of the popular 2048 game by Gabriele Cirulli
gcanti/tcomb-react-bootstrap Type checking for react-bootstrap [DEPRECATED]
jkup/webpack-react-starter <g-emoji alias="boom" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💥</g-emoji> A starter template for webpack and react
MadeInHaus/react-flux-gulp-starter An isomorphic boilerplate for building React/Fluxible apps using Gulp and ES6.
olahol/viewdiff <g-emoji alias="ledger" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📒</g-emoji> view your diffs in a separate window.
wpioneer/gatsby-starter-lumen Simple starter for Gatsby
build-canaries/nevergreen <g-emoji alias="baby_chick" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🐤</g-emoji> A build monitor with attitude
dawsonbotsford/vimrcBuilder vimrc creation made easy
ENCODE-DCC/encoded Metadata database for ENCODE 3
mantrajs/mantra-dialogue Discourse-style forum app using Meteor, React, and Mantra
mayankchd/react-text-emoji React text to Emoji Component!
mikechabot/react-boilerplate A slightly opinionated yet dead simple boilerplate for ReactJS
pbeshai/react-express-example A basic example of using Express and Facebook's React for both client-side and server-side rendering.
survivejs-demos/webpack-demo 'SurviveJS - Webpack' demo project
Swizec/h1b-software-salaries Using React and d3.js, I built a visualisation of H1B salaries in the software industry.
vijos/vj4 Next generation Vijos. Built with asyncio on Python 3.5.
alexmingoia/pux-starter-app Starter Pux application using webpack with hot-reloading and time-travel debug using pux-devtool.
coryhouse/react-tour-of-heroes Implementation of Angular 2's 'Tour of Heroes' Tutorial in React
fiatjaf/coisas [ABANDONED]
JARR-aggregator/JARR The official @github repository of the Newspipe software. A web news aggregator and reader.
JARR/JARR The official @github repository of the Newspipe software. A web news aggregator and reader.
jpsierens/webpack-react-redux-react-router A boilerplate for playing around with react, redux and react-router with the help of webpack.
likethemammal/daisywheeljs The Steam 'Big Picture' Daisywheel ported to JS and CSS. Supports Gamepad API.
uken/react-countdown-timer A timer component for React that counts down to zero for a specified number of milliseconds.
zhxnlai/react-webgl-globe-basic-example WebGL Globe basic example in react
Darmody/DoubanFMac A beautiful mac desktop application for Douban FM
fuglu/react-redux-boilerplate Minimal configuration of the most essential tools
marconi/ExtPlaylist External Youtube playlists built with React Native + Redux.
mizchi-sandbox/arda-starter-project mizchi/arda starter project
planttheidea/remeasure Get position and size attributes for any React Component
qianjiahao/ES6-dev JavaScript 2015 开发/生产环境
qianjiahao/webpack-babel-react-development-tools JavaScript 2015 开发/生产环境
rofrol/react-starter-kit React starter kit - no need for grunt/gulp/gloop/glugle/gleffy/gloran/whatever task runner comes out next week
shaqihe/sunweb 是一个react小demo,构建工具是gulp+webpack,后台是爬虫提供的数据
wuct/raspicam-live It's a live streaming webcam built around Raspberry, Node.js, and React.
wwsun/react-es6-tutorial A react.js with ES6 tutorial.
RinconStrategies/react-run - The fastest way to create React components, right in the browser
ShanghaitechGeekPie/fresh 上海科技大学新生生存手册
AjuntamentdeBarcelona/ Decidim Barcelona - Direct and participatory democracy web platform
cjdell/web-blocks WebGL Block Building inspired by Minecraft Pi Edition
contacts-mvc/mobx-react-typescript React + MobX + TypeScript = ✔︎
corbt/HNReact Experimental Hacker News Android client implemented with React Native
dtysky/MoeNotes A simple note application.
Gargron/xmpp-web A modern XMPP client for the web
georgeOsdDev/react-web-notification React component with HTML5 Web Notification API
Izzimach/r3test Demo/example of an app using react-three
laconalabs/ demo website
lonelyplanet/rizzo-next The evolution of Lonely Planet's pattern library.
mike-engel/bkmrkd Bkmrkd is a self-hosted, lightweight bookmarking service run on node.js and rethinkdb
mxenabled/mx-react-components A library of generic React components used at MX
runinspring/ruffhelper Ruff 开发辅助工具,把常用的 rap 命令可视化操作
steida/songary Your own song book. Check… instead.
transistorsoft/rn-background-geolocation-demo Demo app for react-native-background-geolocation plugin
aaronkaka/commonjs-react-components POC for CommonJS-wrapped evented web components, powered by React.
alexaivars/isomorphic-react Example app to demonstrate isomorphic JavaScript using react, react-router and fluxible-app
arcseldon/react-babel-webpack-starter-app Starter application that uses the following technologies: * React * React Router * Flux * Node * Webpack * Bootstrap
Automattic/woocommerce-connect-client WooCommerce Connect is a feature plugin, currently in Alpha, that integrates the WooCommerce Connect SaaS into WooCommerce (2.6), Alpha includes real time USPS and Canada Post shipping rates and introduces our React based UI.
BrandNewCongress/website Brand New Congress website!
freeqaz/redux-simple-router-example This is a simple example of how to use redux-simple-router.
hojberg/mastering-react Mastering React sample application
J-F-Liu/webpack-react-boilerplate A boilerplate for using webpack and react.
jaredsohn/mutetab MuteTab Chrome extension
na2hiro/Kifu-for-JS JavaScriptで動く将棋の棋譜再生盤とそのブックマークレット
tech-dojo/react-showcase Isomorphic React Web App Demo with Material UI
xing/hops Instant React, Redux, Webpack and Babel...
Janekk/Battleships Battleships html5 game
KrateLabs/KrateLabs-App KrateLabs Application
loggur/lumbur Boilerplate w/ generator for building universal, extendable, and reusable React applications with
. -
lyef/lyef-react-component An opinionated boilerplate for reusable and decoupled react components.
MetaMask/metamask-plugin <g-emoji alias="globe_with_meridians" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌐</g-emoji> <g-emoji alias="electric_plug" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔌</g-emoji> metamask chrome extension
mtford90/red-hot-react A gloriously opinionated boilerplate for ReactJS with a focus on developer workflow for rapid development and delivery
mxstbr/ A searchable catalog of PostCSS plugins —
outoftime/learnpad An HTML/CSS/JavaScript editor for use in the classroom
popcodeorg/popcode An HTML/CSS/JavaScript editor for use in the classroom
ayoubdev/reactjs-isomorphic-starterkit An isomorphic React boilerplate with Webpack, React Router and React Hot Loader
chunghe/React-Native-Stock-Chart tutorial about building stock charts using victory-chart-native
davezuko/webpack-boilerplate Boilerplate to get up and running with an easily configurable Webpack build system.
janoist1/universal-react-redux-starter-kit Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router! - With universal rendering!
jasonslyvia/react-redux-async-example A react, redux, ajax working example
kiberpipa/weenerd web weechat relay client
meteor/relay-runtime-query Use Relay in dev mode without compiling your query strings ahead of time
pierreavizou/universal-routed-flux-demo The code in this repo is intended for people who want to get started building universal flux applications, with modern and exciting technologies such as Reactjs, React Router and es6.
projectstorm/react-diagrams a diagramming library written in react
sysgears/apollo-fullstack-starter-kit Apollo Universal Starter Kit — Universal web app boilerplate with Hot Code Reload for backend and frontend, stack: Apollo, GraphQL, React.js, Express, Knex, SQLite, Twitter Bootstrap, Babel, Webpack
unknownexception/tryflow Try a static type checker for JavaScript
videojs/ The Video.js Website
AdaptiveConsulting/react-flex-layout Simple layouts for full screen React applications
camjackson/ Code for my personal website -
camjackson/writeitdown Code for my personal website -
dailymotion/react-collider Isomorphic React apps done the good way
dherault/Aquest React server-side rendering on AWS λ
GeorgioWan/Oi A WYSIWYG Editor to create slides in impress.js.
jongold/goldOS <g-emoji alias="zap" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⚡️</g-emoji><g-emoji alias="sparkles" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">✨</g-emoji> beep boop
m0g/ansel Digital image organizer powered by the web
sonyan/react-wysiwyg-editor A bootstrap-style react component for wysiwyg editor
stanleycyang/react-bible-boilerplate The ReactJS Bible
tlackemann/hubert Machine-learning for the Phillips Hue
wssgcg1213/koa2-react-isomorphic-boilerplate (ES2015) koa2 + koa-router7 with react + react-router + redux + server-side-render isomorphic boilerplate, develop with hot module replacement (HMR) both support koa-router & react-router.
arkency/react_flux_alt_immutable_todolist A simple example of React + Flux + Alt + Immutable.js in action.
bigjko/cwine Cwine - Comic Twine Tool
erikschlegel/sails-rx-react-js Rx Reactified Sails application using Bootstrap 3
finom/github-embed Embed code from Github on HTML page
GitbookIO/plugin-disqus Disqus comments on your books
HireVue/hv-react-calendar Fancy calendar component for use with ReactJS.
ipeychev/alloyeditor-react-component An example usage of AlloyEditor on the server and in the browser
jmeas/moolah Track your finances (work in progress)
livoras/MVW-demos Sample Codes for Model-View-Whatever Patterns
LunaGao/cnblog-electron cnblogs electron客户端
malditogeek/gitter-react Gitter client using isomorphic React
pka/ol3-react-example Basic OpenLayers 3 + React example
saschwarz/react-svgpathplayer A ReactJS player component for animating and stepping through SVG paths.
Swizec/react-d3-enter-exit-transitions A proof of concept exploration of using d3js transitions in a React visualization.
t-mw/citygen Procedural city generation demo
tangrams/tangram-play GUI editor for Tangram scenes
Termina1/react-shower Shower presentation engine running on React
tommy351/redux-example A universal (isomorphic) web application example powered by Redux.
willmendesneto/build-checker-app Application using ReactJS + NodeJS for to monitor build/deploy status in your Continuous Integration server
yuroyoro/administa The administration console framework/generator
jeroencoumans/react-fullscreen-component Simple component that let's you create fullscreen toggles
Lambda-CDM/react-material-dashboard Material design admin dashboard powered with React
limscoder/react-present A simple framework for creating presentations using React components for slides.
micrum/react-material-dashboard Material design admin dashboard powered with React
NiGhTTraX/react-test-buffet Complete example of testing React components with Mocha, Chai and Sinon, running the tests in real browsers using Karma and Browserify and generating code coverage with Istanbul
RedgooseDev/PhotoLayoutEditor 사진 레이아웃을 편집하는 웹 프로그램입니다.
rodrigopivi/PlayApp A boilerplate chat application on top of React, React-Native, Relay, GraphQL, RethinkDB and Typescript
scaphold-io/react-relay-starter-kit's Starter Kit for building React-Relay apps
wmaurer/react-transform-boilerplate-ts A new Webpack boilerplate with hot reloading React components written in Typescript
zupzup/reactgym Workout-Tracking app built in ES6 using react, flux and ImmutableJS
BetaRabbit/react-redux-antd-starter A React + Redux + Ant-Design frontend boilerplate
colleenjoyce/react-paginator A Paginator Component for Reactjs
Developer-Autodesk/library-javascript-viewer-extensions A collection of various JavaScript extensions for the viewer
dwyl/learn-aws-iot <g-emoji alias="bulb" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💡</g-emoji> Learn how to use Amazon Web Services Internet of Things (IoT) service to build connected applications.
g0v/ 行政院法規線上諮詢系統 界面 2.0
GeReV/mpdisco A team-controlled music server based on mpd.
greim/es6-boilerplate React, iojs, koa, gulp, browserify, ES6, babel, boilerplate SPA.
Jon-Biz/simple-static-react-router Following on from simple-static-react, this adds a hash-based router to a straightforward ES6/react setup
netguru/props PropsApp: say thank you in a geeky way!
sogko/todomvc-relay-go React/Relay TodoMVC app, driven by a Golang GraphQL backend
ThrivingKings/animo A powerful little tool for managing transitions and animations with JavaScript
chriskjaer/react-lorem-image Placeholder images for your React prototypes.
garbles/react-pebble-demo This is a proof of concept demo for my VanJS Talk, 'React.js: Beyond the Browser'. [图片上传中...(image-b13903-1531972248641-10)]
heartnotes/heartnotes Personal diary app - in-browser, encrypted, zero-knowledge authentication
hiddentao/heartnotes Personal diary app - in-browser, encrypted, zero-knowledge authentication
lianliu/LianBlog This is the repo of my personal blog.
mistadikay/react-auto-fetching-example <g-emoji alias="construction" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚧</g-emoji> An example of React application using Baobab cursors to describe data dependencies in components with auto-fetching
mozilla/ Mozilla donation forms
posabsolute/redux-form-validator An es6 middleware to validate controlled and uncontrolled inputs with react & redux
poshaughnessy/react-three-demo A demo that uses @Izzimach's react-three library
pugnascotia/spring-react-boilerplate An example of an isomorphic application using Java + Spring with React, React Router and Redux
saiichihashimoto/feathers-react-redux Unofficial Feathers bindings for React-Redux
watchout-tw/react-ask-app isomorhpic app for asking candidates with policies
winterbe/react-samples Just a bunch of React.js examples
yuyang041060120/react-router-demo 公司内部订餐系统,采用ReactRouter重构
zedtux/kitematic The easiest way to start using Docker on Linux, Mac & Windows
adcentury/react-mobile-picker An iOS like select box component for React
antoinejaussoin/react-vr-player VR / 360° Video Player as a React Component
auth0/relay-auth Code sample of the Auth0 Relay tutorial
chrisvxd/firestation A simple, configurable admin interface for Firebase, built on React.
ericclemmons/mvc-to-react Eric Clemmons' Space City JS 2015 talk – 'Moving from MVC to React'
insin/ideas-md A float-to-the-top ideas log built with React
JedWatson/react-context-example An example / test / playpen looking at how Context works in React.js
jendela/jendela Ulasan layanan publik yang transparan
karmats/gocd-dashboard Build monitor for Go cd build server
karmats/gocd-monitor Build monitor for Go cd build server
koodilehto/invoice-frontend Invoicing application (MIT)
L-A/Little-Jekyll A desktop app for Jekyll
Lugribossk/dropwizard-experiment Full stack setup with React, Dropwizard and Docker.
rsamec/react-designer WYSIWYG editor - enables to design reactive documents
scott-riley/strtrkt A semi-opinionated starting point for building multi-purpose apps with universal React and modular, component-specific CSS.
scriptify/mrnote Ever wanted your notes to be accesible from everywhere and be able to share them? Say hello to mrnote.
tidepool-org/chrome-uploader A Chrome app for uploading diabetes device data to Tidepool's backend
chejen/keys-translations-manager A locale management web app built on MERN stack which lets you manage and control locales in one place. It's particularly useful for someone who needs to manage multiple internationalization/localization projects.
jeresig/pharos-images PHAROS Image Database
MeoBeoI/Catify Utility for Spotify, even your cat can use Spotify now !
mitul45/ta-calendar An app to plan your day, just today.
panayi/calculator A calculator built with React, Redux and Ramda
queicherius/react-globe Painless localising of React applications with translations, plurals, numbers, dates and times. <g-emoji alias="earth_africa" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌍</g-emoji>
rebem/starter-kit <g-emoji alias="package" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📦</g-emoji> Starter Kit
securingsincity/react-jest-example An example of react and jest testing
timarney/react-setup Testing to see how to optimize React for production via Webpack
yejodido/atomic-components Applying design systems to React components.
Adphorus/react-walkthru Easy to use step-by-step site guide component for React.
areina/elfeed-cljsrn A mobile client for Elfeed built with React Native and written in ClojureScript.
BitTigerInst/ElasticSearch An open source hot tweets searching and visualization.
bparadie/react-flux-typescript-todomvc React/Flux TodoMVC Example using Typescript with support for JSX
classapp/react-native-get-shared-prefs Android Shared Preferences and iOS Keychain for React Native
closeheat/editor THIS IS AN OLD REPO. Edit deployed websites without hassle.
davidevernizzi/docman A simple page to generate documentation from postman collections
dogfessional/react-carousel A carousel written in react
Graylog2/graylog-plugin-aws Several bundled Graylog plugins to integrate with different AWS services like CloudTrail and FlowLogs.
inProgress-team/react-native-mantra-boilerplate A react-native boilerplate based on Meteor/Mantra
koba04/react-server-side-rendering-sample for React.js AdventCalendar 2014
pluralsight/redux-react-connector Convenient subscription to redux stores
rbartoli/react-boilerplate A boilerplate to start a client-side project using React.
router5/examples A mix of playground code and examples
sozialhelden/wheelmap Source code of
yangli1990/Isomorphic-Universal-React-Template An isomorphic approach to React/Redux
agmcleod/desert The react front end for a trello-like app. Hoping to get offline sync support.
bbondy/khan-academy-fxos Khan Academy app for Firefox OS
http-teapot/comment Anonymous comment system using, Node.js and React.js
joshmarinacci/semantic-editor-js A web-based semantic WYSIWYG editor
jsrmath/markato Software for songwriters
leapon/reactcms Content management system using React and NodeJS
litdevelopers/tinder Super Charged Tinder web client - Incremental Storage, recommendation filtering, live chat, web notifications
Lupino/huabot-brain An Image Recognition System build on top of caffe deep learn framework.
macropodhq/gitr-client It's how developers meet
mattm/abtestcalculator A/B Test Calcualtor
PebbleFrame/item-chimp Easily compare reviews and prices to make informed purchasing decisions
poetcyborg/redux-app-skeleton Redux Isomorphic App skeleton
scaphold-io/graphql-subscriptions-realtime-starter-kit's Starter Kit for building real-time apps with GraphQL Subscriptions
Swizec/space-invaders Space Invaders clone in React and d3.js
TeletronicsDotAe/ReactMessenger A simple messenger example app made in React Native.
Xerios/mobx-isomorphic-starter Clean isomorphic starter-kit using Mobx + React + React-router + Webpack
xicombd/ipfs-chrome-station <g-emoji alias="dizzy" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💫</g-emoji> Chrome extension that let's you access IPFS urls seamlessly from your local IPFS node, and take a look at its stats
yencarnacion/eddystone-url-calculator This a javascript single page app that generates the Linux commands for broadcasting a URL as a Eddystone URL beacon.
arenahq/pilgrim Bookmarklet and manual webcrawler to aid in web research
arqex/freezer-todomvc Demo on how to use freezer as a complete flux library.
atmos/electrogram A slack client with just tabs
bananaoomarang/chapters [WIP] Publish and read stories as graphs (Frontend)
bmun/huxley Conference management system for Berkeley Model United Nations.
fc-io/react-tape A boilerplate for React using Tape for testing.
fozzle/codereddit Browse reddit in code.
gmtcreators/atom-solidity Solidity compiler for hackable atom editor.
gmtDevs/atom-ethereum-interface Solidity compiler for hackable atom editor.
icapps/react-isormorphic-kit An isormorphic kit for building ReactJS apps
jirivrany/react-video-example Example of simple video player with responsive resize
maodouio/meteor-react-redux-base BoilerPlate code for meteor react redux project for example
miciek/web-snake-react-bacon Playground for frontend technologies. Also snake implementation
ofersadgat/fixed-data-table-simple This is a lot of the boilerplate code necessary to use fixed-data-table
rma-consulting/rc-d3 Easy to use React Charting library
seibelj/react-simple-markdown-editor Simple react markdown editor widget you can attach to any TextArea element to provide rich markdown capabilities. Requires few dependencies
YPlan/react-pulldown A Pulldown component for React.js
ambitioninc/react-ui A collection of UI components for React.
anysome/objective A Todo App implemented by React Native (Android and iOS).
banacorn/agda-mode agda-mode on Atom
bdefore/react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
BerndWessels/react-webpack React Relay MySQL Webpack Example
birkir/react-typescript-iso-kit Another starter kit with typescript, jest, isomorphic, webpack etc.
Cobase/cobase-pro Open source team collaboration alternative to Yammer, Slack and Flowdock
code-shoily/modular-mobx-boilerplate MobX + React + JavaScript + Aphrodite + Enzyme + Mocha + Hot-Loading + Redux DevTools
elyseko/iso-react-demo Example of how to build an isomorphic react app
fckt/react-layer-stack Small (150 lines of code) but ubiquitously powerful and agnostic layering system for React. Useful for any kind of windowing/popover/modals/tooltip application
insin/reactodo Multiple localStorage TODO lists, built with React
jaesivsm/JARR JARR is a web news aggregator.
klambycom/react-waveform Generates waveform using Web Audio API.
logger-app/logger-app A self-hosted application for remotely watching log files through a web UI.
loggur/bloggur A simple blog application built with
. Demonstrates truly universal rendering with replication and queries. -
MeteorKits/starter-kit-react Meteor Kits - Starter Kit (React Edition)
mozilla/webmaker-core React-based core for Webmaker shared across all platforms
Quramy/electron-disclosure Sample electron app
realli/chatqy Simple chat Server build with haskell servant, Websockets and react.js
sebastian-software/advanced-boilerplate A NodeJS V6 Universal React Boilerplate with an Amazing Developer Experience.
start-react/ani-theme Ani React Theme Free Edition
tohashi/css-typesetter GUI Tool for typesetting with CSS.
tosFa/react-cross-platform-boardgame-example This is an example app that shows off a web, ios and android app with the same codebase using ReactJS, react-native, redux, webpack, babel, express and
WikiEducationFoundation/WikiEduDashboard Wiki Education Foundation's Wikipedia course dashboard system
xuqingkuang/react-redux-boilerplate React + Redux boilerplate written with TypeScript.
ymichael/modivle A NUS IVLE Client
YPlan/react-sticky-stack A Sticky Stack component for React.js
AbeEstrada/react-boilerplate <g-emoji alias="sparkler" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎇</g-emoji> React Boilerplate
arsich/react-redux-cats React and Redux with cats
barrystaes/react-trebuchet React + Redux starter kit with Babel, hot reloading, testing, linting and a working example app, all built in
BuiltByBig/starter A robust starter application using React,, Browserify, LESS, Mocha and much more.
cvut/fittable New timetable application built on top of the Sirius API.
cvut/fittable-widget New timetable application built on top of the Sirius API.
dglozic/react-engine-demo A demo app to accompany blog post
DjebbZ/react-meetup-data-flow Repo for the talk 'State management' at React.js meetup in Paris, March 12th 2015
ello/webapp The web front end for
esnunes/restaurants Restaurants - Isomorphic Flux Application
Fauntleroy/slack-emoji-tools Utilities that make life as a Slack emoji addict a little easier.
Fauntleroy/slack-emoji-utils Utilities that make life as a Slack emoji addict a little easier.
gerhardsletten/react-pinch-zoom-pan A react component that lets you add pinch-zoom and pan sub components
henriquesosa/electron-intro An easy approach to start building apps with Electron.js
jefferyvincent/catalyst A minimal ReactJS workflow enabling live-editing of React and Sass components without loosing state.
jxnblk/react-basscss-hot-boilerplate Minimal live-editing boilerplate for your next ReactJS project
livoras/feb Simple Front-end Development Workflow
mbrio/react-pipeline A task execution pipeline described in JSX
mohebifar/react-persian A set of react components for Persian localization.
Moosylvania/react-growl A 'Growl' style notification ReactJS component.
parallaxinc/Parallax-IDE Parallax microcontroller development environment based on Chrome applications.
robcalcroft/mondoweb <g-emoji alias="moneybag" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💰</g-emoji> Check your Monzo account from a web browser
SantiagoLab/tengo-restriccion App para notificacion de restriccion vehicular segun patente
springload/reusable-d3-charts Reusable charts built with D3. Built on Web standards, fully customisable.
tranqy/react-routing-mobx-bootstrap-boilerplate Simple boilerplate with webpack, react, mobx, react router and css modules
yuanyan/react-storage Storage Component for React
aarongoin/react-flex-component css flexbox component for ReactJS
afghl/dribble-demo use React + Redux and dribble api to build this demo repo.
Antho2407/react-radial-menu A ReactJS circular menu
Bobeta/reactive-weather Simple realtime weather widget, created with ReactJS and Bootstrap.
CodingZeal/react-boilerplate Zeal's React/Redux boilerplate setup
dasniko/ozark-react A ViewEngine for ReactJS templates for the Java EE MVC 1.0 reference implementation Ozark.
dburles/meteor-guide-starter-react A basic starter application based on the Meteor guide
dodekeract/manta-config-engine-app <g-emoji alias="skull" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💀</g-emoji> This was a web-application to generate autoexec configurations. Killed by Valve.
dsifford/academic-bloggers-toolkit Wordpress plugin providing an all-in-one solution for effective academic blogging.
faassen/relaypy Demo of Relay Compliant GraphQL server in Python
jason-wolfe/react-transition-transformers Component transformers for animating properties
jlfwong/1rt One Round Trip! Based off…
keboola/travis-wallboard Travis CI builds wallboard
ludovicofischer/react-book Code for the upcoming book on React
makoto/blockparty NO BLOCK NO PARTY
mattkrick/redux-socket-cluster A socket-cluster state snatcher
mikecousins/react-pdf-js A React component to wrap PDF.js
Modernizr/modernizr-neue Neue is the new new
mozilla/ Making research collaborative, accessible, and usable
PHPConf-TW/website-2015 PHPConf Taiwan 2015
rakuten-frontend/rakuten-react-kit Rakuten React kit
RamEduard/admin-lte-express AdminLTE 2.3.2 with express, express-handlebars and ReactJS components
reactbits/fiber React components to use in messaging applications
reliablejs/reliable-macaca-slave reliable-macaca-slave is the slave part of the Reliable including Macaca.
rhysd/Tilectron Tiling window browser built on Electron.
spentacular/chroma <g-emoji alias="art" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎨</g-emoji> A simple color picker that focuses on color selection
ThinkingInReact/ThinkingInReact A book on React
tough-griff/redux-react-router-todomvc An implementation of TodoMVC using React, Redux, React-Router, Immutable.js, and more!
troch/react-timer-hoc A React timer higher-order component
vikeri/re-navigate Example of React Native Navigation with re-frame/re-natal
yuyang041060120/CNode-React CNode React Server Render
zsutton/React-Fuzzy-Search A fuzzy search
aickin/functional-react An experiment in making a functional API for React components
basecss/fileInput Image upload and preview, based React.js
boldr/boldr Universal React CMS. Built for the modern developer.
bright-sea/wechess An open-source social chess game application built with Meteor and React.
c3subtitles/L2S2 Lecture Live Subtitles System (L2S2)
cerebral/cerebral-boilerplate A boilerplate to get going with Cerebral
codetony25/react-starter-boilerplate ReactJS, Redux, Webpack, PostCSS, Stylus, ESLint, StyleLint, ES6 Starter Boilerplate
danesparza/Dashboard Weather and Google calendar dashboard built with React & Flux
danschultz/react.dart Experimental React JS bindings for Dart
erfangc/GigaGrid Massively performant, multi-layered React.js table widget Written in TypeScript
evgenity/react-html5-video-editor React / Redux video component with crop. Powers demo video editor at
gaearon/react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
jbkuczma/NBAreact Web, iOS, and Android NBA app created with React and React Native
jhewlett/react-reversi Implementation of the game of Reversi (Othello) in React.js.
keystonejs/keystone-test-project A KeystoneJS Project with various configurations for development and testing purposes
knowbody/react-boilerplate Boilerplate for React app
LeBenLeBen/quotes A simple React App which displays quotes from a Google Spreadsheet.
notonthehighstreet/toga Serve universal components
PrincetonVision/TurkerGaze a webcam-based eye tracking game for collecting large-scale eye tracking data via crowdourcing
rattrayalex/splashreader An RSVP Speed Reader for Humans
salsita/supercomments Include Reddit comment threads right on your blog or website
shalomeir/snippod-starter-demo-app-front A front part of the 'snippod-starter-demo-app' full stack demo application based on React and Redux
supnate/react-flux-comment-list A sample for building a comment list component with React and Flux.
wmaurer/react-hot-boilerplate-ts (Almost) minimal live-editing boilerplate for your next ReactJS/Typescript project
YuHuaiChen/meteor-react-redux-starter-kit Get started with Meteor, React, Redux, Webpack, and React-Router!
AdamBrodzinski/simple-redux-react A wrapper to get Redux, React, react-router-redux, redux-devtools going in a few lines
akornatskyy/sample-blog-react A simple blog written using react and reflux.
arkenthera/Chiika The ultimate Anime/Manga desktop client for Windows, OS X and Linux.
atSistemas/react-base atSistemas React/Redux Isomorphic Platform
auth0/auth0-editprofile-widget A widget to let the users update their profile
azu/github-issue-teev [NW.js] GitHub Issue Manager(Viewer)
cedricdelpoux/react-svg-line-chart A lightweight responsive line chart component for React using only SVG
claroline/Distribution Official Claroline Connect LMS Distribution
contentful-labs/guide-app A generic guide app for shop guides
davidchang/yo-in-flux Yo implemented in Flux
donnycrash/react-redux-electron-starter-kit React, Redux and Electron all packaged into one sleek starter pack. Get started the easy way!
dphaener/reactable-forms Form and schema builder for React not ready for use yet
FreeFeed/freefeed-html-react React-based frontend
heswell/react-app-layout Application Layout for React
hzoo/shengji <g-emoji alias="black_joker" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🃏</g-emoji> 升级: a trick-taking card game (wip)
JakeLin/ReactNativeWeather A weather app developed in React Native. It is the React Native version of SwiftWeather.
jamen/neta A modern, decentralized, and customizable chatting client.
janryWang/immutability Improve the react components immutability by es6 decorate
Legitcode/forms Form and schema builder for React not ready for use yet
lsjroberts/react-redux-skeleton A test bed for react, redux, redux-router, webpack projects
lyrictenor/electron-triage-for-github Desktop app for dividing GitHub issues and pull-requests into go or no-go quickly.
mattkrick/redux-operations-counter-example An example of solving current redux shortcoming using redux-operations
MrOrz/flutefish Example isomorphic app with product listing, individual product page and fav items. Uses Goflux + Yahoo Routr.
neodon/react-multiselect Reactive MultiSelect is a client-side web component using React.js that presents the user with a list of items and allows them to filter and select one or more of them.
nickbalestra/sankey A D3/Faux-dom/React App to build and read sankey diagrams
peermusic/app <g-emoji alias="musical_note" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎵</g-emoji> Listen to your music and share it - all in your browser.
peermusic/desktop <g-emoji alias="musical_note" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎵</g-emoji> Listen to your music and share it - all in your browser.
peermusic/peermusic <g-emoji alias="musical_note" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎵</g-emoji> Listen to your music and share it - all in your browser.
Phoenixmatrix/phoenixmatrix-proxy Web debugging proxy in the spirit of Fiddler and Charles Proxy written in JavaScript
ragingwind/electron-electrolysis Electron experiment with Polymer and React
rossta/serviceworker-rails-sandbox Service Workers on Rails demo app with the serviceworker-rails gem
scotchfield/elasticsearch-react-example An example project showing how to use Elasticsearch with React
scrollback/endless A simple, fast and versatile infinite scroll component for React
silentroach/twic Awesome Twitter client
unindented/palette-chrome Browser extension that allows you to create a color palette from any image.
unindented/palette-creator Browser extension that allows you to create a color palette from any image.
xuqingkuang/react-reflux-boilerplate React + Reflux + Babel(ES7 Support) Boilerplate with glup and webpack.
zebapy/react-redux-parse-server React Redux starter app built on top of ParseServer
zperrault/universal-webpack-react-alt-boilerplate Universal React, Alt, react-router, and react-resolver boilerplate
asm-products/little-sheet A small sheet you can share
bensmithett/flux-jasmine-rewire-example An example repo showing how to test Flux stores without Jest, using Jasmine & Rewire instead.
cwoolner/flex-poker Online poker-playing application. Front-end written using ES6/React and the back-end is Java/Spring.
DailyCheckup/DailyCheckup A quiz to help medical residents study for the Board
dkozar/react-data-menu Smart data-driven menu rendered in an overlay
frankwallis/redouble contract bridge game
fraserxu/react-data-visualization A repo to demonstration using react to do data-visualization
gauravtiwari/hireables Find hireable developers on Github
gauravtiwari/techhire Find hireable developers on Github
guilhermehn/manga-reader AllMangasReader fork
hemslo/omnihearth Hearthstone Assistant
mauricius/redux-memory-game Redux implementation of a Memory Game
mijia/web-starter-kit Use Go, Webpack to build and package web application starter kit.
molily/universal-progressive-todos A Todo list with universal JavaScript & Progressive Enhancement
mozilla/remote-newtab Remotely-hosted New Tab Page
mridgway/react-perf Perf testing React on SSR
OpenCollective/opencollective-website OpenCollective frontend
paypal/Gander Open Source Metrics Dashboard
planetarylink/planetary-link Share stuff. Follow people. IPFS.
randomnerd/feathers-react-pg FeathersJS + React + Webpack + Sequelize
reactioncommerce/redoc redoc - generate documentation from multiple project repos.
SEL-Columbia/dokomoforms Dokomo どこも Forms is a mobile data collection technology that doesn't suck.
sinnerschrader/aem-react-js AEM templates and components based on reactjs. This npm module provides the basic AEM javascript functionality.
SubmarineInteractive/Abyss <g-emoji alias="tiger" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🐯</g-emoji> WebGL school project at Gobelins, Paris.
SubmarineInteractive/Lux-Operon <g-emoji alias="tiger" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🐯</g-emoji> WebGL school project at Gobelins, Paris.
thebakeryio/openmic React + Redux + Sagas + Sounds + Images
tropy/tropy Research photo management
udacityalumni/alumni-client A front-end web application and bespoke publishing platform, built by Udacity Alumni for Udacity Alumni
VikramN/Re-Tag Reactjs Tag Component
ZeroarcSoftware/carbondream Reactjs Annotation Component
alexjv89/mindless Work like a javascript engine and get things done.
AndrewKeig/react-speech React component for the web speech api
azu/hatebu-mydata-search はてなブックマーク検索
BitSherpa/EverestCamp EverestCamp is the most simple knoweldge base tool.
codezeus/calliope A blog application written in Django, ReactJS, and Redux
dictyBase/dicty-redux Starter kit to bootstrap react js and redux(flux) based web application
dundalek/GrammKit Generate diagrams for parser grammars
felixrieseberg/electron-windows-sample <g-emoji alias="zap" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⚡️</g-emoji> A minimal Electron sample application showing how to make an Electron app look native on Windows
flosse/kartevonmorgen Mapping for Good
fouad/aframe-react-starter A-Frame + React starter kit.
henriquea/react-text-highlight 𝐓 Simple React component for highlight a text
heroku/react-flux-starter Example React/Flux project based on Heroku Connect
holidayextras/ui-toolkit CSS & React components
jesseskinner/react-webpack-demo Trying out webpack with some React.js code.
jitsi/jitsi-meet-react We merged this repository into… in an ongoing effort to consolidate our Web and mobile efforts. We henceforth consider this repository read-only. Please navigate to….
lelandrichardson/enzyme-example-jest Example project with React + Enzyme + Jest
Lullabot/react_form React form example
milankinen/react-bacon-isomorphic Isomorphic application development made too easy with React+FRP
modern-editor/modern-editor Modern Editor is a text editor for Windows 10 (Universal App Platform), built on ReactJS, WinJS and Ace
nearform/vidi-dashboard A dashboard app
open-austin/austingreenmap <g-emoji alias="deciduous_tree" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌳</g-emoji> Austin parks
phodal/echeveria-editor A Hybird Editor
skosch/fittingroom An in-browser letterfitting experiment based on nonnegative matrix factorization
springload/frontend-starter-kit The building blocks of front-end development at Springload
stoeffel/recompose-examples WIP Examples with recompose
supnate/rekit-example This is a Rekit example application for your reference.
swissmanu/orchestra-client A desktop application to control your Logitech Harmony Hubs.
tech-dojo/mern React Framework for Fullstack JavaScript Web Applications
timnew/reactx A React.js Extension Library, add missing features form React.js
uiheros/react-native-redux-todo-list React Native Todo List example app which uses Redux for managing app state
ultimate-pagination/react-ultimate-pagination React.js pagination component based on ultimate-pagination
vidi-insights/vidi-dashboard A dashboard app
vutran/share.js <g-emoji alias="balloon" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎈</g-emoji> Share you website on multiple third-party social networks.
walmartreact/showcase-template A starter template for a showcase of React components
wi2/isomorphic-sails-react-example An isomorphic Sails React Example with simple dispatcher and blueprint component
zoover/react-grid-system A no CSS Bootstrap-like responsive grid system for React.
zulip/zulip-mobile Experimental Zulip mobile app using React Native
51seven/react-classname-module Write CSS Modules painless with className
arjanfrans/realtime-multiplayer-in-html5 <g-emoji alias="computer" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💻</g-emoji><g-emoji alias="earth_africa" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌍</g-emoji><g-emoji alias="computer" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💻</g-emoji> Realtime multiplayer game in the browser.
arkon/crcmaker A simple tool for generating CRC cards.
beavyHQ/beavy Beavy – the modular community building framework
BigRoomStudios/strangeluv How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love React
bilgishuttle/bilgi-shuttle-web Web Application of Bilgi Shuttle, built with TypeScript flavored React and Redux.
brentkirkland/react-native-plaid A Flux react-native iOS app that utilizes the plaid sandbox
caljrimmer/financial-redux-app Example of HFT financial application built with React and Redux
Code4HR/okcandidate A platform for matching candidates with voters.
dabapps/betta Simple Bootstrap Variable Editor
danvk/boxedit A web-based editor for Tesseract box files
eiriklv/fluxity-starter-auth Starter-kit with React, (custom) Flux, React Router and Passport. So isomorphic that you can even turn off browser JavaScript.
estruyf/Search-WP-SPFx Search Web Part built with the SharePoint Framework. It makes use of React and Flux.
fwon/blog-app building my blog as SPA using some popular technique.
hemanth/react-mui-base BaseComponent for react-material-ui
htmlacademy/firstaidgit First Aid Git
ibm-cds-labs/Spark-Twitter-Watson-Dashboard Real-time dashboard for Twitter Sentiment analysis using Spark Streaming and Watson Tone Analyzer
iteago/teadao Rapid Application Development Framework Built With React.js
jakedeichert/rovr A fast and flexible React static site generator
jcranendonk/todomvc-omniscient TodoMVC implementation in Omniscient.js
jeantimex/five-in-a-row A classic Chinese board game built with React and
kaze13/devdocs-native A native API Documentation Browser based on Devdocs & Electron
Kindling/react-tinymce-mentions @Mentions functionality for TinyMCE, built with React and Redux
LaborWorks/bilgi-shuttle-web Web Application of Bilgi Shuttle, built with TypeScript flavored React and Redux.
milon/node-chat-room realtime node.js chat server with express.js and
Nase00/react-shift A module for creating a single-page static website with React.
ogaoga/json-visual-editor Web based JSON Editor powered by React.
ololoepepe/ololord.js Imageboard engine in JavaScript to rule them all
pekkis/react-broilerplate-legacy Broilerplate originated for teaching purposes. OBS! OBSOLETE! => pekkis/react-broilerplate-project
rainforestapp/react-pusher A react component for handling pusher subscriptions
ReactJS-BA/meetup-2016-04-05 Pendiente
Robert-W/esri-redux Simple boilerplate demonstrating how to setup a project using React, Redux, Flow, and the Esri JavaScript API.
rovrjs/rovr A fast and flexible React static site generator
Saviio/React-Easy-datepicker 基于Facebook React方案实现的datePicker
simongfxu/sync-editor 写作爱好者的同步工具
simongfxu/violet 写作爱好者的同步工具
slidewiki/slidewiki-platform SlideWiki Platform
Soreine/draft-js-diff Create side-by-side DraftJS editors with highlighted diffs.
textlab/glossa Ruby on Rails application that uses the Rails version of the Glossa system for corpus search and results management (…). Includes a Dockerfile for constructing a Docker image containing the application (see
tkjone/react-native-examples React-Native API Examples
zebrasinpyjamas/bilgi-shuttle-webapp Web Application of Bilgi Shuttle, built with TypeScript flavored React and Redux.
absurdSquid/thumbroll A real-time student feedback and analytics platform
askd/animakit Animakit
asm-products/flash-dash Customizable dashboards for everyone
calesce/tab-editor A browser-based guitar tab editor, similar to TuxGuitar or PowerTab. Work-in-progress.
carlospaelinck/publications-js Publications — Print and screen design web application.
cedricdelpoux/react-google-places-suggest React component to select geolocated suggestion from Google Maps Places API
crisu83/ctf-game Fast-paced hot seat multiplayer game written in modern JavaScript.
Dattaya/isomorphic-redux-plus Isomorphic Redux demo, with routing and async actions…
daylen/elevate Online health & fitness dashboard for Fitbit, Jawbone, and Strava
DeloitteDigitalUK/react-redux-starter-app Starter app with React, Redux, Webpack, CSS Modules, API calls etc.
devnews/web devnews web app
doabit/react-relay-graphql-starter-kit React starter kit with Graphql, Relay and Sequelize
dstuecken/react-settings-pane React Component to display a neat settings page for customizable configuration in your app
FOUfashion/frontend Fou's frontend, built with React, Fluxible, SCSS, Babel and webpack.
fs/react-base React Skeleton
gottsohn/standort [WIP] A location viewing app to show your friends' location in Realtime. Built with React, Firebase and Node.
hackages/hackages CLI tools for bootstrapping front-end projects in React, Angular, ES6, TypeScript and more
hacksong2016/angel A system for help left-behind children.
hugobessaa/rx-react-pinch Simple experiment with pinch-to-zoom, RxJs and ReactJS
huhulab/react-frontend-boilerplate React admin frontend project boilerplate (Based on
jahrlin/isomorphic-flux-react-react-router isomorphic web app starter kit using redux, react, react router, hmr, webpack and postcss
jiayihu/react-kanban <g-emoji alias="spiral_calendar" fallback-src="" ios-version="9.1">🗓</g-emoji> Kanban board built with React.js and Redux
jkudish/spark-react-starter Yet another react starter, because there are never enough
jrm2k6/contwidgetor Displays your contributions from Github and Bitbucket
Kagami/wybm Extract and cut youtube webms
LeoAJ/react-facebook-friends <g-emoji alias="+1" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">👍</g-emoji>Web app to rank, quantify your FaceBook friendship with React
lepus-ctf/lepus-frontend Lepus-CTF frontend application
liesislukas/react-boilerplate I build stuff with react. I add working examples here. Enjoy.
LinearAtWorst/cogile Competitive code-typing game with live multiplayer and singleplayer. Built on React.
loggur/react-redux-provide-history Provides automatic server-side rendering and actions (regardless of whether or not client has JavaScript enabled) to React components. Use in conjunction with
. -
lyrictenor/nwjs-emoji-app NW.js app for choosing an emoji and copy to clipboard.<g-emoji alias="sparkles" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">✨</g-emoji>
markthethomas/react-testing-components-enzyme Sample repo for a blog post on testing react components with enzyme
mattzeunert/FromJS Understand JavaScript apps. See where each character on the screen came from in code.
mikayel/react-cv React Composite View
mozilla/addons-frontend Front-end infrastructure and code to complement mozilla/addons-server
nhabuiduc/react-filter-box Filter box which support AND/OR, syntax highlight and AutoComplete
okoala/RNStarter React Native + Redux + Code Push @ Android iOS Starter Kit
ryaneof/streaming-pics A simpler media timeline for Twitter.
Satyam/book-react-redux Step by Step Guide to React and Redux
shri-2015-org/shrimp Shrimp chat application by ShrimpJS SHRI-2015 team
tajo/devstack Another React-Webpack-Babel-ESLint devstack
tom4dev/react-nowtify Nowtify — Display lovely notifications using React
topogram/topogram Making networks visible to everyone
ueno-llc/starter-kit ueno. Starter kit
viatsko/codingbox Open-Source Full-Stack Solution For React/Redux Isomorphic Applications
wbkd/dashboard-prototyper React Dashboard helps you to generate dashboard prototypes very quickly with 'configuration over code'.
yuanyan/barium Pragmatic Styling with React.js
zoover/react-i18nify Simple i18n translation and localization components and helpers for React applications.
adazzle/react-grid THIS HAS MOVED and now lives at…
architects/node-webkit-reactjs-webpack-starter-kit A starter template for developing node-webkit applications using react.js and coffeescript
bang88/ant-console 后台基础模板( ant + react + react router + es6 + webpack)
bySabi/neal-sample-meteor Sample page for neal-react with meteor 1.3 and webpack
chentsulin/react-scrolla React Infinite Scroll Component
chrisdwheatley/radiate A responsive dashboard written in React - built for all screen sizes
coojee2012/mantra-redux Mantra-redux Todos
craigbilner/react-component-tester a react shallow render helper to make testing easier
dersoncheng/react-native-iconfont-text react-native的iconfont组件
drFabio/reactBootstrapPaginator A Paginator built with bootstrap and react
eh3rrera/react-horizon An example application that shows how to integrate React, React Router, and with OAuth authentication
Em-Ant/fcc-options-app Options Inc. web app development
Fauntleroy/ Minimal, open-source version of TK Sync
foray1010/Popup-my-Bookmarks Chrome extension: A more efficient way to view and manage your bookmarks menu.
gcanti/tcomb-spa-example [No Maintenance Intended] A SPA showing the tcomb ecosystem
hekike/ES6-Immutable-React React 0.13 with ES6, Immutable.js and Flux, Isomorphic as well
housinghq/react-photostory <g-emoji alias="iphone" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📱</g-emoji> A lightweight carousel made in React and optimised for mobile
ipselon/neal-react-prepack Project with components from neal-react library…
JedWatson/react-component-starter ReactJS Component Starter Project
jivesoftware/react-d3-charts A D3 charting library for React
jmdobry/RequelPro Database Management Tool for RethinkDB.
mamal72/electron-jalali-calendar <g-emoji alias="calendar" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📆</g-emoji> A simple menubar app for Jalali calendar built by Electron and React
MateusZitelli/react-bar-chart A bar chart component made with React.js and D3.js
memsql/memsql-mesos Mesos framework for MemSQL
optimistiks/react-redux-parse-starter-kit A starter kit with React, Redux and Parse.
pbock/bahnmap A better version of the new map onboard ICE trains
pcarion/graphql-relay-authentication Authentication solution for a GraphQL server based application serving a react-relay application.
petertait/ Website for Peter Tait
puranjayjain/Youtube-dl-gui A Cross Platform GUI Client for youtube-dl written in react, electron and material ui
Raathigesh/Lazymine Simple redmine portal for time entry.
renke/overviewer [UNMAINTAINED] View the output of multiple programs at the same time
sidd/serene (work-in-progress) modular front-end for bittorrent + webtorrent instances
StoDevX/AAO-React-Native The St. Olaf community, now in pocket size… rewritten in React Native.
thomasdondorf/poke-level-calc Pokemon Go Level Trainer Speed Calculator
unboundfire/example-react-dashboard Basic admin dashboad using react, ace editor, bootstrap, and highcharts
ustccjw/tech-blog explore and practice
vesparny/todoo Todos for introverts
7factory/mia-js mia.js - Middleware API framework
abhinavrastogi/fluxocket Experiment with flux and sockets
AnSavvides/react-digits Use Twitter's Digits for Web in your React app
avanderhoorn/Glimpse.Client.Prototype Glimpse v2 Client prototype
azu/video-transcript-note [electron] HTML5 Video viewer + Ruby translate transcript + Markdown note.
banderson/reactive-stock-ticker-demo Demo code for faux-realtime stock ticker application
bebraw/react-crm-frontend Frontend for CRM (MIT)
bhargav175/dictionary-offline A simple project that uses Service Workers and PouchDB for an offline experience.
boogie666/atom-mocha Mocha test runner in Atom
BoomBoobs/chrome-extension The BoomBoobs chrome extension.
BosNaufal/react-ripple React Component to Make Google Material Design Ripple Effect.…
cesarandreu/quad-blog Isomorphic flux and react blog
cristianszwarc/react_crud_localStorage React/Redux basic CRUD with persistent state, demo->
daisyHawen/React-gallery 利用webpack\react.js打造的画廊效果 A gallery by react.js and webpack. 效果预览…
DanielHuisman/relay-isomorphic-starter-kit Starter kit for an isomorphic Relay application
EasyHard/dpv dynamic programming solution web visualizer
EcutDavid/D3In20Days Data visualization practise
ekonstantinidis/react-cordova A React project template for Apache Cordova
eniz/react-creditcard-input Credit card input as react component
Glimpse/Glimpse.Client.Prototype Glimpse v2 Client prototype
gnestor/magic-console Interactive programming for Atom
godaddy/external Fitting for load React components from an external BigPipe server.
grommet/grommet-docs Website project for Grommet framework (
ilcic/pokemon-go-diary restfulapi to get pokemon iv and other details with a delightful webUI
influencemapping/oligrapher2 A re-useable, stand-alone version of LittleSis network storytelling tool
influencemapping/show-me-the-money A re-useable, stand-alone version of LittleSis network storytelling tool
instructure/goro Four arms for your RSpec.
izolate/html2pug-website Convert HTML to Pug
JedWatson/react-conf-2016 React Conf 2016 API
jeffbski/base-react-min Minimal React.js boilerplate with an auto build environment
josephsavona/route-reactor Framework-agnostic client-side router (uses page.js, plays well with React)
koodilehto/koodilehto-crm-frontend Frontend for CRM (MIT)
korbin/react-form-inputs A collection of inputs for react-form
lafin/talks-on-map Heat map accidents on roads of the Russia. Fear and hate. Online.
Laiff/react-rispa Reflux Isomorphic Single Page Application - boilerpate
levjj/rde Reactive Live Programming Environment
mattotodd/videojs-react React Component for
mic-fadeev/postglass Cross platform GUI PostgreSQL client
mlunoe/react-bb-broccoli Building React and Backbone with Broccoli - a small boilerplate
mvader/reactmad-redux-example Example of a simple twitter timeline built with react, redux and react dev tools for the React Madrid Meetup Group.
mxstbr/react-boilerplate-site A website for React Boilerplate
noahlotzer/react-simple-boilerplate A lightweight React Boilerplate
opinsys/puavo-users Easy linux system management for schools
periodo/periodo-client Client to browse and edit PeriodO data
Pronovix/walkhub-service Walkthrough tutorials designed for web applications and websites. Add a record button and help center to your web application
ramsundark5/stitchchat whatsapp style chat/messaging developed app using react native.
rexxars/markdown-editor Simple markdown editor with live preview, using react-markdown
rook2pawn/redux-es5 redux es5
RyanCCollins/restaurant-reviewer Restaurant Review SPA built with a focus on UX and Accessibility best practices and component oriented design. Built with React, Redux & Grommet
ryanswapp/react-starter-template This is a react-starter-template that is the base for all my React apps
satsummit/landscape Satellites in Global Development
satya164/react-boilerplate A bolierplate for React projects with Koa, Babel, Flow, Jest and Radium
sinnerschrader/patternplate-client Display atomic pattern demos and sources in an easy to use web interface
souporserious/react-dately Handle dates, times, and calendars with React.
souporserious/react-simple-calendar Handle dates, times, and calendars with React.
sskyy/react-lego A better way to create React component
StorytellerCZ/Socialize-starter A starter for Meteor applications by using Socialize packages.
studiointeract/accounts-material Material UI – Accounts UI for React in Meteor 1.3
tomasz-szymanek/react-redux-starter-kit Yet another JS boilerplate using react, redux, mocha, and eslint
tomasz-szymanek/yet-another-boilerplate Yet another JS boilerplate using react, redux, mocha, and eslint
TylerK/react-multi-platform Shared React & React-Native codebase for use on the web, Desktop, iOS, and Android.
wi2/sails-isomorphic-react-admin-example a Sails application with isomorphic and a separate administration(automatic & extendable)
wing-kai/Manga-Reader a mac os manga/comic reader(mac os漫画阅读器) build with electron and react
wongherlung/react-resizable-component A simple React resizable component that comes with features that you might need.
xabikos/aspnet5-react-webpack-boilerplate A boilerplate application that uses 5 for server side platform and react.js with webpack for client side
YannickDot/redux-websocket-example <g-emoji alias="atom_symbol" fallback-src="" ios-version="9.1">⚛</g-emoji> - An example using WebSockets inside a Redux-powered JavaScript app
zenoamaro/psd-viewer A simple photoshop document viewer.
zxc0328/react_markdown <g-emoji alias="black_nib" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">✒️</g-emoji>A react component for markdown edit & real-time preview
8th713/cockpit-for-pixiv Provide comfortable pixiv browsing.
abramz/gulp-react-render Render react components to string or static markup
Amorino/reactv react-redux-example
arkon/ColourNTP Chrome new tab page based on
as-com/s2forums-search Code powering an unofficial search engine for MIT's Scratch forums. Currently in beta!
BarakChamo/rc-badges Recurse Center ribbons, badges and tags
Bartozzz/Qilin Text editor for exact sciences
bookbrainz/bookbrainz-site BookBrainz website, written in node.js.
christianalfoni/ducky-components Components experiment with Ducky
cltk/cltk_frontend Reading environment connecting to API from cltk/cltk_api repo
CMP-Studio/TheWarholOutLoud An inclusive audio guide for The Andy Warhol Museum
codeforamerica/citybook Create a resource directory from a contact spreadsheet.
CookPete/reddit-player A React app to parse and play media from subreddits and comment threads
CookPete/rplayr A React app to parse and play media from subreddits and comment threads
cubing/ccm Cubing Competition Manager
dglozic/fsto2015-demo Demo for FullStack Conference 2015
echomobi/echo-sense An open source sensor framework for realtime monitoring of development programs, research, and more.
eligolding/react-mailcheck React component for the mailcheck library.
fastmonkeys/respa-ui Respa-ui is the user interface for the City of Helsinki resource reservation service.
gearz-lab/gearz A platform for creating data-centric business apps
gearz-lab/hypersonic A platform for creating data-centric business apps
gfdev/javascript-react-if-component React component for conditional rendering.
gilbox/elegant-react-hot-demo demo with hot reload and time travel, tracked derived data, react-motion, and stream-based plugins
HireVue/hv-react-agenda Fancy agenda component for use with ReactJS.
holderdeord/hdo-enighet Visualize party agreement in the Norwegian parliament.
hugobessaa/react-isomorphic-flux Simple Offline-first Isomorphic ReactJS Flux WebApp. WIP
HurricaneJames/article-graph A demo of GraphQL with a weak ArticleServices backend.
hurrymaplelad/teact Build React element trees by composing functions
inooid/react-redux-card-game A web version of Blizzard's Hearthstone game built with React, Redux and ImmutableJS
inxilpro/react-redux-isomorphic-hot-boilerplate Another React boilerplate, featuring React, Redux and Webpack—isomorphic and hot loading in development
jbrodriguez/unbalance unRAID app to free space from one disk in the array, by moving folders/files to the other disks
jide/react-classnames React class names helper.
JoeIaquinto/drops Social Event Accelerator
keske/react-soundcloud ReactJS Soundcloud Component
kevinhikaruevans/uojs2 A web-based client written in Javascript for the game Ultima Online
kjirou/escape-from-the-maze A simple & tiny CUI maze game
laem/react-horizontal-bar-chart Simple horizontal bar chart react component, with inline tooltips
linonetwo/react-relay-neo4j-example Using Relay to fetch data from graph Database Neo4j then display on React.
Lucifier129/react-director es2016-base router for react on decorator style
maratfakhreev/react-apple React Apple awesome component
MicrosoftEdge/CharMap CharMap
mozilla/mozlando-frontend-demo Testing out react, redux universal JS and all the things.
MozillaFoundation/mofo-example-app A project that implements our opinions on how we build web applications.
neilff/react-redux-performance Improving React + Redux performance with Reselect
octopitus/minimal-react-starterkit A minimal starter kit for building React apps
open-austin/instabus instabus rewrite
overture8/cerebral-react-falcor-example Example of using Netflix's Falcor with Cerebral (React)
phated/redux-example Just trying to solve some of my problems with flux using redux
postaljs/postal.react ReactJS mixin providing postal behavior to components.
r0b1n/rnrf-relay-example Example of using react-native-router-flux and relay
RaitoBezarius/AutobahnReact Make realtime a breeze with React.
rexk/spring-webpack-reactjs Spring+Webpack+ReactJs Example
ryanflorence/webpack-skel template for new projects
sadpig1993/rc-day-picker React日期选择组件
salesforce/refocus The Go-To Platform for Visualizing Service Health
shuson/react-webpack-starter template project for react dancing with webpack
sitegeist/Sitegeist.Monocle An ts2 based styleguide implementation for Neos
skomputer/oligrapher2 JavaScript app for displaying annotated network graphs from the LittleSis API and other data sources
somebody32/high-performance-redux Talk for BarcelonaJS
sullenor/todos Simple application to show the benefits of using css-modules
Talkdesk/react-redux-boilerplate Starter boilerplate for a react and redux web application
taskrabbit/react-component-extension Namespaced Higher Order Components
teleport/react-dnd-treeview React.js tree view component with drag-and-drop support using react-dnd
unindented/react-redux-winjs-example Example app using React, Redux and WinJS.
vinej/react-remux A flux implementation with React and Mobx
yeojz/data-calendar A React calendar component designed to be flexible in presenting events
zupzup/minions-tinder Tinder-like swipe-interface for minions built with react
adjohnson916/firedux-todomvc TodoMVC with firedux (Firebase + Redux) and React.
andela/codango Social Network for Coders
andrevvalle/react-mask Mask Input React Component
andrewliebchen/gradient-barchart Simple bar charts with React and CSS linear-gradient
awebfactory/react-pathways ReactPathways. Now becoming an educational app to help you find your own way to ReactJS step by step. Come watch us build it! It makes for a great up-to-date non-trivial React, React Router and Redux example app
awebfactory/react-starter ReactPathways. Now becoming an educational app to help you find your own way to ReactJS step by step. Come watch us build it! It makes for a great up-to-date non-trivial React, React Router and Redux example app
azu/presentation-annotator viewing presentation and annotate.
beckettkev/Goldfish Inline People Search for SharePoint Online
boloutaredoubeni/Twenty48 React Native and C++ via Djinni
BreadfishPlusPlus/BreadfishPlusPlus Breadfish++ Erweiterung
buildreactnative/assemblies-tutorial Step-by-step guide through building a complex React Native app
bvaughn/react-wait-to-render A function, component and mixin to defer component rendering until all required props are present
cesarandreu/bshed bikeshedding app
code-artisan/selector2 Virtual selector for React.JS
CodePicnic/codebasket Client-side interface for CodePicnic's consoles. It can be used as a simple web-based editor or as a web UI for other Docker-container-as-a-services.
Coko-Foundation/pubsweet-core Node backend for PubSweet2. This is a mirror. Please use this for contributions:
davedx/isomorphic-react-template Isomorphic single page app template with react.js, react-router and react-hot-reload
davidmfreese/React-CollectionView A React Collection View inspired by UICollectionView
dazld/react-router-fetch-data-demo playground for isomorphic fetch data with react and react-router
dburdick/react-material-starterkit A starter project combining React, Reflux, Material-ui and fetch
DirtyHairy/6502.ts Emulators for MOS 6502 based systems written in TypeScript
dwetterau/countdera Javascript platform for MapReduce in the browser instead of ads.
eddiewang/tinderapp REPO MOVED:
eoinmurray/react-view-engine React.js view engine for express.js - client and serverside
ernieturner/webpack-redux-boilerplate Starter code/configuration for a node-server-backed application using webpack as a build system and react+redux as the front end framework.
exeto/react-redux-starter universal + react + redux + redux-apist + hmr + css-modules
exponentjs/react-conf-experience An app for React Conf 2016
flaxsearch/react-solr-connector A simple React component which provides access to a Solr server
fletcher91/browserify-react-rails A sample boilerplate for using browserify with react_rails and Alt.js as the flux engine.
foundersandcoders/chandelier bling bling
freiksenet/react-kinetic-asteroids Asteroids game demo / playground for react-kinetic
ghondar/PelisTime Mira películas y series en español en HD y full HD al instante.
goblindegook/vvv-material-dashboard A dashboard for Varying Vagrant Vagrants (VVV) featuring a Material Design UI.
gokulkrishh/anonymous-web <g-emoji alias="speech_balloon" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💬</g-emoji> A React powered progressive web (chat) application
guyellis/react-log-lifecycle Console.log Lifecycle events in a React Component
jastkand/vk-notifications Adds notifications about new post in groups.
jewei/my-react-tutorial My code on…
jimmymintzer/reacter-news Hacker News clone built with React + Flux and Firebase HN API
joelburget/material-ui-hs Material UI in Haskell!
jwaldrip/react-infinite-pane Responsive infinite scroll pane for React
kabitakis/github-analytics A web application that provides beautiful charts based on data found in github issues and comments. See an example at
Kitanotori/react-webpack-babel-hotreload-example Example application for setting up React, React Router, Redux, Material-UI, Webpack, Babel, and React Hot Loader
kksevta/react-redux-dashboard React Redux Dashboard application
kRITZCREEK/psc-gui-redux Purescript + Redux + React
lambdablocks/blocks-front-react Visual Programming Environment frontend for 'Lambda Bricks'
lambdabricks/bricks-front-react Visual Programming Environment frontend for 'Lambda Bricks'
leifdalan/iso-auth-boilerplate Boilerplate example of shared client/server code and routing with auth flow using Fluxible, react-router, passport, and Express.
livelazily/LunarCalendar 一个基于 Electron + React + Material Design 的工具栏日历,适用于 Mac、Windows 和 Linux。
magnus-bergman/react-redux-starter A react redux starter pack with jwt-auth.
MichaelCereda/ Source code of my website (
milianoo/dashx dashboard project using node.js and react.js
MisumiRize/GHCache An example for implementing Flux architecture on Electron
MoOx/metalsmith-react Metalsmith plugin to use React as a template engine
motiz88/react-native-midi A Web MIDI API implementation for React Native (experimental, Android only)
MrOrz/SeeSS SeeSS Chrome extension helps you identify unintended visual changes by visualizing CSS change impact.
mschez/react-side-bar React Side Bar Component
muzhack/muzhack Web application for publishing music hardware projects.
MyWebIntelligence/MyWebIntelligence Redefining your relationship to the web
node-vision/node-react-xero-app Node React app for adding contacts and invoices demonstrating Xero integration
nullobject/hexgrid A game of Risk played on a hexgrid.
onishiweb/progressive-performance A demo app of progressive enhancement techniques aimed at increasing website performance
Paqmind/starter Starter template for React with Webpack (Paqmind's version)
pascalw/gettable Pragma, the pragmatic visual HTTP/REST client
pascalw/pragma Pragma, the pragmatic visual HTTP/REST client
phated/flux-navigation Polymorphic JavaScript using flux architecture, react, and webpack
plotly/plotly-react-pokedex React workshop -- let's build a Pokédex!
Poniverse/ The pony supercommunity.
prpatel/react-workshop-day1 React.js workshop. Self contained, one-day workshop covering the basics
rapid7/awsaml Awsaml is an application for providing automatically rotated temporary AWS credentials.
refugeehackathon/mapfix to create in 5 min's a refugee city map
Rulox/react-atomic-structure Basic Structure for React app following Atomic Design
sanack/atom-jq A playground for jq inside atom
sayden/docker-commander A mobile friendly GUI to supervise Docker and Docker Swarm
scottnonnenberg/blog The code to generate, a Gatsby-based blog.
selfhub/selfhub SelfHub is a central platform for sharing and analyzing quantified-self data. Users can contribute to ongoing studies by uploading anything from step count information passively collected by Fitbit to any kind of data they collect on their own.
senthilporunan/react-jrate React based Rating component with various customized fancy features. More information
ShyykoSerhiy/typescript-webpack-react-todolist Overengineered todo list application written with typescript, react, redux, material-ui, babel, gulp, webpack, mocha... for full list look into package.json.
siamakmokhtari/webpack-react-babel-boilerplate A boilerplate for Webpack, React, Babel project with css-loader
SignalK/instrumentpanel Instrument panel implemented as a grid with draggable & resizable components
skystebnicki/chamel A ReactJS based UI component library that automatically changes its appearance on various platforms and devices to provide the best possible native-like experience to users.
sniphpet/react-on-screen Check if a react component in the viewport
srackham/flux-backbone-todo Didactic Todo app written using Flux, Backbone and React.
stayradiated/reactwm A minimal window manager built using React.
Swizec/livecoding-project The description of a livecoding project, which shows stuff and visualizations in React and d3.
tangsj/CodeCook React + Redux + Webpack
Terminux/react-csv-downloader React csv downloader
textlab/rglossa Ruby on Rails version of the Glossa system for corpus search and results management
theadam/react-validating-form A live validating form built on top of React
TobiasBales/PlayuavOSDConfigurator A simple cross platform tool to configure the playuav osd
tomgrooffer/react-remodal A simple, customizable modal for react
tomkit/nbr-rapid-prototyping Rapid prototyping with Node, Backbone, React and server-side rendering
tomkp/react-tab-pane React tab-pane component
tylermcginnis/react-flux-gulp-browserify-reactrouter-firebase-starterkit Candidate for longest Repository name. Starter kit for a React.js, Flux, React-Router, Gulp, Browserify, Firebase app.
uhlryk/react-dynamic-number Highly customizable react form component for numbers
VinSpee/react-gcal-events-list A Reusable react component that pulls events from your google calendar.
WJsjtu/react-datepicker A flexible datepicker component in Bootstrap style using Facebook React.
wpioneer/mysites-blog My Home page & Blog (built with Gatsby)
yuanyan/react-signals Signals Component for React.
zordius/webtasks A lightweight web framework based on express and subtask.js
7kfpun/BitcoinReactNative Bitcoin Calculator App written in React Native (available both iOS and Android). Data is pulled from Bitcoin Average.
albertfdp/react-podio-universal A production ready boilerplate for running a universal javascript app with React, Webpack and Podio
amitava82/radiole Watch Spotify playlists and get notified when new tracks get added
amovah/DiveTodo Design your days and dive to do them
amysimmons/a-guide-to-the-care-and-feeding-of-new-devs In November 2015 I surveyed junior web developers to find out how they could be better supported in the workplace. This website outlines my findings.
auth0/webtask-widget [BETA] Widget that can be embedded in websites to allow transparent creation of extension points or urls.
bebraw/react-crm-backend Backend for CRM (MIT)
BinaryThumb/react-background-video <g-emoji alias="movie_camera" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎥</g-emoji> React Background Video component
birkir/react-starter-kit-rdb React Starter Kit - Rethinkdb Universal Edition
bkonkle/reactifier A blog post aggregator bringing together React developers from across the globe.
blamarche/dragon-go-desktop-client Dragon Go Server client using Electron and WebGL board.
bootstrapworld/codemirror-blocks A library for making functional languages editable using visual blocks inside of codemirror:
bradwoo8621/parrot A model based web framework base on Bootstrap and ReactJS
bvanreeven/react-typescript Minimal boilerplate for a single-page app using React, TypeScript with JSX support (TSX), and Visual Studio Code.
Capgemini/react-scaffold React + React Router + Flux + Gulp + Webpack boilerplate
CBIConsulting/ProperTable A Proper data table for React
CezarLuiz0/ReactRotate360 ReactRotate360 is a plugin to create 360 degree showcases. Inspired on Apple iPhone 360 showcase.
chirigarikku/jumars-tindahan <g-emoji alias="convenience_store" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🏪</g-emoji> A sample cart app written using Alt and friends.
code-artisan/react-pagers Paginator for React.JS
danbartlett/hn_minimal A minimal Hacker News client written in React.js
darthlukan/react-user-card A user card heavily inspired by Google's Material Design concept written as a ReactJS component.
debrouwere/render Render text and HTML from Jade, Handlebars, Swig and most other kinds of templates on the command line. Render many files at once and decide where to write to dynamically from the data.
denysdovhan/victory-or-betrayal React app that helps you recognize betrayal and victory.
Drathal/react-playground A personal playground for frontend development.
durandj/react-adminlte AdminLTE components written for React
education/classroom-desktop Clone student repositories in bulk
embengineering/react-redux-starting-kit Starting Kit for building web applications using Material Design Lite, React and Redux
fc-io/react-tape-redux A boilerplate for React and Redux using Tape for testing.
forstaathletics/webpack-basic A short and sweet webpack intro
gcedo/react-seatmap A React component to display a minimal, yet functional seatmap.
giovannicalo/falcor-react Falcor integration for React
goodybag/yokohama Opinionated? dependency resolution library
guotie/navapp a nav-tab app build with react
HelpfulHuman/React-Project A project template for building front-end applications with React and Redux.
hipertracker/cerebral-boilerplate Cerebral with advanced Webpack2, ESLint, Karma tests, code coverage
hirviid/react-redux-fetch A declarative and customizable way to fetch data for React components and manage that data in the Redux state
huytd/react-stackoverflow-flair <g-emoji alias="art" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎨</g-emoji> your own StackOverflow flair
jhen0409/isomorphic-react-flux-boilerplate [Deprecated] Boilerplate for Isomorphic React/Flux project with live editing.
jshjohnson/NumberRush A number based React game to help you learn German numbers! <g-emoji alias="de" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🇩🇪</g-emoji>
kevinbarabash/mobile-mathipulator tool for manipulating algebraic expressions and equations
Khan/algebra-tool tool for manipulating algebraic expressions and equations
kikoruiz/react-course Course of React explaining some of their features and related subjects.
knowbody/markdown-collaboration Markdown Collaboration Tool
kokororin/ <g-emoji alias="zap" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⚡️</g-emoji><g-emoji alias="zap" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⚡️</g-emoji><g-emoji alias="zap" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⚡️</g-emoji>A pinterest-style layout site, shows illusts on order by popularity. <g-emoji alias="zap" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⚡️</g-emoji><g-emoji alias="zap" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⚡️</g-emoji><g-emoji alias="zap" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⚡️</g-emoji>
KyleBanks/ReactCalculator A React Native tutorial where you'll write a calculator app for Android and iOS.
lifter-cli/lifter CLI tool to simplify using Docker for development and deployment
Lucifier129/fe-starter frontend-starter
mafintosh/file-browser-widget File browser widget
mako-taco/react-fluxthis-webpack-mocha-gulp Bare bones project template featuing FluxThis, Webpack, Mocha, and React.
marcello3d/react-hotplate Live-editing boilerplate for your next Node+ReactJS project
marvinmarnold/stingwatch Cordova based Stingray (IMSI-Catcher) detection
mattdennewitz/universal-redux-boilerplate an example of a universal app w/ redux, react-router, and webpack. hot loading included.
matteodelabre/esx Use the JSX syntax in ES6 template strings!
matthewglover/react-redux-material-ui React, redux, material-ui front end
maxwellhealth/react-table-acula A series of react components for tables
mezzario/3r-boilerplate Modern, universal and simple web application boilerplate built using cutting-edge technologies.
mezzario/typescript-redux-boilerplate Modern, universal and simple web application boilerplate built using cutting-edge technologies.
mgcrea/react-webpack-factory Lean yet powerful starter-kit to build modern React applications.
mozilla/normandy Firefox recipe server
nRewik/react-railgun Elegant universal react-redux starter kit.
numo-labs/isearch-ui <g-emoji alias="yellow_heart" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💛</g-emoji> <g-emoji alias="mag" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔍</g-emoji> The ui for inspirational search!
ohager/reactdemo Collection of examples using ReactJS
onfido/onfido-sdk-ui The UI layer for the Onfido SDK
papigers/question-it Isomorphic Reactive Voting App - React, Material-UI, GraphQL, Relay, React-Router, Mongoose
paulhoughton/react-pwa Material Design Progressive Web App starter kit
pdonald/iems Interactive Experiment Management System for Machine Translation
pebblecode/wfh-frontend A dashboard for quickly seeing where your colleagues are (in the office, working from elsewhere or on holiday). Works with the WFH API and Slack bot.
pekkis/react-broilerplate-project React broilerplate example project
razh/d3-crossfilter-react-examples DEPRECATED (2014) - Simple examples of integrating d3 with React.
React-Components-Organization/ is a reusable Video component.
recharts/ The website
redarrowlabs/tournavation-2015 MKE Tournavation project for 2015.
remimarsal/symfony-react-edition Symfony as a web service fuels React for the View.
rmemoria/treeview-example Tree view component using React.js
romseguy/react2tree Utility for mapping React component hierarchies to tree structures
RyanCCollins/ <g-emoji alias="crown" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">👑</g-emoji> Portfolio and blog for my online brand. Performance Optimized Single Page React App!
sebas5384/hades Electron App to manage your SSH alias hosts, and their keys. Shell Keeper.
Sententiaregum/Sententiaregum A social network based on Symfony3 and ReactJS.
seznam/IMA.js-core The core library of the IMA.js application stack
SFDevLabs/reno React-Express-Node-mOngoDB - Example React.js app wth a Node.js API.
sloria/sir (Work in progress) An open source assistant . Python 3 + aiohttp on the backend. ES6 + Redux + React on the frontend.
souporserious/selectly Build composeable select menus for React.
starhoshi/AlcatrazSearch Search Alcatraz better.
stoeffel/react-redux-bp opinionated react redux boilerplate
studiointeract/accounts-basic Basic – Accounts UI for React in Meteor 1.3
suprMax/expressjs-boilerplate Opinionated ExpressJS Boilerplate
suranartnc/react-redux-universal-starter-kit A simple Universal Starter Kit using React, Redux and ECMAScript 2015
syossan27/rejected-us-jp jkup氏が作成したrejected.usの日本版です。
Tankenstein/encountr A simple and easy to use encounter manager for D&D
tjmehta/fall-browser-extension Close tabs automatically overtime. Closed tabs may be recovered from a searchable dropdown list.
tkqubo/typescript-react-redux-seed Web application backed by TypeScript, React and Redux
tngan/redux-hacker-news A clone of hacker news powered by React.js and Redux
tolry/talkly little pet project for gathering talk suggestions and voting your favorite one
topgun743/React-ES6-Webpack-Babel-Starter A boilerplate sample for making oneself running with React, ES2015/ES6, Webpack, Babel
Travix-International/frint An opinionated library for building front-end applications.
tuxsudo/react-starter A project starter for universalmorphic React/Redux apps
uglymugs/JustNUM Case manager for National Ugly Mugs built using React/Redux and MaterialUI
unindented/whitelist-manager Browser extension that automatically blocks all pages from any website that is not in your list of allowed websites.
upbit/Pixiv-RankingLog P站过去排行扫图专用App - Pixiv RankingLog for iOS
urmastalimaa/reactive-visualizer Visualizer for reactive programming using RxJS
UTD-CRSS/ single page application
vgno/roc-web-react !! Moved permanently !!
wadahiro/bitbucket-browser Viewer for Atlassian Bitbucket (formerly Stash).
web-plasma5/react-anchor-layout Layout & Positioning utils for React, borrowed from Qt Quick (QML)
whphhg/vcash-electron Electron UI for Vcash, a decentralized currency for the internet.
YSlove/react-flux-example React Native / JS 共用Flux的一个实例
ahomu/demo-react-bacon Demo - React & Bacon.js
alexgibson/monosyn A Node.js powered Web Audio synthesizer with remote filter modulation controller.
alliance-genome/agr_prototype A Prototype for the Alliance of Genome Resources Web Portal
ariya/from-zero-to-hero From Zero to Hero Example
Asana/api-explorer React component to explore the Asana API
askwon/Filet-Manager Web-based file transfer client written in React, Redux, and Go
ayxos/react-cellar Typescript, MongoDb, Webpack, EC6, Typings, Redux Wine-Cellar
azu/read-all-later [Electron] Read All Later is a client for Pocket. Add multiple URL to pocket at a time.
banzay/friends-app-redux Second take on friends app. This time with testing and Redux.
benjycui/bisheng-theme-one The one theme for bisheng.
betterwaysystems/packer 3D Bin Packing with multiple Wrappers (Boxes)
bitcrowd/tickety-tick A browser extension that helps you name branches/commits after tickets
cedricdelpoux/react-simple-tooltip A lightweight and simple tooltip component for React
clooca/clooca Things as Visual
ctco/rosemary-ui C.T.Co React Ui Components
CuriosityChina/react-beaker A React devtool based on webpack
cyqresig/ReactNativeComponentDemos Demos for react-native components of 'react-native-component'
datoulei/NEW-Framework NodeJS + Express + Webpack framework
denschub/html5soundboard A React soundboard!
dggriffin/warframeLFG Real-time web application for Warframe players to create and search for LFG postings on their respective platform.
DimitriMikadze/isomorphic-react-webapp Shared JavaScript Web Application that runs on both the client & server using React and Node/Express.
dongrenguang/todo-list A simple application with React, Redux, Immutable and Express, supporting for isomorphic.
dowjones/react-stuck React component which loosely implements
position: sticky
edwardmsmith/react-starter A simple react/redux starter with production build
eetu/audio-playground plaything with AudioContext, react and redux
evanrmurphy/note-recognition Musical note recognition app
f0rr0/ [图片上传中...(image-a0d6f2-1531972248628-2)]
Source for
fcscripters/react-final-countdown Countdown react component for publishing on NPM
felab/react-foundation Foundation 6 components built with React.
Fermiac/woocommerce-siftscience A plugin that integrates SiftScience fraud detection into your WooCommerce store
fikrimuhal/animated-potato Mulakat yazılımı
fullstackreact/react-gen-generator Generator for the yelp-clone template format
Galvanize-IT/thunderdome Galvanize's client-side stack: Backbone/React with ES2015
gfors/react-firebase3-auth-router Basic boilerplate for React+Firebase v3 authentication
ghondar/universal-redux-boilerplate Un simple boilerplate para el uso de universal js con react, redux y react-router
happypeter/sketch-with-css 一个舒适的用 CSS 创作的环境
hardchor/timesheets Time tracking done right
HazardB/is-kronos-up-yet Website for the 'is kronos up' service
hugobessaa/react-placeholdit A simple react component for images
IlyaPomaskin/KeePass-electron Desktop HTML5 client for KeePass 2
implydata/bard Sings songs of beautiful data.
intrepion/hojberg-mastering-reactjs-tutorial Following the tutorial at…
Javascript-Ninja/react-pinyin-select React选择组件(支持拼音搜索)
jiahaog/ttt A Tic-Tac-Toe game with React and an unbeatable AI
jianliaoim/react-lite-markdown React markdown renderer of 简聊
JoeKarlsson1/bechdel-test A node based interactive site to analyze a movie script in order to tell if it passes the Bechdel Test.
johannhof/going-declarative My talk at React Berlin 2015
johnshew/GraphDashboard Your Office information... an example app showing how to use with React, AD / Kurve, and Typescript
johnshew/office-dashboard Your Office information... an example app showing how to use with React, AD / Kurve, and Typescript
Josebaseba/sails-browserify-example An example of how it works grunt in sails adding browserify, with React support
jrzerr/react-redux-tsheets-app React Redux web app using the TSheets API, link to presentation slides included
kastork/react-karma-rewire-webpack Build/test example for React
kat4/magnifier-for-react React draggable tabs
keenethics/pelorus Simple yet highly-effective strategic planning tool that helps reaching goals in a way of successive approximations
kkav004/react-native-redux-real-world Bringing real-world Redux example (…) to React Native
kRITZCREEK/squirrelzon A Webshop with a twist
lcxfs1991/steamer-react react-redux-webpack-boilerplate
lemonCMS/react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader, react-intl, react-bootstrap, redux-form
liveplant/ the liveplant client app
localnerve/flux-react-example-sw flux-react-example with a service worker
loggur/react-redux-provide-theme Provides interchangeable themes as classes, images, and icons to React components.
maphubs/maphubs MapHubs Web Application
martijnboland/reverb-dealfinder React Native + Redux example app (iOS + Android) for finding deals on the marketplace.
metalabdesign/startupslam-workshop Cheesecakes.
mkawalec/manifold A simple isomorphic blog
mozilla-magnet/magnet-client A nearby content discovery client for Android & iOS
mozilla/ Source behind MoFo's project tracking site
mtharrison/hapicasts A screencast series on hapijs
mvillis/measure-mate Simple tool to track maturity assessments
ncthis/thisday Gamified goal setting with React/Flux and PouchDB.
netceteragroup/girders-elements Architectural framework that assists building data-driven apps with React or React Native.
nginformatica/mern-todo Ferramenta demo de controle de tarefas usando a stack MERN
nicholaswyoung/react-boilerplate React, Redux, Router5. PostCSS. The most buzzword-worthy boilerplate you've ever seen.
nordsoftware/react-foundation-docs Documentation for React + Foundation
open-sausages/silverstripe-reactjs-common Provides common libraries for building React.js components in SilverStripe CMS
OpenCollective/opencollective-app OpenCollective App - used to manage budgets and approve expenses
osener/redux-purescript-example Purely functional Redux actions and reducers with PureScript.
PAK90/Gatherer2 A better Magic: the Gathering card database.
pandazki/ant-design-redux-boilerplate Boilerplate project base on Ant Design & Redux.
PatSnap-JS/ie8-react-starterkit React Starterkit for IE8 , react-router ,justore
phated/marvelous Isn't it just marvelous?
Pinwheeler/Parrit Software development pairing management
procurement-analytics/procurement-analytics A dashboard with insights into Mexico's procurement performance
PS-JS/ie8-react-starterkit React Starterkit for IE8 , react-router ,justore
pt-br/relay-boilerplate A nice start for React/Relay :)
raphaelameaume/react-node-starter Starter kit for building web apps with node, react, stylus and gulp
raymondsze/react-example An example of using react to build a checkboxlist
React-Components-Organization/react.container react.container is a reusable Container, with some basic properties (scrollable, hidden...)
react-li/React-Redux-material-ui-Starter-Kit React Redux material-ui Starter Kit
reactjs-ui/reactjs-iscroll 基于 iscroll react 组件
reindexio/reindex-starter-kit-react-auth0 Reindex starter kit with React and Auth0
rnplay/rnplay-reindex React Native Playground v2
RPallas92/GrausJS JavaScript Clean Architecture
rybon/counter-hmr Counter HMR example
sardaukar/react-es6-browserify-sass-boilerplate A sane way to start ReactJS projects
seaplate/koa-spa A Postgres backed Koa server with a React Redux single page application boilerplate. With Docker.
sergiodxa/isomorphic-react-todo Aplicación web de TODOs isomórfica hecha con React.js
superdesk/superdesk-client-core Common client modules for superdesk apps.
tadjik1/vk-express marketplace for vk groups and publics
teambition/react-lite-markdown React markdown renderer of 简聊
thaiinhk/VocabReactNative Thai Vocabulary Learning App in React Native (available both iOS and Android).
thangngoc89/react-code-playground A playground component built for React.js
the-learning-collective/whereat-web (mobile) web component of where@ -- a location sharing app made by and for activists
thefivetoes/react-intro react js: a hands-on introduction
tilomitra/sample-express-browserify-react-sass-app An Isomorphic React application that is built using Express, React, SASS and Browserify.
TracklistMe/client-react React Client for the store
TracklistMe/client-web React Client for the store
troch/hocompose Compose HOCs like a boss
tykarol/redux-isomorphic-starter-kit React Redux Isomorphic Starter Kit
uber/ringpop-ui A visualization tool for Ringpop
vascogaspar/hello-portfolio This is my personal space
VasilyShelkov/React-Hot-Dev-Starter-Kit A skeleton project for starting with a hot-loading development react project server
waynelkh/react-sweetalert A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's Alert with reactJS
whereat/whereat-web (mobile) web component of where@ -- a location sharing app made by and for activists
wix/react-templates-transform-boilerplate Sample of React-templates + webpack + hot reload
yetu/controlcenter SPA for controlling devices and user preferences
yoshuawuyts/react-anchor Functional factory to create react anchor components
zalando/ The open-source metrics dashboard
zhon/react-hogwarts-tdd-kata Kata for TDDing/Refactoring React with a little Alt thrown in.
zippyui/react-button-group A carefully crafted button-group for React
zland/zland The real world zombie game
zpao/hexo-renderer-react React renderer for Hexo
60frames/react-boilerplate Production-ready boilerplate for building universal web apps with React and Redux
a12map/a12-map a12map client application
abachuk/quotes quotes app to learn react and redux
abustamam/polling-place-accessibility Provide a resource for voting persons who need accessibility to voting venues
adjavaherian/sass-lifter-loader A Webpack loader and plugin that lifts module dependencies into the entry point.
akoenig/boilerplate-redux-react My personal redux + react boilerplate.
aleen42/sound.js <g-emoji alias="sound" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔉</g-emoji> A JavaScript library for handling Web Audio.
alex1712/react-conditions Component for rendering conditional content.
alexklibisz/meetup-viz Real-time visualization of streaming data from the open events RSVP API.
AlexMost/grunt-react-render Renders react components in existing markup
aml-development/ozp-hud OZONE Heads-up Display
Anomen/universal-react-redux-starter-kit Get started with Universal React, Redux, and React-Router!
anorudes/React-Sublime-Contrast Simple desktop app for sublime text themes
anorudes/React-Sublime-Theme-Contrast Simple desktop app for sublime text themes
AntiEvictionBoston/LeafletMap Maps highlighting eviction and displacement in Boston, using leaflet.js and React.
AntiEvictionBoston/Maps Maps highlighting eviction and displacement in Boston, using leaflet.js and React.
Anubisss/costello A simple personal project to try out React.
arqex/react-declarative-fetching A demo application on how to fetch data dependencies defined in react components declaratively.
asdelday/react-dumb-component Boilerplate for ReactJS dumb components
austentalbot/React-TypeScript-Starter A starter project example for using React and TypeScript together
avh4/react-charts SVG charting library for React.js
AyaMorisawa/Disskey A lightweight Misskey client for desktop
babie/flumpt-todomvc Flumpt TodoMVC Example
bahattincinic/pharmacyonduty-mobile React Native implementation for Pharmacy on duty (…)
barriehadfield/reactrb-showcase A simple rails app showcasing React-rb, Opal and associated technologies
ben-eb/react-midas Highlight CSS in React with Midas.
bjyoungblood/energize React components (plus some styles) for Materialize CSS
blakeembrey/back-row A media server for watching movies and shows in a browser, streamed directly from a server
Blastman/webpack-gradle Spring boot application using webpack and react
BobbyKostadinov/blodejs Personal playground for Node.JS / AWS platforms
breuleux/earl-react Earl Grey macros for React
CapstoneWebsite/CapstoneWebApplication Website to assist with the CS Capstone Program at Portland State University
captainamerican/react-indy-01 A simple example of React, just React, and only React.
CBIConsulting/ProperCombo A proper combo field
chengyuhui/PixivTool Chrome plugin for Pixiv users
cheriejiajia/react-seed Seed project for React application using Flux architecture
clintandrewhall/metaphorically Demystifying Technology without Jargon
clippy-io/ Dead simple clipboard syncing - the website
code-kotis/pwa-codelabs Your first progressive web application
codejunkienick/starter-lapis yet another react starter kit
coma/react-teleport A neat way of handling views on other components
ComfySoft/ComfyCafe The image site for cool kids. Built with Meteor, React, and sleep-deprivation.
ConsenSys/contract-viewer React component: Solidity contract viewer beautified with syntax highlight and code indentation
coryhouse/pro-javascript-bootcamp Pro JavaScript Bootcamp
coryhouse/ps-redux WIP - Nothing to see here.
DataSF/open-data-explorer To promote exploration and use of open data - currently in alpha
davegomez/deathwing Simple real time retrospective tool
ddewaele/web-gpio-react Frontend for IoT prototyping boards (UDOO / Raspberry PI / ....)
devmessias/brasillivre Trabalho Escravo Contemporâneo
dggriffin/noteworthee A simple app that allows teams create noteboards to post quick, anonymous notes
dggriffin/noteworthy A simple app that allows teams create noteboards to post quick, anonymous notes
dimaip/encultN Node+reactjs frontend for
dozoisch/pointsgenie 'Points Genie' website for the 57th promo of Engineering at UdeS
dqdinh/react-webpack-starter React app containing smaller React demos.
dschnare/mighty-mail Reactjs components for static server rendering of HTML emails.
Eightyplus/react-json-editor JSON editor for React
eiriklv/express-basic-app (DEPRECATED) Basic Application made with Node.js and Express 4.x and React
elucidata/ogre2 Simple Object Graph manager, built with ReactJS in mind.
embengineering/kyfl-rock Web app combining React, Webpack, Material-UI, Redux, and Firebase
epeli/react-starter Makefile React.js starter kit
fanfank/aap AAP is an Admin Platform
fbarrailla/Pokedex Another simple Pokédex SPA
flootr/redux-login simple react login boilerplate using redux
flyingant/react-tiny-audio-player an audio player component with process bar and process tip
frozzare/wp-plugin-boilerplate-react WordPress plugin boilerplate with React
Gattermeier/Node-Hapi-React-Cluster-in-ES6 Node Cluster in ES6 with Hapi framework & React templating
georgeOsdDev/react-anchorify-text Create anchor tag with urls in text.
georgeOsdDev/react-mousetrap-mixin React component and mixin for mousetrap
gios-asu/dont-get-fired-game HTML5+JavaScript game for demonstrating Sustainability
gios-asu/sustainability-game HTML5+JavaScript game for demonstrating Sustainability
gios/solar-nets Analyze and monitoring solar power via Petri Nets
Gobie/luncher Accessible lunch menus.
google/stijl Chrome extension showing all your code reviews in a single page.
gpoesia/comp4kids A playful CS 101 course designed for children with a novel approach
grosskur/tornado-react-demo Demo application for Tornado + React with server-side rendering
hacklag/hacklag-website Hacklag Website
Hairfie/Website Trouvez votre coupe, réservez votre coiffeur.
hwclass/bobs-quest A practical thing to experiment transactional processes with Node.js and Redis Pub/Sub Events.
IBM-Bluemix/SSComments Subreddit Simmulator Comment Scraper + Web App
ihaolin/react-toaster A toast of React
ihmeuw/beaut Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation UI Toolkit
ihmeuw/ihme-ui Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation UI Toolkit
iiegor/zenit A cross-platform extensible database administration tool
ikr/react-navbar React.js component rendering a translatable menu bar with Twitter Bootstrap Navbar HTML markup
increments/qiita-notifications Web browser extensions for Qiita notifications.
InseeFr/Pogues PoC for a questionnaire design and test tool
ironikart/sc-trade-profit-client Trade Profit Calculator (client) for Star Citizen.
ivanoats/react-starter Full-Stack ReactJS template with Karma / Mocha unit tests, WebdriverIO / Selenium Acceptance tests, Browserify, JSX, ExpressJS server and Mocha Server Tests
jancarloviray/es6-isomorphic-react-starter Uses Express.js & React-Router. Includes Babel.js, Webpack and Hot Loading.
jez/cmd-queue A simple queueing service for CMU students.
jonstuebe/date-time-generator A Simple Date/Time string format generator built in html/js
JSVillage/military-families An application to help military families find services and help.
Justinidlerz/ot-system A system to record out time.
kaenry/react-native-learning Learning React Native
knicklabs/universal-react-redux-starter A barebones place to start building universal apps.
lebowski89/carpentry A library of highly customisable React components
lelandrichardson/enzyme-example-karma Example project with React + Enzyme + Karma
LeoLeBras/react-starter-kit Get started with React.js and Redux.
lkarthee/react-materializecss A react implementation of material design based on materializecss
localnerve/flux-react-example A Data Driven, Isomorphic, Fluxible/React Application
loggur/use-tooltip Decorator that gives custom tooltips to React components.
luigiplr/photon-media No longer maintained
madebysource/reacting Example React and Flux application using webpack and reactionary
maisnamraju/react-starterkit Yet another react starterkit. Including react-router, reflux, jest, webpack, gulp and sass. Forked from wbkd/react-starterkit
massimiliano-mantione/react-3dui Experiment in 3D UIs using React
milankinen/node-quickstart My personal Node.js web app quickstart template
mitodl/micromasters Portal for learners and course teams to access MITx micromasters programs:
mitsuhiko/sentry Sentry is a realtime event logging and aggregation platform
mlandauer/thats-camping-react Find campsites near you
molejs/mole-dashboard Mole dashboard is a tool to view and explore all your logs stored in a mole server.
Mr-Antivirus/Riur A React.js boilerplate!
mrblueblue/react-quickstart React starter kit for minimalists
mulesoft-labs/mule-match A simple swapping app to use as a Reference app for React applications.
my-koop/ Website service
NDLANO/learningpath-frontend NDLA Learning Path Frontend
neilff/scrumboard Scrumblr rebuilt using Redux + React
neilff/smoker-js Smoker.js - Johnny Five powered BBQ Thermometer
ngokevin/threeschwifty 360-degree photo viewer built with A-Frame VR.
nilshartmann/react-vote-example Universal Web App Example with React, React-Router and Redux
nlhkh/react-semantic-modal React component for semantic UI modal
nozzlegear/Gearworks Gearworks is a boilerplate template for new Shopify apps using the 'HNTR' stack — Hapi + Node + Typescript + React. Gearworks is fully equipped for handling Shopify's OAuth process, subscription billing and webhooks.
nsand/tab-glutton Google Chrome tab management extension
o-d-i-n/nsit-fest A react based frontend for NSIT fests.
offenesdresden/annotieren Wir nehmen Dokumente auseinander
okmttdhr/setsuna-firebase Setsuna is the anonymous social networking with Firebase+React+Redux
one-love/frontend ReactJS fronted
ozone-development/ozp-hud OZONE Heads-up Display
pagarme/api-reference's API reference
pathwar/ <g-emoji alias="computer" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💻</g-emoji> Pathwar portal - an api-driven & javascript-powered static website
philcockfield/react-middleware Connect middleware for serving React components from a standard folder structure.
ppau/project-m Something secret but not really.
qiaolb/react-dragscroll React DragScroll is a React component which enables scrolling via holding the mouse button.
quirkyshop/babyflux webpack + flux + react 脚手架
react-native-dojo/react-boilerplate Um boilerplate completo usando React + Redux, para você trabalhar em seus projetos
reactjs-id/react-webpack-simple-starter Simple starter untuk ReactJS, Webpack, dan Babel ES2015
ReputationVIP/moodtracker Prototyping of a basic team mood tracker with Meteor framework
RetroGameNight/rgn-ui Front end for RGN website.
rhysd/Rocket Graphical interface to search&launch anything
rpearce/react-form-steps-example Form steps example with React.js
sapegin/redux-demo React/Redux/Immutable.js playground
sasha-alias/sqlshare Sharing server for SQL documents created with SQL Tabs
scienceai/react-pouchdb-changes React component middleware for listening to the changes feed from CouchDB or PouchDB
sensedata/space-telemetry This is the source code for Scroll down for information on contributing and discussing this.
SimpleWeek/desktop-tray-app Desktop tray application based on Electron.js, React and Redux
Smallpath/Psnine Android App for P9 written by React Native
smashwilson/kite-shell Electron + Docker, or Kitematic - UI
squelch-irc/squelch An IRC client interface.
svenanders/react-editable-div React Component that enables editable divs
szarouski/sourcejs-react React middleware for
terryx/react-webpack Simplified environmental build processes with react and webpack
thealjey/react-bootstrap-combobox A combo-box component for React Bootstrap
thomasboyt/earthling React for non-astronauts
throoze/vendata Repositorio de documentos públicos oficiales de Venezuela, consultables a través de un API.
Torwori/ts-mobx-react-starter-kit Mobx & React starter kit written in Typescript.
UXtemple/panels A runtime to run panels apps.
vacuumlabs/vlux Very simple flux
vga-/react-redux-material-ui Boilerplate for React/Redux apps w/ Google's Material Design
vid/SenseBase Base for collaborative sense-adding system
voudeonibus/ Vou de ônibus web
VYNYL/gulpnoir Visual UI for the streaming build system
wbinnssmith/react-blurred-img A React component to display a blurred image
wenzhixin/react-memory 基于 nodejs + bower + react 的文字记忆游戏。
widged/SOT-skills-report Repository for Summer of Tech skills report.
WJsjtu/react-ui-select A flexible select component using Facebook React.
wuct/react-perf-playground Play with react-addons-perf on NodeJS
xingyesh/react-company-management It main use react,redux, material-ui, jquery(ajax,well be removed). webpack,babel,gulp build the project.
xingyesh/react-modal It is a react modal. can drag and drop. Use react, es6, webpack, gulp.
YannBertrand/YouWatch An improved YouTube desktop client
z5h/fluir Dispatcher, router, store helper for React apps.
zeaphoo/bluebox web frontend framework focus on component, based on reactjs and material-ui
zeaphoo/redstack web frontend framework focus on component, based on reactjs and material-ui
ZeroarcSoftware/tabletable Simple reactjs Table
zooniverse/zoo-react-starterify A minimal React JS application starter kit for Zooniverse projects
zpratt/coffee-hunt I love coffee. Show me where I can get some.
addthis/ Documentation for fluxthis
aenehc/getsub <g-emoji alias="scroll" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📜</g-emoji> A better way to find your subtitles
Ahrengot/react-svg-use Use SVG sprites in React.js
albburtsev/reaction Real React-based application with all modern (summer 2015) features
AlexB913/Project-Site My main portfolio site for JS
alexdo/powerest React.js-based web frontend for PowerDNS HTTP API
AlexJozwicki/reactmovie A tutorial React application for a simple movie manager
alexyuly/full-stack-template A very generic template for a typical full-stack socket-based Node.js web app
AllenFang/react-babel-demo It's a demo for react/flux with es6 and babel.
amcsi/szeremi Source code for Attila Szeremi's portfolio website
amitmtrn/atom-ftp-editor edit files with sync with ftp server
amorino/backfire <g-emoji alias="cyclone" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌀</g-emoji> Personal boilerplate for React.js focused on animation using react-gsap-enhancer with redux, react-sagas, webpack, stylus, postcss plugins.
amyrebecca/simple-react-webpack A nice webpack and redux / react quick start setup
andela-earinde/bellatrix An offline repl and markdown editor
andreruffert/hex-to-rgb <g-emoji alias="art" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎨</g-emoji> A simple React HEX to RGB Color Converter
arca-computing/MultipleDatePickerReact React component to use a simple calendar allowing to select multiple dates, check the demo
asafusan/react-admin-dashboard-boilerplate A react boilerplate for an admin dashboard with a basic features.
AsamK/JodelJS Unofficial web app for Jodel
ashwin01/monorepack-skel This is a boilerplate for quickly getting started with CassandraDB, Express, ReactJS and Webpack. Using this will help you get started quickly with the development process without bothering about setting up your dev environment. Additional packages include MongoDB, Redis and NPM modules
asm-products/evergist ev*rnote but with version control
asmalik107/AwesimSteps React Native step counter for iOS (HealthKit) and Android (Google Fit)
Atu/react-flux-skeleton ReactJS / Flux Skeleton - Used React Router, JSX Harmony, Gulp, Webpack, BrowserSync Based on…
Aurora0001/Aether Modern, Beautiful IRC Client
azu/markdown-finder [node-webkit/nw.js]Markdown
azu/material-flux-mediator-example mediator pattern
belongco/react-multi-select-dropdown A Multi Select Dropdown for React
Benoss/eadm Elasticsearch Admin web UI plugin
bgerm/scheduler3000 A scheduling app written with ReactJS
bogas04/SikhJS Modern Gurbani Web Application
bryanveloso/shiver-electron Shiver, the Twitch notifier and viewer. Built on Electron.
btholt/reddadore Example of ES6 style React using the reddit API
caiyongmin/react-todo 使用 React 制作一个任务清单应用
calebcassel/react-workshop Lessons for learning React
CapsuleCat/GildGame Global Game Jam 2016 game. 48 hours. LET'S DO THIS.
cerebral/cerebral-debugger-prototype Cerebral debugger Chrome extension
cerebral/cerebral-todomvc Classic todomvc demo application powered with cerebral
chasm/didactic-doodle React redux webpack express: for a intermediate level course.
ChineseCubes/react-odp A naive ODP Viewer in React with the ability to render custom components.
CISC475-Group2/parsons-ui React.js UI for Parsons block problems
ClinGen/clincoded Metadata database for ClinGen based on ENCODE
codeforsanjose/trash-pickup-portal Better searching and visualizing of the Trash Pickup Days data across San Jose
CodeHubOrg/organisations-database CodeHub Organisations Database
collink/draggit ReactJS Drag & Drop made simple!
commoncode/ontap the official Common beer app
ComPlat/chemotion_ELN Electronic Lab Notebook
Concorda/concorda-dashboard concorda dashboard
conveyal/scenario-editor Conveyal's frontend for editing transportation scenarios.
coryhouse/react-typescript-starter-kit Simple starter kit that shows how TypeScript and React can work together
Cosecha/redadas-de-obama A web app for crowdsourcing immigration raid info so undocumented people can avoid them.
CosX/React-pip-boy Fallout pip boy interface in ES6 and React
crm416/mongoose-proptypes Generate React PropTypes for your Mongoose schema.
CTAPbIuMABP/goat Portfolio
Cu7ious/React-n-Redux-Pomodoro-Clock FreeCodeCamp educational project for 'Intermediate Front End Development Projects' section
czarandy/mtgptresults A site showing results for MTG Pro Tours
danesparza/GetTheFluxGist A simple ReactJS+Flux example to display read-only JSON data from a REST service
danieltimpone/react-background-image-loader Allows you display a placeholder image while the actual background image loads
dato-code/Strata-Now Mobile-friendly web application that makes personalized recommendations of talks at the StrataHadoop conference. Built using Dato machine learning models and predictive services.
DevelopIntelligenceBoulder/react-flux-app A basic React Flux Application
didierfranc/vscode-react-intellisense A blank project to get Intellisense for React in Visual Studio Code
djkirby/pivotal-swimlanes Swimlanes for Pivotal Tracker Sprints
dolfelt/markdeck Write beautiful presentations using only Markdown. Powered by React + Electron.
domadams/essential-ui A collection of react components
donnierayjones/dayone-js-html Renders Day One app entries as HTML
doowb/server-side-react Example application using assemble and engine-react for server-side rendering.
DublinTypeScript/ts-react-workshop A react + typescript workshop
duivvv/fffast create and watch a webtech experimentation folder
eBaoTech/parrot Not maintained now, please refer to the main repository
eliquious/react-rework-flex React components based on Rework Flex Grid -…
Em-Ant/clementinejs-react-redux Modified version of the www.clementinejs.comboilerplate
eyedea-io/mobx-react-leaf Plant your app
fangeugene/the-blue-alliance FIRST Robotics match video archive website
ferrannp/showman Official website for Showman (Android app)
First-Peoples-Cultural-Council/fv-web-ui A CRUD dictionary web-app using React.JS, Material Design and Nuxeo as a back-end.
foisonocean/react-image-viewer a react component
foxichu/reactgur Image uploading website built with react
fredguile/react-redux-es2015-starter-kit My own starter kit for making a React/Redux web application
gabrieledarrigo/nasa-apod A simple application that show the Nasa astronomy picture of the day
genesis-labs/calculus Visualisation For Humans. By Humans.
gios/hashline Realtime discussions
gios/sportalking Realtime discussions
gkedge/Kanban This is live:
gladly-team/goodblock Goodblock: the ad blocker with a purpose
Glavin001/IssueBot Automate Issue replies and organization
gnapse/kefir-flux-todo Todo-List app using React and Kefir for Flux-like architecture
gurel/marvin Marvin is a Personal assistant that responds to voice input. It uses NLP to detect the intent of the recorded sound and runs a range of plugins on those intents.
HackathonTaiwan/Website Hackathon Taiwan Official Website
hacktunes/hacktunes A monthly music programming collaborative art project.
hallettj/poodle Experimental email client with social features
hawkrives/gobbldygook A course scheduling app for St. Olaf College, by Hawken Rives, Drew Volz, and Xandra Best.
heroku/create-render-4r-example Example Universal Web App: React.js running on the server and in browsers.
holderdeord/hdo-budget Explore the Norwegian state budgets. WIP.
holidayextras/react-ui-workshop A workshop for MobConEU 2016 by @dancork & @jackdcrawford
HriBB/react-mdl-selectfield Selectfield component for react-mdl
hubstack/touchstack Awesome App Framework powered by React & Apache Cordova
hufeng/react-starter a simple react starter
iaalm/react-qrcode QR code for ReactJS
ike/indie-comments an independent, distributed comment system based on IPFS
ikr/react-period-of-stay-input React.js component for entering a period of stay in a hotel: check-in + check-out date
importre/epp <g-emoji alias="bulb" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💡</g-emoji> Electron Application Boilerplate
infoeducatie/infoeducatie-ui React UI for InfoEducatie
inkOfPixel/ardesia awesome reusable react components.
innowatio/iwwa-front Innowatio app front-end
insin/dinnertime Cooking timer & scheduler with spoken instructions
instructure-react/react-sortable-item-groups Sortable item groups using browser's native drag and drop API. Alpha. Not ready for production.
io-monad/novelous-extension An extension that helps publishing your novel on various Japanese novel sites.
isairz/yomiko A Beatiful Web MangaViewer
jeongsd/react-pointerlock pointLock api for react.js…
jfeigel/style-guide-generator <g-emoji alias="bookmark_tabs" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📑</g-emoji> Generate a SASS stylesheet based on user-defined settings
jiayihu/gulp-react-browserify <g-emoji alias="boom" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💥</g-emoji> Boilerplate for React.js development with Gulp and Browserify
jirivrany/react-treeview-recursive Example of recursive tree view in ReactJS
jkusachi/gitty A git status watcher for Mac
jmreidy/react-combobox A fork of react-autocomplete that has become its own thing.
JodusNodus/syncthing-tray A Syncthing GUI for macOs.
joemccann/top-10-github-repos-by-language Easily fetch the Top 10 GitHub Repos by Programming Language
joestump/laminate A ReactJS UI framework for Cordova.
johnnyreilly/globalize-so-what-cha-want Tell me what Globalize modules you want to use, I'll tell you what you need.
johnqiang/TwitterMap Stream Tweets real-time from Twitter with MERN.JS framework and ElasticSearch
jootse84/es6-react-label-list React label list component
joshwnj/react-plain-table General-purpose table presentation component for React.
jsis/ JSConf in Iceland 25-26th of August 2016.
JulienPradet/pigment-store Pigment Store is a styleguide generator that works as a living documentation for React Components. It also aims at providing automatic visual testing.
jwolfcn/gallery-by-react a react demo
karlbright/hotplate Personal starter kit for Express + React + Redux
kartikanand/eat-out find random restaurants to eat around you
Kegsay/github-pull-review A better way to review pull requests
kenotron/outlook-api-client-boilerplate React client boilerplate for accessing Outlook REST API, uses mobx and Flux pattern
KevinMellott91/react-nest-thermostat Provides a basic display of the Nest thermostat.
Kevnz/shopkeep Ecommerce solution, or at least it will be if I ever get it finished
Kos/rtable AJAX-powered table / data grid component
liamgriffiths/react-lambda-demo render a react.js app on aws lambda
line64/landricks-components A set of React components to build structured landing pages
luigiplr/photon-wallpaper A clean way of keeping your wallpaper synced with Bing or Reddit subreddits!
lusilva/word-galaxy A graph-based visual dictionary/thesaurus. Final project for Interactive Visualization class at RPI.
madhurakhal/es6_react_todo React Todo using ES6
mapbox/osm-comments Frontend application to query osm-comments-api
mapbox/osm-comments-frontend Frontend application to query osm-comments-api
martyjs/marty-devtools Chrome Developer Tools for Marty
MattMcFarland/codepix-client client facing portion of codepix
maximenajim/isomorphic-flux-javascript-nashorn-example Example of Isomorphic Flux using Nashorn
maxmert/rocket-react Boilerplate ES6 isomorphic React application based on reactive Flux pattern (use RxJS). Uses Babel, React-router, RxJS, Express.
maybeShuo/netease-music-react A website application by react
maysale01/isomorphic-react-express-es6-bootstrap Simple Isomorphic React/Express ES6 Bootstrap
maysale01/Simple-Isomorphic-React-Express-ES6-Bootstrap Simple Isomorphic React/Express ES6 Bootstrap
mcomella/is-it-in-nightly Determine if a changeset is in the latest Firefox Nightly build
megalithic/js-seed Starting point (seed) for JS development
mitchbox/react-seed Seed project for React apps using ES6 & webpack.
mobyvb/jamcircle Jammin on the web
moprodotio/MoproTranslationUIBundle A different UI for the JMSTranslationBundle
mosen/micromdm-ui A Web UI for managing MicroMDM
movio/movio-todomvc Movio's TodoMVC stack
mozillayvr/yvr-conf-free Visualizes the availability status of conference rooms in the Mozilla Vancouver office
Mr-Antivirus/React-Isomorphic-Bootstrap-Base A base Node.js project that implements React, React-Router, React-Bootstrap, Alt (Flux implementation), Browserify, and Express.
mtomcal/code-slinger Get your React project up and running in 10 seconds with Webpack hot reloading.
mulgore/learn-managed-website FED learn managed website in China
mvader/react-pagination Simple yet configurable react pagination component.
mystiqueninja/chatapp React/Express/ Chat application (just for shits)
mythmon/edwin A bug management system
nearform/concorda-dashboard concorda dashboard
nemtsov/react-isomorphic-starter React isomorphic starter template
nerdlabs/harmony-bp A small boilerplate to bootstrap web development for the future (ES6, react, isomorphic rendering and much more)
networknt/react-schema-form-rc-select An add-on of react-schema-form that support multiple select and a demo for extending react-schema-form with new components.
nheyn/express-react-router Middleware for Express that Serves React Router Websites
nozzlegear/deliver-on A small Shopify app that lets merchants add a 'Deliver On' date selector to their cart page or post-checkout page.
Nuclides/neutron-git A Git client based on Atom Shell.
observant/react-document-modifier Declaritive, nested, stateful
modification for React applications -
olegsmetanin/typescript_babel_react_express typescript+babel+react+express
onomatopio/ChatPlayground Multiclient chat application.
openfisca/openfisca-web-ui Web user interface for OpenFisca -- a versatile microsimulation free software
ouvens/Isomorphic-reactjs Isomorphic-reactjs
PAK90/cardcrunch Smashing together Magic: the Gathering cards with the power of neural networks.
pandadragoon/panda-forms A forms library written with react and mobx with built in simple validation
pangolingo/redux-demo-quiz Trying out Redux and ES6 using React and Webpack
pastak/electonic-ninetan forecast Info from on menubar
pcardune/arthrobots A reincarnation of Guido van Robot / Karl the Robot for the web
peterbe/headsupper Houston. We have commits coming in.
peterjmag/reading-list An example React web app for a talk at React Berlin
phodal-archive/iot-editor Internet of Things Editor
Plugger-io/plugger Plugger is a Script runner with a GUI. Powered by Electron and Node
portify/sauna A custom Steam client built on Electron and node-steam-user
QianmiOpen/react-starter a simple react starter
raccoon-app/ui-kit Raccoon App is a tools to measuring and getting styles of layouts design
raccy/atom-wrap-style Select word warp style in Atom.
rafrex/react-github-pages react with react-router boilerplate for github pages
ragingwind/eddystone-beacon-electron-emulator Electron Apps for Eddystone
ragingwind/electron-eddystone-beacon Electron Apps for Eddystone
remobile/remobile react mobile library
Restuta/ <g-emoji alias="biking_man" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚴</g-emoji> Making bike racing in USA 'a better place' or 'great again'
rhysd/Irasutoyer Desktop app for Irasutoya lovers
Rise-Vision/widget-google-spreadsheet Rise Vision Google Spreadsheet Widget
ritz078/react-filters <g-emoji alias="sparkles" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">✨</g-emoji> A collection of customizable filters like radio, slider, autocomplete, range etc. written in React <g-emoji alias="sparkles" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">✨</g-emoji>
robotlolita/jumperskirt The UI framework with frills, on top of Stylus and React.
Romathonat/RRSUI-boilerplate Minimal live-editing boilerplate for your next ReactJS project, with redux and Semantic-UI
rossta/ rossta's homepage
Rostlab/JS16_ProjectF In this project we will build a web portal for our GoT data analysis and visualization system. The website will integrate all the apps created in projects B-D with the help of the integration team assigned to Project E.
rsnara/reddit-client A shameless reddit clone using react + redux + official Reddit API.
Ryan724/r-scroller react-scroller 是对 zynga/scroller 的封装;
ryanzec/react-seed A seed application for ReactJS
ryyppy/redux-word-gl Reimplementation of an old game project, which can be found here:
saadq/flow-timer A modern Rubik's Cube timer app
sailingchannels/website Discovering YouTube sailing channels by using a network analysis on recursive channel subscriptions
Sandreu/react-angular-material Use angular-material markup with Facebook React
sbekti/path-web-client The missing web client for the social media.
scalegray/scalegray scalegray front-end using reactjs/node/flux
scubism/react_todo_web A TODO Web client based on react.js framework. See the central repository… for installation.
sergiocruz/react-boilerplate React server-side rendering boilerplate project with Express, ejs, react-route
sergiodxa/MarvelDB Webapp to find characters in the Marvel database.
sgleung/autumn A minimal Markdown writer
sharingapples/sync-state-react A client side implementation for sychronizing states with server
sjliang/sparks A minimal Markdown writer
sk1981/react-header A responsive, easy to configure react header :…
socialtables/react-spectrum react-color with a whole spectrum of bug fixes
softindex/uikernel UIKernel is a comprehensive React.js UI library for building forms, editable grids and reports with drilldowns and filters, based on simple unified record model with client-side and server-side validations and data bindings.
somebody32/react-svg-smashing Code for Smashing Magazine article about rendering SVG with React
Srdjan/react-baobab-todoapp React + babobab Todo App
stackPie/stackPie Connect with Geeks and Nerds around the world!
steelbrain/linter-ui-default Default UI for
package -
StevenPerez/react-training React Essentials
suhaotian/my-react-boilerplate react-boilerplate for me. For more detail, please see…
sunkay/m-diary React Redux app
survivejs/react-demos Assorted React demos related to blog posts
talexand/react-loader-factory A factory for creating custom functional react loading screen components.
TarikHuber/react-redux-material-starter-kit Starter kit for react-redux application using material ui
tarrencev/sheets Spreadsheet implementation using React.js and Immutable.js
tdreyno/react-custom-transition Simple JS transition wrapper for React
teamhacksmiths/food-drivr-frontend A repo for the development of the Hacksmiths Food Drivr React SPA
thcyron/tracklog Tracklog is a web application for managing GPX track files written in Go.
thinktopography/reframe Toolkit for rapidly prototyping and building responsive web appliations
thomasbrueggemann/sailing-channels Discovering YouTube sailing channels by using a network analysis on recursive channel subscriptions
tjunghans/react-tag-suggest Tag auto suggester react component
tomsteele/domain-trust-grapher An in browser domain trust graphing thingy
TrejGun/goat Portfolio
tribou/whatlyric Sample ES6 React/Flux app with a Hapi.js proxy to the Lyrics N' Music API
ttalhouk/Game_On Group sports match making app
tweedegolf/symfony-okoa Okoa Symfony base project
tweinfeld/uberlist A sample project written with React, Browserify & Gulp
uinika/saga A master project base on React, EcmaScript6.
Utzel-Butzel/react-virtual-keyboard Use jQuery Virtual Keyboard in react.js
varapp/varapp-frontend-react React frontend to varapp
vasco3/Apollo CuadranteWeb - tools and games
vasco3/CuadranteWeb CuadranteWeb - tools and games
vasco3/Oracul CuadranteWeb - tools and games
vicapow/react-map-gl-interactive-choropleth-example An example of creating an interactive choropleth using react-map-gl
vpavkin/flux-tree Archived
vrunjeti/transit A simple single page webapp to view CUMTD bus timings
watilde/good-bug-report <g-emoji alias="love_letter" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💌</g-emoji> Better way for large projects to report issue on GitHub
webcom-components/visio-sample Visio web application with Webcom
wing-kai/react-drag-selector react框选组件,支持批量框选拖放
wudizhuo/kindle_react_app Kindle助手App React实现版本
xuorig/insyto Insyto React / Relay App
yangshun/commitbait Make people read your commits
yeastgenome/SGDFrontend Front-end code for SGD website
Zach417/churchetto-web Churchetto is a free web application that serves church organizations and individuals in a uniquely powerful, symbiotic way.
zation/fluxes-doc Document for fluxes
1stdibs/dibs-react-tooltip A tooltip in React from 1stdibs
2gis/vmmaster-frontend Overview vmmaster session and tests specific info
aAXEe/online_chart_ol3 OpenSeaMap chart framework - an interative online chart
abdurrachman-habibi/event-attendance A website using React, Redux, Firebase and Material-UI
AgtLucas/Montsegur Relay playground
ahmedmodan/react-redux-koa A boilerplate for projects with React, Redux and Koa.
ahomu/hn-react-rxjs Hacker News Client build with React & RxJS
ahomu/react-6to5-isomorphic-Kameita Flow & 6to5 client-server isomorphic project template
akihiroxob/Petari Petari
alexjstubbs/ignition-dev [WIP] Ignition Client.
alfonsoperez/redux-survey A Redux-powered Survey app <g-emoji alias="+1" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">👍</g-emoji>
aligot-project/aligot Aligot - Notes management made with Python
allendav/sorting-hat Makes it easier to manage issue assignments across multiple repositories
allendav/urban-chainsaw Makes it easier to manage issue assignments across multiple repositories
AllenWooooo/rc-datetime-picker React component for datetime picker by Moment.js
alleyinteractive/simplechart Create simple interactive data visualizations and embed them in any CMS. WordPress plugin at…
altenia/ecolearnia-studio EcoLearnia's content authoring studio
AMalininHere/bookmark-tagging-tool Bookmark Tagging Tool
amannn/ My personal website featuring some projects I worked on and some photos I made.
amannn/react-keep-state Make React components keep their state, even if they're unmounted.
amertak/fiwallet Personal finance manager - Backend in PHP with React/Flux frontend
aml-development/ozp-center OZONE Platform Center UI
andela-sjames/github-battle ReactJS Fundamentals
andrusieczko/ec2-browser AWS EC2 Browser
AnhHT/my-first-reactjs A test project by using reactjs
ArayZou/wakealive koa+redux+markdown blog system
Art404/boiler404 React + ES6 + Webpack + Redux Boilerplate
Art404/platform404 and CMS platform.
articulate/react-svgicon React component for rendering inline SVG icons
attdona/bota react with redux project
Automattic/interpolate-components A module to turn strings into structured React components without dangerouslyInsertInnerHTML().
avalla/webpack-react-kit trying webpack & react stuff
azaslavsky/resume My resume
b00giZm/ifttt-chatter A sample app built with express-ifttt-webhook to display text messages pushed to IFTTT in real time though web sockets.
baopham/react-laravel-generator UI version of Laravel Generator written in React Redux
bcbrian/meteor-app-with-bdd-tdd-ci A meteor app base that has TDD, BDD, and CI setup ready to do.
bdefore/coffee-react-browserify-gulp-firebase-reflux Just another boilerplate. NodeJS, React.JS, CoffeeScript, browserify, gulp, Firebase, Reactfire, Reflux, React Router
benfenton/react-wires P.O.C. for implementing React views in Marionette Wires
benjaminjt/polyatomic A generic user dashboard built on a formation of containerised micro-services.
benjycui/selector-specificity A calculator for CSS selector's specificity.
benoitvallon/react-native-redux-app-100-10-1 React Native App with redux for the 100-10-1 method
bhargav175/react-layouts React UI Layout Library
bigredwill/notational-markdown Notational Velocity inspired note management, but with Markdown.
bird-frank/react-native-combined-button A button component combined with icon and text for react-native app.
bjacobel/react-redux-boilerplate Opinionated skeleton to quickly set up a new React app.
blackbing/webapp-allspark htccs-webapp
bluedge/react-seo Example of a SEO friendly website with React
bogdan-dumitru/backbone.flux Implementing the Flux architecture with backbone components.
bogdan-dumitru/padkontrol React based html5 sample pad
boldkhuu/uikit-with-react UIkit components built with React
BostonGlobe/11-04-2014-elections Election results for 2014 general election
bragin/ublog Small and powerful blogging engine using Node and React
brakmic/JScripty <g-emoji alias="beetle" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🐞</g-emoji> REPL for transpiling ES6 to ES5
BrandesEric/TCCC17 Code and Slides from the presentation
bringking/campaigns An isomorphic email campaign app built with koa and React
brookslyrette/reactit An Example ReactJs Reddit front-end
BurntIcing/IcingEditor Web-based editor of structured content
CanopyTax/sofe-inspector An extension for the Chrome Developer Tools for managing sofe services
CBIConsulting/ProperToolbar A proper react toolbar component
cchamberlain/redux-webpack-boilerplate A genericized boilerplate meant for usage as the basis to any Redux-based React project or library.
cdonohue/css-modules-bootstrap Using css modules with Bootstrap for component composition
cedricdelpoux/react-google-map React component to render a map with markers from Google Maps API
cerebral/cerebral-boilerplate-express A Cerebral boilerplate which also includes a Node express server
chamemo/chamemo Chat, meet and move together at public sport places
chaosdorf/labello my little brother, printing is magic!
chasm/react-redux-base A base on which to build React/Redux apps.
chipit24/fade-props A ReactJS component that seamlessly fades between the props it is provided; it fades one child out, removes it, then fades the next child in.
choonchernlim/front-end-stack Project template for building epic single-page app using modern front-end stack
chrishale/docpad-plugin-react DocPad plugin that adds the ability to pre render React Components
christianalfoni/cerebral-router-demo The demo code for the cerebral router introduction
christianalfoni/TeachKidsCode An open source service for learning code
Cinezaster/serialPortJsonClient A Client side framework that talks with Serial Port Json Server
ClaaziX/foodshare A Peer-to-Peer food sharing App
clanhr/react-calendar Simple calendar for react
cloud-bean/cb3 we build cloud-bean 3.0
code-for-coffee/GulpBoilerplate A simple Gulp boilerplate for minifcation of Javascript.
CodeDoorHQ/codedoor-platform-frontend CodeDoor frontend education platform
codeforabq/Open-Budget-ABQ Making the City of Albuquerque's budget more accessible
codeforamerica/nyc-january-project Benefits calculator / visualization tool created by the NYC 2016 fellows team as an introductory project.
codeforsanjose/economic-indicators-dashboard Preliminary economic dashboard
colinmegill/polis-admin-console Polis admin console written in React
coltonTB/ice-js Ice is a small framework for making performant single-page javascript applications easier to build
commontk/CTK-web A set of common web components for medical imaging, surgical navigation, and related purposes
continuationlabs/kneejerk Server Side React Render
coopdevs/katuma-web Katuma web interface
cphfront/react-workshop Get started template
craigspaeth/newstack Experimenting with full stack React
Crazy50/FluxBug A bug tracker demo written with Flux and React
ctco-dev/react-boilerplate webpack-react-redux-router-babel-immutable.js-sass-mocha-chai-nyc-boilerplate
cthit/VoteIT Voting website hosted on a node.js server
danehansen/react-boilerplate Basic React project boilerplate
Dangoo/react-prioplus React implementation of the PriorityPlus pattern
danmindru/politically-correct-dumb-prototype-boiler <g-emoji alias="snowman_with_snow" fallback-src="" ios-version="9.1">☃️</g-emoji> Yet another attempt to make some kind of framework-thing to prototype other things.
DarinM223/hachidori Streamlined anime tracker using Hummingbird API
DarkScorpion/React-OpenWeather-component React component that implements the basic functions of weather display on the user's location and the selected cities.
Dattaya/react-boilerplate-object This repository is a copy of mxstbr/react-boilerplate with the only difference—immutable.js was removed. <g-emoji alias="fire" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔥</g-emoji> A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
davidsturgeon/es6-react-pres Using ES6 with React
DAWZayas/DarknessCaress Proyecto Web
demory/marta-menu Source code for the MartaMenu web application
dennmart/shinkoku Fetch and display your critical items from WaniKani
deomitrus/utini HTTP proxy with configurable route groups
Devnetik/react-native-skeleton This skeleton is forged with the greatest libraries available to provide a pretty awesome kickstart for your new react-native app.
dhunninghake/react-moodycons React SVG component for emoji mood icons
digidem/smart-data-table React component for a table of responses from monitoring data
DiscipleD/react-redux-antd-starter React 全家桶 + Ant.Design 脚手架
dmrd/org_squared Org Mode + Exponent
dnieh/react-planks Responsive react layout for horizontally sorted asymmetric DOM elements.
docker-in-practice/todo An example Swarm+React project
dodospace/react-full-page Based on the react fullpage plug-in
dotKom/glowing-fortnight The next generation of the Online Splash!
drabinowitz/react-isomorphic-app An Isomorphic React/Flux app built from the React-Server-Example
drifterz28/react-flux-startup My take on a grunt, react, flux, and Less project
dustinspecker/dscript-react dscript with React setup done for you
dwqs/web-fe-dev Simple front-end development scaffolding helper
dylanmackenzie/react-mutable-list A draggable, droppable and deletable list component for React
dylanpyle/react-redux-boilerplate <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚀</g-emoji> A starting point for new web projects using React/Redux/Webpack/ES6
E-HERO-ZZ/tomatoTime 基于react的番茄时间法则的webapp - 健康是福,时间甚金
ecmadao/Electron-Search-App Use Electron&React&Redux&Webpack to build a github-search app with material design
ecohealthalliance/GoodQuestion Mobile application for taking trigger based surveys
eiriklv/volatile Pass information on the web - that evaporates when accessed
enoughrec/arecordlabel Rebooted site for Enough Records netlabel
epsitec-sa/electrum Electrum simplifies framework-agnostic declaration of React components.
eranimo/explorer An application for exploring history generated by Historia
ericelliott/checkin Remote-friendly scrum without the annoying meetings.
ericnograles/react-for-beginners An extremely basic React project template for complete beginners
Ericsson/c3-web-guide Interactive guide to Ericsson C3 Web SDK
ernium/node-vpn-gate Connect via openvpn using free config data from the CLI
escalant3/react-for-humans A friendly starting point to create React applications
esseswann/react-tetris Tetris with gravity falls
evanrs/swagger-react Generate static html pages with React from swagger json
evoluteur/react-evolutility Model-driven Web UI for CRUD and more... using React.
Faradey27/react-formula-beautifier mathajax wrap for reactjs
FarmRadioHangar/react-phone-lookup React component for looking up phone book entries by name or number
fasteroute/delay-explorer-web HTML5/React frontend for the Delay Explorer API.
fayzaan/wysiwyg-editor-react WYSIWYG Editor for ReactJS .13+
fcfe/fcui2 FCUI2, a lightweight UI based on React and underscore.js.
fhelwanger/react-datatable Datatables for React
Fizzadar/SourceServerStats Source engine server stats & analysis
formalfiction/ff-react Building-block components for React.js
FormidableLabs/builder-decks Builder - Presentations / Decks
forresto/nilla-system builds a website from The Grid API data
foundersandcoders/sail-back Membership management for Friends of Chichester Harbour
frantic1048/Restia build your own flavored blog as static app with DIY
frostney/react-spritesheet Spritesheets for React
FrozenWar/FrozenWar A turn based strategy game based on Equestria's founding story.
futurice/PelaryHemmo Mobiili applikaatio Pelastakaa Lapset ry:lle tukiperhevierailujen palautekyselyjä varten
gabdallah222/composeMixins Function to compose mixins into higher order components in React
gambtho/willitconnect Can you connect to an IP / Hostname on a port from your CF deploy?
garbles/cursor-subject An RxJS Subject that also behaves like a Cursor [图片上传中...(image-5e0038-1531972248618-1)]
georgeOsdDev/react-dropfile-field Textarea react component with drop file preview
GetBlimp/filepreviews-sandbox Sandbox environment to test the FilePreviews API.
gfogle/multi-platform-react Sharing of React code across Web, iOS, Android, Electron as Hello World example
ghondar/PelisTime-Mobile Mira películas y series en español en HD y full HD al instante desde tu celular.
ghzmdr/fckd Insults as a Service
gnoll-project/GnollUI interface builder interface
goemonjs/goemon Boilerplate for Express-React-Redux-TypeScript with server side rendering
gokulkrishh/react-material-spinner A material design based spinner react component
goniapm/goni-dashboard Dashboard for Goni
grant/CSE-The-Game My 2016 side project
grant/school-of-tech My 2016 side project
greena13/react-starter-kit Cloneable React starter project that includes development tools and production optimisations
gregmalcolm/elite-engineers Prototype frontend app for managing Elite:Dangerous inventory
gregstewart/hearthstone-tracker An electron based Hearthstone tracker
GuiaLa/guiala-web-app GuiaLa progressive web app
habibialkaff/event-attendance A website using React, Redux, Firebase and Material-UI
hakonrossebo/ciq-layout-composer A tool to edit and view Garmin Connect IQ Layout elements
halhenke/jade-react-loader-example A simple example using the Webpack Loader - jade-react-loader
hannupekka/re2e React e2e test example using Nightwatch.js
hokuma/redux-normalizr-todo Redux todoapp using normalizr.
hoshimi/motocal 元カレ計算機(グラブル攻撃力計算機)
huhulab/antd-kit Advanced ant design components
iDigBio/idb-portal iDigBio search portal
igorsvee/react-relay-app React Relay Isomorphic Example
igorsvee/react-relay-isomorphic-example React Relay Isomorphic Example
illbexyz/oszoo Launch and use a virtual machine in your browser.
ilyabo/react-redux-app-starter-kit Minimal React+Redux+D3 app example
impact/search A web application to search the impact index
in-silico/judge-frontend Frontend to UTPJudge
inaka/react-component-inspector REACT.js component inspector
inakianduaga/react-redux-typescript Boilerplate for experimenting w/ React JS & Redux using typescript
indrz/indrz-doc indrz documentation repo
inertum/react-mobx-seed React MobX Seed / Easy Boilerplate
InsidersByte/honeymoon-gift-list Wedding website with a honeymoon gift list
InsidersByte/our-wedding-heroes Wedding website with a honeymoon gift list
InterruptedLobster/ARO An augmented reality application to find points in space.
irvinebroque/gulp-react-browserify Starter kit for working with gulp, react and browserify
ivanflorentin/ProvideAppCRUD Model Based App generator using React, Provide and
ivw/random-name-generator A simple user interface for generating random words or names using a markov chain. Built in React.js.
j5ik2o/webpack-typescript-flux-react Template Project by Webpack and TypeScript 2.0, Flux with React
Jackong/react-bootstrap-confirm confirm dialog for react with bootstrap modal.
JakeSidSmith/licons A group of icons made from HTML & CSS that can transition between each other
JamesWatling/guava-cal Event Calendar built in React.js
jansanchez/didactic-react didactic react
jazlalli/react-playground learning all things react
jeffshaver/safe-app Safe App
jerryshew/dot-css very basic css micro scaffold
jferrettiboke/universal-react-boilerplate An Universal React Boilerplate with sweet features to start quickly.
jiachitor/TOTO-UI TOTO UI components built with React.js
JiaxiangZheng/nw-react-douban-fm a node-webkit based douban-fm client using react.js
jide/react-classtree React CSS class tree
jiisoft/jii-view View implementation for server and client
jiraiyame/react-isomorphic-app-workflow A tiny react isomorphic app workflow
jmarceli/redux-elm-router Sample app which integrates redux-elm with react-router-redux
Joezo/growsereact A template for projects wishing to use React js, Browserify and Grunt together.
jogabo/firequeue-ui Google Inbox inspired WEB UI for firequeue
Johj/fapp A food social media application.
johnsetzer/cs_react_scoreboard Implement Counter Strike scoreboard in React for fun.
jonnykry/bookmark-spotlight <g-emoji alias="mag" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔍</g-emoji> Bookmark Spotlight is like OSX Spotlight, but for Chrome Bookmarks
joshwnj/react-checkboxlist React component to create a list of checkboxes.
jrans/PPOM People' Party of Music
jspears/subschema-builder A tool for building schema for subschema.
jstogether/jstogether Helper site for jstogether learning group
junibrosas/ClassRoom A Pet Project in Meteor/Mantra. Show off!
Keats/react-example Basic example using react, redux and react-router.
kenfehling/isomorphic-react-example ReactJS + NodeJS ( express ) demo tutorial with video. Isomorphic JS = Shared JavaScript that runs on both the client & server.
kevindeasis/coding-interview-intuit single page app
Kevnz/kv-line-chart Simple line chart with react
Kevnz/MobileContentAPI Api for content for mobile app
KeweiCodes/hey-react A full React.js starter kit, featuring Flux implementation (Alt), automated testing with coverage statistics, Babel ES6+ support, hot reload, css-preprocessor, Bower support, eslint and more. Examples and Nyan Cat included!
kfwerf/react-idangerous-swiper Wrapper for iDangerous Swiper
Kilix/Vamos Vamos init from este.js
kissrobber/advanced_google_drive_search_chrome_extension Advanced Google Drive Search Chrome Extension
KleeGroup/focus-starter-kit Application starter kit using focus.
koapi/koapp Koapi frontend stack based on React and Redux
kort/kort-reloaded New frontend implementation of the Kort Game as a native mobile app. >> NOTE: This project is still in a very experimental stage and current test version runs only on certain Android phones! <<
Kureev/fflux-isomorphic-example Example of usage fflux for creating isomorphic apps
kwhitaker/react-redux-webpack-boilerplate Boilerplate for React web apps
KyleAMathews/reactjs-twitter-stream-example Example React.js / Node.js app that streams tweets
LaborWorks/labor-frontend-starter-kit react-redux based starter kit for front end projects.
Lafinboy/react-burger-nav A hamburger icon triggered, off-canvas sidebar React component, using CSS transitions to show/hide the sidebar content.
lambdaloop/cal-schedule A better UC Berkeley schedule planner. Basically a ninjacourses clone, but with the latest data.
larsbs/expenses-api-frontend The solitary journey of a man across react, redux, and modern javascript tooling.
leechuanjun/TLReactNativeProject 本React Native讲解专题:主要讲解了React Native开发,由基础环境搭建配置入门,基础,进阶,实战相关讲解。
leozdgao/hershey-components personal web components
libraryforall/epub2json A JavaScript module for converting an epub file and its HTML/css content to JSON.
lisong/code-push-web code-push-server web客户端
llh520xw/webpack 初识webpack
loggur/babel-plugin-react-hot Babel plugin using
to add hot reloading toReact.createClass
and all classes with arender
method. -
loklaan/bunny-boilerplate <g-emoji alias="rabbit2" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🐇</g-emoji> Frontend Boilerplate - Webpack, Redux, React & friends
lubezhang/mice This is a simaple Blog
LucioFranco/react-starter React with Webpack, Gulp, Hot Reload, es6/es7, SASS, Redux, and Production Ready
lukekarrys/repeatone See if a lastfm user is listening to a song on repeat.
lumenlearning/react-expandable-preview google images inspired grid and preview system built for react.
magnusjt/socketty Terminal over websockets using ratchet
marcselman/react-l20n Mozilla's L20n localization framework for React
martyjs/marty-test-examples Examples for how to test a Marty application.
Mashadim/Grain_Run An absolutely grainlicious React ES6 math game!
matthewbadeau/OSHW-Logo-Autogen This is a logo generator for the Open Source Hardware Logo modification that Dave Jones has proposed
medialab/hyphe-browser Browser version of Hyphe (WIP)
meetup/meetup-web-platform A collection of Node web application utilities developed for the Meetup web platform
metastudiosinc/isomorphic-react-flux-example This is something I searched for but could not find online in our own learning of react. Cheers.
mewben/onix A simple Go (Golang) Blogging Platform
mileszs/dwtools Dungeon World GM Tools, including a Hard Move finder, monster finder, and monster builder.
mirokk/react-content-builder Drag and drop content builder/editor for react applications.
mjec/rc-niceties End of batch niceties for the Recurse Center
mjw56/webpack-lab boilerplate for webpack + es6 flux + immutability + react web components + routing
modernserf/hashtags-for-humans Explorable Explanations on the sociology of hashtags
mrcodehang/shadowsock-node a shadowsocks gui based on node.js
mudkipme/klinklang 神奇宝贝百科的工具台应用
multunus/moveit-mobile React native iOS and Android apps for MoveIt (Not Maintained)
naggie/crates Crates, a media database with immutability, F2F and filesystem mapping, playlists for DJing
nanopx/universal-react-redux-hapi A boilerplate using React + Redux + hapi + Router5, for building universal apps.
nchaulet/bitbucket-team-pullrequests Dashboard to show bitbucket team pullrequests
ndlib/honeycomb Honeycomb provides basic collection and item administration, as well as serialization of your collections so they can be used by external applications.
neilff/react-liqbo Liqbo written in React.js
netguru/ngnews Company news aggregator
nkatsaros/pipboygo Pipboy tools for Fallout 4
nolanelena/MyProjectSite- project site for our Davinci Coder Course
OhYaGames/react-unity-player React component for Unity 3d Web player
once-ler/react-fhir FHIR webapp powered by React and Redux
ongmin/socialplatform GA WDI - Assignment3 - Building an interactive platform with React and Flux (Work in Progress!)
openfisca/legislation-explorer Explore legislation formulas and parameters
opengov-practices/search-opengov-practices Search practices of open government in Europe. Application built using SearchKit, ElasticSearch, D3, Datamaps, etc. ReactJS, NodeJS. Data collected in the context of study 'SMART 2015/0041 Towards faster implementation and take-up of open government'.
Outc4sted/AlgorithmAtelier Classic sorting algorithms with react/redux
owenyang0/book-worm to track your reading progress in douban
ozansabrican/react-random-word Randomized effected word
ozone-development/ozp-center OZONE Platform Center UI
pastachan/cornellapp The Best Way to Schedule Your Semesters at Cornell University
pattern/react-poker A React component simulating a Texas holdem tournament game.
paulbevis/wordsearch A word search game created using Redux and React
philholden/component-boilerplate Build test and publish react components
philpl/react-fluorine-boilerplate Boilerplate for a webapp built on React and Fluorine
pompopo/electron-boilerplate boilerplate for electron + React + Redux
Poniverse/LunaTube Magical Ponies on TV
prettymuchbryce/roguelikeboard roguelikeboard.jsx is a simple react.js component for rendering ASCII inspired roguelike boards on the web
przeor/ReactC This is working repository for the ReactJS Convention (ReactC)
pselden/react-render-test React rendering test.
Pygocentrus/browserify-es6-react-boilerplate State-of-the-art boilerplate to work with some cool hipster stuffs. Yup.
pyprism/Hiren-Music Music As a Service <g-emoji alias="heart" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">❤️</g-emoji>
pzavolinsky/react-ghost-i18n A ReactJs component to augment existing react components with non-intrusive internationalization.
qq83387856/React 记录学习react的项目
radishmouse/connectjs-isomorphic-demo Example of isomorphic js app built with Gulp, Browserify, Express, and Flux/React
RallySoftware/jenkins-build-light Visualize the status of all the builds you care about from all your Jenkins instances.
ramvi/iotmarket Data feed market on the Ethereum blockchain.
razh/react-intro-fall-2015 Use… instead
rcbuild-info/website Site to catalog multicopter builds.
rdagger/faneron Online community space for independent developers
react-in-action/letters-social Project for chapters 3-10 in React in Action
reactor/reactor-pylon The Reactor UI dashboard
revathskumar/browserify-hmr-example Browserify Hot Module Replacement (Example)
rhysd/react-embedded-browser Embedded browser like mobile apps for React and Electron
rit-sse/qdb-3.0 The react version of the qdb
robot-head/LaserDream Cross-platform GUI for live performance laser shows
rolfvandekrol/flux-react-requirejs-layers Example app that shows how to use Require.js build layers in a ReactJS application using Flux stores
rrecuero/coffee-react-webpack-hapi-template Template I use for new frontend projects.
rshurts/yak-shears React, Redux, Webpack boilerplate and sample application
saigon-devs/simple-paas-api The Docker API that provide all Docker functionalities for each client application
saitheexplorer/bhajan-db A project for making finding and sharing new bhajans easier.
salomvary/gramin-express Sync Strava activities from any Garmin device
sanderboom/kitematic The easiest way to start using Docker on Linux, Mac & Windows
sbine/react-sudoku Sudoku implementation in ReactJS
scastiel/ Suivez vos colis sur un site unique
schneidmaster/react-coffee-and-friends A highly opinionated starter kit for a standalone React frontend.
scholtzm/steam-auth-web-util Tiny browser utility to generate Steam auth codes.
sean-clayton/react-stackoverflow-profile A React component that displays a Stack Overflow profile card
senecajs/react-example A small example app using Seneca with a React frontend
shalstvedt/react-infinite-extended A browser-ready efficient scrolling container based on UITableView
shiminghua/front_end_practice 我的前端学习实践:MongoDB、mysql、redis、nodejs、react、react native、webpack、java、docker
siemiatj/FB-Calendar Facebook-style inspired calendar view which I built while interviewing at Facebook.
SirCmpwn/react-starter-kit React+Flux starter kit
slightlytyler/mocksy Mac app for easily creating device mockups from your screenshots
smikhalevski/react-text-input Textarea and input components with custom scrollbars and autogrow in both axes.
socialtables/react-table-sorter A React.js Table Sorter Component
songsterr/harukaze React.js + Flux + Bacon.js = <g-emoji alias="heart_eyes" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">😍</g-emoji>
souporserious/react-editable Build flexible WYSIWYG editors with ease
sourcescript/react-simple-tabs Tabs in React that doesn't get in your way.
springxiege/generator-react-router generator-react-router
SqrTT/bart Demandware file uploader & script debugger
stamen/bluegreenway Maps and events along SF's Blue Greenway
steemit-intl/ Used to track issues related to
steida/vetoapp Jury nullification as a service
stevepentler/Kryptonite Forceful Pomodoros in React, Express, and Node
stockwatcher/react-coast React COAST - React COmponents And Sensible Templates
stranbird/vsco-keys-manager A GUI for managing VSCO Keys configuration based on Electron
strawferry/Onion-math-demo 洋葱数学习题的一个ReactNative纯RN的一个模仿demo
sunkay/mdiary Medical diary to record daily events. Used to help diagnose a condition and share with partners and doctors.
Surreal9/react-tutorial-journal-app Simple journal app which shows off React and ES2015
survivejs/react-for-awesome-people React for awesome people presentation slides (MIT)
swenyang/react-date-picker An iOS like, comprehensive date picker component for React
tailog/tailog-ui tailog
talldan/hex-demo-motion Hex Demo ported to ES6 with hot-reload and react motion thrown in
tanem/chirp <g-emoji alias="bird" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🐦</g-emoji> Stream tweet data from Twitter's public stream all the way through to the browser.
TatumCreative/swatchify A swatch generator built using React and k-means
telpalbrox/EliteTime Unnoficial desktop client
terebentina/mongo-manager mongodb admin GUI written in React.js
terebentina/mongo-syllabus mongodb admin GUI written in React.js
thegazelle-ad/gazelle-front-end Front end server for the Gazelle
thegazelle-ad/gazelle-server Front end server for the Gazelle
themadrussian/reverse A small game: flip all blocks to another color to win
theMagnon/DTile The simple, non-clutter tilemap editor
Thinkful/ui Shared navigation and UI resources for Thinkful SPAs.
ThoughtWorksInc/sonic React UI Components
tildedave/react-router-historyjs-location Allows react-router to use History.js as a routing Location
Timvdv/flexible-dashboard A simple and lightweight Dashboard powered by ReactJS, did I mention it's super flexible?
tmcw/tonight-sources sources for tonight
tone-studio/ui-patterns user interface patterns for musical devices (React.js)
treyhuffine/gitcoders Bring your code to life
TutorFox/TutorFox TutorFox sniffs out the best tutors in the CETYS community and fetches their attention for one on one tutoring sessions in a personalized schedule
u-wave/web Web client for üWave, using u-wave-api-v1.
ubimix/techonmap-ui UI of – an open data map about the digital organizations in the Paris Region.
UCSD/now-mobile ReactNative App for Campus
uetchy/Pen The missing paint tool for Rakugakist.
uhlryk/react-context-ajax Makes the superagent ajax calls available to the react component hierarchy
uraway/electron-react-markdown-editor Electron + React - Markdown Editor
usful/anthropocene The Anthropocene interactive web experience
uxcore/transfer Transfer Component Based on React
vaniocz/typescript-dev-stack Development stack for building modern web applications or libraries based on webpack using modified TypeScript 1.8 together with Babel (async/await and generators in ES5)
Vheissu/aurelia-react-starter A starter kit for using React.js inside of Aurelia. Woo.
VictorBjelkholm/webpack-node-ipfs-api-demo Demo of how to use webpack + node-ipfs-api
vinhnglx/Dzone-news SPA listing technical news from the Dzone site. <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚀</g-emoji> <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚀</g-emoji> <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚀</g-emoji>
vipulnsward/chatty-node Example of using Action Cable in nodejs. Demonstrates usage in ReactJS
vivek3003/networkBuilder A simple web app built with react, redux and d3, build simple networks to visualize thoughts!
volkanunsal/folio Declarative React bindings for Leaflet maps.
vvinhas/react-redux-boilerplate A React+Redux Boilerplate
washoff/ The web page.
watchout-tw/prototype-seed Seed for fast prototype development
wbkd/piwik-dashboard A frontend that displays data from the Piwik API.
webcoding/gulp-tasks gulp-tasks-build
webkom/holonet Mail Delivery System
Whoaa512/list-share Share your lists, track your friends' lists, collaborate!
Winfore/ReactNativePro A test project of ReactNative
wyze/survivor Vote people off your island.
xflife/NeufReact exprss+react+webpack+es6+babel+less+eslint
xiaobuu/TongjiBus TongjiBus Webapp
xmityaz/rrw-boilerplate Simple React Redux Webpack boilerplate
xogeny/vada-todo A TodoMVC implementation using Vada + TypeScript + React + Redux
y-takey/shokushu Local video player using electron
yangshun/linguist Electron app for quickly editing i18n locale files
yourcelf/TimelineJS-editor Easy editor for TimelineJS timelines.
zachallaun/ League of Legends replay archive
zalando-stups/yourturn The frontend/developer console for the STUPS infrastructure
zooniverse/notes-from-nature-landing Notes from Nature Landing
ZucchiniZe/react-chat A simple chat application built using react
zzhero/tomatoTime 基于react的番茄时间法则的webapp - 健康是福,时间甚金
111StudioKK/lambda-cli React Web boilerplate
25sprout/web-starter 25sprout web starter kit.
3five/protium A micro framework for building universal React/Redux apps.
aarjithn/frontend-logos A Challenge for Front End Developers - How many logos can you identify?
aaronshaf/react-openapi React component for viewing Open API specifications
abakusbackup/abacash-client Abakus AbaCash Client
ABC-Solutions/react-redux-universal-hot-example-without-prerender A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
abinayasudhir/NativeUIExplorer Elm Native UI Explorer
AccidentallyMoose/Dasz A dashboard solution written in JS (Node + React)
acorcutt/react-universal-renderer Helper for rendering a universal React app on the client & server.
adjohnson916/github-issue-rank (Work-in-progress) GitHub issue ranking & voting.
adorsk/redux-quiz A WebQuiz, Made with Redux
agilgur5/DeChat Fully Decentralized, Serverless, Cryptographically Secure P2P Web Chat
agreco/react-football-league-table React premier league football table. Built with Gulp, Webpack and Mocha Chai. Updated via websockets
aguestuser/show-me-the-money toy project for learning react to explore the littlsis dataset via its api
ahomu/react-carousel-ninja WIP にんにん
ahoskins/NotesRTC take notes tied to web pages
ajainarayanan/react-dag-app This is a sample app for demoing the use of react-dag component.
akash5474/simple-react-skeleton A project skeleton using ReactJS, Express, and Babel for es6.
akiran/react-form-examples Example forms built with react
akiver/csgo-map-veto An application to make map veto for the game Counter-Strike Global Offensive.
alangpierce/LambdaCalculusPlayground An Android app that provides a visual interface for creating and evaluating lambda calculus expressions
aleksey-gonchar/emmofret express.js + mongoose + mocha/chai + flux(redux) + react.js + TWBP
alexyoung/http-wizard An app for making HTTP requests
alfredclub/react-build-kit Starter repo for SPAs that can be deployed to S3 with CircleCI
alinz/ali.js a node base tool
andornaut/dimpl Stream music from your web server or local media library.
andrewdamelio/react-boilerplate Basic React.js project boilerplate
andrewliebchen/reacticons-batch Even moar Reacticons!
andreypopp/react-app-demo DEPRECATED Demo project for react-app
andyshora/react-browserify-demo A React app which renders modules on the server and client.
anthonygallina1/Building-Data-driven-React-Applications-with-Relay-GraphQL-and-Flux Build a full-stack JavaScript web application from scratch using React with Flux/Relay on the frontend and Node/Express with GraphQL and MongoDB on the backend. This is from a tutorial by Samer Buna at
AntJanus/hRPG-lite-redux A Habitica client built on redux
anvaka/npmrank.vis Visualization of changes from npmrank
anvk/redux-portal-boilerplate A boilerplate to create a portal website using Redux & Bootstrap & Redux Dev Tools Extension.
apazzolini/rook-starter A starter project for rook (…)
apparena/app-arena-native-app React Native App-Arena App
appleboy/keanux-personal 一個個人用的寫作平台,使用Node.js + React
AppSaloon/ A chrome app that lets you connect to a server and subscribe to a certain topic and/or lets you send socket messages to the server
AprilArcus/carousel carousel demo for patreon
aralroca/react-redux-webpack React, Redux, ES6, Babel, Karma, Code coverage, material-ui, sass-loader, webpack
ararog/money-mobile A react native frontend of money app.
arkency/redux-ah Auction House with the help of Redux (iso-app)
arpith/tulip Experimental Zulip client built with React
arqex/react-boilerplate A base project using webpack, react, freezer.js and flux-reactions
Art404/twitter-boiler404 Boilerplate for creating Twitter based web apps
artyomtrityak/react-server-render-node Server side rendering for React.js + Node.js
asarode/flux-grok A demo project to help teach a flux crash course
asdelday/react-simple-boilerplate A Simple React Boilerplate
atsid/react-calendar-render React calendar component with ability to add custom rendering
atwoz/arteko-curso-react-1 Curso basico para convertir una plantilla html arbitraria a react.
austinpray/react-ezpz Just a lil form in React
avantcontra/react-redux-custom-starter Fork from react-redux-universal-hot-example, WITHOUT ducks.
awapps/planning-poker-ui The planning-poker app frontend
awentzonline/doppelchat Awful P2P video chat with React/Peer.js/webpack
azmenak/record An experiment using React / Firebase to create an inventory management system
azu/git-scriptable-search [Electron] To search objective Git's commit.
badT/twitchBot Chatson is a live chat analyzer created to give users insight into the emotional state and crowd mentality of Twitch chat streams.
bakaru/bakaru Bakaru - wtf player in particular
bapmrl/bapmrl-react-autocomplete React Autocomplete Component
bapmrl/bapmrl-react-multiselect React Multiselect Component
BarakChamo/lightPaint A light-painting app built with Electron
basarat/ped Programmer's Editor
bbondy/hexmap A hexigon based knowledge map
bebraw/jsdelivr-in-5mins Intro to jsDelivr in five minutes
befreestudios/Webpack-React-Flux Stupid Simple Seed for spinning up a react/flux architecture with webpack as the build tooling
belongapp/belong Prototype meditation app
ben-z/react-starter-coffee Quickly start a ReactJS project with Express and server-side rendering.
BenGoldstein88/hitch-frontend Hitch Frontend
benhu/RestApiTester Rest API Tester is a web interface for your API.
bhargav175/react-pong Pong game in React
bigdatr/bd-peanut React chart components
bigwheel-framework/rigwheel This an implementation of the bigwheel framework with React
BinaryThumb/react-email-blueprints <g-emoji alias="mailbox_with_mail" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📬</g-emoji> Collection of React components for server-side e-mail template rendering
bipedd/react-starter react + react-router + redux + webpack
blaw80/first-redux playing around building on top of the redux-devtools boilerplate
BlueAccords/muze soundcloud client using nodejs for server and react/redux for client side
brianarn/browse-io An IO Plugin for Johnny-Five that renders out to a browser
Bridebook/bb-ui Bridebook UI Library
bripkens/project-sidebar Atom editor sidebar plugin that can be used to open project directories
broadsw0rd/react-redux-perf Dead simple performance test of the official React bindings for Redux
brooksn/iocupid A matchmaker for project teams.
brothers-js/ifluxdemo new iflux
bulicmatko/firepack-app Kickstart your Firepack application
burning-duck/twibral Twitch stream list using Cerebral
byteclubfr/bc-planner ByteClub planning tool
c0ncept/swipe3d-samples Source code of swipe3d samples
c4wrd/materialui-express-boilerplate A simple boilerplate for serving React/Material-UI applications over Express!
CaipiLabs/caipi Isomorphic CMS; based on ES7+React+webpack+mongo+etc
Caldis/react-image-slideshow A simple image slideshow with react
callmeJozo/MKRN 使用 Koa+React+Node+Mongodb 搭建单页应用
calvinf/versesforlife-app Verses for Life iOS app
calvinf/wellversed-ios Verses for Life iOS app
capaj/jspm-dev-buddy JSPM development companion package, which either substitutes chokidar-socket-emitter or connects to it in order to provide the best development experience in Atom editor
carlesba/chessball A digital MasterGoal
carlosvega20/r-table Create HTML Table from a list of key and value objects
carpeliam/timebox Track your time with boxes!
cavedweller/HowFuckedIsTheT The T is fucked, no?
cawel/game-book-js Game Book App – an experiment with JavaScript technologies
cellog/react-selection Make any React-based collection of similar components selectable
cerebral/cerebral-website-tutorial-advanced The advanced tutorial app for Cerebral
cfpb/hmda-platform-ui Front-end for…
chadwilcomb/ramen-stack <g-emoji alias="ramen" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🍜</g-emoji> RAMEN stack = React + Ampersand.js + MongoDB + Express + Node.js
chadxz/vanilla-webrtc Toy project to experiment with plain webrtc apis
charlieschwabacher/ultrawave-chat-example ultrawave chat example
charlieschwabacher/ultrawave-chess-example multiplayer chess over webrtc data channels using the ultrawave library
chee/blogs stupid blog thing written with react and redux that keeps the posts as markdown files and renders them on the client
chemdemo/react-es6-seed A boilerplate for building webapp with React, ES6, Sass and pack with webpack.
chengjianhua/react-datatable A simple data table implementaition by react.js, to replace the jQuery data table with simple usages.
cherta/apis-uy A web interface to show and test uruguayan api's
cheshire137/hue-steamer A web app to manipulate your Philips Hue lights.
chetanism/react-reflex-layout A simple implementation for flexbox layout components.
chrisbrue/immutable-todomvc Todo MVC example using React, Flux and ImmutableJS
cinemascop89/cowboy-react-chat A simple chat app made with react.js and cowboy
ckeenan/reflux-tx-example Example usage of reflux-tx package
clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end Test prototype for new CMDI Component Registry frontend
claus/wheelie A tool to collect and profile mouse wheel data from various input devices
clbn/freefeed-gamma The Greek letter for the rest of us
clearline/isobar-app Isomorphic React application
codazen/formulationjs Library for forms-based data collection
code-artisan/react-tab-group Tabbar for React.JS
Codility/swarm React Hackathon project.
colinmegill/reactive2015 Demo app for my Reactive2015 talk
colinwahl/react-recurring-select React component which makes creating ice_cube recurrence schedules easy
ComicsReader/reader <g-emoji alias="books" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📚</g-emoji> 用網頁技術打造的漫畫閱讀器
ConnorAtherton/Sweet A sweet VPN desktop client
consbio/seedsource A web-based spatial analysis and mapping tool that allows managers to find appropriate seedlots for a given planting site, given information about species, transfer limits, and historic and future climate projections across the landscape.
consindo/dymajo-transit A web app for Auckland Transport
CornelldotSpace/fluffy-waffle Frontend of Glassroom written in React & ES6
crcn-archive/ mojo.js site
croizier/edwood Library for building in-browser schema-aware XML editors
crucialfelix/color-schemer Generate and edit semantic color schemes and export them in various formats
cscanlin/munger-builder A Django application for generating custom data manipulation scripts with Python + Pandas, using a drag and drop GUI built with React
cvan/taro a local browser using manifests as the data source
d-oliveros/isomorphic-todomvc Isomorphic TodoMVC with Isomorphine, React, Baobab, Webpack, Mongo.
dailydrip/dailydrip-react-native DailyDrip React Native App
danilojrr/crud-react-redux-ts CRUD app made with React, React-Router, Redux and Typescript
danjamin/backbone-react-mail-demo NOT MAINTAINED demo applicatoin of a very basic email client using backbone, react, and webpack
danyim/indecks An interactive index card study aid built in ReactJS
darklight721/tilting-image A React component that adds a tilt effect on images
DarkXaHTeP/lifegame Conway's game of life using React.JS
Darmody/Gecko a gecko wandering on your screen
daumann/chronas-community Community site of the Chronas project
davezuko/book-tracker Application for tracking reading progress!
davidtron/uk-72-ui React based ui for UK72
dazorni/9tac A simple multi tic tac toe game (reactjs, golang and docker)
defstream/ The create your own website app.
demiazz/react-spa-boilerplate A boilerplate for React SPA without server rendering
deomitrus/8D8 8D8 has been reprogrammed for sadism (DNS Server in React + Electron)
deomitrus/holosan Fuzzy find window switcher for OS X and Windows
derflocki/grunt-react-rendercomponent Grunt plugin for rendering reactjs components in existing markup
dev4christ/bible-planner Track your Bible reading with your own reading plan
dev4christ/random-verse Inspirational random Bible verses web app developed with Node.js, React and Flux
DevanB/griditize A small set of semantic React components that build grids
devjam/reactro react wrapper
devsy-io/devsy-components UI components toolkit
dherault/Oso A WebGL and Redux experiment
digisquare/mobile Digisquare Mobile App built with React Native
Dilan/darts-reactjs Play darts with friends without pen & paper
DinoJay/react-webpack-babel Simple React Webpack Babel Starter Kit
DJCordhose/react-workshop React Workshop
dmascenik/react-template A starting point for React/Flux apps with web services, authentication, routing and unit testing.
dmsnell/wrnc A react component serving as a client for the notifications API
Dockerizing/NodeJS-NPM-ECMA6-Stack This docker container provides an environment with Node.js, npm, ECMA6, webpack and other convenient JavaScript helpers.
dodekeract/impequid <g-emoji alias="cloud" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">☁️</g-emoji> Decentralized app-based cloud.
donbonifacio/flux-playground Basic project setup using vagrant, flux, react and compass.
Donmclean/riko Webpack Build System for React JS
dont-fear-the-repo/fear-the-repo Rezable: a simple, intuitive drag-and-drop resume builder.
dracs89/venera-reactjs-skeleton yet another but stable reactJS skeleton
dreadcast/react-particles Unjquerified Customizable Interactive Particles Animation
dslmeinte/evan-lang Evan programming language, a functional-style, general purpose programming language which nestles comfortably in the JavaScript-world, complete with tools like an evaluator and IDE.
dstreet/DropCap Sync screen captures with Dropbox
dzdrazil/react-redux-system-starter not setup as isomorphic
e1-bsd/omni-common-ui Project Omni's common UI components.
ebu/react-tutorial This repository contains the material for the react tutorial at EBU DevCon 2015
edvinerikson/isomorphic-react-kickstarter Simple Universal React template. The main goal with this project is to use Webpack to build both the backend and frontend.
edvinerikson/universal-react-kickstarter Simple Universal React template. The main goal with this project is to use Webpack to build both the backend and frontend.
eguneys/react-redux-todo-app Sample Todo App using React Redux with tests
eiriklv/ndc-isomorphic-flux Isomorphic JavaScript Demo App with Flux for NDC 2015
ekonstantinidis/git-releases A nice way to view repositories GitHub Releases.
elantion/webpack-startup A webpack startup example for mobile development.
Elantris/ Elantris Personal Website
elbstack/react-redux-toolbox This is a starter kit for a react redux project. Inspired by… we build our own base project without all these default content and a different redux structure.
emadb/react-discrete-slider A simple slider written in React.js
emilmork/react-native-webpack-hot-template react-native template. With webpack and hot reload.
emilng/l-system-explorer A self-contained web app for exploring L-Systems
emmenko/sangria-relay-example An example application showcasing GraphQL
emmenko/sphere-relay-example An example application showcasing GraphQL
enaqx/stressor Stress and load testing
Enterjoy/writernote WebService for novel writer. This is helpful for writing novel.
epgui/FEECUM-cordova Apache Cordova client application for FÉÉCUM calendar
epicsharp/react-boilerplate A boilerplate for React
ericgio/react-prototyper A basic setup for prototyping in React, built especially for Tay.
ericwooley/StreamTor Prototype for streaming torrents
ericwooley/vortigern A universal boilerplate for building web applications w/ TypeScript, React, Redux, Server Side Rendering and more.
eriknyk/flux-examples Isomorphic Flux examples with Fluxible
evindor/directions-transition-group TransitionGroup that supports additional classes on elements.
exelban/react-image-crop-component Component for easy image cropping in react
FarmRadioHangar/react-dial-pad React phone dial pad component
felguerez/tumblr-portfolio Tumblr / React microsite
fixme-lausanne/mpdwsgi-web Awesome web interface for your so loved mpd-wsgi server
FlammableHairnet/HireOrbit Kanban for job applications
FlammableHairnet/ProjectXYZ Kanban for job applications
FloValence/react-konami A simple component to add an easterEggs in your react web application
fongandrew/typescript-flux-boilerplate Boilerplate for a Typescript app with Flux and React
foodcoops/foodsoft-shop EXPERIMENTAL Webshop component for Foodsoft: web-based software to manage a non-profit food coop.
FormidableLabs/reactive2015 Demo app for my Reactive2015 talk
foss-haas/spike-universal-redux Example app for universal React/Redux with async prerendering
FranckCo/Stamina Statistical metadata in action
frankwaizi/react-starter A Minimal hot-load boilerplate for your ReactJS project with React-Router
fuyuno/Sagittarius <g-emoji alias="bow_and_arrow" fallback-src="" ios-version="9.1">🏹</g-emoji> 'Sagittarius' is Chatwork application for OS X, Linux and Windows.
ganemone/ontheside Website for developers to share, discuss, and collaborate on side projects.
gaoqixhb/gaoqi-admin-react admin for gaoqi-blog based on react
garden-aid/web-client Garden Aid Web Frontend
gbgtech/gbgtechWeb new website for gbgtech
geobde/todo Todo List.
georgeF105/handball-scoring A project for scoring handball games
gerbilsinspace/wikilynx Wikipedia Page Linking Game.
gesposito/bare-webpack Babel, React and webpack
gilesbradshaw/uaQL Opc ua and graph ql
gios/intime Real-time react notification app
Git-Together/GitTogether A real-time Git tool to streamline collaboration and transparency.
gitplaylist/gitplaylist git for your playlists
globin/drinkup Drink List
godban/ Personal home page
gollodev/twitchApp Twitch dummy app
GongDexing/work-board 简单、灵活的任务管理应用,所有任务一目了然,非常合适中小团队和个人
gou4shi1/Lunar-Calendar 2016年暑假作业
greim/falcor-doc-router Self-documenting Falcor router
grindcode/react-summoner Instantiate React Components in the wild.
Grobim/react-redux-firebase-workout Playground
GRT/react-example <g-emoji alias="bee" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🐝</g-emoji> A dead simple React/ES6/Webpack example
Gum-Joe/bedel Build, ship and manage apps, all from one dashboard. This is bedel.
gurdasnijor/Reaxer An approach to building realtime, collaborative web applications
gyroscopico/generic-dice Generic dice to add to your games
hahoocn/react-mobile-boilerplate A simple boilerplate for build mobile web app ( Node.js, React.js, Redux, Webpack, CSS Modules, PostCSS, Babel, ES2015, ESLint, Server side and client side rendering ... )
harunurhan/repodoctor Tool for ranking and improving github repos based on best practices
harunurhan/repologist Tool for ranking and improving github repos based on best practices
hashedhyphen/ltimer-electron A timer for LTs (Electron)
hegdeashwin/alphonso An open source web based administrative interface for MongoDB.
Hellenic/universal-marketcloud-storefront Boilerplate for a universal eCommerce storefront for Marketcloud platform
hengheng0haha/electron-starter electron+react+redux
herereadthis/redwall Code for 'Here, Read This' website
hieudt/redux-tic-tac-toe A simple Tic Tac Toe game implemented using Redux + React
Hive-Team/venus-wx 金色百年微信PRO
hms-dbmi/fourfront website for submitting and viewing genomic data
hojas/expblog My express blog.
holgergp/soccerReact Demo application to compare various client side mvc approaches. Using React.js
Hongchae/react-copyable Clipboard copyable React component
hongkheng/hdb-resale ReactJS port of hdb-resale
hufeng/iflux2-todo a simple todomvc (iflux2)
hugobessaa/ecommerce-next An experimentation on the UI of a modern e-commerce
huhulab/demo-cond-select 一个商品规格选择的示例 (基于 react:antd )
hunt-genes/gwasc HUNT fast-track GWAS catalog search
husa/e-clock Chrome extension to replace 'new tab' with digital clock
huxubin/react-redux-mock-webpack React is a Javascript library for building user interfaces.
hwillson/meteor-dropbox-blogger Meteor based blogging system that leverages Dropbox for content management.
hypergroup/ Hyper client for chrome
Icemic/Bakery-Dev 面包工坊开发者后台 - 前端
idmontie/gulp-react-scss-hot-loading Example repo to get the pipeline down
ifunk/audiovisual-react Visualisation using React and PIXI.js
iirvine/instamapstagram-react it's like instamapstagram, except with react! WHAT
Ikornaselur/canaritus Canary status - A simple self-hosted uptime status page
ikr/react-room-occupancy-input React.js component for specifying a hotel room occupancy: how many adults, how many kids, how old kids are
ind9/the-vision Reusable react components
interactivethings/packup WIP: A no-config development tool for modern web apps
IoT-Projects/IoT-home-temp-tracking using a esp8266 as a temperature logger for a room with a central hub
irvinlim/free4all (Orbital 2016) Find and share freebies with everyone!
jabhishek/react-express-webpack-boilerplate React-Express-karma-webpack boilerplate; also using React-router and Ecmascript 6
JabX/autofocus Réimagine Focus dans une version plus simple, plus efficace et plus robuste.
Jackey-Sparrow/react-webpack-todo-demo 听说用ES6写React,逼格会高一点,所以它来了
jahfer/spotify-csv-import Import tracks to Spotify via CSV
jakemmarsh/acadeME interactive eLearning platform for University of Maine senior capstone project
JamieCrisman/konbini directory of Japanese resources~
jancassio/reactapp-boilerplate My clean structure to start react projects with the smart webpack tool.
janicduplessis/imessage-client iMessage web client
JasonBoy/koa-web-kit Node Koa web starter kit for quick development, with Koa, ES6, Vue/React, Babel, Webpack, etc
jayrenn/react-winjs-demo React-WinJS Responsive app
jbillmann/isomorphic-javascript-example The most simplistic, isomorphic JavaScript example using React and Node.js
jbkuczma/sounci Desktop SoundCloud client powered by React and Electron
jbmorley/meeting Suite of applications for performing distributed group video conferences and managing shared meeting boards.
jdinartejesus/weatherApp Simple app for get the daily weather using React, Redux and Material Design.
jdubie/react-typescript-starter Starter react typescript project with jsx, hot loading, and more...
jebeck/zipline An experiment in virtual rendering with D3.
JeffOps/jeffops-frontend React frontend for JeffOps
jenca-cloud/jenca-gui GUI service for Jenca Cloud. Please see the trello board for work. If you need to be added to the team and board, please request:… License: MIT
jesseskinner/hoverboard-todomvc Implementing TodoMVC with Hover and React.
jesseskinner/react-browserify-demo Trying out writing React code with Browserify.
jfyuen/timesheets A small app to track user time by projects and activities
JGAntunes/flux-app-boilerplate React, redux and standard, all tied up with gulp and browserify
jhillhouse92/shopify-app-node-starter This is a starter project for creating Shopify Apps with a Neo4J database and ES6 Node.JS
jide/react-playground Live editing React components from Atom.
jide/react-subclass React CSS subClass
Jimexist/webpack-starter webpack starter
jkazama/sample-ui-react Bootstrap + React.js + Flux [ Jade / Scss / ES6 ]
jlengstorf/drop-in-chart A component using React.js and Chartist.js to allow quickly charting data.
jnwelzel/snap-canvas Real-time, colaborative drawing board for short-lived masterpieces.
joaogarin/carte-blanche-angular2 Carte blanche implementation for angular2 WIP
joaolucasl/MooMooApp A Yik-Yak styled web application
joefraley/ratticusscript Personal homepage
joernroeder/react-picturefill Picturefill Component for React
joeynguyen/spendless Personal finance tracker built using electron
JohanGustafsson91/React-JWT-Authentication-Redux-Router Front end JWT authentication with React, Redux and Router.
johannestroeger/flux-react-boilerplate yet another flux react boilerplate
johnwalley/bumps Website for
Jokero/react-cards-example React cards example
JolsonZhu/live-polling-app A live polling app with React. React-Router, Node.js, Socket.IO and ES6
Josebaseba/sails-browserify-react Sails v0.11 with Browserify and React
joshmarinacci/brainshell A magical wordprocessor for your brain
joxoo/react-material Material Components for React
jscomic/ official website of
jsrmath/sharp11-client A web front-end interface for exploring the Sharp11 library
JSSolutions/SharingHub-Beta Access management system
julianvmodesto/tweetstat A take-home interview project for Dataminr
jvalen/react-pleasing-start An easy and pleasing way to start working with React
jzz4012650/react_starter my usual react starter
k2truong/pagrader Web application for grading programming assignments
kakajika/Labbie GitLab client for desktop on electron
kaplona/koifly Flight Logging App for Hang Gliding and Paragliding Pilots
kbsymanz/midwife-EMR Custom software for a charity maternity clinic in the Philippines.
kdoh/manhattan Atomic react components for quick prototyping. This is probably a terrible idea.
kensworth/olyranks <g-emoji alias="busts_in_silhouette" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">👥</g-emoji> Ranking site for Olympic Weightlifters
ketodiet/keto-calculator A JavaScript macronutrient calculator for low-carb or ketogenic diets
kevin-dyer/seejs d3 interactive visualizations of the structure of javascript code
kevin940726/remarkbelow Yet another markdown editor built with React, Electron, draft.js.
kevinlig/collab-swag A collaborative real-time Swagger editor
kevinwang04/order-class-system 为学院写的一个教室预定系统
kevinxh/SuperCarsta A web app for viewing automotive photographs using Instagram API.
kewitz/splitter Payment splitting web-app.
Khan/khan-academy-fxos Khan Academy app for Firefox OS
KidIcarus1337/collaboralist Simple web app for creating and maintaining collaborative shopping lists.
kieusonlam/feathers-react-mobx-starter Feathers + React + Mobx + Server Side Rendering
kjirou/dungeons-and-idlers A browser game that explores dungeons by turning over cards
kjirou/nodejs-codes My verification against Node.js
kkpoon/react-redux-boilerplate a boilerplate with react and redux, build with webpack and babel
KleeGroup/focus-demo-app Demo application developed with FOCUS bookstores version 2.
KleeGroup/interactive-box Interactive box for the future of computer science and beyond !
kmikko/ubi-frontend Project work for Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals course held at Uni. Oulu
Kobold/OptimalTinder An app to help you pick out who to message on tinder, built as an experiment to play with nw.js.
kpdecker/refractor Image optimization AB tool
kramerc/communique Another IRC client.
Krammi/Evolution Evolution - The Game - Click - Click - Click, Click - ... -Awesome
kristajg/react-sandbox Extremely simplistic react sandbox. Skip the setup fatigue and start building a sandcastle.
kunchenguid/spact Spact glues React, Redux and the rest of the puzzle together to help people start building SPAs easily.
kuzzmi/react-better-date-picker Yet another date picker for React. But better.
KyleAMathews/react-flickr-example Flickr search page build with React
kyleholzinger/carp Don't write <g-emoji alias="hankey" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💩</g-emoji> code
lalpert/gradsearch-scala Search for professors by research interest
lamosty/spin-bike-ui Measure trip (avg) speed, distance, total/working time and more in a nice and clear UI. All with React and Redux
laoqian/muyu-cms 一个利用react redux开发的cms系统
laoqian/webpack-react-redux-multipage-start-kit 一个利用react redux开发的cms系统
ldd/samosa-search Samosa Search App
leapon/docker-node-react-demo-webapp A demo webapp using ReactJS frontend and Nodejs backend, deployed to AWS using docker container
leoasis/enter-hangman Hangman game made with React for a live coding session at Meetup.js Buenos Aires
lgraubner/base-frontend-template Base structure and files for frontend templates.
lgraubner/base-react-browserify-sass Base structure and files for frontend templates.
lgraubner/react-browserify-sass-boilerplate Base structure and files for frontend templates.
lingz/react-falcor-universal-minimal-starter Minimal starter kit for React, Falcor, and Universal rendering with ES6.
LittleFurryBastards/webpack-babel-react A starting point for projects with webpack, babel, react and redux
LittleFurryBastards/webpack-react-redux A starting point for projects with webpack, babel, react and redux
liugenpeng/react-full-calendar react日历组件
liuhong1happy/ConsoleWindowApp 无论你是开发者还是应用使用者,让你管理你的云端应用成为可能。
lmtm/bc-planner ByteClub planning tool
lmtm/react-training React + JSX + Dev stack (npm, browserify, hot reload) + Redux + Isomorphism + React Router
locksmithdon/astropaper Astronomy Picture of the Day Wallpaperer
lonelyclick/react-webapp-scaffolding react scaffolding project
lp741/SimpleAppDemo Simple App React + Webpack + Meteor + Material UI boilerplate
lsqio/github-to-docker Container Factory – convert github repos into docker images
luandro/uor-web Universal Offline-First React app using Redux, PouchDB, Falcor and more...
Lugribossk/simple-dashboard A straightforward static JS dashboard for system monitoring
luispinadev/redux-dnd-taskboard Redux drag and drop taskboard example app
lxanders/react-express-base Sample React SPA bundled by webpack & initially served by Express.js
lynnaloo/lumberjack Mullet takes a walk in the woods. React.js + Hapi + Trails.js. <g-emoji alias="tent" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⛺️</g-emoji> [图片上传中...(image-f9d911-1531972248590-0)]
<g-emoji alias="running_man" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🏃</g-emoji>
mamal72/react-webpack-es2015 <g-emoji alias="balloon" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎈</g-emoji> A simple React start point with Webpack, Babel, ESLint, ES2015(ES6) & ES7
manshar/manshar-mobile-react-native [Experimental] A mobile client built with React Native.
mapequation/bioregions Infomap Bioregions: Interactive mapping of biogeographical regions from species distributions
marioguerriero/opengram My own personal attempt to build something similar to an open source social network
martinbuberl/boilerplate-web Boilerplate for Node.js web applications using Express and React
MartinHelmut/webpack-react-css-modules-ssr A basic project with Webpack, React, CSS Modules and Server Side Rendering.
masharp/maker-towns A web application that allows tech engineers to plan their next career move in the US.
matthiaskern/react-keenio A simple React wrapper for the Keen JS SDK Charts
mattmontgomery/bgg-collection BoardGame Geek collection in React
maxmechanic/resumaker A React (formerly Backbone) app to build and export a resume as JSON or Bootstrap-flavored HTML.
maxmert/electron-es6-react-bootstrap A minimal Electron application, es6 and react
mboperator/LiveProxy Demo leveraging Isomorphic Redux to create an websocket proxy server that wraps a RESTful API.
mcamis/ Drive the Vote's mobile web app for volunteer drivers
mccxiv/dududu An objectively better Twitch following page
mefernandez/temply A template-first, lightning-fast CMS
menems/react-starter webpack - babel - react starter kit
mertkahyaoglu/atom-video Atom Video Package
metao1/chat Avesty Chat Server
MeteorCampNYC/MeteorCampNYC This is the working copy of the Meteor Camp NYC website.
mfmontenegro/tokiota-workshop-react React Workshop for Tokiota
michael-lefebvre/Squid the missing Github's launchpad on OSX.
michael-wolfenden/redux-shopping-cart My take on the shopping cart example from the redux source
michael-wolfenden/webpack2-react-starter Basic React starter template using webpack 2
michalradziwon/social-search-hybrid-client Hybrid mobile app implemented using JavaScript(React)+Cordova
minheq/grrupwa-boilerplate Combining best practices for DX and UX with latest technology boilerplate
miro/kadkad-mgmt React-Redux app for managing Image Gallery
mischlecht/base-react-redux-app This is a base React/Redux app that mocks out a task management application.
mitodl/sga-lti an LTI implementation of Staff Graded Assignments, for use with edX
mjlyons/webcoder Code editor in your browser
mlaursen/gulpfile-example Gives an example Gulpfile for a frontend project using ReactJS, BrowserSync, and others.
mlippautz/v8-heap-stats V8 heap visualizer
mm4700/intern-demo Cool D3 demo showing how to visualize uncertainty and various interactions
mobyvb/grandcentraljam A web app for version control in music production
mockups/ Demo project for Mockups talk
ModanBrothers/modanterist A pinterest Clone in React + Redux
MohitSharma/daily-message Messages based on time of day
monofuel/badMars-JS old repo- moved to monofuel/badmars
Montana-Code-School/testJS Javascript testing/training app
moodspace/fluffy-waffle Frontend of Glassroom written in React & ES6
morgante/react-starter Minimal live-editing boilerplate for your next ReactJS project
mozilla/marketplace-submission Tools for submitting content to the Firefox Marketplace.
mozilla/react-i18n React internationalization information object
mpipet/react-bootpage Component react for Boostrap pagination
mr-damagii/react-hydra A service for server-side rendering of react components
munichlinux/react-monthrange-picker ReactJS month calendar component
muryoimpl/task_trackr Todo app by Electron which is having like Pivotal Traker's view.
mysticatea/react-helix-examples Examples for react-helix library.
mywei1989/blog_react My blog's on React
n3tr/Contact-Manager An example of conversion Backbone contact manager app to React + Redux + React Router.. Webpack.. <g-emoji alias="package" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📦</g-emoji>
nataliegirard/fe-comparison Comparing a simple single-page-app with various front-end frameworks.
natenorberg/react-css-stagger A component that adds CSS transitions to create a staggered animation on entrance
ncuillery/react-chat-project A simple example of chat app, build with React, mocked backend
ndxm/NDReactBoilerplate NetDragon XM Engineering front end React Bolierplate, based on the React + Redux + Webpack
netconomy/react-workshop-playground Playground app for our React Workshop
ngthorg/GraphQL-Postgresql-example GraphQL Postgresql example
nickuraltsev/task-management A task management application built using Node.js, React, MobX, Koa, Sequelize, and MySQL.
nicolasazrak/OS3 Operating System Scheduling Simulator
nihey/sketch-gallery Open Art Gallery
nimatra/OutlookVSTS Outlook VSTS Addin
ninetails/feijoada-um Studies about React, Redux and Immutable. Used badsyntax/react-seed as boilerplate.
niole/Table-Highlight-Subset Table made with React.js with both highlighting and subsetting functionality. Can also sort data by column.
nodebit/nodebit Node Business Intelligence Tools
nyanofthemoon/Mooncraft HTML5 WebSocket game set in a post apocalyptic world.
oinume/lekcije Follow your favorite teachers in DMM Eikaiwa
olejrosendahl/shader-player <g-emoji alias="arrow_forward" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">▶️</g-emoji> React Music Player with Fragment Shader Visualization <g-emoji alias="sparkles" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">✨</g-emoji>.
oncletom/reactzine A mobile first magasine prototype app using React.
oneuijs/oui-react-utils oneui react utils
openactive/open-sessions Open Sessions webapp
openaq/ Landing page for OpenAQ
opendataby/osm-streets OSM streets and wikidata integration
opensessions/opensessions Open Sessions webapp
OpenSourceMe/Website React | Redux application that generates a personal website from a Github repo
Orhideous/twicher Simple quotes editor
orionsbelt-battlegrounds/frontend Web frontend for Orion's Belt BattleGrounds
outsideris/involved App to encourage to contribute to open source project on github
packrat386/eecs481_diary An ICU diary application.
pantojs/panto-best-practice Best practice of panto
parris/reactgl-experiments experiments!
partygoer/partygoer-web The Partygoer web client
paulmusso/webpack-boilerplate Starter kit for modern web app with Webpack
paulrenenichols/react-component-time-input A React Time Input Component
PCreations/react-material-social React plug & play social box components (likes - or similar -, comments, shares) base on material-ui
perry-mitchell/buttercup-chrome Buttercup extension for Chrome.
PGS-dev/framapp-react FramApp - ReactJS
pixelass/schachtel a simple but powerful grid for React.js
PizzaCodeUA/react-pizzacode Build Your First React.js App
pkuyken/react-hydra-binding Declarative binding for rendering a User Interface over a Hydra Web API utilizing React.
plantain-00/news-fetcher-client The client side of a cross-platform tool to get and sync news.
Pliman/enterprise-react enterprise-react
pmachowski/INF-App App that shows you what's the real cost of purchasing stuff for the company.
pmdesgn/react-webapp-starter Boilerplate for developing static SPA apps with React
Pokom/music-player Media Player created in React/REdux
pqmcgill/jukebot A party music automation application
prabhuramkumar/ThoughtPool Car pooling for ThoughtWorkers - Internal App
pradel/octon Notifies you when a new release has been made on repositories you starred on Github.
prashaantt/hapi-react-transform-boilerplate React Transform Boilerplate setup for hapi
prince1809/map-route Google Map Root Planner
project-xband/android Android implementation of the 'Project xBand' client
px3l/react-boilerplate A basic boilerplate for react.js apps
pyprism/Diary Simple Django based Diary to keep daily notes <g-emoji alias="notebook" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📓</g-emoji>
q191201771/chef_blog personal blog,base on golang & reactjs.
qq83387856/xiaomo-web 关于学习前端开发的一切,多分支...
r-park/react-redux-seed React • Redux • React-Router • React-Hot-Loader • Babel • Webpack2 • ES6 • Karma • SASS
radubrehar/react-treegrid React TreeGrid
raganw/react-lunch-and-learn React lunch & learn
ragingwind/bare-electron-react Bare project for electron and react
RaitoBezarius/react-spawn My React Starter Kit, a strange mix of React, JSX, ES7 (Babel), ESLint, React-Hot-Loader, nothing safe for production!
ramitos/react-transform-hapi-boilerplate A new Webpack boilerplate with hot reloading React components, and error handling on module and component level
rapid7/bix bix is a convenient way to manage the styles of your React components
rasmushaglund/partisk Political Party Opinion Visualizer
RaTTiE/AssetManagerMV RPGツクールMV用の素材管理ツールです。
rauliyohmc/redux-eventify React application to show fb events taking place in Wroclaw
reactbits/confirm Replacement of confirm function with react-bootstrap.
reactbits/search-results React component to render search results.
reactdc/react-dc-dot-com The site
redbadger/relay-starter-kit Barebones starting point for a Relay application.
redux-china/react-redux-universal-hot-example react-redux-universal-hot-example
reinbach/go-dashboard Simple dashboard prototype using go, and reactjs
relekang/accio Automate your deployments <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚀</g-emoji>
renarsvilnis/lol-build-manager-electron-app Cross platform application built with help of Electron framework for the League of Legends build manager
revrng/blockject Blockject is a simple chrome extension for injecting CSS and JavaScript code into a production environment while blocking the original resources from the server.
rgbkrk/nteract <g-emoji alias="notebook" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📓</g-emoji> Electron app of the Jupyter Notebook
richardstevens/react-split-test Split testing in React
rikukissa/flappy-bird Reactive implementation of Flappy Bird with time travel debugging
RinconStrategies/inspectr A CLI for inspecting React components
ritz078/react-component-boilerplate A boilerplate to create React components using react-transform-hmr, Babel 6, SASS and React-storybook
rmachado/mobile-starter Mobile starter app using Cordova, React, Flux and Material UI
ronanamsterdam/nitrorecorder Javascript User actions recorder and spec/test compiler
rsamec/react-movie-select React movie selector using API.
ruippeixotog/botwars A framework and server for competitions of game bots
ryanlanciaux/griddle-gulp-test Testing Griddle with Gulp.
ryanlanciaux/griddle-webpack-test Testing Griddle with Webpack
s0enke/react-boilerplate <g-emoji alias="fire" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔥</g-emoji> A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
saada/docker-gui WIP - Visualize everything running in your docker daemon
Sable/McLab-Web Web-based interface to McLab tools
sach2211/tayble A component for using responsive tables in React JS
sachgits/jambotunes a jambo tunes app
safv12/trello-metrics Metrics for Trello
saitodisse/md-list markdown chat - cerebral controller, firebase, elasticsearch, notifications and flex-box
samrose3/eventhunt Find events near you
SamSamskies/frontend-boilerplate-experiments Modified version of redux-webpack-es6-boilerplate
sean-clayton/neato-react-starterkit An app workflow-enhancing drug that's pretty neat because of the way it is.
seasonstar/react-brief Gatsby starter for creating a blog
sergeimellow/cats-on-node cat meme generator web application.
sergeybekrin/npmkit App to control your npm chaos with ease
sericaia/react-msf-demos React demos
sfabrizio/bloggy Bloggy is a super simple blog made it with Node/Express and React/Flux
shahbhavir/react-boilerplate An Isomorphic React starter project, configured for ES6 React, Twitter Bootstrap, LESS, Node, Express
shahmeernavid/isomorphic-react-starter Starter code for an isomorphic react project.
shawnzhang009/react-starter React.js starter. Built with Node, SASS, Webpack and stuff.React教程
ShelterTechSF/askdarcel-web The 'Ask Darcel' web app.
shenzhenlong1203/react nodejs+react+mongodb
siajs/prometeo Schedule App.
silenceonthelam/redux-piano (WIP) 'ReactPiano' redux to be built with the new flux library Redux.
SimonDegraeve/hapi-relay-starter-kit Starting point for a Relay-Hapi application.
sirrodgepodge/simple-file-input Working with S3 sucks! Let this nifty little library handle it for you with a React component and server side helper function :)
skycloud1030/react-boostrap-carousel A carousel component for react (with bootstrap)
skydivejkl/sihteeri Hoitaa hyppypiikkejä sekä jäsenrekisteriä
smbriones/react-mint Simple React starter app using Babel, Express, and Webpack
softbrew/phr-dashboard ReactJS Patient Dashboard for…
sohilpandya/Bidlt MVP Platform for Builders.
soldotno/react-component-empty An empty React component that doesn't output anything and doesn't update.
solidsnack/es6-react-nodewebkit-clock As cool as it sounds
Solshal/solshal-chrome-extension Chrome extension
SpaceHexagon/datahexagon A minimal web based desktop environment.
spolnik/JAlgoArena-UI Front end implementation for JAlgoArena
ssohjiro/electron_webpack_react_inline_hot_loader_starter ff
stamen/panorama-template Template / boilerplate for using stamen/panorama components, in a tasty React/Redux/React-Router shell
stanleycyang/isomorphic-react-router Isomorphic react router boilerplate for ReactJS
staticdeploy/sd-app staticdeploy (static) app
stecb/react_examples React code samples from 'Rethinking UI development 2.0', ReacDay 2015 (Verona, Italy)
StefanSchwartze/whatiuse This is a system that allows people to have a code insight on their website and calculate support for users.
stephmilovic/prismic-react This is a Prismic + React + Flux starter kit with webpack. It uses Sass variables/mixins, and includes Bourbon Neat.
sterlingwes/storytime A simple time tracking menu bar app for scrum
Storj/metadisk-gui Web application for managing your Storj Bridge account.
Strikersoft/strikersoft-frontend-test-assignment Strikersoft boilerplate for test assignment
sunpietro/react-live-table-league Live Table League simulation built with React.js. The data comes from Premier League Season 2011/2012 and it's served using local node.js server.
supalogix/react-facebook-login-poc POC code for a blog post I made about react and the facebook sdk
supercandy/block-breaker A react native game where you break bricks and collect pineapples by tilting you device to move a little ball
SurveyMan/react-surveyman SurveyMan in React
Sylencia/pokemon-go-iv Pokemon GO IV Calculator
sylvaindethier/react-confprops Add custom configurable props to React elements.
syon/chase Web client for Pocket
t7/sistem Tools for generating T7's design assets
taggon/redux-example-todo Redux 예제용 Todo 프로젝트
TallerWebSolutions/tallerjs-boilerplate Taller JS Boilerplate for new javascript projects
Tallies/Example1 Progressive enhancement, isomorphic Node.js with React.js web application example
tanem/react-redux-playground <g-emoji alias="ferris_wheel" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎡</g-emoji> Messing about with React and Redux.
taylorhakes/redux-slidedeck Slide deck library built with redux
td-berlin/reactjs-videoplayer-tutorial React.js project setup with ESLint + Webpack + Karma
teepluss/electron-react-altjs Electron build with photon, react and altjs
tehwalris/paper-walrus An experimental web app for managing handouts from school.
teologov/backbone.reactive Plugin for Backbone.js framework, which allows to combine powerful Backbone.js with React.js views.
TheAncientGoat/mantra-sample-blog-coffee Mantra Blog components re-written in Coffeescript Jade-like synta
thedecimal/arabic-hub Quizzes and resources for students learning Arabic
thepeted/dungeon-crawler Javascript Dungeon Crawler in React and Redux
theTechie/react-component-preview preview react component in an atom splitview
theverything/jbipsum A small sinatra app that creates place holder text from some of Justin Biebers douchiest quotes and lyrics
thlorenz/boondocker App to show all available free and low cost campgrounds
Thomas0c/react-starter Boilerplate for universal React applications.
thomaswinckell/reactfire-white-board A realtime white board made with love
thongdong7/subfind Subtitle crawler support OpenSubtitles, Subscene
tikurahul/rocket-fuel A Chrome Omnibox Extension which helps use short-hand names for navigating to well known URLs.
tily/carte Something like wiki, dictionary, or information card.
timatooth/udraw Infinitely expanding HTML5 drawing canvas
TimothyBest/gitplaylist git for your playlists
tinyfm/Client-app Webapp
tippenein/scrape_the_truth Database of politifact statements for analysis. Who does the most lying!?
tjunghans/react-select A react component that renders a select dropdown
tomatau/tomatao-blog Blog for Tomatao
tomkp/react-application React layout components
tomzmtl/Brew-Master A react/Redux game about brewing beer!
Toolbench/Tupiq A new tab extension for Chrome.
TorchlightSoftware/loopback-boiler Boilerplate to set up a Loopback application.
totallytyped/typed-patterns (JUST STARTING, NOTHING TO SEE HERE YET) GoF patterns in Typescript.
towry/composer-core [abandoned] React Composer Core, an elegant web editor.
towry/react-packer React Bin Packing Layout Component, not finished.
TransferGo/monican A Monican Conspiracy
tricoder42/talk-react-django React & Django, talk at DjangoCon Europe 2016 in Budapest
trippian/trippian Connect passionate travelers with the best trip companions around the world
tshaddix/next-read Turn your silly browsing into something smart.
tsrahm/DaVinci-JavaScript My portfolio can be found here...
tsrahm/hello-world My portfolio can be found here...
tudev/devseries-react-starter The starter repository for a react-based web application.
txwkx/RDFJS4U <g-emoji alias="wrench" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔧</g-emoji><g-emoji alias="nut_and_bolt" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔩</g-emoji> Online tool helping you pick a suitable RDF JavaScript library
ucscXena/ucsc-xena-client Functional genomics browser
ufv-js/ru-now An awesome app for hungry university people.
umchee/react-double-scrollbar Adds a top horizontal scrollbar to content
ungerik/react-inputs Input components for react
unindented/particle-workbench Tool to design particle emitters.
unindented/puzzle-chrome Browser extension that allows you to create a sliding puzzle from any image.
unindented/puzzle-creator Browser extension that allows you to create a sliding puzzle from any image.
untitaker/taskrs A tasks app
upgle/react-alphabet-avatar React JS alphabet avatar component
vacmatch/vacmatch-mobile Mobile app to manage match reports in sports
Venskiy/chat Chat
vevix/focus <g-emoji alias="camera" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📷</g-emoji> Take and upload screenshots to Imgur from OS X and Windows
vnovick/es6-webpack-babel-skeleton es6-webpack-babel-skeleton is basic 5 steps tutorial to scaffold your es6 application with webpack and babel.
vogelino/periodic-table-data-visualization A visual representation (data visualization) of the chimical elements periodic table
voidxnull/ReUI A collection of themeable React components
voxlol/project-penguin ES6 side project
vyorkin/starter-kit web app starter kit (NOT FINISHED, see…)
webrain/watermelon A redux based web application template for SPAs.
wederch/meetup-workshop Repo for meetup workshop: Treating your front end Code like a Professional
whisher/react-comment-box React Real Time Comment Box
wi2/calendar-example A calendar application with SailsJs and ReactJS
willowtreeapps/compwnents A set of React components used by the Web Apps Team at WillowTree, Inc.
willowtreeapps/tsx-boilerplate TypeScript + React boilerplate
wincent/hextrapolate Number base conversion tool
winitzki/flyd-react-sample A sample web app using Flyd and React
wisesmile/another-jarsap A small application for teaching React best practices.
wolferian/wolferweb Node + React Web Server for WolferX
wookiehangover/stendig-tab The iconic Stendig Calendar
worldline/rhapidux Project bootstrap for a universal web application based on hapi, react and redux
wuct/react-stepper It is a number selector like iOS UIStepper for Reactjs.
wudayu/FinanceReactNative FinanceReactNative is Finance App build by RN. I use this to learn how to build app by RN.
WuLiuxi/react-native-unsplash Unsplash App
xiilei/pm2-restapi-web pm2 dashboard
xoposhiy/frontend-course nodejs, webpack, babel, react, material-ui, firebase
ycp217/foofoo HackPrinceton '15 Fall
ymedlop-sandbox/react-redux-badges-example React Redux Badges Example
yongjun21/Zmixer A single-page app built in React
yongjun21/ZzzzMixer A single-page app built in React
yoo2001818/kkiro3d 3D game engine written in JavaScript
YR/component A factory utility for creating performant React.js components
yukihr/lgtmin-github-bookmarklet x GitHub Bookmarklet
Zanibas/Last-Stop A DevBootcamp final project focusing on alerting users of the time of the last bus/train/BART to arrive.
ZeroarcSoftware/megawizard React Step Wizard Component
zerocool0686/react-flux-game-settings Game settings management web application on ReactJS and using Flux pattern.
zfeidy/jing_react_components react components
zhengcan/play-webpack-react Integrate Play Framework with Webpack, React and more
zhongxia245/Antd 【停用】Antd做一层封装,然后提供给项目使用,方便到时候多项目用到该组件,方便统一修改
zhuowenli/flux-starter-kit flux starter kit
ziadloo/expandable-react-redux An attempt to make Redux behave in a modular way
zippyui/zippyui-www website
zlargon/one-piece One Piece Treasure Cruise Damage Calculator
zlyi/pinecoco-react pinecoco-react
zoover/react-fluxible-utils A collection of extremely useful utils and components for React+Fluxible applications.
zperrault/react-slides A simple react based slide deck
zpratt/react-google-maps-example Example of building React components for use with Google Maps
zqqiang/node-capwap CAPWAP implementation in JavaScript (Work in progress)
10000highfives/small-days Ideas and inspiration for parents of easily bored toddlers
100Shapes/react-webapp-starter Reasonable starting point for building a web app
183339501/praticle-node-project Node js项目实战
1vasari/songdown-app This is the web application component of the Songdown project.
4lbertoC/popularrepositories A simple app showing the most popular repositories for a GitHub user
AamuLumi/EschVG Triangle drawing software to create Escher pictures in SVG format
aarkerio/vet4pet An OpenSource Rails/ReactJS/Redux veterinary clinic management solution.
aaronshaf/leeroy Better interface for Jenkins
aaronsky/learn-flow Live Educational Visualization of a Git Flow Graph
abac00s/HydeCMS CMS for fast blog building with Jekyll
ABASystems/react-recurring A recurring date selection widget for React.
Abe404/tagpad bookmarking and note taking application
abisz/piedcode forked from…
accretive/react-thinflash Thinflash for React.js
acthp/client-template react template for client-side development
adamburmister/pinterest-image-layout-chrome-ext Chrome extension for laying out images into better Pin content for Pinterest
adamples/eda SVG-based Web EDA Application
adamwight/WikiEduDashboard Dashboard application facilitating Wikiedu-powered courses
adaspt/react-redux-starter My take on react starters using typescript and webpack. Includes react, redux, react-router, redux-form.
addi90/redux-todo Create a todo list app using redux and material-ui
AdlerPlanetarium/aad-drake-eq Visualizing the Drake Equation for Adler After Dark
adrian-budau/react-smart-forms React Smart Forms
adrian-spataru/minitube A minimal Youtube player made in React -
adrianha/react-sidedrawer Simple React sidedrawer
adrianha/swapii Star Wars Website Based on
AdrienRedon/matchpoint Sport platform
adrrian17/excelsior Testing out Marvel's API with React
aepyornis/hpd-violations-web Look up NYC housing violations
afazio/pixi-prime-viewer View prime numbers in a unique way and discover hints of a pattern in their distribution. Uses HTML5 standards and pixi.js for animations. View it in action at…
Agnition/agnition A tool for finding answers to questions in your life
agnivade/quictionary A small and concise dictionary interface built using React + Material UI
agrcrobles/react-native-web-webpack-starter Starter kit for react native web
AgtLucas/the-book-of-souls Webpack + React
ahermida/Anonymous-Chat-Flux Implements React's server-side rendering capabilities. Loosely integrates Flux.
aindong/xpress-react-redux-gulp-webpack-boilerplate A project boilerplate for Express React Redux Gulp Webpack with SocketIO
airapps/airapps A Super 'Air' application development tools.
AirSpacers/max-gross A simple weight and balance for our aircraft
ajaska/dreamlikedays-frontend React/Redux based frontend to a journal API
akash5474/WatchClosely A demonstration of control flow using features from es6 and es7
AkhilHector/instaStore It is a ready made deplaoyable data storage application that can be handy if you want to have large data to be stored by submitting forms.
akikoo/react-testing Unit testing React components with Mocha, jsdom, unexpected and SinonJS
akikoo/react-ui-style-guide Living Style Guide with React, webpack, ES6 and Sass
akkhil7/supermario Frontend app for AllClear built on ReactJS.
akurihara/react-business-rules-ui A React library for building out the logic and UI for business rules.
alancohen/typewriter An over-engineered typewriter to explore React + Flux.
Alaneor/electron-playground Messin' around with Electron & React
alanrubin/home-wack-a-mole A React+Flux(RefluxJS) sample game
alberthermida/Anonymous-Chat-Flux Implements React's server-side rendering capabilities. Loosely integrates Flux.
alexanderjeurissen/ReactFluxBoilerplate boilerplate for React & Flux apps i'll be developing
alexbg/react-uikit Use react with the css framework uikit
alexcurtis/react-spotlight React Spotlight Carousel Component
alexeyraspopov/react-coroutine React Components as Coroutines.
alexzherdev/foosballtracker Keeping track of foosball match scores
alexzherdev/pandemic A Redux-based implementation of the board game Pandemic.
algohub/algohub-frontend Frontend for algohub website
algohub/algohub-frontend-material Frontend for algohub website
Algram/autocard SEO-Monitoring Tool for various APIs and Google Indexes
ali322/ya-ui web components build with React
alimek/scrum-poker-react Planning poker in reactJS
AllenFang/react-flux-demo It's a simple demo for react and flux.
alpacio/noah Front-end builder/generator for the ARK project
altairstudios/nebulosa NodeJS CMS and WebApp framework based on keystone
altonzheng/PHC Project Homeless Connect SF Flagship
alvaromb/papptometro The Papptómetro app lets you browse and try all the possible government combinations
alvinsj/styleshow CSS to html, boot up a html page to show your css styles.
amazingBastard/mantra-blog Blog created using Mantra example and Meteor 1.3 / React
americanpanorama/panorama-forcedmigration The Forced Migration of Enslaved People in the Antebellum American South 1810-1860
ameyms/react-seed An opinionated starter kit for react with webpack & scss
amine7536/marko Desktop Markdown editor with Live preview
amir5000/slidingTabs A touch enabled react-bootstrap Tabs component
amir5000/WeatherApp Weather App using Open Weather API & ES6
amitmtrn/atom-react-starter starter package for atom with react
amiuhle/webpack-react-compiler-plugin Isomorphic static sites using React and webpack
amsb/storybook_styled-components_example An example Create React App project using Styled Components and React Storybook
anakinjay/react-widget-starter React starter kit focused on making widgets for embedding into already existing websites and CMS platforms such as Drupal, Wordpress, etc...
andela-akiura/khali A photo editing application.
andela-ekupara/DcManFrontEnd Implementation of a Document Management using React, MongoDB, Express and Node JS
andela-rekemezie/React-Series Comprehensive tutorial for React js
andersonaguiar/tripsorter Example of app with React rendered on server
andersonmcook/reduxstagram Tutorial for React/Redux/Webpack/etc
andrefarzat/react-goodform Good Forms for React
andrewliebchen/og-query Build a query statement to explore OpenGov entities
andrewmacheret/chess A web-based chess program written in React and React-dnd that supports any combination of player vs AI. Includes support for drag and drop for human players and animation effects for computer players.
Angelwang51/react-fireblog a blog based on firebase and ReactJS.
angus-c/easings-editor Interactive editor for animation formulae
angus-c/reanimator Interactive editor for animation formulae
annasherman/deadlifts-and-code- A pocket trainer/lifting app that coaches all levels of lifters and helps plan routines.
AnotherKamila/songbook-web Yet another iteration of my HTML5 songbook attempt. Wheeeee!
AnthonyBobsin/ This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
antoligy/healthbeacon A dashboard for visualising health stats
antonioyee/estadisticas Statistics Football League in ReactJS
antyakushev/react-hex React & redux implementation of a simple chess-like board game on a hexagonal field
Anujan/react-amazon-playground Just playing with react
anvk/ip-admin A tool to manage IP subnets in your company.
anytimecoder/3click-datepicker-react 3click datepicker React JS component
anywhy/weidu WeiDu App Write in React-Native By Studying React-Native
apazzolini/ The source code for
apburnes/react-con-redux-boilerplate A boilerplate client app built with React and Redux to be hosted on
apentle/react-native-testing-example An example setups react native testing!
apexskier/magic-mirror My totally original Raspberry Pi magic mirror.
Appist/app-starter-component A starter project for React UI component that generates CommonJS and UMD builds.
appleboy/ 行政院法規線上諮詢系統 界面 2.0
applegrain/enzyme-playground A playground React app to get started with enzyme
AppliedMathematicsANU/plexus-form-example A demo app for plexus-form
appsflare/pro-ideas An realtime idea dashboard built on Meteor
AppStateESS/election Allows creation of online ballots.
are-are-/react-defer-image React Component for deferred images.
arjunmayilvaganan/ A Platform for the Movie Maniacs
Arkham/ml-talk My Machine Learning talk
arnif/Hospital-Data visualize the data from hospitals in Iceland
arqex/react-tiles-playground react-tiles test and doc site.
arsemyonov/babel-plugin-jss-autoprefix Babel plugin to autoprefix jss (without performance optimisations yet)
artiator/artiator-frontend Web client for The Artiator
arve0/lesson_editor Create codeclub lessons in your web browser
arve0/react-transform-boilerplate A new Webpack boilerplate with hot reloading React components, and error handling on module and component level.
Arxisos/react-rich-table Flexible and de-coupled data grid components for sorting, filtering and inline editing.
asaeed/ReactGulpStarter React.js Starter Project with gulp, browserify, SASS, browser-sync
asarode/clicky Demo app to flex my React skills.
asdelday/tp-poc-react Travelport React Proof of Concept
Ash-Bash/Zen-Editor A Light Weight Code Editor For All Platforms Built With Electron and NodeJS
aslamplr/thing-edge thing-edge is the edge layer(home front) for the 'thing io(thing)'[, see my other project 'thing']
asp2insp/single-page-starter-kit A single page app starter kit. Webpack, React, Nuclear JS, and Bootstrap
aspyrx/audiovisual An audio visualizer built using React.
astagi/cincin <g-emoji alias="cocktail" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🍸</g-emoji> The app to toast with your pals using a smartphone! Made using TouchstoneJS (
astapinski/RNChatty A sample application for React Native to work with the Shacknews Chatty APIs
asvyazin/my-books.purs Experiments with Alternate version of…
aTseniklidou/Randix-Game A variation of the game TacTix built with React & Redux for learning purposes.
aurigadl/EnvReactAsk Dynamic questionnaire for multiple uses made with flask and reactjs
aussiegeek/endless500px Endless scrolling of 500px
Availity/availity-react Availity React SDK
ayltai/artisan A note taking app for programmers, hand crafted with ♥
ayush29feb/axpedia Automating Group Travel Decisions
azazdeaz/react-animated-topdown-zombie Customizable topdown zombie React component - animated with animachine
azu/postem cross post client
b00giZm/k8-rolling-demo Companion demo for my talk at Bonn Agile goes Docker Cluster meetup in May 2016.
ba1uev/rich Rich-text editor w/ LocalStorage
backblend/todos-offline Sync Todo lists to PouchDB/Cloudant
BaconTechnologies/Dashboard A web application to manage and display information of the parking lot
badsyntax/echojs-mobile-client An unnoficial EchoJS Android cordova application
badsyntax/react-twitter An example twitter stream built with react, es6, browserify and other shiny tools
BarberHour/barber-hour Main Barber Hour App, powered by React Native
Bartozzz/rec-form Form component for browsers with React, ES6 and SASS
bbondy/brianbondy.node w/ Node + Hapi + Babel + React
bbondy/stack-view StackOverflow analysis
bcomnes/dserv budo, browserify, babelify, react, autoprefixer, jsnox, redux, css-modulesify
BDiehr/pretty-react-growl A prettied up version of react-growl
beaulebens/getmiles Miles is a tool to help you manage milestones within a bigger Github project.
beaulm/intercrop Garden layout generator with companion planting and intercropping suggestions
Becojo/undore-react-example Example of a simple React application with undo/redo support using Undore
believer/react-starter A starter kit for React with CSS modules and skin-deep testing
belowtheline/btl2016 The 2016 Federal Election
bendyorke/auth0-profile Drop in solution to edit an existing Auth0 profile
BenGladman/Hessellate Hyperbolic Tessellations on the Poincaré Disk
bengler/imdikator IMDI Indikator
BenjaminVanRyseghem/SandGlass An electron-based time tracker -- MIRROR
benkeen/react-country-region-selector Country / region dropdown components for your forms.
benmarte/wres-sk Webpack React ESLint Sass Starter Kit
bentaylor2/synthesizer A basic synthesizer using Tone.js and React
Bernie-2016/bernie-messenger-android Mobile app for calling & texting personal contacts with Bernie messaging
bertofer/quercus Quercus is a file manager build with web technologies
bestschool/web ⛄ Find best school for you
bfitch/cerebral-falcor-todos prototype for integrating Cerebral and Falcor
bgammill/wezza A little mobile weather app written with weather API and React
bgoldman/todomvc-react An implementation of Todo MVC using React.
bgrace/formsy-abide Generate Foundation 5 Abide-compatible forms from a JSON schema using React and Formsy.
bhoomit/formula-editor Formula builder example
bhtz/microscope-backbone-react React + Backbone (CommonJS/ browserify) starter kit
Bigguy34/electron-react-menu This will be something big, but for now move along.
bilalq/TeaMachine-Server Webserver that controls a SparkCore powered Tea brewing machine
billyct/stock-application stock management app, write with react,redux
billyjanitsch/spirit-animal <g-emoji alias="cocktail" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🍸</g-emoji> Cocktail recipe & inventory database
billykwok/MineVis Data visualisation for 14 popular Minecraft servers. UC Davis ECS 163 Winter 2016 coursework.
binary-com/binary-bot Visual automation for
BingeTrackr/BingeTrackr The Official Binge Trackr Website
binlaniua/ReactAdmin reactjs admin
binocarlos/kettle-ui material-ui widgets for applications
bionikspoon/2048 A React Redux clone of the popular game 2048.
BitLooter/Stuffr-frontend Web frontend for Stuffr
bjaanes/ReactMineSweeper A simple mine sweeper web app made with React.JS
blahoink/smallfry kol-like on nodejs
blankmaker/hackernews-react-client Hacker News client built with React and the HN's API
blessdyb/react-blog personal blog based on react / flux
blinkmobile/things-mgr frontend for a 'things' web service, to query and manage 'things'
BlinkTunnel/graphql-intro GraphQL demo in node
blittle/gospel-study-tools A chrome extension for gathering LDS Gospel study habits
blockstack-hackathons/zing Send money to twitter accounts and domain names
blueberryapps/este The most complete React/Flux dev stack and starter kit for isomorphic functional web apps. Este.js acts as a next-gen to-go everything-but-the-kitchen-sink boilerplate.
blueberryapps/react-bluekit-web Web for react-bluekit
bluejellybean/ab-iso The personal site of Alex Barkell
bobbyangelov/3things A productivity app for focused people
BobbyKostadinov/docker-nginx-node Docker for setting up Nginx -> Node projects on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
boogunote/bn6 BooguX. An outline tool.
bouzuya/bbn-react DEPRECATED See bouzuya/
boyw165/react-ui-layers-panel A panel for sort/hide/lock/delete/duplicate layers.
brainly/datacontest <g-emoji alias="chart_with_upwards_trend" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📈</g-emoji> Brainly data contest app.
brainwipe/icar The website and tooling for Icar the Free Science Fiction RPG
Brandon-Stoyles/react-template A simple react + webpack template
brandonhorst/lacona-demo-browser Demo of Lacona running in the browser
brendoncarroll/music_guy A music manager, intended for home media servers.
BrendonPierson/boilerplate-koa-redux-react A boilerplate for a Koa Redux React application with Webpack, Mocha and SASS
brennanerbz/action-creator-boilerplate A boilerplate of code featuring react & redux.
bretth18/bison react-native yik yak clone
BrewSession/mecha-brew Automated Brewing using a BeagleBone Black
BrianDGLS/Hapi-Pattern-Library A Pattern Library based on Hapi.js
brianshef/roetisserie Inventory management for LuLaRoe consultants
brightleaf/adelphos Another attempt at making something like a crm but for home groups and churches and what not
bruno12mota/react-social-video-sitepoint React social video component quick tip SitePoint
bruxr/Sirius2 Project management for developers (Python rewrite)
bryanmikaelian/librato-alerts-chrome A Chrome extension that shows Librato Alerts.
BugBusterSWE/MaaS MongoDB as a Service
buildo/webseed A starter kit for avenger-based react web apps
bvasko/react-material-spotify Spotify app to mess around with react, redux, react-material and velocity-animation
C3-TKO/gaiyo A web app that cycles through a list of websites each one after another in an infinite loop
C3-TKO/junkan A web app that cycles through a list of websites each one after another in an infinite loop
c764023940/reactDemo react+redux+react-router
caasi/prototype-odf parsing styles.xml and content.xml
caasi/react-coc-sheet Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
caasi/react-ld31 Entire Game on One Screen
cable729/better-streams Better stream-watching experience for League of Legends
CalviinG/project-rego Project Re-Designing CS:GO
camjc/slicey-react Slicey Donut/Pie chart library written in react-js
camshaft/dom-transform Functional and immutable dom transformer for node and the browser
capheshift/daily-scrum-app The daily task management based on daily-scrum concept
capheshift/RReact-boilerplate A boilerplate for react with router
carlababa/getRuby ReactJS
caTUstrophy/frontend Frontend part for our catastrophe aid tool. Written in JavaScript (React), HTML and CSS.
cdaringe/square-dance dance sucka!
cdelaorden/redux-ecs-game Experiment in building games with React (SVG), Redux and a kind-of Entity Component System architecture
Celsius273/ A clone of pandemic written in react - will diverge considerably from the original game in the coming days
censhin/pokedex-ui User Interface for Pokedex Application
cerebral/cerebral-boilerplate-universal A universal boilerplate for Cerebral
cesarandreu/trois-blog third iteration of blog
cevherkarakoc/ImageToAscii Yüklediğiniz görseli belirli ASCII karakterleri ile yeniden oluşturur
cglantschnig/hapi-es6-auth a sample project
chadrien/app-of-the-storm Open Source companion app for Heroes of the Storm
chadxz/personal-site-react rewrite of personal site using react + webpack
chauthai/SimpleCounter React Native app using Reflux, ES6 and Webpack
chenkaiC4/webpack-react-starter-kit Starter Kit for React Project Power By Webpack
chenxsan/pager Yet another simple react pagination component for react.js 0.14+.
chenxsan/react-server-render a demo for react server render
cherrry/stringistics Collections of string utilities as chrome's browser action.
cheshire137/gh-notifications-snoozer A way to manage your notifications on GitHub. Lists and filters and snoozing PRs, oh my!
chickencyj/gallery-by-react photo gallery project based on react.
chkakaja/sentimize Sentimize
chrisarevir/atomic-reaction A boilerplate for using react alongside atom-shell
ChrisCates/ Isomorphic React, Redux App | Personal website and blog
chrisdevereux/react-build An opinionated, zero-config bundler and debug server for React components, built around webpack
chrisdibble/feform Simple Reactive Forms
chriserik/react-marty-webpack-starter Starter template for react, using webpack (with hot reload), coffeescript and martyjs
chrisfisher/graph-editor A graph editing library using React.js and Redux.
chrishelgert/mediathek An application to store all your bluray´s, game´s and much more
chrishelgert/pandorica An application to store all your bluray´s, game´s and much more
chriskevin/javascript-unittest-examples Examples of setting up unit tests for differrent Javascript frameworks
chrisngobanh/freshestsquid The code that powers Freshest Squid
christiaanderidder/react-googlecharts Google Chart component for React
christian-schulze/SquirrelNotes Where squirrels store their nuts...ah...notes.
chshouyu/react-gallery-demo react gallery demo
chtefi/react-ascii-loader A simple ASCII loader
cifren/sound-admin React module, using redux / rest, create a configurable admin interface
cignium/hypermedia-client Hypermedia renderer for Cignium's hypermedia api.
cjk/smart-home-app A modern web-frontend for your home-automation services
clawio/webapp ClawIO Web UI
cleberar38/esri-flux-react Simple demo application using Esri's JavaScript API and React. It also shows how to use the Flux architecture in a map based application.
clebert/mobx-example A MobX example project with TypeScript, React and Webpack.
clementmiao/fomo Search discussions happening around a link on various websites.
cluk3/easy-koa-mongo-redux-react-jwt-auth-boilerplate A boilerplate with JWT auth for a Koa Mongodb Redux React
cncgl/react-relay-sample Relay Tutorial
cod3rkane/project Papo De Programador
code-artisan/react-loadings Loading for react
codeandcats/delaunay-animation-editor Web-based editor for creating delaunay triangulations of images and animating between them
codefordenver/encorelink Connecting musician volunteers with healthcare centers
codelegant/react-action React 实践
codemeasandwich/HopJS Full-Stack JS
CodeRiderz/senopati Data Senopati
coderoad/builder-coderoad Tutorial Builder for Atom CodeRoad (WIP)
coderoom1401/coderoom_web 程序员之家官网
Codility/edgegame React Hackathon project.
coding-lemur/nodefilestore a lightweight filesharing service with nodejs and reactjs
codystebbins/blocktube Sharing a redundantly uploaded video
coldpour/jenkins-build-light webapp that displays the status of several jenkins jobs even across multiple servers
colemannerd/Roll-Advantage 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons For Players, By Players.
ColeMurray/react-express-starter-kit An ES6 ready React and Express starter kit.
ColeTownsend/react-wp-api React used to display Wordpress posts – good for most recent posts or even an entire blog.
ColeTownsend/Strava-Recent-Runs Show my 7 most recent runs ons Strava using React.
colinf/react-easy-select A react select element allowing entry of other values and with inline styles
colinramsay/touchstone-webpack Example barebones application with TouchstoneJS and Webpack
coma/quotes Type fast as you can!
ComfySoft/ComfyProjects The project management site for comfy dudes.
comses/catalog Web tools to annotate publications related to computational modeling
concord-consortium/building-models System Dynamics Model building tool.
connectordb/connectordb-android The ConnectorDB android app
connectordb/connectordb-web The connectordb website/desktop app
constellational/web Isomorphic React
control-tower/ct-ui Manage UI of Control Tower api-gateway
Convicted202/PixelShape Pixel editor that comes in handy when creating pixel art images and animations
corydolphin/sendthistome SendThisToMe
coryvirok/cerebral-login-example An example login app built with Cerebral and React
Cosmitar/Reactjs-Conways An implementation of Conway's game of life with ReactJS
cpsubrian/react-transform-boilerplate A new Webpack boilerplate with hot reloading React components, and error handling on module and component level.
craft-ai/HomeTogether SmartHome demo, powered by craft ai
craigbilner/cgol-redux Conway's game of life using redux
Crazy50/IsomorphicTalk Presentation on Isomorphic Javascript using Spectacle
crls-underwater-robotics/crls-rov A underwater ROV built using a raspberry pi, arduino, node.js and html5
CrockAgile/talking-to-a-wall Talking to a Wall
Cron-J/Rule-Engine Rule Engine is for rule editor, expression editor and action editor
CrshOverride/relay-giphy Sample Relay App using Giphy API
cslansing/flute-media-player Browser based media player
csterritt/react_golden_layout_example This is one way to use Golden Layout and React together.
curbyourlitter/curbyourlitter-sidewalk Frontend for the Curb Your Litter map
CurtisHumphrey/QuestionsToClassification Ask questions until a classification is reached
d3m1urg/react-reinput React input component backed by regex of all sorts.
dadifeihong/react-gallery react-gallery
daevaorn/sentry Sentry is a realtime event logging and aggregation platform
dahlke/botify I don't even know
daigof/react-comments My custom implementation of the official React tutorial
daigof/react-starter React Starter Kit - using webpack and offline transformation with babel and support for es2015
dailydayna/MyFirstRepo A project site for our Davinci Coders course
daimagine/gh-milestone github organization milestone dashboard
dalealleshouse/load-perfect Weight bar loading application
damonbauer/scorekeeper Keep score of your card/board/dice games.
dan-l/activity-stream MVP prototype add-on for activity streams
danbim/logserv tail -f log files to your browser
dancork/electron-base-app A base application using electron, webpack and react
danhoran/danhoran-co Personal site
danielearwicker/react-progressbar Simple progress bar with percentage display
danielmeneses/react-server-render This module can render ReactJS components on server side returning the script to initialize the component on client side and the resulting component html.
danieloliveira079/healthy-life-app-v1 Healthy Life Application
danielsneijers/homely Constructing the future homepage of... me!
danigb/BandInATab Play along with me
danilojrr/CatchOfTheDay A React web app to buy some fish based on React for Beginners course by Wes Bos. But this is made with Typescript, SASS and Webpack.
danivegamx/react-101 Primera sesión en español del curso de React.js para el grupo de Front-End de EPAM Systems México
danjac/kanban Very simplistic kanban implementation
danriti/pagerduty-review Review your on call rotation in Pagerduty
danschumann/limby express modular server shell
Dark-RD/Dark-App created-day: '2015-08-03'
dasevilla/rdio-nowplaying-reviews Display reviews of the album you're currently playing on Rdio
Dashron/roads-starter Starter code for building a project using Roads and Koa
davejtoews/viewcake An interactive presentation Framework
davepoon/react-gulp-starter-kit A Simple React Starter Kit(ES6) with Gulp, Babelify, Gulp-SASS, Watchify and Browserify.
davertron/react-spa React Single Page App
davezuko/jackie-react React port of Jackie's website
david-cahill/ReactGallery React component to display a gallery widget
davidevernizzi/react-bootstrap-widgets React bootstrap widgets
davidgilbertson/davidg-site My site
davidmfreese/React-ScrollView React Component inspired by UIScrollView
davidtimmons/react-csv A React/Flux module that simulates a CSV spreadsheet.
DavidWells/WordPress-UI A CSS Framework and a Set of React Components that Implement WordPress UI
davyengone/meetup.demo meetup demo
dayiner-ued/antd-start-kit Ant Design of React start kit.
dballance/ng2-redux-todo Angular2 Redux Todo Example
dbslone/Synonym Universal database connection tool that allows connections to PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, SQLite
dccp/zeppelin Zeppelin - a decentralized marketplace for computing power
dclowd9901/js-3d-engine A project 3D graphics engine for Canvas
dcurletti/KnowledgeScout A career growth tracker aimed at helping teams discover optimal routes for gaining knowledge.
dcy0701/ReactNativeServer react native IOS app
deconst/client Local previews of Deconst content repositories
DeepBlueCLtd/lesco Bulk analysis of ElasticSearch data
dejanr/ My personal website, for portfolio and blogging purpose.
dellax/react-touchtyping Simple touchtyping app with correct finger hinting and stats (charts...) in react js
DeloitteDigitalAPAC/react-habitat-redux Official Redux Container for React Habitat…
demiurgosoft/maelstrom-web Web client (and provider) for maelstrom…
DenisVuyka/quickstart-bootstrap-flux Basic HTML5/Bootstrap template with React and Flux support.
DenPostika/youtrack-desktop YouTrack desktop app
denschub/weatherboard [WIP, move along] A dashboard displaying random weather information (React + Redux PoC)
depcheck/depcheck-www Depcheck web service.
dersoncheng/react_native_actionbar React-Native的ActionBar组件
DesignJie/nodejs-reactjs nodejs reactjs
DesignOpen/ResourceCollector A Javascript bookmarklet for collection open source design resources.
dev-guy/react-toolbox-reactrouter-mocha-boilerplate A minimal starter kit for modern React web application development
dev-tim/memory-game Memory game with nice photos
devboxr/react-redux-scss An ES6 boilerplate with React, Redux and SCSS set up using webpack and gulp.
developmentseed/to-fix A task manager for OpenStreetMap
Devgaze/react-on-flickr Sample project to get into ReactJS and Webpack.
devgeeks/4ZZZ-app Mobile app for the community radio station 4ZZZfm in Brisbane, QLD Australia
devgeeks/4ZZZfm-app Mobile app for the community radio station 4ZZZfm in Brisbane, QLD Australia
devilcius/react-spotify-album-player Spotify player for a specific album from a given artist
devxleo/typerace multi-user typerace backed by wilddog api
dfejgelis/know-you-better React Native iOS app to create a playlist based on your recommended artists
dgastli/LIDL-workshop workshop pour LIDL
digitarald/d2g Distribute 2 Gecko
dillonhafer/overlay <g-emoji alias="art" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎨</g-emoji> Add content to pages based on their urls.
diondirza/react-base ReactJS base template using ES6, Express, Hot Module Loader & Webpack
dirkliu/react-starter-kit ReactJS / Flux Starter Kit - a skeleton for an isomorphic web application (SPA) built with Facebook's React.js library and powered by Flux architecture. It also uses Babel (ES6), JSX, Gulp, Webpack, BrowserSync, Jest, Flow
disolution/disolution-app [DOCN] Distributed Open Collaboration Network, git based project development
djijim/dui A UI library by Jim, includes the most useful widgets/components in mobile web applications.
djizco/boilerplate-react My Personal React Boilerplate
djmc/express-6to5-jsx-views An Express view engine to use React components with 6to5
dlaynes/bon-voyage React.js game, based on the MMORTS game Ogame's antics :)
dlebedynskyi/RTable React Based table
dloa/react-alexandria-ux react rewrite of alexandria UX
dmitru/react-redux-router-expense-tracker-example-app A starter kit with Redux, Webpack, ES6 boilerplate
dmitryvm/MUDWebClient Browser based MUD client with some graphical ideas.
dmtopp/macaroni WDI capstone project
donavon/react-wobbly-spinner A Wobbly Spinner Component for React
dongjoon-hyun/kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
donilan/gallery just a gallery
dorsha/incidents-attack Incidents Attack is a silly game written in ReactJS and created with the awesome react-game-kit library.
DoSomething/LetsDoThis-iOS <g-emoji alias="iphone" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📱</g-emoji> iOS source code for DoSomething: Take Action on the News
dotlabel/dlr-list-filter Filterable and sortable list react component
doug-wade/incubator-application Apply to join the Cornish College of the Arts incubator
dougshamoo/brainado A word association brainstorming app
dralletje/ezgo Easyyyy Goooooo
dralletje/Tonlist Create an anarchistic spotify radio, <3
Drathal/redux-playground redux-playground
drifterz28/curtain-menu Curtain mobile menu
drixta/cahcreator Card Against Humanity Card Editor
drixta/cahflux Card Against Humanity with Flux Architecture
droberts84/react-flux-redux-talk Demo of React with Callbacks, Flux, and Redux
DSchau/webpack-presentation webpack: the good parts, and then some other stuff too
dtsepelev/rokhlinart Simple gallery app build on top of React & Meteor
DudaDev/widget-editor-redux New Widget Editor concept built with react (redux flux flavor)
durw4rd/curve-fever Multiplayer snake game
dYb/react-boilerplate <g-emoji alias="sparkler" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎇</g-emoji> React Boilerplate
earthref/earthref EarthRef Meteor Application
easimonenko/bloggero Bloggero -- engine for blogs with spa interface and static generation of pages.
easingthemes/ Gihub Page
Eastern-Research-Group/epa-digital-services-rfi-js ERG Repository for EPA Digital Services RFI Response
ecasilla/flux-starter A starter kit for flux apps
eduriol/meteor-blogging-app A minimalist and lightweight JavaScript blogging platform written with Meteor & React for fun and learning
eduriol/posteor A minimalist and lightweight JavaScript blogging platform written with Meteor & React for fun and learning
eduriol/same-dress App to find out if you are going to wear the same dress as another guest in an event
edvinerikson/ES6-TodoMVC-React Javascript(ES6) Todo App built with React & Backbone.js
eemp/elasticsearch-scribe Elasticsearch site plugin to edit JSON records
efiliba/bcc Best Choice Care
Egor-Sapronov/king-boilerplate Complete starter kit for modern web
eirel/reactiva Being reactive
eiriklv/hearsay-admin Hearsay Admin Interface
eiriklv/screenfetch Web service for capturing full page screenshots of web pages
ekeric13/data-storage-visual Store tree data and visualize it
ekeric13/piano-keys HTML/CSS/Javascript piano with React wrapper
ekeric13/pinterest-wall Pinterest wall clone
eknuth/react-router-seed Example set up with react router 1.0.0beta3, webpack and react hot loader
eliasdawson/react-firebase-tictactoe A simple Tic Tac Toe browser game built in JavaScript with React and Firebase
elijahzapien/react-flux-gulp-starter Client-side boilerplate for building React/Flux apps using Alt and Gulp.
elirov/how Heros of War
elliotfleming/fun-with-gulp A modularized Gulp setup
elliotfleming/fun-with-react A demo of React.js with Gulp and Bootstrap
elliothimmelfarb/fix-our-city A Crowd-Sourced City Maintenance Reporting App
Elucidation/ClickerJs Simple clicking game to learn React
emadb/boot-react A sample Reactjs app that uses the Spotify API
emadb/react-flux-experiments An experimental architecture for react/flux applications (work in welcome)
emadb/spot-react A sample Reactjs app that uses the Spotify API
emaphp/backbone.prism Flux architecture for Backbone.js
emarchak/agent008 Decoupled Offline Drupal 8 using PouchDB and React
emb0624/react-material-design-crud CRUD application built on React Material Design
emb0624/react-md-crud CRUD application built on React Material Design
embengineering/react-md-crud CRUD application built on React Material Design
EMC23/SiGS-PHP-RPG-Game-System Standalone (or Symfony) Interactive Game System
emeeks/ React-based website with blogging
emilis/stark MPC compiler for the Web.
emmostrom/JavaReact Sample project incorporating ReactJS in a Java web app
Encapsule/snapsite Snapsite is an experimental command line tool for compiling React JS websites.
encephalopathy/portfolio My personal portfolio site for all my work, thoughts, and opinions. This site is made with React.js, node, and Firebase.
endel/colyseus-react-example Straightforward chat application demonstrating Colyseus Multiplayer Game Server
energy-data/market-opportunities The Offgrid Market Opportunities tool developed by IFC and the World Bank.
enrique7mc/messages Chat pp built with React JS
epicallan/tv-chicken self hosted netflix like app built with electron, react,redux and webpack - alpha
Eric-Vandenberg/react-seed Seed project for React apps using ES6 & webpack.
ericnograles/chain-reaction.web The Web UI for the Orlando Code Camp 2016 presentation 'Chain Reaction'
erikwithuhk/trailer-park TV show/Movie social network
erokar/react-typescript React + Typescript + Express + Webpack starter project
eu81273/electron-gulp-runner Gulp Runner based on Electron
evilcat1337/how-many-planets-can-you-fit-between-earth-and-moon How Many Planets Can You Fit Between Earth and Moon?
ewnavilae/thatmonkeygame That Monkey Game
experimentalDataAesthetics/play-splom Sonification of multivariate datasets - SuperCollider, Electron, React-Redux
ez-dev-team/money-manager Simple money manager for web + mobiles (react-native)
faccuo/react-slingshot-auth0-sample Auth0 + React + Redux example based on react-slingshot.
fanky10/Flux-Tasks Simple Task admin tool made with Flux + React architecture.
farmasek/scalable-react-boilerplate <g-emoji alias="star" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⭐️</g-emoji> Scalable feature-first React boilerplate and component generator made for Udacity Alumni collaborative projects
fatfisz/grunt-react-renderize Render React components into Grunt config or files.
Fauntleroy/color-input One input, one color.
fblanton/dragandboot Drag and Drop Bootstrap 4
fearfullymade/ro-dash Dashboard designed for tracking API metrics
featurist/pogo-react React.js components in PogoScript instead of JSX
fedosejev/ website source files.
feedm3/unhypem <g-emoji alias="sound" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔉</g-emoji> Explore the charts on hypem like a pro
feijihn/flowershop Site for flower shop.
felamaslen/nmusic Node-based music player and organiser, written using React.
felicette/manic-pixie-nightmare-girls Building a webcomic site with client side react and WP backend
felixSchl/try-neodoc Online playground for neodoc
Fenykepy/phiroom cms for photographers
Fenykepy/simplepass A simple password manager with cli and web backends
Fergusfin/Sorter Its a file sorter
ferrannp/enzyme-example-jest Example project for testing React using Enzyme + Jest
filimo/react-reflux-babel-hotload-animation-scss-webpack-boilerplate react-reflux-babel-hotload-animation-scss-boilerplate
firegoby/react-ecosystem-aurora Isomorphic React, Webpack, React Router, React Hot Loader, Babel, Express, Stylus Project Ecosystem
firejune/react-desktop-playground React Desktop Playground
firstdoit/ Aprendendo junto - mentoria de desenvolvimento de software
FiviumAustralia/RNSH-Pilot Pilot clinical research database for Royal North Shore Hospital.
florianorpeliere/KFE Knowledge for everyone
FlowForwarding/dobby_ui Dobby UI
FormidableLabs/deck-victory spectacle slide deck for victory
foxdonut/assemble-js Assemble different stacks for JS development for learning purposes.
foxdonut/react-rxjs-todolist React + RxJS example
francisl/bigstoat File Manager based on html5/Electron to provide cross platform interactive shell with command line integration
fraserxu/es6-demo Demo repo for the ES6 in today's project meetup
fraserxu/react-yaml-editor A yaml editor with reactjs
fraserxu/xnpm-client The client code to play with the data generated by xnpm
freeslugs/buytheway find restaurants along your route
FreestoneInfotech/fs-react A dummy app for best practices around ES6, React and various other UI technologies.
frigg/frigg-hq-frontend React frontend for frigg.
FunctionFoundry/react-table-for-bootstrap React.js component to generate table styled with Bootstrap CSS classes
funkjunky/mdreact A Markdown-It plugin made in jsx for jsx and React Components. Works well with markdown-it-regexp.
furti/mighty-quest-for-tux Unix style text adventure.
gaaiatinc/valde-hapi A framework for building API and web applications on Hapi, using LinkedIn's dust templates.
gacosta89/knightsTour A knight's tour is a sequence of moves of a knight on a chessboard such that the knight visits every square only once.
gaearon/este The most complete React/Flux dev stack and starter kit for isomorphic functional web apps
ganarajpr/gotofile-chrome Go to source code file from chrome.
garrows/sockethooks Translate HTTP requests to socket messages. Cool for internet of things and connecting Pebble watches to robots.
gcedo/grumpkin Test React components CSS
gcedo/react-mountif Avoid the tedious writing of conditional rendering
GContaldi/water-my-plants Automated watering system controlled via Arduino using
gcwelborn/tindalytics analysis of your tinder account and matches
gdi2290/node-everything npm install everything
geekodour/newsmap-react NewsMap - News By Country with Happiness Score
geekyme/isomorphic-react Example app to demonstrate isomorphic JavaScript using react, react-router and fluxible-app
GelaniNijraj/Hovert Yet another resume builder <g-emoji alias="page_facing_up" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📄</g-emoji>
geraldchecka/bco_react_example e-comm store in React and Flux
geraldchecka/webpack-react-boilerplate A simple build template for Webpack + React projects
gfmio/react-fluxible-socketio-chat Example of an isomorphic real-time chat app using react.js, fluxible, webpack and
GGulati/EternalSunshine Incremental clicker game / React experiment
ggviana/arsenic Create quick chat rooms. Share with everyone!
gibbok/react-color-picker-palette ColorPickerPalette is a React reusable color picker palette written in ES6.
giltayar/ode-to-node 'Ode To Node': The Code for the ReactNext 2016 Talk
gios/top-request React Bootstrap Kit
gisonyeung/gallery-by-react a photo gallery by react & flux & webpack. see in
gisonyeung/myblog Single page pesonal blog, built by React & node
gitrit/pending Live Educational Visualization of a Git Flow Graph
gmccrackin/React-Semantic-Ui React + Semantic Ui
Gmousse/react-redux-appstarter A starter pack to develop a react + redux + webpack application.
godguest/gallery Gallery demo by react
goload/goload Downloadmanager with go (golang) backend and react.js frontend
gongmingqm10/Dribbble-ReactNative React Native Redux Example - Dribbble App
goodybag/tokyo Opinionated? flux framework
goofballLogic/opinionator Gather opinions
gorjanz/webpack-react-init Initial setup for a ReactJS based project with Webpack.
gosquad/yuno Everything experimental; everything crazy.
grechut/beautiful-email Makes your email's text really beautiful!
greymj/pokemon_prof_viewer test a test app for react js
grobgl/n1-evernote An Evernote plugin for the Nylas N1 email client.
grrowl/lootkit-campjs When everything explodes, the only thing left will be virtual dom diffing frameworks. and other stuff.
gs-akhan/flux-example Flux TodoMVC using react flux.
gueroso/TextList Using AmazonAlexa to text you scheduled to-do list reminders
guileen/react-forum A forum base on React.
guilhermebruzzi/mapa-impeachment Mapeamento de como cada deputado/senador votou!
Gwash3189/Mocha-Webpack-Karma Example of using React + Karma + Mocha together for testing.
hack-duke/hackduke-portal Participant portal for HackDuke Code For Good
HackDFW/hackdfw-frontend The frontend to HackDFW's hackathon management system, Waterview.
hadnazzar/ModernBusinessBootstrap-ReactComponent ModernBusinessBootstrap-ReactComponent
hahoocn/hahoo-admin Admin panel boilerplate
hallgren/turbo-react Combine Turbolinks and React to apply DOM diffs
hannesj/relay-starter-kit Barebones starting point for a Relay application.
hannupekka/react-pack Project skeleton for Redux-powered apps.
hara-io/realtime-react-client React single page app for real-time data
hathix/cabra Free studying app
hathix/netpflix Housing day website for Pforzheimer House
hawkrives/svg-diplomacy Diplomacy, live updating, implemented with SVG.
hegdeashwin/forkgen A web (localhost) based open source tool for GUI for Git that allows you control Git without using the command line.
heisenbuggers/story-writer Flipkart Hackathon - Write stories collaboratively
hekar/react-gulp-starter Simple starter template for ReactJS, Gulp, Webpack and Webpack Livereload
hellocreep/react-labels-input react labels input
hellojwilde/gossamer-server A centralized place for easily installable browser experiments.
heyeshuang/hieda-lrc-editor will be a LRC editor... sometime
hhanh00/react-websocket-akka ReactJS/Websocket Boilerplate
hhhonzik/react-createjs WIP: React components for CreateJS (EaselJS) handling.
hhhyaaon/react_antd_demo React Ant_Design SPA Gulp
highmax/learning-react only for learn react js
himanshujariyal/s3-bucket-explorer A web based folder/bucket explorer in ReactJS framework consuming S3 REST API.
HintikkaKimmo/kimmohintikka Personal blog build with react - material-UI - Github Page
hirofumii/fluxible-koa-example A simple example of isomorphic Flux application using Koa, Fluxible, React and React-router.
holytoastr/final-project Air quality application designed with React
hoop33/warnerxmas The Warner Sibling Christmas Gift-giving Schedule
hourliert/lifework-wallet Lifework code challenge.
HsuTing/mdl-form-example Example website
hugihlynsson/hver-er-leigan A simple rent calculator for your shared apartment
hugoatease/yoshimi OpenID Connect user management system
hugobessaa/talks A place for your favourite talks
hugojosefson/react-isomorphic-starterkit react-isomorphic-starterkit, with express.js and 4 space indent, LF line-endings!
hwclass/oddunrtcweb The site for oddunrtc.
iamolegga/catsfeed catsfeed for first react practice
iamphill/ReactFader <g-emoji alias="microphone" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🎤</g-emoji> Everyone likes auto faders!
icecreammatt/gopherwink-frontend This is the frontend for GopherWink…
iceddev/omniscient-material Material UI elements built with Omniscient
icoach/vzhurudolu-checklist ReactJS aplikace pro vytváření checklistů pro webový frontend
ieugen/reactjs-universal-demo Isomorphic/universal React code for Frontend Bucharest presentation
ihaichao/react-hacker-news A clone of Hacker News powered by React and Redux
iilinegor/art-bazar Kazakhstan's great handmade store
in-depth/indepth-core In-depth core - Alpha
indeox/ibiza-prom A visual replay hack of the 2015 BBC Radio 1 Ibiza Prom, synced with the live tweets from the event.
innowatio/iwapp Mobile app of innowatio, in React Native
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITKBootstrap Bootstrap React components for building ITK apps
InSuperposition/react-eco-starter A basic starter kit for React, React-Router and the surrounding ecosystem
InverseIntegral/NeverRESTing A simple todo app
ipluser/react-flux-demo An learning demo that is flux application architecture.
irc-moo/electron-client irc-moo electron client
IsaacLean/project-owl A personal data tracking & planning application for data-driven lifestyles.
ishenli/winnie-react a sample ui based on react
isnifer/valya <g-emoji alias="heavy_check_mark" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">✔️</g-emoji> Higher-Order Component for validation in React
itkrt2y/electron-es6-react-flyjs-boilerplate Electron boilerplate with ES6, React.js and flyjs
itssumitrai/git-issue-viewer A Simple Git Issues Viewer made with React and fluxible
IvanDimanov/test_microservice_app This application have a general schema of how Services can be combined and managed using latest JavaScript techs.
ivanthedeployer/todo React-MiniMongo-Todo Sample app
ivelum/react-smartdate React Wrapper for Smartdate
IvoPaunov/stremio-demo-app Stremio demo app with React
J-Pi/pitch-it WebRTC based communication tool
jackdeadman/Natural-Deduction-React Remaking the Natural deduction system using React
Jackong/react-bootstrap-prompt prompt dialog for react with bootstrap modal.
jacobroufa/react-state-renderer An abstract-state-router implementation with a React renderer.
jaischeema/panorma Photo management app with similarity detection
jake-g/react-maps uses react-gmaps package to store favorite locations and search
jaketrent/react-stint lib to create timelines
jakke-korpelainen/newtab-react Custom New Tab -page (ReactJs, Backbone.js)
JandJGroup/MagicMirror A React based webpage for a magic mirror
janelia-flyem/dvid-console Web console and API help for DVID
janelia-flyem/SegmentationEvaluationConsole Web interface to evaluate EM segmentation.
JanisRubens/simple-react-starter-kit This is a simple react-starter-kit, to save time on project configuration
janka102/swig-react Custom swig extensions to easily use react server rendering
jaredhanson/auth0-sso-dashboard App Single Sign On Dashboard using Auth0
JasonShin/HELP-yo UTS-HELPS booking system in React.js / Node.js / .NET / Firebase / SCSS
Jastrzebowski/algolia-search Algolia-based auto-completion menu for e-commerce
JavascriptIsMagic/react-replace React utilities for manipulating the tree structure of React Elements.
jbinto/thirtyone-client A web-based, multiplayer 'Thirty-one' card game.
jbkly/passphrase Instantly generate secure, memorable passphrases.
jceipek/VILA VIsuaL Algorithm Designer, for People
jcohen/aurora-react Aurora UI prototype written using React/Flux and React Router
JD-aka-Techy/FCC-Mcr-website FreeCodeCamp Manchester group website
jdan/picross Interactive Picross element to experiment with React + Redux + redux-devtools
jdaudier/Timo-Plato A proactive time tracker for freelancers and consultants.
jdaudier/TwitterPretation Reads and analyzes your last 100 tweets and searches the 10 top terms via Hacker News
jdemattos/react-table-demo A simple Reactive table with simple pagination controls.
jdonisvitch/simple-react-website-boilerplate A simple NPM built ReactJS JSX, Babel(ES6 / ES7 support), and Webpack, website boilerplate.
jebeck/dead-on-everest A mobile-first visualization of all the people who have died climbing Mount Everest, according to Wikipedia.
jedsmithobd/my-librivox A website for storing a users listening history as well as their ratings and comments.
JedWatson/prototype-mobile-app Prototype Mobile App
jeffbski/base-react-min-win Minimal React.js boilerplate with an auto build environment for Windows
jeffbski/waverider waverider CMS - lightweight fast CMS/blog with realtime edit and preview written in javascript for node.js
jeffcharles/number-switcher-3000 A website for managing number forwarding for a shared apartment buzzer
jeffhandley/react-composite-pages Compose universal components into pages using any combination of flux implementations
jeffhandley/react-composition Compose universal components into pages using any combination of flux implementations
jerekshoe/react-config-boilerplate A configurable boilerplate for react projects.
jeremyosborne/easy-on-the-eyes Simplify reading web documents.
JeroenBe/SnapTwit A meteor hybrid of Twitter and Snapchat
jesperp/react-redux-ready <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚀</g-emoji>
JesterXL/react-bootstrap-express-cassandra-contacts Simple contacts web application written in React, Bootstrap, Express, and Cassandra.
jfairbank/modular-react-and-redux-talk Code samples for the 'Modular React and Redux' talk
jfcorugedo/voting-client Demo project to play a bit with React and Redux. It's the UI application of an online voting system. Its server side part is in voting-server repository
jgable/react-vsm A Visual State Manager for React Components
jgornick/swlcg Star Wars: The Card Game Browser
jhnstn/react-messenger Message service for React components
jhuapl-boss/substrate A high-speed, react + three.js substrate for visualizing biofidelic data
jiayihu/currency <g-emoji alias="moneybag" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">💰</g-emoji>Currency Exchange in React, Redux & Redux-Saga
jide/react-puppet React puppet.
jide/react-wrapchildren Wrap a component children in another component
jimbol/Resume Resume Application
jimf/intl-live Live editor for ICU Message Format i18n strings
jimmed/spankhbot Weekend project; electron-based twitch bot for streamers
jimzhan/React React components
JJVvV/redux-example react redux
JJVvV/reflux-example reflux spa
jkrems/nhpp Node Hypertext PreProcessor
jleininger/chattr SMS text client built with React and Twilio.
jlengstorf/cost-of-living A toy app to calculate cost of living using React.js and Chartist.js
jmhmd/lex-search Fast search of standardized lexicons like ICD10 and Radlex, using Twitter typeahead.js and lunr.js
jnwng/calendar a foray into time
jobedom/fluzo Lightweight frontend architecture using Postal and ReactJS.
joe-re/OCR-Screen This is a chrome extension to allow you to do OCR that you open page of browser.
JoeKarlsson1/post-stream PostStream is an undesigned social network. It is a text-based response to the majority of modern social media platforms.
joelseq/SourceGrade A web scraper built with MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, React and Redux
JohnKim/react-native-boilerplate Do not clone this repo, currently under development.
johnneed/vtcodecamp2015 Vermont Code Camp 2015 Demo App
johnnycx127/react-demo react-demo
johnnyghost/react-redux-boilerplate react redux experiment
jojoee/one-month-making-game A slide of my experience about making a game in one month (and Global Game Jam 2016 - Thailand's site)
jokr/ninja-js Ninja JS is a boilerplate Node.js application with react, built with gulp and tested with tape.
joms/RTFU React the Fuck Up
jonafato/vim-awesome Awesome Vim plugins from across the universe
jonboylailam/nodejs-react-app-starter A starter project which uses nodejs and reactjs
jonhester/isomorphic-hapi-react A starter template for building isomorphic webapps with React and hapi
jonscottclark/mlb-scoreboard <g-emoji alias="baseball" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">⚾️</g-emoji> Live-updating MLB scoreboard (React)
joropeza/react-compared-with-vanilla-js Samples for internal workshop with HDQC team
Josh211ua/mini-games Playing around with react by making small games.
joshbedo/flux-examples Isomorphic Flux examples with Fluxible
joshgagnon/webpack-starter Starter kit for working with: reactjs, webpack, es2015, sass, bs4 and mocha.
joshlevy89/stock-market-app Allows users to track the market trends
joshlevy89/the-book-thing Trade books with people from all over
JoshuaFang/react-webpack-boilerplate Webpack + Gulp + React + Babel
joshuahhh/apparatus A hybrid graphics editor and programming environment for creating interactive diagrams.
josoroma/status Wall messages implementation based on React and friends
jser/trends トレンドビューア
jsg7440/jQuery-ToDo Main Page with applications
jsg7440/MainPage Main Page with applications
jshearer/website Repository for my website
jssolichin/React-Native-GetToKnow BeAuthentic helps you learn more about yourself, and others, by providing meaningful questions for you to answer and ask, in the app, or in real life.
jsza/tempus-website Tempus network website client.
jThreeJS/jThree-Reference Reference and community services of jThree
Ju-Li-An/gs_admin Administration de GeneSiS
juandc/next-tv Next TV
juangrt/one-toggleBlockView Onesie Toggle Block View
JuHwon/goldencrux ReactJS NodeJS Boilerplate Project
juniorconsulting/internarena React+Redux JrC intranet
JupiterLikeThePlanet/Recipes a micro front in app using React, React Router, React-Dom
justdomepaul/simple-webpack-develop-config simple webpack develop config file
JustinCarmony/react-feedback-example Example repo used for presentation demo
justinmc/boilerplate-gulp-react A starting point for React apps using Gulp, Browserify, and HTML5 Boilerplate
justinmc/ethereum-visualization A React visualization of Ethereum blocks in SVG
justinwoo/purescript-etch-sketch minimal purescript etch-sketch using FFI to render react components
juttle/juttle-flowgraph-viz A Juttle flowgraph visualizer
jvalen/nth-days-old Calculate your nth days old
jwilkinson/tiff16-films An app to learn react, redux, node, express, and more while displaying TIFF16 data
jxm262/slacktube Slack Youtube Playlist integration
kaitoy/impress An Atom package to create presentations using impress.js.
kaiyote/electron-purs-boilerplate Yet another boilerplate for Electron. This time with Purescript.
KaKmi/ReactKit putao's react startkit by react and webpack...
kalanda/trivial-reactjs ReactJS exercise of a trivia game
kamito/anthe Anthe is Flux framework library.
Kauko/FreshmanPoints Blanko's online freshman points system. Freshmen can get points for attending events.
kdepp/react-easy-calendar react calendar - easy to use
keenethics/keenethics Official company website
KELiON/cerebro Extendable open-source launcher like spolight and alfred
Ken-2scientists/react-docker-starter A Docker environment for React development
KenanY/vorici Vorici Chromatic Calculator
kentaromiura/FluxClock My clock example in Flux and React
kevin940726/react-step-by-step React step-by-step tutorial of building a TODO app with best practice in 8 simple steps.
kevinlitchfield/base64-visualizer See how a UTF-8 string is encoded to Base64
KevinMellott91/react-weather-display A React.js component for displaying basic weather conditions
kevinrobinson/mobile-learning-experience Hacking on an EdX challenge (…)
KeweiCodes/snake Classic game of Snake in React.js
Kharatsa/sample-tracking Lesotho Ministry of Health -- Sample Transport Tracking
Kharatsa/SampleTransportTracking Lesotho Ministry of Health -- Sample Transport Tracking
kherrick/postpress An interface to consume WordPress posts through WP REST API.
kimf/golfstats_client_react_redux_immutable Client for my golfstats api built with React and Redux. and alot of other new cool stuff.
kingscott/acre <g-emoji alias="palm_tree" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌴</g-emoji> An app to help people find a place to live where they can do what they love.
kinncj/r34k7-container A simple ReactJS container
kjirou/battle-reversi Reversi-based tactics game
kjirou/build-system-sandbox A boilerplate for a JavaScript-based Single-Page Application
kjirou/js-boilerplate A boilerplate for a JavaScript-based Single-Page Application
kjirou/reversi-tactics Reversi-based tactics game
ko-ok/bikes KooK bike site <g-emoji alias="bike" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚲</g-emoji>
koba04/koa-react-tweets Twitter stream sample by koa + React.js
kofno/time-pikinator React time picker
kohei-takata/Rinon Electon Browser
kompot/rjanko ES6+ web framework for perfectionists with deadlines
korczis/react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
kristenmills/pokemon So we can play pokemon while we're not in the same place.
kristofferh/kristoffer It's a website.
kriuz/clicker Clicker game using React
krix38/RefluxSimpleApp Very Simple React + Reflux application
ktmn/relay-starter-kit-transform facebook/relay-starter-kit + gaearon/react-transform-boilerplate
ktrain/hiloryandkellen-rsvp Online wedding RSVPs
kubosho/noisy <g-emoji alias="loudspeaker" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📢</g-emoji> Twitter application for live-tweeting.
kutlugsahin/react-redux-webpack-node-boilerplate basic essentials for react-redux app hosted on node
kutyel/react-rainbow Rainbow generated with React <g-emoji alias="rainbow" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌈</g-emoji>
kwhitaker/impetus A cheap Momentum Clone, used for learning MobX
kwonghow/toto-app A simple application to simulate Singapore's TOTO lottery game.
KyperTech/devshare-site Browser based development sharing and building platform
laaksonen/grund-web-client A starter boilerplate for a webapp with authentication, using react and redux
laaksonen/react-redux-auth-starter A starter boilerplate for a webapp with authentication, using react and redux
labs-js/air-check air pollution, climate, diseases and its correlation
lacker/turmoji Looking for a communications channel, more restrictive than bidirectional full text, on which the Turing Test would be easier.
lacogubik/snailfinder-app Android and iOS react native apps for Snailfinder
lacqueristas/www The frontend for the lacqueristas API
laem/onvalefaire Loi + données sur la transition énergétique
lalitkapoor/isomorphic-react-boilerplate An isomorphic react app written in es6 making use of babel, webpack, react-router
lancefisher/stripe-demo Introduction to using stripe with Express and React
landau/life.react Conways Game of Life build on React
langpavel/node-koa-react-demo Node.js + Koa + React Demo Application
larry0220/normalizr normalizr-practice
larshp/WABAP work in progress
laser/isomorphic-react-router-fluxible Isomorphic React application using react-router, express, and fluxible
LeanKit-Labs/nonstop-index-ui Web UI for the nonstop index
learnVCS/learnVCS Live Educational Visualization of a Git Flow Graph
learnVCS/ Live Educational Visualization of a Git Flow Graph
leepowellcouk/react-router-2036 Simple demo to highlight #2036 bug issue with react-router
leftstick/react-lesson Coding with me in those lessons
legendecas/devdocupp An wrapper app of on macOS, Windows, Linux
legendecas/material-swagger-ui Yet another alternative to swagger ui
leifdalan/vega-june Node tumblr API wrapper
leighmacdonald/rupert-web Mika's Multiuser Tracker Frontend
lelandlee/FoodFates Yelp Dataset + Data Science -> predict the success of a food dispensary
lemanse/simple-react-app A simple React application template with Browserify based build tools
leonkyr/jsshop JavaScript based e-commerce shop build on top of React.JS+Flux+Node.JS and MongoDB.
letharion/dojo-rpg Dojo rpg, an incremental game
LevelTwo/ Challenge Quizzes!
lexruee/fluxxor-react-todo A structured version of the quick tutorial from
leyyinad/docker-react-universal Baseimage for ReST APIs with universal React frontend
lfac-pt/react-walking-data A dashboard that shows my walking data from the last one year and a half.
lhr0909/mixmax-request-a-file request a file from receipient(s) without having them reply with attachments
lhr0909/RNGenie Website that shows various RNG Math in the game of Hearthstone
librey/front-end-experience Record some front-end experience
lightning-viz/lightning-table WIP - display tabular data with lightning
liip/transport-falcor Query the swiss public transport API with Falcor
likr/causalnet Interactive Analysis of Causality Networks
limardo/Console Wordpress theme
lishengzxc/nav4chromeex 用React写的Chrome拓展程序
LittleFurryBastards/report-it Multiplatform app for reporting POIs. Take photo, choose type, report.
LittleLin/hello-flux-app Step by step build a simple Flux app.
liutaofe/myblog my own blog
liuweifeng/xianyu 基于 webpack 的前端开发流程
lixu19941116/react_bootstrap Bootstrap components built with React
llaine/flux-poc Simple app for learning flux
llaine/react-isomorphic Simple example using express and react to make isomorphic app
loc-rdc/qrui Quality Review User Interface
locomote/tycoon A turn based Plane game that allows players to hook in their own JSON HTTP service to control a team's movements.
LoganBarnett/jolly.js A node.js based skeleton project. Tailored using config files.
lokhmakov/redux-location Redux service to request and store multiple user geolocation
longears/busfinder Interactive web transit schedules
loopmode/react-component-starter Boilerplate project. Setup for building a packaged react component that can be published to npm or linked in other projects.
LopatkinEvgeniy/sapper.js react + redux sapper game
lopezhansel/OctoDex Easily create and share a virtual business card using your Github information
lorix-lpan/perfect-schedule <g-emoji alias="relaxed" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">☺️</g-emoji> Create your perfect schedule with ease
louisgv/ludumdares-34-seattle Page for Seattle's 34th Ludum Dares.
low-ghost/react-rx-elm-architecture react-rx-elm-architecture
lublank/blank-react react practice
lubosz/tetris.js JavaScript Tetris Game with Controller Support.
lucified/lucify-asylum-countries A visualisation that shows the number of asylum seekers per country in Europe
Lucifier129/isomorphism-react-file-system 同构react文件系统(娱乐项目)
Lucifier129/webpack-workflow webpack workflow for SPA
Lugribossk/react-experiment React + ES6
luismreis/bootstrap-starter-template-react bootstrap-starter-template on react / react-router / redux
luispablo/react-bootstrap3-components Some small and simple React components to reduce your bootstrap HTML
luizeduard0/reax-avatar Avatar component for React
lukead/react-sass-webpack-boilerplate React boilerplate, using jsx imported sass, webpack, npm and bootstrap
lukehoban/essential-react A minimal skeleton for building testable React apps using ES6
lukephills/react-typescript-boilerplate React, Redux, Typescript & Webpack Boilerplate
lumenlearning/react-accordionlly An Accessible Accordion React JS Component
lusilva/fundo Find nearby events that interest you without getting bogged down by those who don't.
lyc-chengzi/reactProject a simple reactjs project, can run with some demo. 一个简单的react项目,有一些可以运行的demo
lyddonb/trajectory Distributed Process Profiler/Traceor
lynnaloo/xtuple-contacts Stand-alone Contacts Management Application for xTuple using the REST API
lyrictenor/electron-npm-modules This is not actual product, this is boilerplate.
m2wasabi/team_vote_milkcocoa Milkcocoa meetup 'Kohaku Milkcocoa Gassen' demo
m4n3z40/isomorphic-react-playground A React based isomorphic javascript starter project.
m9dfukc/redux-starter React-Redux experiments
MaayanLab/L1000 L1000 Order Registration Form
macocha/react-words React and redux word game based on '7 little words'.
mactive/react-native-navigator-demo navigator 各种常用操作 push present replace 等等
MadeInMoon/template-meteor-react Meteor 1.3 + React + React-Router Template App
madureira/hybrid-frontend <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🚀</g-emoji> An extremely fast front-end application
Maftalion/nvideos React/Redux Netflix Video Searcher
Magics-Group/throw-client NwHacks 2016 entry
malizhev/react-babel-starter Minimalistic boilerplate for React ES6 application
maman/tinderweb Tinder's missing web client
mangochomp/react-iso-animate Animate React components isomorphically based on state
manojsinghnegiwd/react-redux-starter-seed Install and start building the important thing
MarcCloud/cloudm-react-seed My react seed starter with hot reloading and pure components.
mareksuscak/react-lectures contains examples for various react lectures and talks
marexandre/express-react-sample A simple application to try React.js + Express4 + Socket.IO
marioblas/neptune <g-emoji alias="large_blue_circle" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔵</g-emoji> Another Meteor boilerplate with Mantra, React, CSS Modules & more
markbrownsword/react-example React example app
MarshalW/news-demo 基于react-transform-boilerplate和redux/react的项目,用于验证和说明它们的使用。
martinjackson/reactjs-meetup-validation A demo of input validation for ReactJS Meetup
MarufSarker/fcc-img-space Simple Single Page Application to share, view images using React, Relay, GraphQL, Firebase, etc.
masharp/astralux A fully functional e-commerce platform that sells fictitious 'moonlets,' newly discovered in far off galaxies.
masharp/map-the-night-fcc A full stack nightlife coordination app.
masonz/react-webpack React Todo Demo
matrix-org/matrix-react-console A simple Matrix client built on top of matrix-react-skin
MatteoNardi/dyanote-client Dyanote client
matthewbdaly/react-realtime-markdown-snippets A simple Markdown snippet creator that uses React.js
MatthewNichols/ThePickupList An awesome shopping list app using the MERN (MongoDB/Express/React/Node) Stack, plus probably some Socket.IO.
mattiasewers/react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
mattstyles/dlr-list-filter Filterable and sortable list react component
mattvoss/classes Class Management
MaxBittker/fridgepoet make fridge magnet poetry with react & spindle
maxhawkins/drift drift pitch tracker explorer
maxpolun/universal-js-screencasts The code for a series of screencasts on developing a universal javascript app.
maz-dev/sainteJs Appli web du groupe d'utilisateurs JavaScript de Saint-Etienne
mbme/vita personal note taking app
mcdermed/Elkwood Rendering react-router isomorphically with webpack+chunking
mcdermed/FutureJS Rendering react-router isomorphically with webpack+chunking
mcn-team/mc-mobile-site Media Collection Mobile Site - Light mobile to quickly see what's missing and what to buy
mdiehr/dominion Code for the website
medfreeman/react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
meedan/check-web Check web client
meeiyu/react-firebase-example react-firebase-example
megalithic/js-starter-kit JavaScript development starter kit (geared towards React) using Gulp + Webpack
meligatt/BloguerasTechie-app-1.0 Se busca #Techie Bloggers Eres una Techie Blogger ? si escribes o te dedicas a la Tecnología, lenguajes de programación, Software, Diseño Web, Diseño Gráfico, Marketing Digital, Comparte tus artículos con otras Blogueras Techie!!! Study group…
melissa-c/Comms A communication tool for children with alternative abilities in speech and language.
melxx001/redux-starter This is a react, redux with typescript starter project containing a counter and a todo app
meta-meta/aztec-pong An Aframe-React experiment
mhgbrown/typography-karaoke Demonstrating Typography via Karaoke-style cues using HTML5 Audio/Video and WebVTT
micahjonas/the-wedding-project Making my own redux / express / postgres wedding page!
micchyboy1023/ReactAct My first react app
michaelBenin/flux-examples Isomorphic Flux examples with Fluxible
michaelghinrichs/coding-math Doing these here…
MichaelQQ/Gallery A ReactJS Application sample
MichaelQQ/Oyasumi A ReactJS Application sample
MichalKononenko/OmicronClient The front end for accessing the Omicron System
miclaus/stable-react-redux A stable react-redux boilerplate template in ES6 w/ webpack.
micnigh/boilerplate-isomorphic-typescript boilerplate isomorphic typescript
micnigh/yet-another-isomorphic-blog Demo of isomorphic react blog.
micooz/diary <g-emoji alias="smirk" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">😏</g-emoji> Track of everything in your life
microscope-frontend/microscope-backbone-react React + Backbone (CommonJS/ browserify) starter kit
middleout/stejar-react-di React Bindings for Stejar DI
midknightmare/herd-web Wear your own brand... Web
midknightmare/react-boilerplate A starting point for Node/React projects
MIJELU/iori_birthday 미나세 이오리 생일축하 페이지
mike182uk/CoffeeWriter ☕ A simple desktop app for quickly compiling CoffeeScript
mikeerickson/table-multi-select Wrapper to providing multiple row select in standard HTML table
mikepugh/exercise-react-redux Just learning react, redux, firebase, ES6, webpack, etc
mikestopcontinues/ My blog and project platform. Isomorphic ReactJS, with redux, webpack, stylus, koa, etc...
mikey1384/twin-kle Repository for twin-kle: educational website for children
milankarunarathne/CouchDB-ReactJS-Patient-Dashboard Create FHIR based Patient Dashboard (Test app for Couchdb and ReactJS)
miloconway/pickadeli A brokering platform for making the all-important decision of where to go for a meal
mimiflynn/mern-recipes A recipe book written in MERN (Mongodb, Express, React, Node).
minicast/bolformeditorui bolformeditorui
miniEggRoll/cjsx-react-isomorphic skeleton for isomorphic react in coffee-script
MinimalNoise/vente A free and Open Source desktop app to monitor your sales activity
MINT-team/MaaS MaaS: a Software Engineering's project for university
mistadikay/css-modules-theming [EXPERIMENT] Theming React components with css-modules
mitchelkuijpers/ligretto The ligretto game
mitel/emcday2015 Keynote presentation at EMC xChange Day Romania 2015
mithrandi/isaacranks Communal item ranking site for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth items
MitMaro/ReactJestUtil A library of utility functions that assist in mocking React components when using Jest.
mitrais-cdc-mobile/mitmart-mobile-rn A hybrid mobile application which helping Grocery store's owners selling their items, help their customers finding & ordering items from them.
mjosh954/mtg-toolbox A React/Redux powered toolbox for MTG games.
mking/react-styleable-switch Styleable switch component for React
mkozhukharenko/ums-frontend ums-frontend
mleonard87/chapp-client Client for chat app created using React/Redux/GraphQL/ as a test/learning exercise.
mlesk/equation-blocks Playground for my kids to learn about coding and also build their math equation knowledge
modernserf/huevos-rancheros Exploring web application development with huevos rancheros
modernserf/pixquisite Animated Pixel Art Exquisite Corpse
modrzew/gumtree-scraper Simple TinyDB/Flask/React scraper for Gumtree
modularcode/modular-admin-react Modular Admin - Free Dashboard Theme Built On Bootstrap 4 | React Version
monicao/lhl_react_contact_list Intro to React example application
monners/react-webpack-boilerplate My react webpack poilerplate (based on…)
MoonTahoe/react-flux-recipes A recipe app that simplifies the process of shopping and cooking your favorite recipes. (under construction)
MoonTahoe/ski-day-counter-redux A redux version of Eve Porcello's ski day counter.
morepath/morepath_cerebral_todomvc Cerebral TodoMVC with a Morepath REST backend.
mozilla/participation-heartbeat Heartbeat repo for Participation team
mpontikes/ This is the website where I publish the projects that I'm working on.
mrb91002/FreePatternWarehouse Free Repository of Crafting Patterns
mrjazz/todo Simple ToDo list written in React&Redux with drag&drop, keyboard shortcuts
mrkipling/maraschino-v2 Maraschino v2 concept
MRN-Code/coinstac-ui Collaborative Informatics and Neuroimaging Suite Toolkit for Anonymous Computation
msalia/react-flux-flow-webpack-jest-es6 The Complete React+Flux Starter Kit
msalsas/react-svg-components SVG components for ReactJS
msturrus/exoplanet_maker A three.js app for creating, modifying, and saving custom 3D exoplanets and stellar systems based on radius, parent star(s), and other properties
mtharrison/react-resistance-calculator A resistance calculator built with React
mtomcal/reactjs-hooligans-tv ReactJS Demo For a Presentation
mudetroit/REACTing-to-the-Modern-Web Presentation material for REACTing to the Modern Web
MuleDojo/stackrank This Is a daily stack rank.
muryoimpl/clipbd Electron app which deals with clipboard like ToClip(Windows app).
musicpicker/musicpicker Musicpicker webapp and backend
muuran/gulp-starter Starter gulpfile.js and structure with commonly used tools
mweibel/esrscan-desktop Desktop app for ESRScan
myaskevich/ink-react-example Example email templates created using ink-react library
mythmon/kittenautomator An automator for Kittens Game
n1k0/atelier-djangocong-2015 Atelier Djangocong 2015.
NabilaRafi/Taapman WeatherApp built using Reactjs
nadavspi/react-bookshelf Just playing with some CRUD
naltaki/naltaki-front Organize your own user group easily
namelos/react-demo simple demo with react
nanopx/electron-react-redux-router5 A boilerplate using Electron + React + Redux + Router5, including hot module replacements.
nanopx/react-redux-router5 A client-only boilerplate using React + Redux + Router5 with hot-reloading.
naomiaro/react-analog-clock React Analog Clock
Nase00/Odyssey-client Front-end client for Odyssey.
Nase00/react-nav Create a React navigation component.
Nat-Faeeria/React-Conway-Life-Game A basic and not optimised implementation of Conway's life game in React. Please criticize objectively
natac13/CareerSmartDemo A demo of my thoughts for my first client.
natac13/conduit-fill Conduit fill - Based off Ontario Code Book 2015
natac13/vegan-recipe-app A recipe app I am working on for my mom to store recipes.
natac13/vegan-recipe-app-redux Vegan recipe app <g-emoji alias="ledger" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📒</g-emoji>
nattatorn-dev/job-quest-front job-quest-front
nbuechler/studious-display Displaying studious information and analytics
nchathu2014/canvas_react The canvas created using ReactJS
nchathu2014/note-app-react This is a simple note application build using ReactJS which will help you to understands the basics
ncysatnaf/ichi try react redux material-ui
neilff/react-playground A slim React & Redux starter project
neilff/react-scoreboard Hockey stats dashboard written in React
nemac/ncdeq-viewer NCDEQ Viewer
net-engine/react-stepform multi-step form component for react
NetEaseMobileFE/witcher 宁泽涛官网
newswim/mantra-react-toolbox A starter kit for Mantra / CSS Modules
nhardy/react-address-book A React Address Book example for the UTS Software Development Studio
nickcolley/erno Puzzle Timer
nickeblewis/wordpress-experiment An exploration of GraphQL, Relay, React and the Wordpress API powered by Node/Express
NickLydon/search-field-parser-combinator Example of parser-combinator Parsimmon to parse user-input search
nicksenger/JSchematic JSchematic is a Redux application for drawing molecules and chemical reactions.
nickzuber/material-paper React Component of paper material inspired by Google's Material Design.
nicolas-goudry/react-blazeCSS BlazeCSS with ReactJS!
nikitagolubitskiy/draftjs-example Simple draft.js text editor
ninjiangstar/hackSChedule A webapp for USC students to design their course schedule with less frustration.
nirgit/react-typescript-skel A skeleton client project using Typescript, React & Sass.
NitorCreations/willow-ui Client for Willow cloud management and monitoring.
nkbt/css-modules-component-template-test Example consumer app for css-modules-component-template
noahamar/smlscrn A disgustingly simple way to discover TV shows playing on various streaming services.
noelkoutlis/mr_experiments Meteor React experiments
noofherder/ReactSolrApp A simple example search application using React, Node.js and Solr
nosnickid/orthogonal-automatons orthogonal-automatons
nosoycesaros/react-quickstart Quickstart boilerplate for React projects
nponiros/bookmarks_manager Offline (via appcache and indexeddb) bookmarks manager for the browser
npverni/react-webpack-boilerplate yet another react/webpack boilerplate
nrdobie/loveyourpalette A simple palette testing tool.
nsantini/hal A TODO app with React and HAL
nt591/Wilks-Calculator Building a Wilks calculator in JS (React/Redux implementation)
nyanofthemoon/WebSocket-Client-Instance-Manager Node.js back-end with a React and Redux front-end to handle user joining one of multiple instances over WebSockets.
o-schneider/video-games-library App to manage your videogames
octagonal/Geofeelings A React based app that attempts to create a sentiment based map of the world.
octoblu/meshblu-connector-factory-ui Meshblu Connector Factory for creating and managing connectors.
OddEssay/react-seed A react-seed project
ogoss/react-contacts-demo This is a contacts demo by ReactJS
ohager/react-bootstrap Project Bootstrapper with ReactJs, RequireJS, Bootstrap
oiva/kummi Pysäkkikummi
okmttdhr/pull-request-templates simple structure Using electron-react-boilerplate
olegman/react-router-fetcher Experiment with data fetching
Oliboy50/oliver-thebault-front Personal website main front interface
omerts/react-gen-wizard Generic react component for creating wizards, and passing data between steps
onejgordon/cloud-memory Explore day-long slices of your personal data.
onewheelskyward/automatic-pancake An audio soundboard/mixer for the Raspberry Pi. Click & Listen!
ONSdigital/eq-author Web application to author a survey
onybo/confcal .NET Developer Conferences
openchordcharts/sample-data DISCONTINUED! See…
origincg/origin Not that original card game
origo-map/api-documentation Api documentation for Origo
oriolpuig/react-grid-editable React Editable Grid component
oriondean/stickr Sticker trading / sharing application
orktes/rjss-playground RJSS playground
orYoffe/Chat Express chat app with react redex react router and
orYoffe/myFullstackJsNetwork A fullstack javascript social network
oscarCrespo/punto-y-guion Personal web site
ossas/sdoku_example sdoku example
ottoman/drag-n-drop Drag-and-drop using react-motion
oxyio/oxyio A stack & framework for building control panels
ozwillo/ozwillo-portal Ozwillo's user portal
p0o/react-redux-firebase-chat A simple web-based Chat App with Google Firebase, react and redux
pads/isomorphic-js Attempting to put together a working stack to demonstrate what Isomorphic JavaScript is.
padsbanger/grunt-react-boilerplate My boilerplate for starting React.js ES2015 based applications.
pahomovda/y-imageboard-frontend work in progress
paparga/taller-react Codigo para taller React/Flux de Desafio Latam
parabuzzle/craneoperator Gives you a simple web interface for browsing around a Docker Registry
parris/react-daemon Daemon to render react based apps.
parro-it/impressive Impressive node editor
parrott-kevin/artist-portfolio-react Example artist portfolio built with react and node
participedia/frontend Frontend of the (future) website
pascalduez/react-module-boilerplate Sample React presentational components package.
Pasukaru/flux-react-router-boilerplate Boilerplate for a React.js Application using the Flux Architecture and react-router.
PatrickMennig/React-Boilerplate-Isomorhpic-App Another boilerplate project for universal react applications.
PaulLeCam/voila Simple static site generator using CSON, React and Gulp
paulrenenichols/react-component-date-picker A datepicker component written in React.
paultannenbaum/react-tic-tac-toe Tic Tac Toe, Implemented in React
pavelkomiagin/react-chat Simple but nice looking chat concept using React and Flux
PayloadDev/react-at-rest-examples Sample projects for working with the ReactAtRest framework.
pekim/slack-wrapped Slack web client wrapped up as an application.
pekkis/diktaattoriporssi-2016 Diktaattoripörssi 2016
pekkis/react-place-a-manatee React component for place-a-manatee
pengux/react-rocket-boilerplate A boilerplate using ReactJS (along with React Router and RefluxJS), SASS, Gulp, and Browserify that also utilizes Gulp best practices.
penteleq/golas Brilliantly reshaped calendar application
Perezmothership/newbie A project site for our DaVinci Class
perpaer/mixnode a desktop app
peruukki/github-repo-lister A React + Redux exercise, a web app that lists a user’s GitHub repositories.
petemill/bernie-activism-priorities A web-app for determining what the priorities are right now in campaigning for Bernie Sanders for the 2016 USA Presidential Election
philholden/react-iframe-bind Sharing components between iframes
phnz/Kaku The next generation music client
phoenixmusical/membres Section membres
phucpnt/mapofa Make podio fun again
pierlo-upitup/polyrhythmical An experiment on Web MIDI and polyrhythms written in Javascript.
pjayala/labseed Organize your mutated seeds
playgrunge/what-to-steam Decide what game to steam.
pletcher/mission-hacks Share(d) improvement
Pocket-titan/EzDraw Draw with your friends!
PocketOfWeird/GearGoober Manage Equipment Reservations, Check-ins, and Check-outs. Ideal for University AV Equipment
Poltergeist-HA/Poltergeist-HA Poltergeist Home Automation
pombredanne/django-sentry Real-time logging for Django (Previously django-db-log)
posborne/python-browser-console Get an interactive python console to a live, running app easily
postJScriptum/react-alt-rest-todo Demo RESTful todo application create on: ReactJS, Alt flux, mongoDB, express server, Webpack.
prashantpawar/bitcoin-streamer An app which displays Bitcoin transactions in real time in a ledger. Written using React. Absolutely no design or CSS consideration has been given to it.
Predjo/react-infinite-scroll-list An infinite scroll component for React
prince1809/p2p-file-transfer Peer to Peer file transfter application
PromiseZoneSacramento/data-explorer Web app to visualize public data from the Sacramento Promise Zone
prpatel/isomorphic-hot-loader An actively maintained starter project for building isomorphic web apps with React.js
ptgolden/ma-browser Interactive MA plot
puranjayjain/tabatron The Chrome Tab Managing extension
pzula/freshfinder-react-flux A reimplementation of the Freshfinder frontend in React with Flux
qmmr/react-stack Work in progress
qstorey/hn-clone A Hacker News clone in React
quannguyen89/react_web_demo Used to learn react
quaspar/despairbnb An app for coordinating efforts to give shelter to refugees.
r1cebank/EventCore <g-emoji alias="mega" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📣</g-emoji> Event app made with react native
r1cebank/react-native-boilerplate <g-emoji alias="mega" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📣</g-emoji> Event app made with react native
r2fresh/ulma 집 살때 적정 가격인지 알고 싶어서 만든 웹
ra100/sails-social-feed Sails.js app to collect mesages from social networks and publish to more social streams.
rabbitfighter81/yodagram Instagram clone.
raboid/battle 2D multiplayer browser game
radubrehar/react-multi-select React MultiSelect
rahatarmanahmed/letterboxd-diary-heatmap A heatmap visualization of your Letterboxd diary
rajatsehgal/gears A busy/progress indicator built with React
rak2112/movie-base react redux es6
ransanjeev/react-date-input React Input component for date….
rantav/reversim-summit-2016 The website for
raptiq/fire-emblem-optimizer optimizing fire emblem fates character pairings
raulalgo/scales-react React tool for building useful color scales
raulmatei/nuclear-js-test NuclearJS (Babel 6, Webpack) Test
raymondlukanta/star-wars-directory Directory for Star Wars
rdig/portfolio-snapshot Personal portfolio public snapshot to allow code browsing. It is running live at
React-Components-Organization/react.list react.list display data in list a component.
Reactize/reactize main reactize project
reactjs-ui/reactjs-modal This is a react component for modal.
real34/simple-editor Temporary repo for playing with React / File API and stuff like this
redpelicans/wall-street-react Sandbox application in about stock exchange
ReelTalkers/reel-web The social network for film and television
ReelTalkers/reeltalk-web The social network for film and television
reevoo/client_portal-analytics_frontend This simple React app encapsulates configuring an iframe onto a Tableau application in order to show dashboards.
renatn/trust-material TRUST Online client in Material Design
repkam09/raspi-temp-monitor Client and Server software to collect and monitor temp data from a sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi
repolepsy/repolepsy Dashboard for working with GitHub projects
requesto/requesto The futurist open source request client.
restful-open-annotation/ACID-RESTful-OA Test suite webapp for RESTful OA / JSON-LD servers
revelrylabs/slack-agile A tool for doing agile, with support for planning poker in slack.
revolution-messaging/bsan-chart-builder A customization of the Quartz chartbuilder for Bernie2016.
revrng/chirpy A twitterwall made with ReactJS, FLUX, Node and ♡
Rezmodeus/Multiplikation Lär dig multiplikationstabeller
rfarine/enzyme Practicing testing my react components with Enzyme, Mocha, Chai, and Sinon.
rgbkrk/pipboy <g-emoji alias="beginner" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔰</g-emoji> Experimental pipboy Desktop app for Fallout 4
rgbkrk/voting-client The frontend side of…, following along with…
Rhadow/isomorphic-react-example Universal react example with Node, express, react-router, and redux!
rhoffmann8/redux-jaca Just Another Chat App
richardanaya/aframe-inventory3d Reusable scripted 3d assets usable anywhere for aframe
richeterre/jumu-nordost-react-native Android app for 'Jugend musiziert' contests ♫
riston/qshot Quick way to capture areas in browser and save to image
Riuujin/get-file-path-chrome-extension Get the file path for the specified sites.
rixtox/react-init React blank project
rizkiandrianto/react-simple Simple React Boilerplate with Webpack and React Router
rkovacevic/hapijs-starter HapiJS + React + Redux starter kit
rlindgren/horizon-chat horizon-server test
ro-savage/nwa-react-redux-boilerplate nwa react and redux boilerplate
Robert-W/immutable-flux-todo Simple Todo App using Flux with ImmutableJS and React
Robert-W/react-prerender Simple node script to pre-render react components using AMD modules (commonjs support coming soon). This is designed to be used as a tool in the build process and can run right after Grunt/Gulp or any other build tools you use.
RobertoPrevato/React-template Project template for React web applications using ES6 transpilation and Gulp
robteix/millie Cross-platform, multi-service instant messaging client made with love.
rochester-rcl/rcl-react-video A simple React component used for wrapping a VideoJS player.
rohini21/redux_todo_demo A simple todo in react and redux.
rolandliwag/ The repository behind, a site for menswear articles and tailor reviews for Dubai.
romainberger/find-the-8 Find the 8 React version
ronaldofs/starterkit-electron-react-es6 Boilerplate for building apps with Electron, React and ES6
ronnross/react-webpack-template Starter template using react and webpack
roth1002/redux-example-1 A simple example app of redux
roytang121/phaser-game-demo A music game demo using Phaser.js
rpearce/converge-reactjs-demo Demo for Converge talk on ReactJS
rpora/reacter Application development toolkit with React / Express / MongoDB / Webpack
rrudd/apstatus Node & React.js application for monitoring apartment status
rscarvalho/build-status A menubar app to display the status of your builds. An alternative to CCMenu -
rsimmons/immersion-player A power tool for foreign language learners to get the most out of watching videos, readings comics, and more
rsimmons/voracious A power tool for foreign language learners to get the most out of watching videos, readings comics, and more
rstacruz/textr-site Just sick experiments to create textr playground with react
rszczypka/swd-p1-meetup Project 1 of Udacity Senior Web Developer Nanodegree programme.
rtsao/csjs-example-app example app using csjs
ruanyl/js-reader High quality daily posts collection for JS developers
RuWeekly/ Source code of
ryanau/EasyBooks A reinvented textbook marketplace
ryanbahniuk/isomorphic-app-boilerplate Isomorphic Express App Boilerplate
ryanjamesmcgill/yourtime Website for yourtime
RyanSuen/ Ryan Suen Personal blog
ryota-murakami/daily-tweet [WIP]twitterの投稿を日別で管理するアプリです(開発中)
ryrudnev/dss-wm Simple realization intelligent decision support system in waste management.
s-vp/site SVP Consulting website source code
s2t2/react-robots practicing react
sabazusi/tsukikaze twitter client for desktop.
sachgits/swaprig10 this will be the final swaprig app that will be build in two days
sadayuki-matsuno/pdf private pdf viewer
sadpig1993/react-mini-component a mini react component
saintkepha/yf-interactive YangForge extension for interactive features
sakib3/react-express-app A React and express based app
saltykovdg/mern-react-redux-nodejs-express-todo-list MERN + React + Redux + Node.js + Express + Webpack + MongoDB
sammedve/todoApp First react todo app
sammosampson/MessageRouteInspector Tracks messaging routes in nice visual way
samsch/basic-react Basic React app.
samsch/basic-redux A super basic redux app.
samuelmichaud/react-webpack-starterkit A simple starter kit with react, webpack (+ hot-reload), react-router, eslint, ...
SamVerschueren/dynatron Application to show dynamodb tables and their content.
sanchezjjose/react-toggle-component A toggle button web component, powered by react.
santhosbaala/simple-super-table React component for rendering low volume data tables (~500 rows)
santhoshthepro/react-redux-starter React Redux Starter Kit for React JS Training - Author: Santhosh Vijay
santhoshthepro/redux-movies-app This app is used in demonstration @ React Training Author: Santhosh Vijay
SaraChicaD/TacoRadarReact A React/Redux mobile web app utilizing geolocation and the Yelp API to help you find the best taco nearest you!
sarangjo/cse351-heap A simulator of the UW CSE 351 implementation of the heap.
sartrey/epii-node-render render for epii node
Satyam/HowToDoATodoApp Sample code for the book How to do a Todo App
saurshaz/redux-immutablejs-starter redux,flux,immutablejs
sayar/PizzaBotManager Sample app for the React MVA
sbekti/amun A simple counter using isomorphic React, Redux, and HMR.
SBRDevelopment/spiderweb Service Discovery for Marathon
ScalaConsultants/recru-app Awesome recruitment app for the IT folks
scalify/front-end-boilerplate This repository contains boilerplate applications, which can help you kickstart your projects easy and fast
ScandinavianSection-UCLA/STM-FrontEnd View/Visualize imported Topic Saturation information
ScenK/Dev_Blog_Mobile2 Powered by React, Redux and Webpack
schneidmaster/action-cable-react-example-client Example client application for action-cable-react
schneidmaster/action-cable-react-example-coffee Example client application for action-cable-react - with 100% more CoffeeScript
ScholtenSeb/react-action A small React component with animation
schweller/relay-server-poc React + Relay server-side rendering PoC
scotchfield/frosty-comments React-powered WordPress comments
scott-riley/scottdotis My personal website, for my #personalBrand
ScottMaclure/react-hybrid ReactJS - server and/or client rendering experiment.
scriptit/github-api-gui A graphical interface for the GitHub API
sean-clayton/music-app-mockup Music app mockup built on Electron and React.js
sectore/pragmaticstudio-bingo-redux Pragmatic Studio's Bingo example (originally written Elm) ported to Redux
SeedScientific/polio Web application developed for UNICEF in order to collect, store, aggregate and visualize information on the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.
seentaoInternetOrganization/reactDemo reactDemo
seiyria/gw2skins A tool that shows you what wardrobe skins you don't have in GW2.
selenir/ajax-gcc Compile and run C/C++ code from browser
serayuzgur/react-material-todo Todo Application written with React and WebPack and more...
sfarthin/youtube-search This is an isomorphic react app written in ES6 and utilizes the YouTube Data API.
sfishel18/custom-timewrap-visualization A custom visualization for Splunk that compares a single metric over multiple time periods
sgoran/reactjs-app ReactJS realtime with websocket
Sh1d0w/browser-laptop Brave browser for Desktop and Laptop computers running Windows, OSX, and Linux
ShaneKing/sk-brad ShaneKing for Brad
shantanuraj/react-express-babel6 Reference project showing the use of React and Express written in ES2015 transpiled via Babel 6
sheldarr/Shift Utility application for dieticians
shenxl/60hours 60小时 做一件事 take 60 hours for one thing
sheodox/react-redux-base A skeleton of an SPA built on several React related technologies
showmethecode9527/progress-ball a progress ball by react
shunitoh/reactor-ui-sidenav-ext extension of reactor-ui/sidenav
shunpochang/connect_love_demo Code for, a basic GAE tool using Django and React.
shuwen/breck-scav-276 In the style of Domino’s, an online Showcase tracker to keep the Hunt informed of the progress and setbacks of one of your team’s showcase Items. Domino’s lets us send messages of encouragement so you should too. [17 points for a URL by noon on Saturday]
sidjain26/react-es6-seed React Webpack ES6 starter
siemiatj/idiomatic-redux-app Todo app using React and Redux based on Dan Abramov's video course:…
Sigfried/minerva visualization sandbox for ohdsi
SignalK/playground Signal K Playground: a serverless ui to see what Signal K messages look like
SignalK/react-consumer Demo Signal K Consumer using React.js
signalzwei/react-ion coming soon
siiptuo/taimio-spa Time tracking single-page application
siiptuo/tiima-spa Time tracking single-page application
silenceonthelam/CSS-photo-manipulator Manipulate a photo with only CSS.
silenceonthelam/manual-additive-synth A simple additive synthesizer built with the web audio api to manually control 16 oscs.
simonhildebrandt/redact A lightweight admin panel, built on Rack and React
simonrelet/react-slides React application for slides
simopaasisalo/MakeMaps A quick and easy map creation tool built on Leaflet
Simproduction/react-client-webpack Starting project for client side react app with webpack and babel lib include lodash, eslint and live dev version and 'one click button' to deploy production version.
sirbrillig/voyageur-js-client An app for calculating driving distances between multiple locations.
sjockers/teikei teikei master repository
skermes/riddle-me-solforge Puzzle builder for Solforge
skycloud1030/react-selectlist react select multiple and radio
skydivejkl/skydivingweather FMI Open Data for Skydivers
slangeberg/reactjs-vs-dom-performance Compares React.js rendering performance vs. native DOM operations.
sleys/sley react redux react-router koa
slightlytyler/bernie-tax-viz A visualizations for Bernie Sander's tax plan
slx-dev/react-testing Solarlux Apps Store with React
SmartStepGroup/react-starter Simple React starter kit. For anyone who is new to React
smit1625/gospotchess A microservice-based chess engine implemented in Haskell and front-ended by ReactJS.
smronju/React-Music-Player HTML5 audio player for react lovers
smronju/ReactMobxBasics Integration of MobX with React components a basic example repo.
snailterror/suchReactKit Such kit ! To the moon shibe
SocialMix/ A unified RESTful web interface where multiple Social Networks can be linked, and maintained in a single app gateway.
somanythings/drt-scalajs-spa-exploration Exploring scalajs and renjin
Sonliyadre/Tappr DecodeMTL Final Project
soprasteria/docktor Administration & Monitoring Deployment with Docker
soundasleep/rmagic A Multiplayer Magic the Gathering engine in Ruby on Rails
Space-Cadets/Titania-v2 Second version of the client
SpaceLabForever/zillow Zillow Hackathon Submission
Spacerat/Alcoholculator A web-app for helping you get the most alcohol for your money
spanningtime/smokator A mobile web app that improves the process of acquiring cigarettes from strangers in a bar.
spearwolf/react-skeleton-app react skeleton app
SpencerCDixon/drag-and-drop-example Repo to mess around with React DnD
spion/node-profile-explorer Interactively explore the output of node-tick-processor
spleenboy/pallium Cross-platform JSON and YAML editor with Markdown support
spydon/ A game for Jens birthday
srd7/fluxible-minimal-sample fluxible minimum sample
stamen/react_webpack_starter A basic react webpack boilerplate
stansakl/ubiquitous-chainsaw Program for tracking volunteer hours and activity levels
stayradiated/ a terminal colourscheme editor
stefanfoulis/react-relay-experiment Just trying out react and realy for app development awesomeness
stefanwille/react-todo Todo App in React.js / Redux / ES6
stevelacy/quare Quare - craic it on
stevenlundy/agnition A tool for finding answers to questions in your life
SteveWinfield/react-simple-app My personal React.js Starter Kit
stnwk/webninja-starterkit isomorphic react/react-router/mobX/apollo/postCSS-modules web app starterkit [work in progress]
StoneCypher/flocks-todo A todo list example app for Flocks.js; MIT licensed
strictduck/bufflehead-todos example bufflehead app
ststacey/gallery-react one photo gallery project based on react.
StudioLasso/social-music-studio social music studio
studionone/react-isorouter An isomorphic HTML5-history based router for React
SUI-Components/suntory append arbitrary events at your ReactJS components
sungwoncho/react-cntdwn A simple, customizable countdown timer for React
sunils34/visualize-aws A locally hosted tool to better manage AWS services
sunkay/react-todo-firebase Todo react application using firebase, gulp, browserify, livereload, watchify, reactfire etc
sunkeyhub/jedi_monitor 全栈型Web服务监控平台
SuperFeed/Front Front end for SuperFeed
supreetpal/react-hot-loading-karma-testing-boilerplate Build system boilerplate for react components. Supports hot loading for development, babel and testing using karma.
supritashankar/todo-v2 Todo Version 2.
suranartnc/react-universal-starter-kit A starter kit for getting started with React stack.
swashcap/sample-electron-setup A sample setup for an Electron application.
swiftify-ai/swiftify React | Redux | Feathers JS
swiss-virtual/occ Operations Control Center of Swiss Virtual
syarul/simply-alt-iso isomorphic alt application experiment
Synchro-OSS/saturn-v Saturn-V
synthecypher/match-three A simple match three game.
tabakd/the-samplr Trigger Soundcloud sounds with the Web Midi API.
TallerWebSolutions/ambidex-blog-demo Ambidex demo: Simple Blog
tantaman/strut-widgets Strut 2.0's widget library
Tarabyte/foodlr-web Web App for FoodZzilla
tautalos/Rui Voodoo - Reactive User Interface Components
tautalos/Voodoo Voodoo - Reactive User Interface Components
taylorhakes/flux-presentation Presentation on Flux
tconroy/react-redux-loopback-starter An updated fork of tngan/loopback-redux-react-boilerplate. Adding here for personal use, but feel free to throw up PR's if anything gets outdated. :)
TCotton/diceware-react-flux Create Diceware passphrases built on a React / Flux architecture
tdmckinn/react-es-presentation Presentation outlining some tools and libraries used within the reactjs ecosystem
TeamMartinez/YOLO-Client Swag-yolo-project-client-swag
tec27/bascodeball 'Realistic' randomized March Madness bracket generation and graphing for simulated brackets
tedpennings/site My website
teebszet/iplayer-azListing Frontend to BBC iPlayer API of a-z programmes
Ten-Wang/hackfoldr-android hackfoldr client use ReactNative for Android
thapwaris/webpack-scss ตัวอย่างการใช้งาน webpack และ scss ในการเขียน css และ js
thcyron/gpxbrowser GPX Browser is a desktop application for browsing GPX files (using JavaScript, React, and Electron)
thebergamo/ecommercejs-frontend A frontend interface for Ecommercejs project, see more here:…
Thebigbignooby/packweb desktop app made with electron for your webpack projects
TheFixers/node-honeypot-client Honeypot Client using NodeJS, NPM, React, Gulp, and custom modules to parse JSON responses from Honeypot Server
thegazelle-nyuad/gazelle-front-end Front End React App for Gazelle
theopak/alright Confide
thiagoc7/react-grommet-todo react + redux + webpack + grommet
ThibWeb/unidentified <g-emoji alias="busts_in_silhouette" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">👥</g-emoji><g-emoji alias="camera" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">📷</g-emoji>
ThinkingInReact/ Source for
third/bs4-breakpoints Displays the BootStrap 4 breakpoint your device is currently using
Thomas101/react-native-fence-html-demo Smallest demo app using react-native-fence-html repo
ThunderFlurry/thunderflurry Motion picture production management platform in the cloud or on your own servers via open source.
tildedave/react-router-lightboxes UI State Demo with react-router
tim-thimmaiah/iyla An app for Iyla
timarney/react-router-redux-query-params React Router Params via Redux State
timhc22/gulp-starter Starter gulpfile.js and structure with commonly used tools
Timmahh/timveletta-website My personal portfolio and blog website.
timReynolds/react-library-boilerplate A library boilerplate for react. Including babel, webpack, eslint, jest and enzyme
tjunghans/react-round-trip-rate A rating button with multiple steps that resets after the maximum rating is reached
tlovett1/fluxible-starter A Fluxible starter application.
tmayr/reactoffee Repository to keep my React project visible!
tmlbl/zillow shhhh
tngan/react-pjax PJAX implementation with ReactJS
TNRIS/iswp2017 Web application for the 2017 Texas State Water Plan
toinelin/react-meteor-starter Simple kit to start experimenting react/redux with Meteor
tomkel/genify Build spotify playlists from saved music based on their genre.
tomusdrw/eth-opcodevis Simple Ethereum Byte Code visualiser
tonikarttunen/tonikarttunen-com Personal website (work in progress; based on react-starter-kit)
tonis2/svg-react insert svg into react
toomastahves/react-node-demo Website example with React, Redux, Node, Express.
toomastahves/react-redux-api-call Website example with React, Redux, Node, Express.
toomastahves/react-redux-auth JWT authentication with React-Redux-Express-Node.
toomastahves/react-relay-example Example with React, GraphQL and Relay
toomastahves/react-router-example JWT authentication with React-Redux-Express-Node.
torresandres/reactx <g-emoji alias="popcorn" fallback-src="" ios-version="9.1">🍿</g-emoji> Watch movies from the web (not yet)
TouK/ctrl-pkw-web Informacje na temat akcji 'policzymy głosy w wyborach prezydenckich' i aplikacji dostępne na stronie
tpiros/marklogic-nodejs-binaries Working with the MarkLogic Node.js Client API and binary documents
tradle/tradle-native WIP, getting tradle working on react-native
trappar/you-should A service that aims to help you make decisions and keep your priorities straight
treasure-data/react-treasure-preview-table console preview table for user data, react component
trenton-colley/questrade React based app using the Questrade API. Personal usage
trinit/io File/Image manager with React + Redux
troch/react-state-hoc A higher-order component abstracting state away
trondkla/info-pi Node web services to run on a raspberry pi, to display weather and bus information in my hallway
Troubledot/react_mobile mobile_standard
TroyAlford/axis-wiki React/TinyMCE file-based wiki software
TroyAlford/ear-tickler HTML sound mixer, based on the Web Audio API
TrueLink/sms-delivery-example Example application that uses onramp to send direct messages
tsuckow/sunxi-fel-chrome-extension Extension for programming Sunxi chips in FEL mode
tudev/website The Temple Dev website.
tundrax/electron-tap-sample Sample electron application tested with tape
tungpt247/reactwidgets React widgets
tungpt247/tp-react-elemental My React elementals
tusharkhatiwada/react-redux-starter-kit Starter kit for React and Redux by Tushar
tutorialhorizon/react-webpack-nodejs-starterkit Basic app that uses hot-loading, react-router, es6 babel with an express server
tutturen/react-static-renderer-webpack A webpack plugin that lets you render a html file for each js bundle
tw0517tw/labor-cost calculate overall insurance cost
twelch/kit-client-react React localization, JWT auth, Mapbox GL JS
twelch/kit-client-react-intl-token-proxy React localization, JWT auth, Mapbox GL JS
twelch/reactmap-tour Fullscreen map tour machinery
twomoredays/tabletoppr A little web app to help you organize your next game night.
TxsAdamWest/etsyReact A musician themed clone of the Etsy e-commerce store.
Tybi/ParseElectron Simple app build with Electron React and Parse
tylerchilds/pokedex A small react app for displaying pokémon, types, and strengths/weaknesses of both
tylergreen/react-redux-express-app Experiments with full stack javascript app including sequelize
tylerwalters/maggie-gallery Custom gallery for photos and videos of my daughter Maggie.
typograf/constructor Простой путь создания собственных правил для типографа
udayms/react-elasticsearch An example combining ReactJs & ElasticSearchJs
uetchy/cabret Hugo content manager using React + material-flux + Electron [WIP]
UFABC-NoBox/NoPlan NoPlan is the Planner of Very Small Size soccer competition
ufocoder/WebsocketUI Tool for connecting and sending data to public WebSocket. Build on Flux architecture
uisrinivas/portfolio Personal portfolio website
ujenjt/freefeed-react-client Experimental React-based frontend
ukatama/nekoboard Online whiteboard made for tabletop role-play games.
unboundfire/example-weather-webapp Example weather webapp built with Webpack, Babel, React, and Redux
uncovertruth/examples USERDIVE examples
undersportstheory/footballstats ⚡ [fstw]
UNECE/Classification-Explorer A tool for browsing statistical classifications, developed for the Implementing ModernStats Standards project
unepwcmc/grasp GRASP Database - GReat Apes Survival Partnership
unijs/demo Demo of UniJS
USIU-Hackathon/learnGitBranching An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate!
UttejG/does-world-care An application to visually show how much other countries care(talking) about what is happening in your country!
UVicFH/Telemetry-v2 New Telemetry system using node 6.x.x
VadimDez/roguelike-dungeon-crawler react.js game
vaiRk/react-redux-base React + Redux boilerplate
vanphuong12a2/cardeck Sailsjs/Redux - An online multi-player card deck
Varkal/Webpack-simple-starter Simple seed project for Webpack, Typescript, Angular/React, Pug and Sass
VasilyShelkov/Bill Displays a customer's bill from a JSON endpoint
vasyl-romanchak/harvest-clone Clone of on React.js + Firebase.
vavimayor159/EjemploChatReact Ejemplo de un chat básico probando la tecnología de React JS, aun cuando es un proyecto básico se trata de que sea lo más estructurado posible y que tenga la suficiente independencia para que cualquiera pueda probarlo solo con descargarlo
vcarel/load-monitor-meteor Example app with meteor for monitoring CPU load
venturecommunism/meteor-taskwarrior-react taskwarrior client in meteor/react
venuatu/chipboard A real time social feed board to host yourself
viatsko/hashbox IRC Client
vicapow/react-map-gl-playground fork me to quickly experiment with react-map-gl
victorvhpg/phonegap-build-react-boilerplate Projeto Phonegap com React.js
vigetlabs/motorpool JavaScript Front-End (consumes Motorpool API)
vijayst/bleat Nyanam is yet another blogging application written in Meteor and React. Nyanam stands for wisdom in Tamil.
vijayst/nyanam Nyanam is yet another blogging application written in Meteor and React. Nyanam stands for wisdom in Tamil.
vikramcse/react-qrcode-generator QR code generator App in react link->
Vincent-P/mantra-blog-semanticui Simple Mantra Blog using Semantic UI
VisionistInc/node-react-flux Gulp ready Node.js application with everything you need to hit the ground running with React.js, Flux, and Sass
vladpolonskiy/news-feed-react-redux Example of simple news feed, using react and redux
vnen/isomorphic-js-boilerplate Basic boilerplate to build isomporphic/progressive Javascript apps with Backbone.js, React.js, Flux and Koa.
vnovick/fz2hero-memorygame React JS Israel Meetup live coding session in 5 steps
VojtechBartos/smsgw SMSGW is open source web-based SMS management system
voteflux/vote-flux-v2 website. Version 2
VovanR/convert2base64 Convert file to base64
VovanR/text-lines Sort and remove duplicated text lines
voyagegroup/gin-boilerplate kind of TODO app using gin-gonic and React
vs4vijay/batman.js <g-emoji alias="smiling_imp" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">😈</g-emoji> batman.js is ReactJS application for fun
vspiewak/react-redux-boilerplate Simple React + Redux boilerplate for DevoxxFR 2016
vwxyutarooo/react-video-icons React components for video interface with SVG.
waigo/ Waigo homepage
walmartreact/bolt-standard-flux electrode bolt standard configs and tasks for flux architecture.
wangzuo/react-ive reactive css editor
warpdesign/react-500px little 500px popular feed viewer using React + ES6 + webpack
wattsbn/ReactReader Online comic book reader using React.js
wbinnssmith/react-redo A universal todo app built with react, redux, and express
wbowling/deciderer We could never agree on where to go out to lunch on a Friday, so I created something to help...
WChargin/lc3 JavaScript implementation of LC-3 microcomputer
wcyz666/PhoneCat-React The tutorial app of AngularJS, rewritten in React.
webcoding/React-Easy-datepicker 基于Facebook React方案实现的datePicker
webcom-components/feedy feedback form widget
webknjaz/webchallenge-ato-children Provide ATO victims' children with gifts for the St. Nicholas Day
webroo/react-redux-template Project template for creating React Redux apps
whisher/requiz Simple Q&A with react and redux
whybug/whybug-server source code (statistics…)
Wildhoney/Koi Koi is a time aware interactive bird written in THREE.js with voice recognition, and an artificial IQ.
willowtreeapps/react-sapling <g-emoji alias="seedling" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🌱</g-emoji> React components without the boilerplate. Unstable until v1.0.0 release
wincent/static-react-boilerplate Boilerplate for simple static React web applications
windhamdavid/chess-io shall we play a game?
wolferian/wolfer-react-redux-boilerplate Start Kit for React-Redux project
wolferian/wolfernode Koa-Node-API Web Server for WolferX
wombats-writing-code/fbw-student-app Fly-by-Wire Student App
Wooooo/react-7segments React component for seven segments.
wrick17/sharingan An app to discover the true powers of the sharingan
wrick17/spendy An expense management system for a group of people living together
wtfil/song-looper song looper
wwselleck/Rekrewtor Tentatively named web application to organize recruiting efforts.
Wykks/My-notes Google keep like web app. Essentially made with react fluxible and material-ui.
wyze/react-redux-reselect-testability A sample project to work on testing React applications.
xebia/react-redux-product-list Fork of erikras/react-redux-universal-hot-example with a product list example
XeeD/este The most complete React/Flux dev stack and starter kit for isomorphic functional web apps
xiaobuu/react-native-react-boilerplate A boilerplate for react and react-native project
XiaolinGe/website_generator website generator
xogeny/vada-react React utilities for vada
xuorig/form-check-app Form check for sports.
yakhinvadim/longman-to-anki-web A web app to help you learn English words with Anki
yang-zhang-syd/React-Wechat-E2E-Test-With-Fake-Api Demonstrating how to test react app interacting with wechat using a fake api.
Yangani/friendlist Practising react and redux
ycavatars/react-project-template A sample app
yhsiang/gazette-annotater 幫助立院公報結構化所寫的註記小幫手介面,可以人工調整程式處理完的註記。
yifanchen/react-startkit Life is easier with react-startkit
yiweimatou/doctor-antd 医生后台 用antd实现
ymichael/react-thrift A simple Thrift service for prerendering React Components on the server-side using nodejs
yoo2001818/react-against-humanity Multiplayer game of Cards Against Humanity using React
yoo2001818/shellscripts A shellscript snippets repository website
YouHan26/Rrally a project manage tool writing with react like Rally
Youpinadi/load-monitor A load monitor made for fun
yourse1f-yourorg/mmks Temporary warehouseman/meteor-mantra-kickstarter
yrezgui/github-projects Show the GitHub projects of a user in a nice way
yrezgui/napersona Generate easily your personal website
yrezgui/ubuntu-deploy Deploy easily Ubuntu on different cloud hostings
yrezgui/vivoi Synchronization manager for Google Music
yrezgui/yongsa Quick search within your favorite cloud services
yuanziyuer/yuanzi-admin-react yuanzi-admin-react
YuJM/React-Typescript-Lab React with Typescript
Yuliang-Lee/nodejs-express-mongodb-gulp-start-kit a scaffolding project for setting up the nodejs project quickly
yummies/yummies [DEPRECATED] New project is called reBEM:
yyankowski/relay-notes A reactjs/relay/GraphQL app bare bones
zackexplosion/ 行政院法規線上諮詢系統 界面 2.0
zadzbw/fake-baidu-news 模仿移动端百度新闻
zainxyz/VideoAppReact Let's build a Video Player using ReactJS :)
zanph/board Collaborative, markdown-enabled chat in the browser, built with React
zeenfaizpy/GitBattle A React native IOS App
zeenfaizpy/react_message_stream Message Stream built using Reactjs
zerkalica/immutable-di-starter-kit Babel + immutable-di starter kit
zestxjest/clubo club o
zgiles/react15-webpack-seed Yet another react example project...for React.JS 15
zhangsichu/HybridAppReduxVsIonic A demo for Hybrid App starter for using Redux and React on Cordova platform.
zhangzhaoaaa/generator-reacttiny yeoman生成自己项目文件脚手架(react)
zhbhun/react-antd-window Antd window component, wrap around react-window-kit
zhifeichen/passport_demo a passport and express demo
ziagrosvenor/sound-machine A synthesiser built with the Web Audio API
zlargon/invoice A helper for Taiwan Receipt Lottery
zlyi/react-components my react-components
zmGitHub/turbo-admin react-redux-webpack admin template
zoopoetics/undergirder An eminently reusable app skeleton based on Webpack, React, Flux, Sass, Jasmine, Karma, and ESLint.
zunperior/wear4cast Suggestions on what to wear based on the weather forecast
zv3/sjs-react-server-prerender japgolly's scalajs-react running on a remote nodejs environment for server side rendering (proof of concept)
Zycon42/este-chat Chat app using steida/este