Sadhguru Isha 4天前
2019年的第一天,萨古鲁在 Darshan (达显)末尾时说希望我们可以百分百地投入到所做的每一件事情中去,你也会在投入过程中释放最大的潜力。在下面这个故事中,萨古鲁谈到了他母亲在他们童年时期对细节的关注程度。2019,希望我们一起百分百地投入。
A Simple Gesture…
Sadhguru: When we were children my mother was a fulltime housewife. She did everything in the house herself, from stitching drapes to pillow cases to bed sheets to embroidery. If we traveled somewhere and if we had to sleep, she would say, “How can children sleep on an empty pillow case?” Right there, she would pull out her needle and thread and make a little parrot or a flower in two minutes. I remember those green parrots so well because I would fall asleep looking at them. Just that concern: “An uncared for, machine-made, from-the-shop pillow, how can children sleep on that?” made such a difference in our lives. I can’t imagine how life would have been if there wasn’t one person so dedicated to our wellbeing. It was not like a very active loving relationship. You couldn’t think of life without her, it was just there, all the time.
Sadhguru(萨古鲁): 当我们还是孩子的时候,我的母亲是一个全职家庭主妇。 她自己在房子里做所有的事情,从缝纫窗帘到枕套到床单到刺绣。 如果我们去某个地方旅行,如果我们不得不睡在那儿,她会说:"孩子们怎么能睡在一个空枕套上呢?" 就在那里,她会拿出针线,在两分钟内绣出一只小鹦鹉或一朵花。 我对那些绿色的鹦鹉记忆犹新,因为我会看着它们入睡。就是这个关切的想法——"一个不用心的、机器制造的、从店里买来的枕头,孩子们怎么能睡在上面呢?" 给我们的生活带来如此大的不同。 我无法想象如果没有一个人为我们的幸福如此付出,生活会是什么样子。这不像是一种非常活跃的爱的关系。你无法想象没有她的生活,它就在那里,一直在那里。
Absolute Involvement
My mother was, for those days, pretty reasonably educated. She went about her whole life, from morning to night, in such an organized way. Even in the ashram, I keep telling them this example. If she sat down and wrote what groceries she needs for the next month, that was all. No one would have to run to the shop and buy anything for her in between. She would calculate all this mentally – looking at everything that was there in the house, how many guests she was expecting, and then would see how much more she needs for the next month. It was just so organized.
我的母亲,对于那个年代来讲,算是受过非常良好的教育。 她整个人生,从早到晚,都是如此的井然有序。 即使在瑜伽中心,我也一直告诉人们这个例子。 如果她坐下来写下下个月需要的食品杂货,那就够了。 在下个月结束之前,没人需要跑到商店为她买任何东西。 看着房子里所有东西,她会在脑海里计算出需要什么,她会预计有多少客人,然后看看下个月她需要多买多少。 一切都是如此的井井有条。
There was such a level of involvement in these simple things. In themorning she would be up at 6 o’clock. All of us would leave the house by 7.30 – breakfast, breakfast, breakfast. After all of us are packed off, she would go for her bath, do her pooja and finish her cooking. My father always came back on the dot at 12:30. When he comes, she would always be ready, fully dressed with flowers in her hair. Even when she had fallen very sick and she could barely walk because her legs and face were swollen, she would still somehow walk to the garden, pluck one little jasmine flower and keep it.
她在这些简单的事情上有着如此深的投入。 她早上六点钟起床。 我们所有人都会在7:30离开家——早餐,早餐,早餐。 帮我们所有人都收拾好之后,她会去洗澡,做她的 pooja(礼拜仪式),做好饭。 我父亲总是在12:30准时回来。 当他回来时,她总是做好了准备,穿戴好,头发上别着鲜花。 即使她病得很重,腿和脸都肿到几乎不能走路,她还是会想办法走到花园里,摘一朵小小的茉莉花戴在头上。