Texts in context

2020-02-08  本文已影响0人  fionapmfon

1. Key concepts:

Without contextual information, a text is open to a variety of interpretations.
Without context knowledge, the meaning of a text is difficult, if not impossible, to unpack.
*整体而言text和context关系较清晰,因为有一种文化下的共同知识 shared culture. *

2. context, text type, text三者关系

3. text function 功能

function: 一种contextual factor, 决定text语言选择。language is doing some job in some context.
macro functions: (分类方式多样)

  1. referring -- using language to convey or solicit information.
  2. expressing feelings -- e.g. say what you like or dislike.
  3. regulating -- using language to influence people and get things done, such as requesting, ordering, giving or refusing permissions, promising, warning, etc.
  4. interacting -- using language to establish and maintain social relations.
  5. playing -- using language imaginatively and playfully.

(Of all the language functions, the regulatory one is the most sensitive. Risk of threaten other's face. Face-saving strategies. Indirect. )

4. text register 语域

field, tenor, mode三个contextual variables共同决定文本register,进而决定language choice, e.g. grammar & vocab

field: the what of the situation (kind of social activity, topic)
tenor: the who of the situation (participants and their relationship)
mode: the how of the situation (the means that the text is being created, e.g. email, face-to-face talk, broadcast talk, written monologue, etc)

5. genre

Genre: through repeated use, certain institutionalized register combinations become institutionalized and are called genres. (frequently occurring, culturally-embedded, social process which involve language)

genre analysis不需要太细,关键要能帮助学习者production.

Text type VS. Genre
Genre更多用于文学,不只描述文本结构generic structure, 还以social和cultural角度解释explanatory.


When using texts in the classroom:

读几行或略读,听几句,回答who wrote the text, what about, to whom and why? 【register: field, tenor, mode】【activate learners' schema】,然后问:what do you think is going to happen? 【predict】

schema:mental representations of how things happen, specifically where language is involved.

PPT展示阅读文本,一次放一句,不断放,一边猜和讨论。【交替gradual disclosure of a text & discussion】


Genre-based approach

先分析代表性text type例子,再让学习者Production(写或说)
genre analysis:


