2019-03-17-Jury Awards $29 Milli

2019-03-17  本文已影响0人  相思清狂


Jury Awards $29 Million in Latest Johnson & Johnson Cancer-Causing Baby Powder Lawsuit

By BRITTANY SHOOT March 15, 2019

原文 译文(机译+略改)
An Oakland, Calif. jury has awarded a $29 million settlement to a woman who sued Johnson & Johnson over allegations that the company’s talcum-based baby powder contains asbestos-causing cancer, according to ABC News. Teresa Leavitt’s lawsuit against the pharmaceutical giant claimed the company’s baby powder was the reason she developed mesothelioma, a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. 据美国广播公司(ABC News)报道,美国加利福尼亚州奥克兰市的一个陪审团裁定,一名女子获得了2,900万美元的和解金。这名女子起诉强生公司(Johnson & Johnson),指控该公司生产的婴儿爽身粉含有石棉,会导致癌症。特蕾莎·莱维特(Teresa Leavitt)对这家制药巨头提起的诉讼称,该公司的婴儿奶粉是她患上间皮瘤的原因。间皮瘤是一种接触石棉引起的癌症。
The consumer health and beauty products corporation said it would appeal Thursday’s verdict, noting, “We respect the legal process and reiterate that jury verdicts are not medical, scientific or regulatory conclusions about a product.” 该消费者健康和美容产品公司表示,将对周四的判决提起上诉,并指出,“我们尊重法律程序,重申陪审团的裁决不是关于产品的医学、科学或监管结论。”
Johnson & Johnson has lost and is appealing other lawsuits based on claims that the company’s talc contains toxic chemicals. In 2018, a Missouri jury ordered the company to pay $4.69 billion to 22 women who said the product gave them ovarian cancer. 强生公司已经败诉,并正在就其他指控提起上诉,这些指控的依据是该公司滑石粉含有有毒化学物质。2018年,密苏里州的一个陪审团命令该公司支付46.9亿美元给22名声称该产品导致她们患上卵巢癌的女性。
Following this most recent verdict, Johnson & Johnson faces an additional 11,000 to 13,000 lawsuits of a similar nature, which are currently pending and allege cancer resulted from using the company’s asbestos-tainted baby powder. J&J is also being investigated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the U.S. Justice Department regarding disclosures about asbestos in its products. A December 2018 report by Reuters examined internal company documents that showed for decades, company executives and scientists knew and discussed addressing positive tests for asbestos in powders but did nothing to warn the public or pull the products over health and safety concerns. 在最近的这一判决之后,强生还面临着1.1万至1.3万起类似性质的诉讼,这些诉讼目前正在审理中,据称是由于使用了该公司受石棉污染的婴儿奶粉而导致癌症。美国证券交易委员会(SEC)和美国司法部也在调查强生产品中石棉的披露情况。路透社2018年12月的一份报告查阅了该公司的内部文件,该文件显示,数十年来,该公司高管和科学家都知道并讨论过如何应对粉末中石棉的阳性检测,但没有对公众发出警告,也没有因为健康和安全问题而召回这些产品。
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