Guru WeeklyAndroid开发经验谈Android技术知识

推酷《Guru Weekly》第三十九期

2016-08-17  本文已影响65人  推酷

推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


  1. 10 best new web design tools in August 2016

  2. Zooming Background Images

  3. Parallel Processing in JS

  4. Shadow DOM v1: self-contained web components

  5. Vue.js - First look

  6. Editing Images in CSS: Blend Modes

  7. Learn Ember.js From Scratch: Tuts, Books, and Resources for Beginners


  1. How I Accidentally Became an Android Developer

  2. How to create more powerful Android notifications

  3. Building a Speech-to-Text App Using Speech Framework in iOS 10

  4. Drag and Drop Tutorial for macOS

  5. What’s New in Swift 3?


  1. 135M messages a second between processes

  2. From first principles: Why I bet on Scala.js

  3. Build a Spring Boot App with User Authentication

  4. Remembering to Reset Thread Context Class Loader

  5. Why Should Java Developers Give Grails a Chance?

  6. Golang: channels implementation

  7. Top 10 new features of C#6.0


  1. Testing Spark Streaming: Integration testing with Docker Compose

  2. Distributed Logging Architecture in the Container Era

  3. How PayPal Scaled to Billions of Transactions Daily Using Just 8VMs

  4. Introducing Percona Memory Engine for MongoDB

  5. NoSQL Databases: A Survey and Decision Guidance

  6. Small innodb_page_size as a performance boost for SSD

  7. Cassandra vs. MongoDB

  8. Tuning Linux for MongoDB


  1. Text analysis of Trump's tweets confirms he writes only the (angrier) Android half

  2. Image Completion with Deep Learning in TensorFlow

  3. Interactive Data Viz of Geospatial Data using DC.js Leaflet.js and Python

  4. Fast and Accurate Document Detection for Scanning

  5. Theano Implementation of Tree Recursive Neural Networks

  6. Neural Generation of Regular Expressions from Natural Language


  1. Everything I've learned about programming

  2. HTTP/2 - How did we get here

  3. How to steal any developer's local database

  4. Serious TCP Bug in Linux Systems Allows Traffic Hijacking

  5. Implementing a Debugger: The Fundamentals


  1. Knuckleball – an in-memory data structure server

  2. React Native Styling Cheat Sheet

  3. Neuron – Electron, ES6, React, PouchDB, Sass, Webpack

  4. Animated SVG Drawing for Android

  5. Compile Go programs 7x faster

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