

2019-07-25  本文已影响7人  Steven_学区块链

这篇文章原本写于 2008-2-15  23:00,今天转载过来





模仿前提:通过听和阅读理解材料,理解超过80% 。  






              1.MP3 Player


          我大学里最早用的材料是《疯狂英语中学版》(Crazy English Teens),后来是《疯狂英语》(现在变双月期刊了)。但我每本里能选出来的符合我标准的也就只有那么两三篇。还好当年高考后的暑假是《疯狂英语》十周年半价特卖,我买了好几百块。想起来真是爽啊~~!


Companyship of books https://www.langduwang.cn/html/yingyumingpianmingduan/354.html


My Life https://m.lizhi.fm/vod/voicesheet/2584960764049698843

My Life


         When I was a young man just out of lawschool and eager to get on with my life, on a whim I briefly put aside myreading preference for fiction and history and bought one of those how-tobooks:How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life, by Alan Lakein. The book’smain point was the necessity of listing short-, medium-, and long-term lifegoals, then categorizing them in order of their importance, with the A groupbeing the most important, the B group next, and the C the last, then listingunder each goal specific activities designed to achieve them. I still have thatpaperback book, now almost thirty years old. And I’m sure I have that old listsomewhere buried in my papers, though I can’t find it. However, I do rememberthe A list. I wanted to be a good man, have a good marriage and children, havegood friends, make a successful political life, and write a great book.

            Whether I’m a good man is, ofcourse, for God to judge. I know that I am not as good as my strongestsupporters believe or as I hope to become, nor as bad as my harshest criticsassert. I have been graced beyond measure by my family life with Hillary andChelsea. Like all families’ lives, ours is not perfect, but it has beenwonderful. Its flaws, as all the world knows, are mostly mine, and itscontinuing promise is grounded in their love. No person I know ever had more orbetter friends. Indeed, a strong case can be made that I rose to the presidencyon the shoulders of my personal friends, the now legendary FOBs.

           My life in politics was a joy. Iloved campaigns and I loved governing. I always tried to keep things moving inthe right direction, to give more people a chance to live their dreams, to liftpeople’s spirits, and to bring them together. That’s the way I kept score.

As for the greatbook, who knows? It sure is a good story.

下一阶段可以在网上找材料,如AP新闻 http://bbs.putclub.com/index.php?showtopic=130974

。英语网站最强不过是普特 https://forum.putclub.com/

   选材:个人认为BBC、VOA是垃圾!!坚决不模仿!BBC、VOA的广播员个个都像没吃饱饭,有气无力,一点激情都没了,读得又慢又没有起伏,听着都要睡着了!强烈推荐AP News中我唯一欣赏的男广播员 http://bbs.putclub.com/index.php?showtopic=130960.那播的音才叫标准!!又有激情,又有起伏,又快!!听起来爽死了!

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