

2017-08-02  本文已影响45人  修仙小汤圆

Tender N.


1. A valid and sufficient offer of performance; specif., an unconditional offer of money or performace to satisfy a debt or obligation < a tender of delivery >.    履行

The tender may save the tendering party from a penalty for nonpayment or nonperformance or may , if the other party unjustifiably refuses the tender, place the other party in default.

2. Something unconditionally offered to satisfy a debt or obligation.  偿还之物,履行的义务

3. Contracts. Attempted performance that is frustrated by the act of the party for whose benefit it is to take place.  履行不能

The performance may take the form of either a tender of goods or services is quite similar to sense1, it differs in making the other party's refusal part of the definition itself.

4. A offer or bid put forward for acceotance <a tender dor the construction contract>.  

5. Something that serves as a means of payment, such as coin, banknotes, or othr circulating medium; money < legal tender>. (用作清偿手段的) 通货,货币,法定货币


tender of delivery  提供交付

A seller's putting and holding conforming goods at the buyer's disposition and giving the buyer any notification reasonably necessary to take delivery.

The manner, time, and place for tender are determined by the agreement and by Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code.


tender of performance   交付履行

An obligator's demonstration of readliness, willingness, and ability to perform the obligation; esp, a buyer's demonstration of readliness, willingness, and ability to pay the purchase money, or a seller's offer to deliver merchantable title.

An offer to perform is usu. necessary to hold the defaulting party to a contract liable to breach.


perfect tender rule 完全履行规则

A seller's tender that meets the contractual terms entered into with the buyer concerning the quality and specifications of the goods sold.


Cash tender offer   现金收购要约

A tender offer in which the bidder offers to pay cash for the target's shares, as oppsed to offering other corporate shares in exchange.

Tender of issue  提交争论点

Common-law pleading. A form attached to a traverse, by which the traversing party refers the issue to the proper mode of trial.


Tender-years doctrine  由母亲监护年幼子女原则

Family law. The doctrine holding that custody of very young children (usu. five years of ge and younger) should generally be awarded to the mother in a divorce unless she is found to be unfit.

This doctrine has been rejected in most states and replaced by a presumption of joint custody.


(来源:Black's Law Dictionary,《元照英美法词典》,《英汉法律用语词典》)


