原创: 佛老 长颈鹿英语 今天
*Issue 243
今天,我们来学一个有点伤感的词:hospice. 如果你还不认识这个词,从字形上可以猜出这个词跟hospital有点关系。
一般说到hospice, 大多指的是hospice care(临终关怀)。
Hospice的定义是:a home providing care for the sick or terminally ill.为绝症晚期患者提供医疗关怀的场所。
剑桥大辞典的定义是:a hospital for people who are dying, especially from cancer; a place or an organization that provides care for people who are dying.
这个话题说起来挺悲伤的......但是It is part of our life, isn't it?
Hospice care的历史很久远,最早源于11世纪十字军东征时期。具体历史大家可自行搜索学习。美国在这方面做得很好,具体大家可自行搜索了解。
我家附近有一个老年公寓,里面有供养孤寡老人的普通公寓,也有设在一层的医疗看护室,我不知道那里是不是也提供hospice care服务。昨晚散步路过那里时就想今天写一个小专题谈谈这个话题。
下面我们主要了解一下跟hospice care(临终关怀)相关的几个小知识和常识。
How long can a person be in hospice care? 一个人可以在临终关怀医院待多久?
答:Hospice care is for people with a life expectancy of 6 months or less (if the illness runs its normal course). If you live longer than 6 months, you can still get hospice care, as long as the hospice medical director or other hospice doctor recertifies that you're terminally ill.
What is the main purpose of hospice care? 临终关怀医院的主要目的是什么?
答:Rather than trying to cure an illness, hospice aims to: make the patient comfortable. ease pain and other symptoms. support the family through a sad and difficult time. 临终关怀医院的主要目的不是治病,而是使病人感到舒适、缓解病人的疼痛和其他症状、帮助病人家属度过那段悲伤和困难时期。
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 世界临终和保守治疗关怀日- 每年10月的第二个星期天
Since 2006 the World Hospice and Palliative Care Day is organised by a committee of the Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance (全球保守疗法联合会), a network of hospice and palliative care national and regional organisations that support the development of hospice and palliative care worldwide. The event takes place on the second Saturday of October every year.
说到临终关怀,很多人会想到一个伟大的人——德兰修女(也称“特蕾莎修女),英文:Mother Teresa. 她在印度加尔各答创建的临终关怀医院每年都感召着无数世界各地的志愿者前去服务。邓丽君当年因崇拜德兰修女,就把她的名字Teresa作为自己的英文名字:Teresa Teng.