2015-01-30 本文已影响127人
1. see better days
(1) 曾辉煌过, 昔盛今衰
(2) 变得陈旧, 无用, 处于破损状态
如果仔细琢磨一下, 这两个意思其实是一样的。
这个短语, 总是用完成时, 例:
I need a new coat, this one has seen better days. 这件很旧了
Old Sam is poor now, but he has seen better days. 风光过
This part of South London has seen better days. 破旧不堪
see 在这里有"经历"的意思, 这个短语起初是描写那些破落了的曾经的富人,现在更多用来描写物品的破旧。
这个短语出自托马斯·莫尔爵士( Sir Thomas More 1478-1535 英格兰政治家、作家、社会哲学家)。莎士比亚在喜剧中多次使用这个短语。
2. go into 从事,主修
go into 如果后面跟一种行业或专业,便指“从事某行业”或“学习某专业”
I'm thinking of going into journalism.
When will you make up your mind to go into politics?
My parents are set against my going into the tourism business, they think I'd be better off if I went into advertising.