Spartacussampledataaddon AddOn学习

2021-02-12  本文已影响0人  华山令狐冲


The spartacussampledataaddon AddOn creates new WCMS base sites for Spartacus that share the same product catalog with the default electronics, apparel, and powertools sites, but with content catalogs that have been modified specifically for Spartacus requirements.

该addon创建新的WCMS base site,同默认的electronics,apprel和powertools site一样,共享同样的product catalog,同时也包含为Spartacus量身定做的content catalog.

The Spartacus Sample Data AddOn is versioned and released with the Spartacus storefront library. You can download the latest version by clicking on in the Assets section of the most recent release of the storefront library.


The CmsSiteContext enum was created in SAP Commerce 1905. It is a dynamic enumeration that contains the available site context. Spartacus has two site contexts: language and currency.


INSERT_UPDATE CmsSiteContext;code[unique=true];name[lang=$language]

The Spartacus header now contains HelpLink, ContactUsLink and SaleLink CMSlink components, which have been added to a new SiteLinks slot.

Because this slot has been added in the header, the new SiteLinks slot has been added to every template. The above image shows the newly added CMSlink components.


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