How to write a Resume
2018-07-26 本文已影响0人
self-improvement \rightarrow productive contributor
Show outcomes and impacts from the work, and who cares
CV: Long, put everything, Mostly used for academic and government laboratory jobs
Resume: 1-2 page, executive summary, first 1/3 page count
Coverletter: Explain (in perfect language) why you will be a good hire, why you are a good fit, any special circumstances (any gap longer than 2 month)
What is a resume
- Brief summary of major accomplishments and skills
- Present outcomes and impacts
Who reads
- Computer scanner
- HR
- Hiring manager
- Excite interest by the hiring manager / Supervisor
- Get an interview
- 1-2 pages long, generous margins and not-smaller-than 10 point font
Present outcomes and impacts - Executive summary of accomplishments
Contents [ Reflected by solid facts rather than description ]
Hard skill
- Experience: internship, projects
- Communication skills (oral & written)
- Data management & analytical skills
- Computational skills
- Problem solving skills
Soft skill
- Leadership
- Team skill
- Enthusiasm
- Creativity
- Time management
- Flexibility
Online demonstration
- Google scholar/LinkedIn/ResearchGate
- No embarassing photos when search in google
- Search web about the company, use their language & terminology
- Identifying data: Name/Phone/Email (different for different cultures)
- Education summary: Precise
- Experience:
- Reverse chronological order
- Three bullets: (1) What did you do; (2) What's your role; (3) Who care about the project
- Try also to show soft skill here
- Technical skills
- Publications
- Human properties: hobbies that make you a human
- Reference
- Readability
- Lots of space, wide margins
- Use screening readable font & size ranging from 9 - 12
- Left justified
- No personal pronouns or full sentences
- A single font, avoid underlining
- Formatting
- Grammar
- Spelling
- Fit to the culture
- No photo, data of birth, marital status, place, gender, children etc. in US
- These are allowed for German
- Tell the truth
- Focus on outcomes and impacts, make the upper 1/3 impactful
- Careful with Summary & Career Objective statements
- For Company, no one cares about your career path/plan, they care only about what you can do for them
- For faculty jobs, it may be slightly different as you need to fit your career path to the goal of the department
- Use big names as references. Ask them before !