
HDR 相关的术语(中英对照)

2020-02-12  本文已影响0人  麻瓜智能

cd/m2 – The candela (cd) is the base unit of luminous intensity in the International System of Units (SI); that is, luminous power per unit solid angle emitted by a point light source in a particular direction. A common wax candle emits light with a luminous intensity of roughly one candela.

cd / m2 –坎德拉(cd)是国际单位制(SI)中的发光强度基本单位;也就是说,点光源沿特定方向发射的每单位立体角的发光功率。一根普通的蜡烛发出的光的发光强度约为一个坎德拉。

Nits – A non-SI unit used to describe the luminance. 1 Nit = 1 cd/m2.

Nits –用于描述亮度的非SI单位。 1 Nit = 1 cd / m2。

HDR – High Dynamic range. It is a technology that improves the brightness & contrast range in an image (up to 10,000 cd/m2)

HDR –高动态范围。这项技术可改善图像的亮度和对比度范围(最高10,000 cd / m2)

SDR – Standard Dynamic range. It refers to the brightness/contrast range that is usually available in regular, non-HDR televisions usually with range of up to 100 cd/m2. This term came into existence after HDR was introduced

SDR-标准动态范围它指的是通常在非HDR电视中通常可达到的最大cd / m2范围内的亮度/对比度范围。引入HDR后,这个术语就存在了

WCG – Wide Color Gamut. Color gamut that offer a wider range of colors than BT.709. DCI-P3 and BT.2020 are examples of WCG offering more realistic representation of images on display devices.

WCG –宽色域。色域比BT.709提供更广泛的颜色。 DCI-P3和BT.2020是WCG的示例,可在显示设备上提供更逼真的图像表示。

EOTF – electro-optical transfer function. A mathematical transfer function that describes how digital values will be converted to light on a display device.


OETF – optical-electro transfer function. A mathematical transfer function that describes how the light values will be converted to digital values typically within cameras.

OETF –光电传递函数。数学传递函数,描述通常在相机内如何将光值转换为数字值。

OOTF – opto-optical transfer function. This transfer function compensates for the difference in tonal perception between the environment of the camera and that of the display.

OOTF –光学传递函数。该传递函数补偿了照相机环境和显示器环境之间的色调感知差异。

PQ – PQ (or Perceptual Quantizer) is a transfer function devised to represent the wide brightness range (up to 10,000 Nits) in HDR devices.

PQ – PQ(或感知量化器)是一种传递函数,旨在表示HDR设备中的宽亮度范围(高达10,000 Nits)。

HLG – HLG (or Hybrid Log Gamma) is a transfer function devised to represent the wide brightness range in HDR devices. HLG is quite compatible with existing SDR devices in the SDR range.

HLG – HLG(或混合对数伽马)是一种传递函数,旨在代表HDR设备的宽亮度范围。 HLG与SDR范围内的现有SDR设备完全兼容。


