

2016-09-15  本文已影响10人  草若

分级诊疗制度 hierarchical medical system

现金红包 cash-filled red envelope

病毒携带者 carrier of the virus

寨卡病毒 the Zika virus

购物券红包 coupon-filled red envelope

电子红包 digital/electronic red envelope

医患纠纷 doctor-patient dispute

集资诈骗 fund-raising fraud

虚构融资租赁项目 fabricated financing and leasing projects

高息回报 high-interest returns

医患纠纷 doctor-patient dispute

集资诈骗 fund-raising fraud

虚构融资租赁项目 fabricated financing and leasing projects

高息回报 high-interest returns

定向调控、相机调控、精准调控 targeted, discretionary and precision macro regulation

传导、放大效应 spillover or magnifying effect

创客空间 makers' space

浮动汇率机制 floating exchange rate system

买入汇率 buying rate

卖出汇率 selling rate

首套房贷款 loans for first-time homebuyers

民间借贷 private lending

地下钱庄 underground/illegal banks

集福卡 lucky card collection

众创、众包、众扶、众筹 crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowdfunding

协同创新 collaborative innovation

引力波 gravitational waves

时空涟漪 ripples in space-time

引领型发展 leading-edge development

创新驱动发展战略 innovation-driven development strategy

优进优出战略 strategy for optimizing imports and exports

网络强国战略 national cyber development strategy

国家大数据战略 national big data strategy

智能制造工程 smart manufacturing initiative

网络作家 cyberspace writers/authors

世界经济正处于动力转换的重要阶段,中国经济发展进入新常态。The world economy is now at a crucial stage of a shift in the force that drives growth, and the Chinese economy has entered a new normal.

新常态下的中国经济,增长将更趋平稳,动力将更为多元。The Chinese economy in this new normal will grow more steadily and have more diversified driving forces.

非金融对外直接投资                                     non-financial outbound direct investment

能源安全储备制度 energy security reserve system

金融宏观审慎管理制度 macroprudential regulation of the financial sector

普惠性创新支持政策体系 inclusive policies for the support of innovation

苹果支付 Apple Pay

近场通信 Near Field Communication

一举多得、三方共赢 produce multiple benefits and win-win results among all three parties

人的创造力是发展的最大本钱。 Creativity of the people is the greatest asset for development.

中国经济不会出现“硬着陆”,这不是空话。 I'm not making an empty promise when I say that the Chinese economy will not head for a "hard landing".

城乡一体化 urban-rural integration, integration of urban and rural areas

城乡差距 urban-rural divide

城中村 urban village, village in the downtown

号贩子 ticket scalpers

政府不唱“独角戏”,鼓励社会资本、外商投资一起干。Instead of acting on its own, the government encourages the participation of private capital and foreign investment.

国际产能合作就一定能够在世界经济发展史上留下浓墨重彩的篇章。 We could make sure that global cooperation in production capacity will leave its mark in the world's economic development history.

中国地域幅员辽阔且产业类型多样,东方不亮西方亮、这业不兴那业兴。China has a vast territory and diverse industries. That means, the Chinese economy is supported not by a single pillar but multiple pillars.

中国经济未来向好、更好,并不是盲目乐观,而是有基础、有条件、有动力。The bright prospects of the Chinese economy are not based on blind optimism but on necessary basis, conditions and impetus.

当前,国际金融危机深层次影响还在继续,世界经济仍处在深刻调整期。As the world is yet to shrug off the deep impact of the global financial crisis, its economy is still in a period of profound adjustment.

处在从数量高速扩张向质量和效益提升的调整之中 shifting from fast quantitative expansion to a stage of pursuing higher quality and efficiency

世界经济总需求不足,国际市场大宗商品价格大幅下跌。The world economy has insufficient aggregate demand,and commodity prices plunge in the international market.

中国经济总量不断增大,资源环境制约不断增强,中国经济增速相应缓下来。The growth of China's economy, which is now bigger in size and under heavier resource and environment constraint, naturally moderates.

余额查询 balance inquiry

跨行转账 interbank transfer

电话银行 phone banking


