Idioms & Phrases 5X12 Projec

2017-01-26  本文已影响12人  苏格拉无底

从 1 月 22 日开始,我就开始寒假班的征程了。从早上到晚,势必是没有时间写原创文了。但是,学习还是不能停止的。年前年后我共有 12 天课,每天我会分享 5 个 idioms & phrases (习语和短语)。也就是说,如果你跟着我的节奏每天定量去学习,那么一个寒假你至少能掌握 60 个有意思的习语和短语。当然,你可能会问“为什么要学习习语和短语?”,这事儿我说了不算,在这里引用一段文字希望能让你感受到习语的用处——

Idiom: a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language

Every language has its own collection of wise sayings. They offer advice about how to live and also transfer some underlying ideas, principles and values of a given culture / society. These sayings are called "idioms" - or proverbs if they are longer. These combinations of words have (rarely complete sentences) a "figurative meaning" meaning, they basically work with "pictures".

如果你被这番话说服了,那么就行动起来吧。每个短语都会配上简单的英文注释和例句,相信对大家的理解会有帮助的 _

Day 4

16. Have Your Hands Tied

**Description: **
not free/allowed to do something that one wants to

**Example: **
He wanted to raise their salaries, but his hands were tied by the upper management.

17. Like Turkeys Voting For An Early Christmas

**Description: **
choose to accept a situation which will have very bad results

**Example: **
Teachers agreeing to even larger class sizes would be like turkeys voting for an early Christmas.

18. A Bone Of Contention

**Description: **
something that two or more people argue about strongly over a long period of time

**Example: **
Jerry leaving his dirty dishes in the sink for days became a bone of contention between him and his roommate.

19. Paddle Your Own Canoe

**Description: **
to be able to act without having to depend on anyone

**Example: **
She is a strong woman and can paddle her own canoe without having a man in her life.

20. Quantum Leap

**Description: **
to make a significant improvement or dramatic advancement

**Example: **
The election of a female Prime Minister is a quantum leap forward for equality in humanity.


enjoy !

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