Through A Millennium          穿越

2021-03-30  本文已影响0人  刘佳画室








The original Jinling Story was created by an artist serving in the imperial court of the Sung Dynasty. It depicted the prosperous city of Jinling (now Nanjing) and its suburb around AD 1000. As the scroll unfolds, a meandering Qinhuai River and a bustling main street tell the story of a dynamic city.

The original work had been lost.  In 1794, Feng Ning, an artist of the Qing court, was instructed by Emperor Qianlong to recreate the work on paper. The painting was taken out of the Forbidden City in the early years of the Republic and found its way to a private collection. In 2015 it was auctioned by Poly Auction in Hong Kong. Reportedly the painting is now in Nanjing.

I was stunned by Feng’s work when I first saw it.  I have always been attracted to Song paintings. The sight of the scroll carried my thought back to 1000 years ago. It inspired me to ride on Feng’s work and reconnect with the Song artist.

Two and a half years,  10 metres of silk, a few brushes, countless sleepless nights — interrupted by several struggles — that’s all it takes to complete the work.

The very last stroke ended with a sense of loss.  But the gain is enormous, for I came to realise that serenity resides in the peace of mind, not necessarily in the beautiful landscape; and that peace of mind comes from the elimination of desires. 

This scroll marked the beginning of my art journey.



"Crossing" to the other side, is the eternal desire of people. The fragility and brevity of life, the struggle and expectation of life, will lead us to a state of seeking to reach the other side. A place where life can be settled, even if it is temporary and illusory. People are living in the expectation of the other side of the world, there is no one who is not "waiting for the ferry", expecting to be "crossing", waiting for the chance to "cross".



A pine epitomises grace, dignity, and resilience.  Its wrinkling bark tells the story of a learned and experienced old man.  Yet its uncompromising spirit, deeply rooted in morality and principles, displays a rare sense of solitude in this populist world.




Who doesn't want to see spring bloom? Who doesn't yearn for the moment when everything comes back to life? Step snow to seek plum, seek is not only a wisp of fragrance, seek is not only a spring, more time, what we seek is an elegant, a kind of belief and a hope. Only rely on the new bud of the old plum to express this vision to me.




Life is a sea voyage.  For sure we enjoy smooth sailing.  But life is defined by the moments of rough seas and how we rise to the challenge.  Look at how that little butterfly is playing with the waves.




Imagine this scene : enveloped in cloud and mist, suffocated, you are struggling to reach for the silver lining.

As the saying goes : when one door closes, another will open. Go look for the skylight that’s awaiting you, and a new world is beckoning.




How big is the world? How big his heart is! How far is the world? Xiangyun with side, life can be boundless... Although we live in a shackles of space, nowhere to go and unable to move, but how can we not believe that the ancient Jiangshan still in the surging sea and a few more drops?

This world is full of wonderful, every step has the stimulation, the tangle, the curiosity, the touching, the surprise..... Like a child to re-examine the world, the original simple background of life in the world is the most beautiful! Always like a child childlike innocence is still in, life is interesting.




There is a Chinese dictum for those full of themselves : the shrimp becomes the chief in a pond without fish.

The world of art knows no bound.  A dose of humility, strong will, and hard work — even a shrimp will conquer the waves.




Self-reflection has long been guiding my pursuit of art. Obstacles abound, yet there’s no lack of joy.  What matters is the relentless quest for The Way.

The “Old Crab" knows the tricks well — after all, he has seen it all.  He would not be distracted by the kids. He’s absorbed is his own world of curiosity and reflection.

Perseverance and artisan spirit is all that it takes to create a “crab feast” — his last and self-fulfilling contribution through baptism of fire.















This painting pays tribute to a poem and a Song painting.

The poem was written by Tao Yuanming of Jun dynasty, who grew tired of being a mandarin and retreated into country life.  In the poem Tao depicted, among other things, a caged bird yearning for home and freedom.

The Palace Museum has a Song painting called "A Tamed Bird With Its Feed”, which seems to echo Tao’s poem.

This is an echo from the 21st century.



What is modern life without a smart phone? Emojis are adding colours (and feelings) to text-based messages. Have you got the message of this “comic book”?



An epidemic has brought the world to a standstill. Everything seems to be quiet, but the heart is churning and struggling, like a cloud floating in the sky, rippling with the wind and almost tilting... However, I believe that everyone is in fact writing their own book of life, are trying to use sincerity and kindness to interpret their own life value, do not want to drift in the helpless fate, but in the indomitable in a variety of environment tenacious struggle...... However, after the book turns over, the "text" falls off. After the life turns over, what can we have left behind?



Peaceful acceptance of the book of life kept reading, but to swallow the brave to face life, gradually understand that this is a kind of attitude to life.



One of the New Year pictures of the Ox.



One of the New Year pictures of the Ox.



One of the New Year pictures of the Pig.



One of the New Year pictures of the Pig.



One of the New Year pictures of the Pig.



One of the New Year pictures of the Pig.





A weekend in the park to see such a scene: a big snail slowly climbing on the tree, green body faintly exposed outside, do not look carefully thought it was the moss on the tree. What a clever little animal! Knowing this tree is the safest, not to climb into the white birch next to it.

Nature's protective color is so perfect, so is the human world? Some people treat you with a pleasant attitude, you know how much sincere care there is in the smile?

But even so, I think we should be indifferent to the protective layer, like if we bring this snail home, without the nature of how it will better live?



If the flowers bloom, the butterflies will come. Only by its unique charm and color can one of the flowers attract the butterfly shop. In fact, all the wishes in life are more attracted by the pursuit of peace.



A siege, perhaps? Or reincarnation? Maybe. The illusion of life is instantaneous and transient.  What we see, is it not an endless display of division and elimination?



Like the blue butterfly in the pond, like a light in the vast world, clear body, dazzling light.



Using napkins and cotton sticks to assist the brush to draw a dream image of BuBen ink landscape painting, seeing mountains is mountains is no doubt to exercise, seeing mountains is not mountains may be another understanding, exploring art is always on the way.




Thinking of a poem by Zhou Bangyan in the Song Dynasty, he used the poem to miss his distant hometown, homesick and could not go back, and made a poem hoping to return to the past lotus pond in his dream. Now I use the way of painting the lotus pond to commemorate this poem is also a way to purify the soul.






Perhaps the value of people is in the understanding of the life of the alert, self-awareness, self-lamentation, from the heaven and earth sorrow, until the reality of the survival of meditation! And this chant is precisely anxious about the passage of time, feel the interest of life, look back on the misty process.

So every autumn, naturally feel: time wasted, sad from the heart, a strength of autumn on the deep pressure in the pen, years of ruthless informed actually already without formal notice...

Along with the time flies people tend to be at a loss the world has been a change in the forward, we may be external hanging in the virtual world and real existence, that kind of "not see the ancients before, and after see newcomers read heaven and earth leisurely, alone and cried" loneliness only can remind out "autumn", "gone with the wind if dusty death" not everyone will face the scene?

Since life is so fragile, time is so wasted, only the spirit to break free, live a kind of "fairy" like life, the pen has become the best tool to leave these autumn ideas.



Anzen without the need for landscape, but out of the heart fire from the cool. The moment of painting a butterfly is the moment of peace of mind.





To bridge the boundary between "me" and the world with poetic mind and become "the thinking that connects all things" has been influencing the thinking track of Chinese aesthetics.

Human body cannot achieve real freedom, but the spirit can, in the field of art creation, therefore, no need to use common sense to judge and analyze, borrowed lyric, borrow scene shu means also no doubt become a complete works of a simple method, and all the visual expression should be just "heart", so "the experience of creation process is the real art of music". So if you ask me, "Can fish be happy without water?" There was only one answer: "It's fun at the moment." This is my "joy without water" phase.



It is indescribable how much I want to fly out and see. If fins can be wings and tails like the ends of my hair blown by the breeze, then freedom will come.




Through seal cutting, we can see the power of each square inch, and use seal painting to bring a new attempt. The small seal as the main character in the painting makes everything seemingly impossible into possible.


The seal of ancient Chinese painting is in a marginal role, usually in the corner, the waist or behind the signature... Since learning seal cutting, I have deeply realized the function of seal and the calligraphy aesthetics and aesthetic judgment contained in the square inch, as well as the extensive and profound civilization inheritance. Therefore, it is hoped that this work will take the seal as the protagonist and recombine painting, seal and calligraphy.


