Stop Climate Change 你需要了解的气候变化的科

2017-05-28  本文已影响0人  如蜜

想象一下小北极熊,其母亲被水包围。只有一小块冰块在他们脚下漂流。冰慢慢地分开了。小北极熊漂移了,耸了耸肩。发抖并用水浸湿,卷曲起来。随着小冰山慢慢越来越小,母亲越来越近。几英里附近没有冰。母亲需要找到食物,但是她已经疲惫了,试图让她的孩子活着。 2016年12月,二十五个冰川减少到十五个,为什么会这样呢?重视气候变化和全球变暖,人类需要采取行动,因为它改变了自然,动物和人类。气候变化影响人类的健康,可以使动物濒临灭绝或灭绝。虽然放缓全球变暖的进程缓慢,可能是一项艰巨的任务,但人们还需要采取行动以免为时过晚。

我们的环境是我们生活的重要组成部分。大多数人甚至不知道导致气候变化是人类。由于我们的行动,动物和所有的自然都受到负面影响。根据“气候变化的影响”,“地球的南北四极对于调节地球的气候至关重要”。两极都特别容易受到全球变暖的影响,影响整个地区或整个地球。融化的冰川极大地影响着我们世界的淡水生态系统。海洋和河流的水位正在上升,也吸收了二氧化碳气体,以防止其流向大气层。全球变暖增加了“二氧化碳浓度使海洋更酸性”。海洋中的海洋生物可能灭绝或被破坏。植物可以随着温度和碳水平急剧变化而死亡,而其他生物需要在海洋,湖泊和河流中适应和生存。 “温暖的空气可以保持较高的含水量”,这意味着随着水位的不平衡,干旱,极端天气模式和洪水可能发生。淡水生态系统被“排水,疏浚,拦水,污染和开采”所制定,这些都是人类的行为。这些行动进一步加强了天气的负面影响。天气模式影响某些地区的植物或自然物种。根据气候变化的影响,雪豹,犀牛,大象,北极熊和更多的动物也受到影响,“气候变化发生得太快,许多物种都适应”。动物的领土一直在萎缩,由于海上升水平或融化的冰川,让动物搜寻新的地区住房或可能灭绝。一些动物依靠气候变化影响的天气模式。 “敏感的珊瑚和藻类”是“从氧气中饿死”的。这意味着珊瑚可以漂白或可能灭绝。动物依赖珊瑚和藻类食物,栖息和隐藏于捕食者身上。这些都是由于动物受到的气候变化而造成的后果。




Imagine a polar bear kit and its mother surrounded by water. Only a tiny piece of ice was drifting under their feet. The ice was slowly breaking apart. The kit drifts away, squeaking with terror. Shivering and drenched with water, the kit curled up. The mother edges closer as the tiny iceberg was slowly getting smaller and smaller. No ice was near them for miles. The mother needed to find food, but she was already exhausted, trying to keep her kit alive. One hundred and fifty glaciers have been reduced to twenty five in the December of 2016. Why is this happening? Climate change and global warming need to be taken seriously and humans need to act now because it changes nature, animals, and humans. Climate change affects human health and can make animals endangered or extinct. Although the process of slowing down global warming is slow and can be an arduous task, people still need to take action before it’s too late.

​Our environment is a big part of our lives. Most people aren’t even aware that humans are the ones that are causing climate change. Thanks to our actions, animals and all nature are being affected negatively. According to The Effects of Climate Change, “Earth’s north and south extremities are crucial for regulating our planet’s climate”. The poles, especially, are vulnerable to global warming and the impacts of it can affect an entire region or the entire globe altogether. Melting glaciers greatly impact our world’s freshwater ecosystems. Ocean and river water levels are rising, which are also absorbing carbon dioxide gas to prevent it from reaching toward the atmosphere. Global warming has increased “carbon dioxide concentration which make oceans more acidic”.  Sea life in the ocean could go extinct or be damaged. Plants could die as temperatures and carbon levels change drastically while other organisms need to adapt and survive in oceans, lakes, and rivers. “Warmer air can hold a higher water content,” which means as water levels become unbalanced, droughts, extreme weather patterns, and flooding can occur. Freshwater ecosystems are contrived by “drainage, dredging, damming, pollution, and extraction,” which are all acts of human beings. These actions furthermore strengthens the negative impacts of weather. The weather patterns affect plant or nature species in certain regions. According to The Effects of Climate Change, snow leopards, rhinos, elephants, polar bears, and many more animals are also being affected and “climate change is happening too quickly for many species to adapt.” Animal’s territories have been shrinking due to rising sea levels or melting glaciers, leaving animals to search new areas to shelter or possibly going extinct. Some animals depend on weather patterns, which are affected by climate change. The “sensitive coral and algae” are “starved from oxygen”. This means that coral can bleach or possibly become extinct. Animals depend on coral and algae for food, shelter, and to hide from predators. These are all the consequences due to climate change that is animals are affected by.

​Furthermore, some think animals are the only ones affected, but humans are being affected too. Humans don’t realize that everything they are doing are destroying themselves as well. According to The Impacts of Climate change, a study had been about the amount of deaths from extreme weather that had risen over years, due to climate change. Damage to buildings and towns need billions of dollars to replace supplies and structures each year. The preparation of the extreme event also add on the cost. In many regions after flooding or other extreme events, it sends people swarming for new land to settle in and emergency attention. According to Global Warming Affects, people's health are also affected due to “extreme heat, disasters, diseases, air quality, and carbon dioxide amounts in the air”. The dangerous chemicals that we produce break the atmosphere’s ozone layer that protects us from harmful sunlight. Harmful elements in sunlight causes heat waves and droughts. Human’s respiratory and cardiovascular failures are all results of air pollution, also causing conditions like asthma or allergies. According to Impacts of Climate Change, “Loss of internal temperature control can result in a cascade of illnesses.” Increasing greenhouse gases can cause heat strokes, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and hyperthermia. In extreme cold, frostbite and hypothermia can occur. Areas that are already experiencing climate changes have increased intensity, causing more dangerous diseases and health effects. Abrupt changes in extreme weather do not allow people to adapt if they could. Mentally, climate changes cause anxiety, stress, depression, and suicidality. Social relationships can strain, stress disorders can strengthen, and aggression, violence, or crimes can be performed. These are all consequences of our careless actions that we are committing too.

​On the other hand, to slow down climate change comes with a price and a myriad of time and tactics. People need to act now while it is within out power to fix it. According to National Geographic, if we leave this problem carelessly, things that changed might stay, even if we end climate change. When arctic glaciers melt, they never just suddenly appear with a snap again. Animals that live in the arctic such as walruses, polar bears, and seals can’t swim forever if the glaciers fade away. Not just in the arctic, but other animals are losing their homes due to temperature changes that they can’t adapt to. Unless we start slowing climate change, one action of the environment, such as the melting permafrost, it can lead to a chain of events, making climate change even more deadly. Permafrost “releases carbon dioxide and more potent methane”. Permafrost is icy, frozen ground that has trapped carbon for thousands of years. This process worsens climate change even more. Others say that it’s just a problem that we can fix anytime, permafrost is only one problem. There are many other problems about climate change. Water ph levels lowering, endangered animals, extinct animals, and withering nature.

Therefore, all of these problems had started with people, so humans are the ones to fix it. Essentially, people need to stop or at least slow down global warming for the good of the planet. Global warming affects the world in many different ways, such as causing animal extinctions and affecting humanity itself. One could easily do much to help the environment, saving many organisms. Actions people can take are speaking up against climate change, saving energy at home, stop using air conditioning, or even something as easy as not wasting food. Global warming is a serious problem, and people need to take action now before it's  too late!

- Rumi Liao

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