
[朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡-The red train

2019-04-10  本文已影响27人  青澄青果

节选自【经济学人】 April, 2019


[朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡-The red train blues

A giant Chinese train-maker's push abroad is running out of steam.


Like many other towns with an industrial heritage, the transformation of a factory that had stood derelict for decades into a shiny modern manufacturing site might seem a welcome development. But in Springfield, Massachusettes, arrival of a Chinese train-maker has hit the buffers. It is not that Springfield has no history of train-making; two centuries ago it built some of the first American-made railway carriages to replace British imports. The need for a local manufacturing base is that led CRRC, the world's biggest producer of locomotive and rolling stock, to set up shop there in 2017. Since then it has been attacked by the press as a threat to American jobs and national security. The firm was subsequently clobbered with tariffs on imported parts, and recently denied an exemption. Lawmakers in Washington, DC, are now trying to prevent federal funds from being spent on its trains.


[朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡-The red train blues

Some of the hostility is down to CRRC's sheer size. Founded in 2015 from the merger of China's two biggest train manufacturers, CRRC controls over 90% of the Chinese railway-market-which also happens to be world's biggest. With its domestic business cornered, the company set its sights on expansion abroad. America is an especially attrractive market, owing to its preference for customized train, which fetch a premium over the off-the-yard variety favored elsewhere in the world. Thanks to a renewed interest in rail travel, particularly among America's car-less young, it is also fast-growing. Since 2014 the company has won four big contracts in America for subway carriages. It delivered its first American-built train in December.


[朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡-The red train blues

CRRC's manoeuvres have spooked its Western rivals. Siemens and Alstom have cited the threat posed by the Chinese firm's overseas expansion in defence of the attempted merger of their railway divisions, which the European Commission last month vetoed because it feared it would hurt competition. Erik Olson of the Rail Security Alliance, a campaign group made up of American freight-wagon builders and their suppliers, claims that CRRC threatens to wipe out his members' businesses through predatory pricing, just as he reckons the company did in Australia after it set up shop there. Add labor shortages and protectionist "Buy America" rules, which will soon force train-makers to source 70% of their components from American suppliers, and the market suddenly looks far less appealing.


[朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡-The red train blues

Mr Olson believes that carriages made by the firm and fitted with CCTV could be combined with facial-recognition technology to help the Chinese government track individuals. A fantasy, perhaps, but a real enough fear for CRRC to insist that it complies with all of America's rules about cyber-security. All this means that CRRC's overseas expansion is nowhere near on track. This rough ride is causing CRRC to turn its attention back to China. It says it may soon quit the American market for freight cars. The firm has quietly dropped a target to double its share of orders from abroad to 20% by 2021. Better, it seems, to concentrate on winning orders for a coming glut of new high-speed lines in China.



