Dear Jone : day19

2017-11-30  本文已影响0人  zdw301


Savannah 像郝思嘉一样在故乡的土地上抗起一切困难,没有逃避,她需要钱来救Tim,Alan需要Tim来照顾一辈子,Tim完美的像个圣人(象安娜卡列尼娜里的那个圣人),几个链条归集到继承了一堆coins的John那里,真爱之火被残酷现实完美扑灭。这就是浪漫爱情小说,象当年的琼瑶岑凯伦一样可以让teenager痛哭疯狂沉迷到不能自拔。畅销书当之无愧。


1. What did John and Savannah talk about when Tim fell asleep?

They talked about how Savannah and Tim had been since Tim got the disease, and what they were going to face it, and the key problem they met.

in the afternoon when Tim fell asleep,Savannah and John talked about Tim's condition, of skin cancer in general, the specifics of possible alternative treatments.

2.Where and why did Savannah invite John for dinner?

When John pulled the car to a stop beneath the willow tree beside Savannah's home,Savannah invited John for dinner.The reason was complex,the love hidden in heard, the fear of the future,or she really needed someone to talk to.

3. Did John and Savannah talk about the past? And did they go overboard?

Yes,they did.And they didn't go overboard because Alan 's appearance  in a good time.

4. How did John feel when he found out that Savannah married Tim?

He felt conflicted ,he thought  Savannah should have waited for him.

5. Do you think things changed between Savannah and John from this part?

Yes, Savannah and Tim needed money to save Tim, and John had coins.

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