
2019-09-29  本文已影响0人  想不到什么好听的昵称


1.We smile to say goodbye,but i know that I won't see you anymore.我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。

2.I shuttle in a city full of buildings,but for me it's just a place without you.我穿梭在一个满是建筑的城市,却也是一个没有你的地方。

3.The combination of two people caused by their outlooks is going to rapidly fade away.The combination of two people out of their heart will last forever.因外表而结合的感情如过眼云烟,因心灵的结合才能长相厮守。

4.Time has taught me,I shall wait for no one except express.岁月让我知道了,除了快递,我谁也不用等。

5.Don't awake me.I was trying to have a dream about those days when I still have you.别吵醒我,我还想做个曾经有你的梦。

6.Love is like pouring water into a cup,you should stop when it's full.爱情也要懂得适可而止,就像是往杯子里倒水,倒满即可。

7.I need to learn how to conceal my feelings,to concerns for you.我要学会隐藏情绪,我要隐藏对你的在意。

8.The cake looks as sweet as you.这块蛋糕看起来像你一样甜。

9.Even if hiding in the fridge,this loved you heart won't become cold.即使躲在冰箱里,爱你的这颗心也不会变冷。

10.Our love was like chewing a gum.You just spited it out when it tasteless.我们的爱情像极了口香糖,没味了就让你吐掉了。

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