
2019-10-13  本文已影响0人  塘朗山小钻风






遍历所有对象查找名字相符。可以在启动Awake, Start中缓存好。劣势是:有时候启动场景加载太慢也是因为太多Awake/Start函数中这样处理



Camera.main也是通过GameObject.FindWithTag实现的。在Canvas中最好指定eventCamera。否则它会调用到Camera.main, 又是个性能损耗。


GameObject.tag常用来比较对象的tag,但是直接采用.tag ==来进行对比的话,每一帧会产生GC Alloc。通过GameObject.CompareTag来进行比较则可以避免掉这些GC,但是前提是比较的tag需在Tag Manager中定义。



Best Practice: 初始化阶段缓存所有要处理的组件。


Returned Array


比如Mesh.vertices Input.touches。可以如下处理:




Data Structure

Random Access->Array List

Add/Remove->Dictionary Hashset


Dictionary is Hashset with many bucket linked to it. each bucket store all value has identical hash key. so go through it has overhead.

Update Manager Parttern。there are 3 requirements:

1: low-overhead iteration[Array, List]

2: constant time to insert/remove[Dictionary, List, Hashset]

3: constant time finish duplicate check[Dictionary, Hashset] silver bullet:multiple data structure. intrusive linked list

UnityEngine.Object-keyed Dictionaries




GetInstanceID()对于Mono来说内部会调用不安全函数(unsafe method)影响JIT优化能力。所以还不如用对象作为键值,解决办法是调用一次缓存InstanceID. IL2CPP就不会有不安全函数的困扰,性能总是稍高一点。


method inline

[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] 可以在 .Net 4.6 中使用了

[MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] 就好像收到拷贝粘贴一样。

.Net4.6 以前的IL2CPP还没有实现这种AggressiveInlining。所以手动拷贝粘贴非常高频率的短代码是个好方法


property will generate method call(publid getter/setter function). so change property in hot path to public filed. maybe dirty, has performance profit

Unity UI

the base is canvas. collect the meshes and commit draw call

one ui element change can set canvas dirty. it will need regenerate mesh

canvas rebuild three steps:

recalculate layouts of auto-layouted elements

regenerate meshes for enabled elements. meshes are still created when alpha=0

regenerate materials to help batch meshes

On Canvas dirty one then dirty all. there are some exceptions:

change color property only dirty the vertics

change image fillAmount only dirty the vertics

UI sorted by depth. because ui commit to GPU transparent queue

sort means performance drops faster-than-linear as number of drawable elements rises

higher number of elements means a higher chance any given elements will change

use more canvas-the main tool fix ui batches

child canvas inherit rending settings:

maitain own geometry

perform own batch

dynamic/static canvas split

pixel perfect is unnesscessary for scroll canvas. will be little fuzzy for single frame

pool scroll list item when scroll velocity is near zero, set it to zero. otherwise it will dirty the canvas and rebuild last for 2-3 seconds

ui raycaster

collect raycat target UI element(Image, Text). check click point in rectangle

with default settings, only tests UI graphics

Performs point-rectangle insersection check for each RectTransform marked interactive. finish in a loop

turn off raycast target

Worldspace or ScreenSpace Camera canvas Blocking mask can select whether to cast against 2D/3D geometry Will then perform a 2D/3D raycast outwards from the Canvas' event camera Limited to camera's visible frustum

world space canvas must set event camera. otherwise it will access the Camera.main. Find object with tag. Find the object with tag set to MainCamera. has performance penalty. If there are many GameObject set with tag. Camera.main will be very costly property

Minimize the number of Graphic Raycaster. it will save ui system time.


Unity Layouts work on "dirty tag" system One Child Change will invalidate Layout that own the child

layout elements include Image, Text, Scroll Rect

ayout component: often parent gameobject of layout element

MarkLayoutForRebuild recursivly find Layout in parent GameObject. It Can Cost Linear-expand time

Every UI element that tries to dirty its layout will perform at least 1 GetComponents call even if didnot use layout system each time it marks its layout dirty

each layout group multiplies this cost Nested layout groups are particularly bad

What will mark layout dirty:


Reparenting->Twice Once for old parent, once for new parent



Pooling UI objects

Maximize number of dirty calls that will no-op

Disable first, then reparent into pool.

Removing from pool:Reparent first, then update data, then enable

Hiding a canvas

Consider disabling the Canvas component(it will keep vertices buffer and so on), don't disable GameObject.

-Stops drawing the Canvas

-Does not trigger expensive OnDisable/OnEnable callbacks on UI hierarchy.

Be careful to disable child component that run expensive per-frame code!

Because they wouldn't auto Disable

Beware of Animators on UI

Animators will dirty their elements every frame.

-Even if value in animation doesn't change!

-Animators have no no-op checks.

Animators are OK on things that always change

better use your own code or tweening system

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