4. A digital revolution in healt

2017-03-12  本文已影响0人  潘姐姐是我呀
4. A digital revolution in health care

4. A digital revolution in health care

Cardiac arrest 心脏骤停,心脏病发作

 sb go into cardiac arrest.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心脏复苏术 简称CPR

grubby       ADJ    A grubby person or object is rather dirty. 肮脏的

例:His white coat was grubby and stained.



1.N-COUNT An incumbent is someone who holds an official post at a particular time. 在职者

例:In general, incumbents have a 94 percent chance of being re-elected.


2.ADJ Incumbent is also an adjective. 在职的

例:...the only candidate who defeated an incumbent senator.


3.ADJ If it is incumbent on or upon you to do something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it. 有责任履行的

例:She felt it was incumbent on herself to act immediately.



1.N-COUNT Insurgents are people who are fighting against the government or army of their own country. 起义者,叛乱者

例:By early yesterday, the insurgents had taken control of the country's main military air base.


Insurer  N-COUNT An insurer is a company that sells insurance. 保险公司


N-VAR If you receive reimbursement for money that you have spent, you get your money back, for example because the money should have been paid by someone else. 报销; 偿还

例:She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses.


Deride/Be derided for

V-T If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value. 嘲笑

例:Critics derided the move as too little, too late.



1.N-COUNT A backdrop is a large piece of cloth, often with scenery painted on it, that is hung at the back of a stage while a play is being performed. 舞台背景

2.N-COUNT The backdrop to an object or a scene is what you see behind it. 背景

例:...the rugged cliffs that formed a backdrop to the village.


3.N-COUNT The backdrop to an event is the general situation in which it happens. 事件的背景

例:The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.


*是.....的背景  be the backdrop to


1.N-COUNT A hedge is a row of bushes or small trees, usually along the edge of a lawn, garden, field, or road. 树篱

2.V-I If you hedge against something unpleasant or unwanted that might affect you, especially losing money, you do something which will protect you from it. 防备 (尤指金钱损失)

例:You can hedge against illness with insurance.


3.N-COUNT Something that is a hedge against something unpleasant will protect you from its effects. 防备手段

例:Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation.


4.PHRASE If you hedge your bets, you reduce the risk of losing a lot by supporting more than one person or thing in a situation where they are opposed to each other. 几面下注

例:The company tried to hedge its bets by diversifying into other fields.





Insulin medication 胰岛素药物


N the treatment of disease or injury by consultation with a specialist in a distant place, esp by means of a computer or satellite link 电信治疗; 通过计算机或卫星,电视,电话等连线向远方专家问询伤病治疗意见

Mobile ultrasound scanner 手机超声波扫描仪


n.乳房X线照片[亦作 mammograph /'mæməɡrɑ:f∥-ɡræf/]

*看X光照片 的 看:read /examine

concussion 脑振荡

check up (on sb)


The police is checking up on him.


I will check up the figure.



You'd better ask the doctor to check you up.



1.ADJ A contraceptive method or device is used to prevent pregnancy. 避孕的

例:...the contraceptive pill.


2.N-COUNT A contraceptive is a device or drug that prevents a woman from becoming pregnant. 避孕药; 避孕用品

例:...oral contraceptives.


VC investment=Venture capital investment


N-UNCOUNT If a person or thing is under scrutiny, they are being studied or observed very carefully. 仔细研究; 仔细观察

例:His private life came under media scrutiny.



n.1.a gallant or courtly gentleman.    同义词: chevalier

2.a royalist supporter of Charles I during the English Civil War.  同义词: Royalist

adj.1.given to haughty disregard of others.   同义词: high-handed

There’s more truth in that picture of a cavalier attitude about driving than your parents or grandparents might care to admit.


Digital healthcare is a global revolution that develops a new perspective in medical treatment. Over the past centuries, the meidical industry has been the spokesman for the traditional innovators who deployed the interests of patients and their families.As long as someone seriously ill ,the financial burden that caused by the costly expenditures on treatment is nothing short of an  unaffordable disaster , this exactly means waiting for death to the average joe,let alone the poverished .

Thanks to the rise of technology insurgents like Google and Apple, which put patients first rather than interest,we now are able to get access to the easier and cheaper health care. AI doctor,predicative analysis, automatic diagnosis and so many other advanced technologies have contributed to a  better living. Even though it's impossible that these technology giants only live for the benefits of peop,they need to profit. So sometimes we can see some healthy advices are unregulatedly advertised on the internet, notably the Weizexi event came from  the baidu medical care platform . But we should not lose hope,for there is a long way to go  we need patience,persistence and expectation.

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