大熊自留地English Translation-英语翻译学习懂你英语


2022-08-07  本文已影响0人  无法补完的希望之地

《喧哗与骚动》(The Sound and the Fury)是美国作家威廉·福克纳创作的长篇小说,创作于1929年。



1. 人者,无非是其不幸之总和而已。你以为有朝一日不幸会感到厌倦,可是到那时,时间又变成了你的不幸了。

2. 那支折断的花耷拉在班的拳头上,建筑物的飞檐和门面再次从左到右平稳地滑到后面去,这时,班的蓝色的眼睛又是茫然与安详的了:电杆、树木、窗子、门廊和招牌,每样东西又都是井井有条的了。

3. 它什么也不是,仅仅是一种声音。这哀伤的不平之鸣很可能亘古以来就存在于空间,仅仅由于行星的汇合而在一刹那间形之于声。

4. 所有的事情,连改变它们一下都是不值得的。

5. 人们都生活在一种梦境中,在这里,你跑,却不能离开你无法相信的一种恐惧,你奔向一个安全的境地,对之你并无信心。

6. 小姑娘静静地、目不转睛地瞧着面包,两只眼睛就像是一杯淡咖啡上浮着的两颗葡萄干。

7. 他已顺应潮流,成为实利主义者,仇恨和绝望有时又使他成为一个没有理性、不切实际的复仇狂和虐待狂。

8. 到那时候只有你和我置身在火舌与恐怖之中四周都是纯洁的火焰。

9. 每个人是他自己的道德观念的仲裁者不过谁也不该为他人的幸福处方

10. 任何一个活着的人都比死去的人强。但是任何一个活着的人都不比另一个活着的人强多少。


1. People are nothing but the sum of their misfortunes. You think that one day misfortune will get tired of you, but then time becomes your misfortune again.

2. The broken flower drooped on Ban's fist, and the cornices and facades of the building slid smoothly from left to right to the back again. At this time, Ban's blue eyes were dazed and serene again: electricity. The poles, the trees, the windows, the porches and the signs, everything is in order again.

3. It is nothing but a sound. It is possible that this sad, unhappy cry has existed in space since time immemorial, and was only formed and sounded in an instant by the confluence of the planets.

4. All things are not worth changing.

5. People live in a kind of dream, where you run, but you can't leave a fear you can't believe, you run to a safe place where you have no confidence.

6. The little girl stared at the bread quietly and intently, her eyes like two raisins floating on a cup of weak coffee.

7. He has followed the trend and became a materialist, and hatred and despair have at times made him an irrational, unrealistic vengeful and sadist.

8. Only you and I will be surrounded by flames and terror and pure flames all around.

9. Every man is the arbiter of his own morality, but no one should prescribe the happiness of others

10. Any living person is better than a dead person. But no one who is alive is much better than another who is alive.

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