
2016-05-31  本文已影响2594人  985cf3d148b0












解压:tar  xfj  yjp-2016.02-b36-linux.tar.bz2

cd yjp-2016.02


java -jar lib/yjp.jar -integrate


Choose server to integrate with:1) Geronimo2) GlassFish3) JBoss4) Jetty5) JRun 46) Resin 3.1/47) Tomcat 3/4/5/6/7/88) WebLogic 9 and newer9) WebSphere Application Server 7 or newer10) WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty profile11) Generic server (use if your server is not on the list)Enter number which corresponds to your server (0 to exit) and press Enter:>7Please specify whether the server runs on a 32-bit JVM or a 64-bit JVM.Hint: If you are not sure what to choose, choose "32-bit JVM". If with this choice the server does not start with profiling, re-run the integration and choose "64-bit Java" option.1) 32-bit JVM2) 64-bit JVM>2Tomcat startup script (/bin/


Startup options configuration: step 1 of 5

Should option 'disablestacktelemetry' be specified?

1) Yes (recommended to minimize profiling overhead in production)

2) No


Startup options configuration: step 2 of 5

Should option 'disableexceptiontelemetry' be specified?

1) Yes (recommended to minimize profiling overhead in production)

2) No


Startup options configuration: step 3 of 5

Built-in probes:

1) Enabled: recommended for use in DEVELOPMENT; gives high level profiling results, but may add overhead

2) Disabled: recommended for use in PRODUCTION to minimise overhead, or for troubleshooting

Hint: It's recommended to choose #1 in development and #2 in production.

If choosing #1 makes profiling overhead big or there are startup issues, re-run the integration and choose #2.


Startup options configuration: step 4 of 5

Should option 'delay=10000' be specified?

1) Yes (recommended)

2) No


Startup options configuration: step 5 of 5

Please specify comma-separated list of additional startup options, or press Enter for no additional options:


******* WARNING! *******

Invalid option: /home/ubuntu/web/apache-tomcat-7.0.69/bin/

There are invalid option(s) specified.

1) Re-enter the options (recommended)

2) Ignore and continue (profiled application may not start)


Not a number. Please re-enter.


Not a number. Please re-enter.


Startup options configuration: step 5 of 5

Please specify comma-separated list of additional startup options, or press Enter for no additional options:


Startup script to be used for profiling has been successfully created:




[ubuntu@VM-80-63-ubuntu~/yjp-2016.02]$cd bin

[ubuntu@VM-80-63-ubuntu~/yjp-2016.02/bin]$ssh -attach

[YourKit Java Profiler 2016.02-b36] Log file: /home/ubuntu/.yjp/log/yjp-9467.log

Running JVMs:

Name                            |  PID| Status

-------------------------------- |------|--------------------------------

Tomcat                          |  6748| Ready for attach

yjp                              |  9119| Ready for attach

Enter PID of the application you want to attach (0 to exit) and press Enter:


Please specify comma-separated list of startup options, or press Enter for default options (recommended):


Attaching to process 6748 using options

The profiler agent has attached. Waiting while it initializes...

The agent is loaded and is listening on port 10001.

You can connect to it from the profiler UI.




YourKit Java Profiler 剖析远程服务器

java 性能监控软件 yourkit 远程监控方法

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