回到Tom Chatfield 的TED演讲。Tom通过研究网络游戏的机制,并总结它们引人入胜、甚至让人成瘾的原因,来探究人类学习有怎样的特点和规律,进而思考如何将游戏中这些符合人类学习规律的设置反过来应用到学习、工作和社会生活中,使得我们的学习、工作和社会生活更轻松,更高效,也更令人愉悦。在演讲中,Tom提出以下7点值得借鉴的游戏设置:
(1). Experience bars measuring process.
It's already been done at the University of Indiana in the States. among other places.
Instead of grading people incrementally in little bits and pieces, you give them one profile character avatar which is constantly processing in tiny, tiny little increments, which they feel are their own. Everything comes towards that, they watch it creeping up, and they own that as it goes along.
第一点就是,通过经验条来衡量进展。在美国的印第安纳大学,Lee Sheldon教授在他的课堂上就极具创意地大胆采用了这种游戏中的设置。他告诉学生,在这堂课上所有人的起点都是Level1,最高级别是Level12,在一个学期中通过完成作业,课堂讨论和展示,获得积点来不断升级。和游戏中相同的是,这种经验条可以让参与者,在这里也就是学生,及时了解自己的进展,获知自己的位置,具体感受到自己的成长和变化,从而激励他们继续努力向前。
(2). Multiple long and short-term aims
So you give people lots and lots of different tasks, you say, it's about doing 10 of these questions, and another task is turning up to 20 classes on time, but another task is working with other people, and another task is hitting this particular target. You break things down to calibrated slices that people can choose and work in parallel to keep them engaged, and that you can use to point them to individual beneficial activities.
(3). Rewards for effort
Every time you did something, you get a reward for trying. You don't punish failure, you reward every little bit of effort.
(4) Rapid, frequent, clear feedback
If you look at the most intractable problem in the world today, that we've been hearing amazing things about, it's very very hard for people to learn if they cannot link consequences to actions, pollution, global warming, these things, the consequences and actions are very distant in time and space. It's very difficult to learn, to feel a lesson, but if you can model things for people,
if you can give people things that they can manipulate, and play with, and where the feedback comes, then they can learn a lesson, they can see, they can move on, they can understand
(5) The element of uncertainty
Now this is a neurological goldmine, because a known reward excites people, but what really gets them going is the uncertain reward, the reward pitched at the right level of uncertainty, that they didn't quite know how whether they were going to get it or not.
The 25%, this lights the brain up. And if you think about using this in testing, in just introducing control elements of randomness in all forms of testing and training, you can transform people's level of engagement by tapping this magnificent evolutionary mechanism: that when we cannot predict something, we get really excited about it. We just want to go back and find out more.
(6) Windows of enhanced attention
The neurotransmitter associated with learning is called dopamine, it's associated with reward seeking behavior. And something very exciting is just beginning to happen in places like the University of Bristol in the U.K., where we are able to mathematically model dopamine levels in the brain. Thus we can predict learning, we can predict enhanced engagement.
Those windows of time, in which the learning is taking place at an enhanced level. And two things really flow from this:
The first has to do with memory, more likely to remember;
The second is confidence, that we can see how game playing and reward structures make people braver, make them more willing to take risks and more willing to take on difficulty, harder to discourage.
(7) Other people!
The biggest turn on of people is OTHER PEOPLE! This is what really excites us. In reward terms, it's not money, it's doing things with our peers, watching us, collaborating with us.