
2017-08-15  本文已影响0人  TRICCCC

1. frown: to make a angry, unappy, confused expression, moving ou eyebrows togehter.

frown on/upon sb/sth: to disapprove someone or something, especially someone's behavior.

2. clubby: a clubby place is where everyone is friendly to each onter, but people who are outside group are not very welcome.

SYN: exclusive; antiforeign

3. solicit: to offer to have sex with someone in exchange of money.

               to ask for someone for money,help, or information.

solicit sth. from sb.

             to try to sell a product or service by taking it to homes or businesses and showing it to people there.

solicit ideas

4. recruit: to find new people to work in a company, jion an organization, do a job etc.

                to get people oin the army or navy, etc.

                to persuade someone to do somthing for you.

    recruit sb to do sth.

new/raw/fresh recruit= one who is completely untrained.

someone who has recently joint an organization.

5. intelligience: the abillity to learn, understand, and think about things.

                        the high level of this ability.

                        the information about the secret activities of foreign governments, the military plans of an enemy.

                        the group of people or an organization that gather this information for their government.

intelligience agency/services

6. outfit: a set of clothes worn together, especially for a special occassion.

             a group of people work together as a team or organization.

             a set of equipment that you need for a particular purpose or job.

7. decline: to say no politely when someone invites you somewhere, offers you something or wats you to do something.

8. project: to calculate what something will be in the future, using the information you have now.

9. with money to burn: 腰缠万贯

10. stroll: to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way.

stroll over/down/along

SYN: roam around; have a walk.

11.nonchalantly: behaving calmly and not seeing interested in anything or worried about anything.

12. exasperate: to make someone very annoyed by continuing to do something that upsets them.

13. fowl: birds, such as chicken, that is kept for its meat or egg, or the meat of this type of birds.

14. circumvent: to avoid a problem or rule that restricts you, especially in a clever or dishonest way.

                        to aviod something by changing the direction in which you are travelling.

15.ruddy: a ruddy face looks pink and healthy.


               【only before the noun】used to emphasize what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed with someone or something.

                syn: damn. bloody

16. copper: a soft reddish-brown metal that allows electricity or heat to pass through it easily, and is used make electrical wires, water pipes etc.

     coppery skin: 古铜色皮肤

17. shaft: a shaft is a long vertical passage, for example, for a lift.

                in a machine, a shaft is a rod that turns around continually in order to transfer movement in the machine.

                a shaft is a long thin piece of wood or mental that forms part of the spear, axe, golf club, or other object.

                a shaft of light is a beam of light, for example, sunlight shining through an opening.

18. limb:

     out on a limb:alone and without any help or support.

                          an arm or leg

    strong limbed/long-limbed etc: having strong, long etc arms or legs.

19. agleam: glowing, gleaming.

20. stalk: n. (1) a long narrow part of plant that supports leaves, fruits or flowers.

sb's eyes are out on stalks: is your eyes are out on stalks, you are very suprised or shocked.

21. spellbound: extremely interested in something you are listening to.

syn: absent-minded, abstracted.

22. daunt: to make someone feel afraid or less confident about something.

nothing daunted: 【old fashion] used to say that someone continues or starts to doing something in spite of difficulties.

23. bough: a main branch of the tree.

24.impudent: rude and showing no respect to other people.

25. pursed mouth: 撅嘴

26. pertinacious: continuing to believe something or to do something in a very determined way.

27. flush: redness on face

              a flush of anger/ embarrassment/ excitement etc: a sudden feeling of anger...

               the part of the toilet that cleans it with a sudden flow of water.

               the act of clean toilet by forcing water through it.

28. hither and thither: 到处,处处

29. abash: to feel ill at ease, embarrased, confused, making ashamed.

30. muzzle: the nose or mouth of animal, especially a hourse or dogs.

                    a cover that you put over the dog's mouth to stop it from biting people.

                    an open end of the gun, where the bullets come out.

                    to prevent someone from saying that what they think in public.\

31. contemptuous: showing that you think someone or something deserves no respect.

32. cunning: someone is cunning is clever and good at deceiving people in order to get what they want.

                   behavior or actions that are cunning are clever but dishonest and unfair, and are used to get what you want.

                   a cunning object or piece of equipment is clever and unusual.

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