Self-Learning, Stronger Me


2020-02-02  本文已影响0人  Kacey_Star


Key words: structure, logic relationships among ideas, the rule of three


Why a pyramid principle?

读者拥有有限的精力,把你的观点结构化(from the top down)可以节省读者的精力,由此更生动、更深刻的传递你的观点。 

反之,如果你一开始就给出一大堆散乱的观点,读者可能会花更多时间去猜测 --- 你这么说的意图是什么?你究竟想表达什么?

Three rules of grouping your ideas into pyramid form:

1) ideas at any level in the pyramid must always be summarizes of the ideas grouped blow them (think from the bottom up, order from the top down). 金字塔上层的观点是下层观点的总结,其主要论点和论据存在纵向关系

Just like the start point (statement) of a paragraph is a summary of the main ideas of the following sentences. Start with a question/answer, then all documents should reflect the question/answer. [The vertical relationship between points and sub-points.]

2) ideas in each grouping must always be the same kind of idea. 归纳各个相似的观点

e.g. apple and pear --- fruits. [The horizontal relationship within a set of sub-points.] 

2.1 As for deductive writing 演绎法, you must have an argument in which second point comments on the subject or predicate of the first, and the third points draws a 'therefore' from the previous two.

2.2 As for inductive writing 归纳法, your ideas in the grouping must be logically alike.

3) ideas in each grouping must always be logically ordered. 观点需要按照逻辑顺序排列。你所提出的问题需要与读者相关,是读者感兴趣的,或者是读者不知道但想要知道的(already in readers‘ mind)。

e.g.: major/minor premise, conclusion; first, second, third; first most important, second most important, etc.. [The narrative flow of the introduction.]

How to build a pyramid structure?

The top-down approach: 1. Identify subject, draw a box on the top of your pyramid; 2. Decide the question; 3. Write down the answer; 4. Identify situation; 5. Develop the complication, so what? what happened in the situation to trigger the question? alternatives: is it wrong/changed/different? 6. Recheck the question and answer. 如果发现论证下来你的原始Answer是不准确的,可以修改它。

The bottom-up approach: 1. List all the points 2. Identify the relationships between them and 3. Draw a conclusion.

Tips for introduction: 

1. introductions are meant to remind rather than to inform; 2. "Situation, Complication and Solution" are three indispensable elements of a story.

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning:

Source: Source:

To highlight the structure, you can 

1. Use headings;

2. Underlined points;

3. Decimal numbering, bullet points;

4. Indented display. highlight the overall idea then followed by supporting points.


