這是冬天來臨前的最後秋波, 我與我的好姐妹莎琳(Sharlene)藉著孩子們在公園打球玩耍之際,我們倆人各自帶著手機, 前往離公園不遠的景點,尋找拍照素材。
我發現我是一個頗具有藝術眼光的人,因為別人不關心的普通事物 ,通常是我眼中投射的美麗作品。 我很開心,我確實在藝術中具有這種化腐朽為神奇的能力,但這樣也算是一種藝術天賦嗎?!
各位看倌們,歡迎點擊我的照片觀賞一下,我曾經發在臉書裡發表過的作品,並歡迎賜教! (PS仍然需要說明,我其實只是一個業餘愛好者,而不是專業攝影師!所以請多多包涵..)

This is the last autumn wave before winter comes. With my good friend Sharlene, while our children were playing ball and playing in the park, we each brought our mobile phones to look for material for taking pictures.
I find that I am quite artistic, because the ordinary things that others don't care about are often beautiful works projected through my eyes. I'm so happy, I really have this kind of decayed and magical ability in painting, but is this also an artistic talent? !
Click in for the watchers.., give me a comment! Welcome to enlighten me! (Still need to explain, I am an amateur, not a professional photographer! Please advise. )