Utilize your creativity to create interesting interactive concepts.
Box- Box is an on the go file sharing service where you can upload, share and access all sorts of files.

Walkthroughs are usually boring and skipped over. Box uses dynamic images to draw attention to its walkthrough to make it a fun and delightful experience. The animation of the images is triggered when a user swipes past the walkthrough slide to the next. As a first time user, it’s so unexpected! It’s fun, quirky and delightful. The animated images provide a powerful context on how the app works between devices. It’s a clever visual metaphor that demonstrates the product.
Animating the image is a brilliant way to make people who don’t care to follow the walkthrough to pause in their track of skipping through it. It gets them to pay attention instead. At least, you have the option to follow along the animated image rather than get into the details of the walkthrough. The image itself, the animation and the transition are extremely light. The images in the walkthrough are elementary in detail but because they are dynamic they make the experience unexpected, but fun.
Take away:High quality images don’t always mean an amazingly shot photograph. Use simple shapes if that’s what will help you make a typical experience stronger and better.