2017-09-23  本文已影响0人  横冲直撞的笨婷

The big and the little fish

Pull in 缩回 his net from the sea    push pull

He noticed that it was full of all sorts of fish.  All sorts of/all kinds of

Get away through the holes in the net and swam to safety,while the big fish could not get away and were caught.

MORAL:sometimes its good to be unimportant.有时微不足道也是一种优势。【it’s good to do sth.做某事是有好处的,做某件事是有利的】

The bird and her babies


MORAL:if you need something done properly,do it myself

The blind man and the baby wolf


Touch ...with用...摸

MORAL:evil signs are shown early in life.

The boasting traveler

Boasted of /about+ n./doing

Heroic thing英雄事迹

He had jumpedso far that no manat that time could jump nearly as far【so...that如此,以至于】

Now, if this be all true ,there is no need for witness证人【there is no need for sth.某事是没有必要的】

MORAL:stop a boaster by putting his words to the test.

The boy and the nettle


A boy was stung by a nettle


MORAL:whatever you do,do with all your strength

The boy and the nuts

A jar罐、广口瓶full of nuts

As many as多达、和...一样多as...as像...一样as soft as silk

The neck of the jar wasn’t wide enough

Be satisfied with half the amount,and you will easily pull out your hand

A boy put his hand into a jar full of nuts【put hands into把手伸进】

MORAL:do no attempt too much at once

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